
Daily Ooo's: Thursday May 27


The Loopy-O
Whew- I am almost there- almost to the weekend! We are off for the next 4 days! :peace:
It is hot in here already. We hit 96* yesterday. It won't be quite as hot today, but it sure is humid. I am working at MIL's- planting in the morning, inside in the afternoon is the game plan.

I am feeling a bit better again today- head wise at least. I woke up to garbage all over my kitchen and LR. The dog got into the garbage can we have under the sink, in a baby-latched cabinet. Then I has cat throw up on my computer chair. This is all at 5:30 am, and no caffeine. But I didn't freak- its all good!

I have to keep going on this direction because I am really worried about Scott and school. He is failing just about every class. If he fails Language, he might get held back, which is not going to be a good situation for him. I have been in contact with his teacher and she is not helpful or willing to work with him at all.

I have to keep telling myself it is all going to work out.

So what is everyone up to today?

My ToT is evil: I wish I knew how to hack into the school's grading program and bring Scott's Lang. Grade up to a D. I don't need him to be on honor roll or anything, I just want him to pass!


The Loopy-O
To all my O-Fam, ::grouphug

Laurie- how did your wishes turn out? Hope you get to see your kids and that you get that paperwork under control!

Oh no- Sorry to hear about SDD, Linda. Poor sweet baby- how is Savannah today?
Hehehe- I have a great :loco: family here, don't I? Poop=LOL-ing!

Molly- hope you are having fun and great weather camping :)

Trudy- hope the sun came out for ya!

Clara- Sweet! A long ramble- *grabs my coffee and sits back to read it all*
Ok- done LOL
Hugs to my Soon to be East Coast Sis!! I hate when the insomnia kicks in and then the dreams hit. I go through periods of that too. It is exhausting. I think that once you get settled, it will all ease up. But I am sending you lots of hugs in the meantime.
Thanks for your super sweet compliments. You didn't see me on Friday when I lost it- hysterically sobbing over not being able to fit into any of my old shorts. I was inconsolable- over gaining so much weight as well as not having the extra money to put into new clothes (in a bigger size- noooo!)
I am so glad you are here and decided to be on a CT!

Hi again Trudy! That stinks about the shop being closed. I hate that! As for the quote its from Rent.... that is my go-to inspiration..... and yes, no other path, no other way, no day but today!

Laurie- good to hear that things are working out for ya!

Ack! Late again! Cya!!!!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning all and again today it is :rain:, I am starting to get webbed feed "quack, quack"!! Just a fly by as DH and I are off to a retirement seminar that the RCMP are putting on. Hope to be back by noon. :wave:


Well-Known Member
Hi girls, can I share my news :)
it's already Friday here down under but I had an outstanding Thursday.
My friend had a baby! It's a girl, the first girl in our circle and I've already claimed her as a future wife for one of my boys :)
It was all very dramatic though.
She went into labour about 11:30am. At 1pm I got a call asking if I could get over there because it was all happening too quickly and she was on her own. I'm about 10mins away so closer than her family.
I quickly woke my youngest, grabbed the nappy bag and a bottle for him, and flew out the door. I got there just as she was loaded into an ambulance. I followed them to the hospital and 10mins after I got in she delivered! Her husband arrived about half an hour later. He's got some serious sucking up to do :p
It was such an exciting experience and I'm so happy for them. They were both still pretty shocked when I left, just couldn't believe how quickly it all happened.
When I got back to the car (soooo far away) I found a 4 leaf clover when I bent down to fold up the pram and to top it all off my eldest boy (5) got a trophy in dance class today. He was at school while I was running around but DH picked him up and left him at dance class and I fetched him when it was finished.
What a day!


Well-Known Member
Good morning everybody!
ACK! Today is my OB appointment! I'm just beside myself with worry about this. I know it doesn't do me any good to worry, but I just can't seem to help myself. I have assignments due today as well, and I just found out that one of my new professors grades class participation differently than I am used to in the past, and there's an extra $600 from the VA in our bank account that I am assuming comes from my GI bill, but I don't know if I can spend any of it, so I sent my financial advisor an email, but she's notoriously unreliable and... and...


I can't think about any of it till I get done with this appointment.

Send me calming thoughts, everybody!! Hopefully I'll be back this afternoon having heard that beautiful little heartbeat!!!


Well-Known Member
Wow, it's quiet today! I just wanted to report in and let you all know that I saw my little baby doing somersaults. I saw and heard the heartbeat, and obviously this little critter is just fine because the midwife had a difficult time getting him to sit still long enough to measure! I'm saying, "He," but we really have no idea yet, but Vince REALLY wants a boy, so it's positive thinking.
Anyway, I'm just so happy and excited!!!


always chatty at the O!!
Whoohoo!! I am so happy for you Andrea!! How comforting to be able to see your little guy. I remember when I saw Addie and I just started bawling. I was in the same situation as you, so I totally get the worry and stress that goes along with that first appointment after a MC. I'll keep praying for you that everything goes smoothly and wonderfully. I'm sure you were an emotional mess at the appointment when you heard the heartbeat. I know I was. I was just bawling and the emotional relief of seeing her beautiful blob of baby. We took Ethan with us so that he could check and see if there was a baby in my tummy, since we didn't know. I'm just happy and giddy for you.

Hey everyone. I am almost done with my guest book. I have 3 more double pages to do and then I am all done. I am totally excited that I can get it ordered. Yay!! I want to order it tomorrow. That is my goal.

Today has been a lazy day. A friend of mine sent me a message asking about digiscrap and I just spent a ton of time writing her back giving her some advice on programs, printing and sites for freebies. So it has been a tinkerbell with addie kind of a day and I've gotten nothing around the house done. I have a couple of things to get done though. I think the downstairs bathroom medicine cabinet and maybe a cupboard or two in the kitchen. I really need to get started upstairs. the DS is getting closer though. Yay!!

Okay, some personals and I'm off...

Chris - I'm glad you are headed to feeling better. Sending giant hugs to you. Push your eyes back in. :) That stinks about Scott. I was very fortunate that when I was sick it was at the end of highschool and so they were more focused on getting me graduated my Junior and senior year. That is horrible that his teacher doesn't want to work with him. I'm sure him being a teenager doesn't help since teenagers are just difficult by nature.

This reminds me...last night I was picking the kids up from church and the children's pastor asked if I would check my cheeks in the bathroom. I was like "What? Are they red?" I finally got that she was asking me to go and check on the girls that were in there. So, I walked in and it was an interesting situation. there was aguy in there, so I threw him out. Then the girls that were left were trying to tell me that he was gay and so he should be able to use the girls bathroom (which was crap because I saw him holding one of their hands later) then they started a ridiculous argument about why he should be allowed in their which included some swearing. I was just amazed at them. On one hand I was wondering why they were there when they didn't have any kind of church attitude, but then thankful that they were there instead of someplace else causing trouble. It was just very strange.

okay, back to personals...

Trudy - I hope your seminar was interesting. We actually didn't have rain down here today. Yay!!

pSyren - sounds like an amazing day to say the least. welcome to the daily O's!! I hope you continue to hang out here and we get to know you better.

Okay, I am outta here. addie thinks she is going next door but they just let me know they were about to nap. I'll chat with you all soon.


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Woo Hoo what wonderful new for you Andrea!! So happy for you, :horn: hopefully you will start to feel a lot less stressed out now :thumb:

pSyren...:)sorry: I don't know your name :noidea: ) What great baby news for you to share also...good day all around I'd say !!

Clara..Happy for you that you did not get the :rain: that we did today, hopefully tomorrow will be a sunny day, but I'm not counting on it. Horray for almost finishing your guest book, I know you will complete it :thumb:
Off to make supper and hopefully get some digi-scrapping done
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lOve the O!
well- before I forget let me share about the Amish wedding reception - gorgeous day- they had volleyball set up- the net was stretched between two buggy's with the ropes going over the seat cushions that had been placed on top of the buggy's to save the roof, or give the net bounce- not sure which. The food was typical - homemade bread, mashed potatoes, stuffing, fried chicken, cole slaw, fruit salad, a maple spread for the bread, date nut bread pudding, strawberry pie, peas in a cream sauce. The children and many of the women as the day went on were barefoot. It was a wonderful day.