
Daily Ooos: Thursday, May 23


Love my O Family!
Good evening everyone! LONG day but I wanted to say HI!!!! and I will have photos as soon as I transfer them to jpeg. :heartpumppink:

And yeah, we might be a smidge low on sanity! But hey, normal isn't all its cracked up to be either.

ME TOO!!!!! That's so funny. That's why its so late for me to comment. Had to go to Costco. 7 1/2 hours in the car and 350 miles. But hey, Costco and the photos to come that I mentioned a moment ago.

I LOVE this! To make a mug with his best pun is hilarious.

Nope not bears over moose. Moose dont attack as often and bears are scary!!!! I have one of each as a rug. I inherited two out of three. We do see moose all the time. Especially this time of year when mama kicks the yearlings out before giving birth. They walk past our bedroom window and freak the dogs out at night.

Awwwwww a beach baby in the making. I want to go to a warm beach. It sounds amazing.

Yep, he was. I know I shouldn't say it but I hope he's legal and still around this fall. :floorlaugh:

I love Chuck more and more as you tell me about him. I love that he said you weren't normal. Scott tells me this too. And I am okay with it, as I am not normal. Normal is boring. Praying tomorrow is better than today. :heartpumppink::hug2:
Fortunately my trip to COSTCO didn't take all day! Hate that yours does! I'll bet you don't go very often, do you?!


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Yes, I think we are all a little bit mad here, but, as it has been said already, normal is boring! ;)
Hope you are having a better day today, Cheryl! Big hugs to you! :hug4:
Glad Steph and Asher are coming to see you! I know that will lift your spirits!
Thanks so much, Vicky. I'm really looking forward to seeing their sweet faces and I'll take that hug. I'm feeling a little better this morning. :hug1: