
Daily Ooo's Thursday Jan 29


The Loopy-O
HelllllooooO my O-Fam!

*warning- my spell check is off kilter again- it didn't recognize "finnaly" was spelled wrong, read with caution!*

Has everyone recovered from the storms the last few days? Hope so. We are on a delayed opening today- everything that started to get rained on is all ice this morning. I am not quite sure how I am going to get to my car w/o ice skates!
It took me over 45 minutes to snow blow and shovel that stuff yesterday. And boy oh boy- I was a hurtin' pile of doo doo after that. I took a nice hot shower and read in bed the rest of the afternoon ;)

Lori- my ds is 12 1/2....... and has hit "teenager-dom" already. He is such a good kid- but why, why!! are boys so...........what's the word I am looking for? Stupid?? Annoying? Hair pulling out?? Lovable? All of the above?

ME- glad you got to work safe!

Clara- ahhh, more joys of dog ownership. My one dog loves dirty tissues et al.... so gross! And labs, they aren't the brightest dog on the block, are they? Sorry to hear about the mess.

LindaP- how old is your lab? Ravyn just turned three and has finally stopped chewing stuff that are not her toys. And thankfully she is crate trained, whereas my other baby is not- and she is the one who loves tissues....

Kat- does your lab also think s/he is a lap dog? Ravyn is a mix and is smaller than a pure lab- she is about 55-60 lbs. But she still has no sense of personal space and will come right up on your lap or lay right on top of you in bed. :lol:

Clara- I am so sorry your day seemed so crazy! I hope that today is much easier for you. And thank you for the hugs-- I really appreciate it!!!

Sandra- ty so much for the update! Whew! What a long day- but I am so happy the end result was good. Lots of good thoughts for you and dad. Please tell him that his extended O-Fam is sending hugs!

Waving to Joslyn!

And to all of my Oooo's...

I am off to work today so I'll try to check in later on when I get home.

Love you all!


Well-Known Member
Hey all,

So, my little guy is sick. :( I heard him crying last night so when I peeked in on him, he was crying pretty hard so I picked him up from the crib ... and then he puked all over me. Ugh!! it was awful. Poor little guy. And poor me who had to clean it up!!! Nasty, I tell you.

I hope you all are having a good day. We are thawing out here from all of the ice yesterday.


Well-Known Member
good morning... I'm up out of bed, although I really don't want to be LOL... I think I have to babysit today as we're out of school again... although my friend, Marseilles, wasn't exactly sure as she was sick...

I'm just going to relax today... I won't get to see Dad until later because of the babysitting thing, and I have to be on that side of town anyway for Will's weight check-up... so I may just wait until then to go...

Thanks to everyone for all the prayers and thoughts... you guys are the best!

Chris - don't over-do today... take it easy if you can!

ME - sorry your little man is sick... hope he feels better soon!

Have a great day everyone!


Well-Known Member
Hey Ladies! Quick check in from me but I wanted to actually stop in and say hi today!

We have Jacob and Boden's 18-month checkup today, complete with shots. :) Eric is coming with, and I appreciate that so much! He hasn't been able to come to a checkup for so long, and with 3 kids and 2 getting shots it gets to be a lot for me. Anyway, after that we are taking Ella to Wal Mart - she got $20 from my dad for her birthday and we decided to let her pick out a toy. She requested McDonald's for supper so we are taking her there as well. :)

Chris - girl I am not looking forward to the teenage years. If any of my kids are like I was ... YIKES. I hope you are feeling better today!

ME - Poor Christian!!! Oh no!!! I hope he feels better soon.

Sandra - I hope your dad continues to heal! It sounds like the surgery went well, all things considering. Hope the babysitting goes well today.


Well-Known Member
Today is going so much better =) Thanks for the understand words yesterday. It is suppose to rain all day today, but the temps. are warming up. I am not ready for warm weather yet. Looking forward to the weekend (even though we have a busy one!). Going with youngest's football team to visit a VA hospital, I am excited and nervous at the same time. I will take my camera. Have a great day.

faerywings: you crack me up, but you hit it right on the nail!

Mei: Sorry to hear your little guy is sick =(

Sandra: I could have stayed in bed a few hours long also. Pray your day
goes smoothly.

Tali: Ug I hated when the kids had shots not sure who cried the most
them or me!


always chatty at the O!!
Good morning. Hopefully today will be a normal day. We'll see though. My dh had a 24 hour duty last night so that just threw everything off. So this morning I had to wake up extra early (super early for me anyway, nothing like Chris's early mornings) get myself all ready then get the kids up, bathed and dressed. Thankfully I have an awesome neighbor so she let me drop Ethan off with her about 20 minutes before his bus got there so I could get Addie up to daycare and back down to work on time. My poor husband didn't sleep at all last night. Sometimes he can get a little bit of sleep on duty and other times not so much. These duties really throw you off for a few days getting your sleep back on track. Thank goodness for sleeping pills.

I didn't get much sleep last night. I locked the cat in Addie's room so she woke up crying at about 12:30 so I brought her into bed with me. I love sleeping with the kids but she kicks my butt when she's in my bed not to mention she fell out of bed at one point. Then later Ethan came into bed with us too. I ended up sleeping across the foot of the bed so that I could get some peace without a foot in my back and a head in my belly. I'm not too tired today though. I got my chai tea and I'm set.

I am hoping that after my husband wakes up today he will finish taking Ethan's bed out of his room. We will have my friend's son for a month while she is in the field and I cannot imagine the horror of having two 6yo boys in one room. There would be no sleep for anyone, lots of yelling and some serious beatings for some children. Seperate rooms is a much better option. Plus I am tired of waiting to get it set up. I want to just do it already.

Last night was nice. I got to hang out with my friends at my bible study group. We just read the book of Daniel so we watched a Veggie Tales show about it. There is nothing quite like two grown women (one's 30 and one's 42, I think) singing those songs. It was awesome and cracked me up. I took Ethan with me and he loved it. It was a fun night.

Chris - good luck ice skating around. I hope you don't slip and fall. I hope today is better for you than yesterday, but maybe yesterday wasn't so bad since you got to curl up and read. Those books are so fun. I need to go back and read Harry Potter too, I think.

ME - OMG!! YOu can't catch a break with these illnesses can you. Poor Christian. Has he had the flu before? If not, just a warning...it takes infants and toddlers days and days to get over a 24 hour bug. They'll feel fine but have diarhea for days or randomly throw up 2 days after no symptoms. Lots of fluids, jello, chicken soup, rice and bananas. Good luck!!

Sandra - I am sorry your life and responsibilities are getting in the way of you being able to be with your dad. Hopefully the day will go fast until you can go be with him. Keep us updated.

Tali - Have fun with those shots. I always get frustrated with the nurses and want to grab the shot and do it myself. Ethan has always been good about it but Addie is hard. I came up with a trick though for the older kids. I put a piece of chocolate in Ethan's mouth, between his teeth and right as they are giving him the shot I tell him to chew the chocolate. It helps alot and Ethan won't do it any other way now. Addie is still too young and would probably choke or something. But it works good from about 3.5 up.

Lori - not ready for warm weather yet?? That is cool that your ds is going to the VA. What are they going to do there? I think that would be such a great opportunity for service at a young age. My ds has asked me a few times if he could go and play with kids in the hospital. I need to look into that. That would be really neat.

Well, I am outta here. I think I am going to try and scrap a little today. I haven't really been feeling it this week but maybe today. We'll see. I just hate my lap top. It's a poc!! I wish I could download PS on my work computer. That would be awesome. I'm locked out of downloading though. Too bad. I hope all of you have agreat day.


Well-Known Member
It's Thursday! yay! My floriculture kids are doing pretty well. We are making round arrangements. The first ones are always those that only a mother could love in most cases! Good group this year with some good artistic talent and an eye for color - that helps a ton!
I'm joinging a designing challenge at browniescraps.com. I've never done any designing but want to learn. The challenge runs for six weeks and it sounds like they do lots of tutorials and such. We'll see how much I learn.
Everyone have a great day!
Chris - our lab is 7 years old. Way past the puppy stage. He's also quite large, weighs about 105!
ME - yuky! I remember those days :( Hope it goes better!
Sandra - glad your Dad's recovery continues so well. Hope your weather straightens out soon!
Tali - I can't say I'm jealous about taking the kids for shots! I recommend tylenol right before the shots! You could take some too :)
Lori - have a good day. The football things sounds like fun! Can't wait to see pics!
Oh Clara! - I hope you have a normal day and get some rest tonight!


I Love TaylorMadeDesigns
Good afternoon ladies ..... ;)
UGH .... is this week ever going to end???? I seriously want to crawl into a corner and cry I'm so tired. It's been the week from h e double hockey sticks here ... all 5 girls have been sick over the course of the week .... today is marking day 11 of having a sick child in the house at some point. I'm pretty close to my breaking point.
And now to top it all off of couse I'm sick. WHY WHY WHY????? I am threatening to open every window in the house for 24 hours to let the bugs escape ... even though it's 17F but feels like 3F outside right now!! WHAT THE HECK???? And the snow ... ugh!! I love snow .... but I NEED A BREAK!! It's been snowing for 2 days now and no real end in sight. Seriously ... enough already!!

lol so aren't I a ray of sunshine today! HA Good Lord I'm sick of listening to myself whine ... ugh. I'm going to enjoy the last of my cup of coffee and go snuggle in bed with mya .... I'm praying that all 4 sleeping girls right now will sleep until 5 o'clock when daddy gets home from work so I don't have to deal with them on my own. :( Now that's a sad statement for a mom isn't it !!

I love you all .... and if i had the strength I would post to each of you ... but I'm too tired!!


Well-Known Member
good afternoon! I just got back from seeing Dad... he's got a little more color today... and he's finally able to eat food and have things to drink! He was so excited because they even let him have a Coke! He is running a small temperature of 100.4, but I don't know that it's anything for me to be concerned about yet! So that's today's update :)


always chatty at the O!!
100.4 isn't too bad. I don't think they worry about it until it is at least 101.5 or 102. Thanks so much for the update. I am so glad to hear that he is recovering nicely.


Well-Known Member
Hi all, just wanted to check in while I have a chance, my DD and I had to come to a hotel tonight, we came down with a stomach bug and needed a warm room with a bathroom, sorry TMI.

So, here's our situation here in icy Western Ky...day 4 into Wicked Winter Storm 09. No power, no water still in most areas, gas being rationed and fought over, no phones, some cell service but only text msg works. My SUV got hit by a big pine tree night before last, another one took out our elec pole, our entire county and every one surrounding looks like a war zone. Broken trees and power lines everywhere, downed elec poles. They say it's the worst storm since '67, my birth yr.

For now power is slowly being restored to hospitals, nursing homes, offices, groceries, etc, rural areas like ours will come last, we will be last priority since our personal line is down, UGH. I really hope they are just making it all sound worse than it is but looking around today on the drive here I know they aren't. We had to stand in line at Walmart outside, they let 25 people in at a time, cash only, necessities only, $25 limit. It was so scary, for me anyway to have never seen anything like this.

I'll quit dumping on y'all! If anyone lives near this yucky mess I hope you are ok and warm as you can be and have water and such! Another storm system is supposed to be coming.

Hugs to all! I hope I can make contact again tomorrow. We have this room one more night, can't afford to stay longer.