
Daily Ooo's Thursday Jan 22


The Loopy-O
Happy Thursday! This is going to have to be quick- I am running very slooowllllllyyyyyyyy tis morning. And it is 8* and the car seems to take forever to warm up. And Drat!!!

I meant to ask Gary to fill up my washer fluid yesterday and of course I forgot. And I have to go tot work at MIL's 45 mins away- and my windshield is a mess. I know how to do it, I just didn't want to have to do it.....Speaking of cars... still no tires. Now we are going tomorrow I think. grrrr.

I am off to work today then I have to volunteer this afternoon.

get this- I am helping Caitlyn clean out her back pack last night. She is supposed to do it, but it is never completely cleaned out, it seems. I find a paper in there from TREPS (a kids' entrepenuer workshop), that I have to volunteer.
I almost wrote a note saying that b/c I never got it, I couldn't make it. Then I figured I have to be there anyway since it is my week to pick up for car pooling. I'll just have to make sure I leave MIL's on time, instead of working late.


Eh, it will all work out!

On to my O-Fam!

Hi ME!! Has it calmed down yet by you?

Happy Anniversary Dawn!!!!

Lori if it makes you feel any better, Scott (my 12 yo, 7th grade) brought home his grade sheet from Social Studies-- he is avg a 34!! Yes, on the report it says F-
Grr- his test grades are all 80-100, but he never hands in his HW! Boys!!!
I am glad that you are not letting it get to you. I try -- but it isn't always easy.

Merkee- good for you- I have been using my much neglected treadmill too!!!

LindaP- Whew- good new about your dh- you can only take the pissy moods for so long w/o wanting to hit him over the head with a frying pan LOL

Kat- hope you are feeling better today!

Sandra- we'll all be right with you for Dad's surgery (((((hugs))))

Clara- I hear ya on the crabby hubby's -- very sweet about Ethan's arm feeling better by mommy :)

Jos- glad everything worked out for you with work. But man, that would have thrown me for a total loop!!

Ok, gotta run, and go out into the cold and leave my O-Fam behind.....
Yes I am stalling heheh



always chatty at the O!!
Good morning everyone!! Where's everyone at today?? I guess everyone has life going on. I'm just sitting here at work, bored out of my mind. Nobody works downstairs anymore since one of our physicians left. So, it is just me and the day is a bit slow. I hate getting so bored because then I don't want to do anything and that isn't cool. Maybe I will catch up on 24 or something. I haven't watched it this year. I'm not sure if I want to though. We'll see.

Well, I hope everyone is doing great today. Only one more day for the week and then weekend. Yay!! Tomorrow the Taekwondo place that Ethan is at is having a Parents Night out from 7-10. o, we get to drop Ethan off and go out for a few hours. Maybe we'll go and see a movie or something. It is really a promotional thing. If they bring a friend it is free for them both. Trying to get new people in. Can't beat the free thing though. It is a pretty good place though. I really like it there. They provide Ethan with a great after school program.

Chris - don't you love how the kids pass things on to you. I get everything late too if at all. Not to mention that in first grade Ethan is already forgetting to turn in his homework. I hope you get some energy soon. Here's a triple shot caramel machiatto!!! I don't really know what that is but it sounds cool.


Well-Known Member
Good afternoon O's! I just put the little princesses down for naps after playing outside for a while. Its nice that it is warm enough to actually go out without freezing. Poor Sadie didn't want to come in, they haven't been outside in over a month because its been below freezing.

My OB appt went great this morning. I had to bring both girls but it was nice because I saw the midwife that actually delivered Sadie and she was happy to see how big she was.I am actually measuring right on with this little boy, so my CNM thinks he'll be big. I was "small" with Sadie and she was over 8lbs!

I am off to clean my living room, its a MESS.

Chris~ I hope your busy day of work goes well. Big hugs!

Clara~ This is actually the first season of 24 that we've watched when it was actually on TV. We've always waited until in comes out on DVD, I must say, its hard to not just push NEXT when the show is over. Have a fun date tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
Just passing through to say hello! Hugs to you all. Hope your week is going well. Almost Friday! Yay!


Well-Known Member
good afternoon! This morning was hectic and I didn't get to post... I watched my neighbor's little girl for a couple hours this morning too... and I tried to clean up the kitchen a little... then, we went to a playdate at Chuck E. Cheese which was fun until little Natalie got sick and threw up... but she's sleeping now and Matthew's down for a nap too which is nice...

I have to pick Will up at 2:40, and then it'll be wild around here again... I'm gonna try to sit down and get some design stuff done while I'm at it! I've got so much on my to-do list and the last couple of days I've had no time to do any of it! Now I'm off to do some desk hunting... I've got to get my corner of the room organized, it's driving me nuts!

Chris - I know you're all here.. but thanks for reminding me! ((hugs))

Hi Jos, Clara, and ME!

Hope everyone has a great day!


Well-Known Member
Ok you who live up north should get a kick out of this. This morning was like no other morning I have seen here in Florida. ICE EVERY WEHRE. I had to scrap off my windshield so I could take my oldest to school (normally he walks but it was to cold).

I am trying to heat up the front window so I can see out of it. Well it was so cold (remember we are not use to this), I sprayed water on my windshield in hopes it would melt the ice. Instead it froze over the window immediately (thats ok go ahead and laugh). Seriously we are such babies here in Florida, we want to stay home at 22 degrees weather, ha!

Today has been crazy, got some grocery shopping down. Now I am relaxing and helping with homework.

Hope everyone has a great day.

Sounds like my middle son, no advance warning. Ug And yes, boys tend to think everyday work is optional. We have grounded our son from all electronics for the next 9 wks. We will see how quickly he brings his grade up.

Clara: I too hate slow days they seem to drag on, hope it picked up for you.

ah you are enter fun boy world, it is an experince that will rock
your world in a good way. =)

I too had a crazy day, hope natalie is feeling better!


Well-Known Member
I am trying to heat up the front window so I can see out of it. Well it was so cold (remember we are not use to this), I sprayed water on my windshield in hopes it would melt the ice. Instead it froze over the window immediately (thats ok go ahead and laugh).

HEHE, us Yanks have winshield fluid that can do sub zero temps, I think mine goes down to
-60 without freezing, so I do this all the time :). My FIL has heated winshield wipers in his car, that would be nice!


Well-Known Member
Hi all, quick drive by today.
Our weather is beautiful! Above freezing today! Sorry Florida people :)
I finished the third Twilight book! OMG - racing home to grab number 4.......!
Hope everyone is fine and happy!


always chatty at the O!!
Linda...enjoy book 4. I thought parts of it were a bit cheesey but for a teen novel it was great. I did love it.

Lori - That is so funny about the windshield. I would think that in Florida you might just stay home and have school closed and everything. Tomorrow I would suggest starting your car about 15 minutes before you leave with the heat turned to defrost. I know you probably rarely use that setting down there in Florida for ice removal but try it. You'll be amazed!! Hahahahahahaha!! Okay, I'm cracking myself up here. Anyway, that's what us northerners do when we remember. We don't get a lot of ice here in Olympia but when we do, that's what I try and do. I actually have remote start in my car but I never remember to leave the fans on so it doesn't do me a lot of good sometimes. Anyway, don't freeze too bad. I'll bet you guys don't even have very good winter clothes for this kind of weather. Stay warm.


Well-Known Member
Lori - That is so funny about the windshield. I would think that in Florida you might just stay home and have school closed and everything. Tomorrow I would suggest starting your car about 15 minutes before you leave with the heat turned to defrost. I know you probably rarely use that setting down there in Florida for ice removal but try it. You'll be amazed!! Hahahahahahaha!! Okay, I'm cracking myself up here. Anyway, that's what us northerners do when we remember. We don't get a lot of ice here in Olympia but when we do, that's what I try and do. I actually have remote start in my car but I never remember to leave the fans on so it doesn't do me a lot of good sometimes. Anyway, don't freeze too bad. I'll bet you guys don't even have very good winter clothes for this kind of weather. Stay warm.

hehehe I will try that. No I don't have that many winter clothes. My plan for tonight is a hot bath, something hot to drink, and a good book ;)

Thanks for laughing with me. :D


Well-Known Member
Hi all! Just a quickie from me today, I've been checking out the gallery and I've a little scrapping to do then off for some 'beauty' sleep LOL.

Lori-LOL! Thank you for making my day, when I was little I lived in Orlando, FL for a short time and it got cold down there one time that I can remember and snowed about 1/2". It was so funny watching everyone with no cold weather clothes trying to deal with the brief cold air! Hope it warms back up for you soon :).

Hi Chris, Sandra, LindaP, Jos, Clara, MaryEllen! Everyone!!!

Catch y'all tomorrow :).