
Daily Ooo's Thursday Feb 5


The Loopy-O
Getting closer to the weekend ladies. It feels like it should be a Friday to me, but nope one more day for that.
It has been quiet in the Ooo's- is everyone ok? Or just feeling like me, tired of being cold? Or is it just that everyone is sicks *of* me? ROTF!
(Maybe I shouldn't be laughing, maybe you all are sick of me!:eek:)

Yesterday's Lyme appts went ok- same old same old. Gary is going back on one med. We think he is having a Bartonella relapse like Scott did. Like with Scott, the med (Rifampin) is a tough one on the body so hopefully it won't mess too much with him.

Tonight, he and Scott are going to see Slipknot. Scott got tickets for C-mas, his first concert! He loves them. Gary and I saw them a looong time ago when they opened for Metallica on the Tattoo the Earth Tour. Loud. Very loud. But they are bringing earplugs.
And I am praying like crazy that Gary is not going to be sick He has been really bad the last two weeks but it is lightening up over the last couple of days, Now he is just puking in the mornings not all day long....

LindaP- jeans weeks sounds great! I wish you you could send me stuff from the green house too I'd even help you cleanand organize it! :D

((((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))))) Sandra. I am thinking of you constantly. Hang in there!

ME: That was a bit slower of a drive by- so no speeding ticket LOL And flip flops, oh I wish I could wear flip flops...... and short sleeves...... and no coat..... heaven!

waving to Lori!

Clara- Both of my kids did fine with other kids they were comfortable with, but if they weren't, they were stuck to me like glue at first.
Now, they barely say "Bye" when they run off with their friends. I think at Ethan's age, they get a little conflicted that they want to be with their friends, but they also want to be with their parents. It is hard to make that split.

Linda S! I know you won't see this but have a safe and fun trip!

Have a great day everyone!!!!


Well-Known Member
good morning... why does it feel like I've not been to bed? I just seem more and more tired, and at this point, all my days are running together... I missed the 5:00 p.m. hour visit last night because Gabe's conference call ran over... so I went over and saw Dad at 6... they've bumped up his sedation again, so he didn't even stir when I went in this time... it was sooooo hard to see him that way... and then I only got to stay for 1/2 an hour... I'm going back this morning because my uncle Jerry is coming to see him today... I just have to get Will off to school first...

Anyway, not much else going on... I've got to do some cleaning today because Mom and Sherry are coming tomorrow... maybe I can take a nap...

Chris - I hope the med doesn't affect Gary! Sorry to hear they think he's having a relapse of the Bartonella! I hope Scott and Gary have a great time at the concert! (((((hugs)))))

have a great day everyone!


Well-Known Member
hi girlies,

i seriously need some caffeine this am!! coffee, coffee, coffee. i've got some fun planned for this evening - my work is having a lunar new year banquet at a local chinese restaurant. heard it's a good time so i am looking forward to it.

hi sandra!! hope you are getting some rest.

chris -- good to hear that the appointments were okay. i am doing okay - just feeling a little blah this week. i think it's the weather, seriously.

love to you all, only 2 more days til the weekend!


Well-Known Member
Good morning, ladies. I managed to get DS off to school without tears this morning. Yesterday was a screaming fit because *I* was driving him. Daddy's the favorite these days.

Chris - I hope Gary's med doesn't affect him too much and that he and Scott can enjoy the concert.

Sandra - get some rest! Hope you feel better.

ME - Have fun at your get-together tonight.

To all who follow - have a good day!


Chris Turnbull

Well-Known Member
Hey there girls, it's 12:58am Friday morning here downunder and I thought I would actually pop in here and say hi. First up I am starting to put my LO's in the gallery little bit by little bit and of course in no general order but my internet limit has been reset for the month now and so I can. Just LO's already in galleries across the digi world so please bear with me while I do a little housekeeping.

So it's been a busy week...although when is it not?! Kids started back at school this week after the Christmas holidays and are slowly settling in. Our youngest son Maddison gave us a little bit of a hard time (he is 13) and did not go the first day back (Monday) but has since thank goodness. Appointments galore, but then that's what happens when you're me and have 2 autistic sons. Our eldest son Lance who is 17 is autistic with mulitple diagnoses and Maddison was diagnosed on the 22nd of this month which I am still coming to terms with and the impact that already has on the family and the impact it will continue to. He also has ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) and is also visually impaired (Best's Vitelliform Dystrophy) so it's full on. Sorry just felt the need to vent there a tad.

Chris - sorry to read about Gary, I just hope the meds help and that he starts getting a little better. I also hope he and Scott enjoyed the concert...my son Lance loves Slipknot as well. Big squooshy hugs to you!

Sandra - I know the feeling all too well about being tired all the time. I'm not sure what's happening there with your Dad although it doesn't sound the best but I know how tough it can be watching a loved one in difficulty. My dad passed away suddenly and very unexpected in October last year....cancer took him in 10 days and I am still trying to deal with it.....never easy. Big squooshy hugs to you as well.

We are in the middle of the worst heat wave in 100 years so it's hot in the day, hot in the night and there is no comfort or relief. It's hideous and sadly it's burning all our gardens....well what's left of them seeing as we are also in the worst drought (10 years now) we've had in a very very long time and there is no water.

Well seeing as it's now Friday aussie time, I think it's time for bed. Kids still have to get up for school in the morning....therefore so do I and then I'm off to see my dear sweet nana in her nursing home too take her some lollies...her faves Werther's Originals and spend some time with her. I find this tough too as I had to place her in a nursing home after she spent 2.5 months in the hospital on New Years Eve.

Anyway the weekend is almost here and I am so looking forward to it. Have a great day everyone and whatever you do.....as they say.....do it well! :)

P.S. I'm off to bed now.....lol


always chatty at the O!!
Hey guys!! I am working at the hospital today so real quick. I'm glad I'm here though because I would like to talk to someone in MRI about training a couple days a week on a volunteer basis. They make quite a bit more than the regular x-ray techs and it is pretty interesting. So' I'd look into that. Unfortunately I haven't been able to find the lead tech yet. I have the rest of the day to find him. Wish me luck.


Well-Known Member
Yay - thursday! It is absolutely beautiful outside today! 46 and sunny currently. Working in the greenhouse is just plain heaven today! I finished my mini kit for the challenge at Brownie Scraps. I wasn't crazy about the color swatch they gave us and the theme, "tender lullabies" - well - no babies at my house for a very long time! So it was a bit of a stretch. The challenge was to learn to use the pen tool. I've got an hp tablet, so the pen part was really fun for me! I learned a ton though! I'm excited to see what next weeks colors and challenge look like. I use PSP 7 and have ordered a newer version of the program - so that should be here next week!:)

Chris - your boys need to hang out with Mr. Wonderful - he went to the Mudvane concert last night! Got home at 2 this morning!
Sandra - I hope having family come will be a relaxing thing for you and give you some help with sharing the burden.
ME - The coffee is on. I have a pot at school and my seniors didn't even drink it all this morning before classes started! You're welcome to a cup! Have fun tonight - sounds like a good time!
Karen - glad your morning went easier today.
ChrisT - good to have you here today. Sending positive thoughts for all you must be dealing with!
Clara - good luck with the MRI training, sounds interesting.

Enjoy your Thursday everyone, or whatever day it is wherever you are! :)


...loves her some "O"
Hey girlies!!!

yesterday was one of those days where i thot i posted in here, but alas, didn't!! !!

We just got home (6pm) from a really fun day at two museums. We went to see Fly Me to the Moon in 3D IMAX at the Natural Science Museum and then we went to our Health Museum to just check out all the new exhibits. There is a new 4D theater there, and we were just in time to see their feature on Cells...which was really cool, since that is what Cora is studying in Biology this week. I was really stoked. It sprayed water on us and blew wind and fog and stuff...really neat. Unfortunately, it freaked Lillian out a bit much. It took her a long time to get over it. Some kids are just more sensitive to unexpected stuff. She'll grow out of it, I'm sure!!

So I'm tired...but a good tired!! Although my LEGS are KILLING me cause I did a different strength training yesterday and then today, parked at one museum and walked to the other first and then back to get my aerobics in...the kids did a fairly good job in keeping up with me. BTW, did I mention how much I LOVE LOVE LOVE Houston's Museum District? I think we have memberships to 4 of the 6 surrounding museums...*sigh* love that!!

Chris, hope you two girls are having a cool girlie night tonight while the boys are out playing with the ROCK BAND!! !!! hugs to you, doll!!

Sandra...continued PRAYERS and hugs, hun!! love ya!

Mary Ellen, ooooooooooooooo, a Lunar new year party...heehee...enjoy, darling!!! :)

Karen, love your new avi, darling!!! perfect!!!My youngest will always love her dad more than me, but we're not talking about it!! LOL!!! :)

Chris, {{{{hugs}}}} for all you've been through, sweetie!! glad you are here to share your days with us!! even if your days are before our days!! OL!!!

Clara, hope you found the dude!!! it really does sound great to learn a new skill!! I'm thinking of art lessons myself!! hugs!!!!

Linda, hope your day was magnificent,too!!! congrats on continuing on with your design challenge. Keep pushing yourself! You are an inspiration!!

and to everyone else, love ya bunches...off to pour some milk for my sweet 6yo LIL!!!!


Well-Known Member
Hi all! *waving*

Feeling a little better here, but still got a crampy tummy. This bug is hanging around. It was nice here today and we went outside for a little bit. After the sun went down though it started to get pretty chilly again. But maybe we chased the bug out a little.

Chris - I hope things go well at the concert and Gary starts feeling better.
Mary Ellen - mmmmmm Chinese.....when I'm feeling better....
Sandra - Keep hanging on honey.
Karen - Don't worry, it will cycle back to you soon.
Chris - You have a full plate darling. CNN has a good autism section they've had some interesting articles the last couple of days. We have a teacher at our school that is going through an autism certification program and she has done wonders with her autistic student this year. So, I hope you can find the right approach that works for you.
Clara - Good luck
Linda P. - Wasn't it nice not to be in the deep freeze?? We are supposed to get snow next Wed. though. Is that headed north too?
Sally - Sounds like you had a great day!! I'm jealous of your museums. We have a few good ones, but nothing quite as cool as yours. Also kudos to you for doing good walking etc. =) go yellow!

Well, DH made Spaghetti and Meatballs. Hopefully, it settles o.k. in the tummy. Talk to you all later!!