
Daily Ooos TGIF July 24


Well-Known Member
WOOHOO!!! We made it to another Friday!

How's this beautiful morning/evening finding everyone? Hope all is well and everyone is happy and feeling ok today :).

Just thought I'd get this started, LOL. Chris must be sleeping in ;).

NeeNee-read your note from last night, I hope you feel better today.

(((((hugs))))) and love to all of my O-fam!


The Loopy-O
Good morning Dawn- I could not get out of bed this morning and am feeling extremely lazy and unproductive. Usually I have to get up at 6 ( my summer hours LOL) and I hope right into the shower. I can't believe it is after 8 am and I am still in my pj's.

Ugh, I hate when I feel like this. :( I had been feeling great the last couple of weeks, and the last few days I have been on a down slide. It happens.... I'll bounce back, I am sure.
My poor MIL, she had been off abx since May, and had been feeling great. She is getting symptoms back and had to go get blodd drawn yesterday to see where she is at. (For those who don't know, my MIL also has Lyme)

But I have to share "good" news! My friend's dd (also Cait's friend) has been sick on and off for a year. After talking to me, and goign to the Lyme presentation in our town, she really feels like her DD could have Lyme. She had been trying to get in to see my kids' dr. but he is not taking new patients at this time. I just love this dr-- he had a cancellation and called my friend to squeeze her in today. I am so relieved! I know how hard it is and how lost you feel, not knowing what to do.

I was supposed to be doing a garage sale today and tomorrow at my moms but it kinda all fell apart. Prob a good thing. I am just going to catch up on working from home.

Good morning/afternoon Sudesh!

Dawn, woo hooooo!! Glad things worked out for you and dh. Sometimes men need a smack upside the head LOL
Bamboo fun- you have to let me know if you like it! I have a small, old Graphire and I love it, been wondering what the diff. is between the 2.
bunny huggles to Davy!

Linda P- I would so be there to help if I could. I have never canned anything ( don't get enough of anything to can) but wouldl ove to learn.
I am so sad- some little critter is eating my baby zucchinis.
Oh, and you'll understand this- not many people do. My brother and SIL have a fenced in garden plot that the old owners had and let get totally over grown. Its not big, I am guessing 10'x20' -- but every time I see it, can I jsut tell you how "itchy" I get?? I want make a deal with them, that if I help them plant it next spring, they will share the "crop" LOL

ROTF! Clara you sound like me, can't look at an animal as an animal before I eat it. I had no idea that there were better seasons for crabs, but it sounds like a fun outing for Addie.
I usually my Lo's post here, at DST and at DSA. There are some others I post at, that are ok with other designers as long as you don't link. I try to spread them out as much as I can.

Linda W- how are things today? How is Jesse? Poor Cameran.... and yup, I so totally would have had to scrap it. Thankfully my kids haven't had to have stitches *knocks wood furiously* but I did scrap my dog Harkey after she had ear surgery and had to have her ear all taped up. LOL

Cait's quilt- Oh I wish I took some pics of it, she is rocking it! wow, I am so impressed. let me see if I can describe it.... she has a center panel with Glinda (I always want to call her Galinda now:) ) then Dorothy and then Elphaba (The WW of the W!) They are in color. Dorothy is holding Toto and has a rainbow behind her.
Cait has different b/w patterned blocks that are going to be on top and on the bottom of the center panel.
She is goign to put a -3-4" border of colorful fabric with Toto on it all around then bind it with black.
She has some fusible jewels that she is going to add to Glinda's wand, The Witch's wart, and of course the ruby slippers.
It is going to be FAB! I am so proud of her, she laid out the design totally on her own, she is doing all of the cutting and sewing. My MIL has a HandiQuilter that Caitlyn *loves* to use, and my MIL helps her with the binding. (Good thing b/c I have no clue! LOLOL)

Did I tell you guys that Cait won second place at the NJ Quilt convention in June? I can't remember if I did. But I have a feeling this quilt is going to be another winner!


Well-Known Member
Ok...so here goes....I apologize in advance for this!! But I have to get some of this out!

I am so frustrated right now I just feel like I am coming out of my skin! I am always a very layed back and calm person, take on everyone's problems and try to help, never sit around bad mouthing anyone...and so on and so....YEAH I AM A FREAKING SAINT...LOL!!! anyway...My SIL is driving me to my very worst side..that I wasn't aware I even had!! (Dawn...not the same SIL....the wedding crasher SIL is my DD's SIL)....I have one brother and that's it...so I have one SIL on my side. and I really wish I had NONE!! She was the one who called and worried the crap out of everyone about getting this party together for my brother, but now she cancelled it...so she says...she called everyone and told them it was off. Well, not to go into a real book here....she is telling my brother all of these things that aren't true...my brother called me last night and went off on my about Traci (in case you don't know...my youngest DD), and how she was driving "HIS" parents crazy. I first told him they were my parents too, and unlike him, I talk to them every day and nothing has been said to me. He also said that Traci had called his son in NC to start some trouble too....NOT TRUE....and this went on an on...I told him he did not want to pick this fight with me...HE KNOWS I have a really really deeply imbedded temper that doesn't come out hardly ever, but he was pushing me there. He finally hung up and said we would talk later. I was angry, not mention DH was angry that he had upset me. I called my MOM and asked her what had they been telling him. Evidently nothing. It's the SIL making up things and trying to split our family! and sad thing is it's working! My brother and I have NEVER had any kind of problems until the last couple of years (he's been married to her for 3 years). Ok....that is the extremely short version...it really had a lot more depth to the story...but you get the idea!


The Loopy-O
Happy Saturday (?) Ona! I woudl never ever be able to get a quilt finished. No patience for me ;) And I like the computers undo command- much easier than ripping out seams. I did one quilt from my brother's wedding gift, and it was mostly fusible.
Hope you have a great time on the beach! Sounds beautiful!

Hi DawnV! 14 days of camping wow-- are you tent camping? I can do tent camping for about 4-5 days, then I am done! LOL

Ona your camping memories sound so fun!

Dawn - Hope Davy is doing better- maybe he is allergic to you cleaning, not the dust?

NeeNee-- good luck and I hope you feel better.....

TGIF my lOves!


The Loopy-O
Linda- OMG, do you need someone to come by and knock some sense into that girl??? Maybe we are too nice, bt I can *never* understand why and how some people can be so damn mean and selfish!

Keep on venting here, I hope that it helps a bit.
Big hugs!


Well-Known Member
Dawn....Yay...good news about you and your DH!! I am so glad....and yay for the present...I really am going to have to look into to one of these! I am so not a TECHIE!! I just don't know much about this stuff! Your Davy....ooohhhh he's just so cute...glad he's not really sick! sounds like he just needs an Allegra! Can't wait to hear about the Sat Internet...we have DSL...but it's GREAT!!! We used to have cable internet...it was aweful...We have had DSL for about 5 years, and it has NEVER gone out! can you believe that???

Chris....((((((((((((((((((((((HUGS)))))))))))))))))) for you! Hope you get yourself feeling better!! Hey...great news about your friend's DD...I haven't been around long enough to know this...how did you all get the Lyme desease?? Is it from ticks? or are there other ways to get it?? I AM FREAKING DYING TO SEE CAIT'S QUILT!! I am a Wizard of Oz FREAK!! I collect Oz stuff...I watch the movie everytime it's on TV...yeah, I have the VHS and DVD...and yes...CAMERAN has been primed...he loves it too! and can't remember if you told of us of Cait's win...but CONGRATS!!!!

Jesse is doing fine...he will get his staples out next Friday...and Cameran has recovered too...Just love those kids!!

HEY to everyone else!!


The Loopy-O
LOL Linda- you always make me smile!! All of my O-Fam does, but as an other "exclamation point addict" I can always relate LOLOL!!!

So funny about the diff. between DSL/cable. When we had DSL it was *awful* Our cable is so much faster. My parents went through the same thing too. Maybe it is the companies? We had Verizon and now Optimum.

**Remind me** (someone... anyone) to take pics of the quilt. I am always stunned by her creativity. My MIL ROCKS as a teacher and inspiration to her too. My kids are so blessed to have such wonderful g-parents, I can never say it enough.

Lyme (the quick version LOL) Gary most likely got it when he was 7-8 yo. he had many tick bites but back then, no one knew. The Lyme bacteria is a spirochete, a cousin to syphilis and can be passed as an STD. It also is passed through the placenta. So, he passed it to me, and the kids were born with it.
My MIL most likely got it in the 70's too... they did a lot of hiking and camping.
Lyme can trigger many auto-immune disorders and there is some feeling that Lyme may explain why they both have Type 1 diatetes. Mom got it in her 30's which is very unusual, and Gary got it at 13- and was the first one ever inhis family.

So there ya have it. The Campbell/Lyme 101! LOL


The Loopy-O
ugh- it is now 9:16.... and I am still sitting here in my pj's.
Does it count that I just finished a survey that paid me $3???

I have got to log off....... gah!


Well-Known Member
Personals from yesterday...

NeeNee...Hi sweetie! I hope you feel better today!

Ona...Your camping trips sound like they were fun! We camped alot when I was a child too! Thanks to you and Chris for the home remedies!

Clara....Isn't Addie sweet for looking after her brother!! and I had no idea crabs had a better season either!! Learn something new everyday!! Good luck with the garage sale!

LindaP...how in the world do you find the time when you go back to school!! You are now one of my heroes...like Sally...busy busy people! I used to do some canning..my Mom and I together...but she just can't do it anymore.

Hi Judesh!!

DawnCW...wow..14 days camping!! we used to take our girls when they were young for a week...Sounds like fun!! Love to see pics!!


Well-Known Member
Ok...note....if you go over to the games....Chris and I both are in a mode today!! Mushy Brain mode....check to make sure what game you are playing...don't go by our posts...LMBO!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Friday at last! Man oh man did we work yesterday. Jenna and I started in what's going to be her bedroom getting everything cleaned up and finishing with the insulation. Then moved to the garage to move STUFF around AGAIN. Did you know that the real purpose of a garage is to put your vehicles in, not to stash an assortment of crap you will never use? ANyway - we had a lot of things to move around so that we could get to the pile of 2x4's and the pile of sheetrock. YIKES. We got two windows removed and replaced and got sheetrock hung on the ceiling in Jenna's room. Then put a lot of the treasures back in the garage! We worked hard all day.

Someone asked when I go back to school - August 19 - 21 is our inservice and the first day with gremlins is the 24th - so very soon, too soon I am afraid!

I need to get out in the garden with the tiller today, but my hands are too sore from carrying all that bloody sheetrock into the house. Maybe tomorrow. Today I'm going to find my house under layers of insulation and plaster and sheetrock dust. YUK!
Chris - you can come can with me any time! Would love to have you hear, although, we may get into trouble:) The canning is fun for me, I love to cook and love to have my own stuff to cook with during the winter. It saves us a ton of money and helps to get more fruits and veggies into our diet.
Ok, I'm out of here, have a fabulous day!


Well-Known Member
good morning... I'm at home today... daycare called and Matthew seems to have a stomach bug and has potty issues... so I missed another day of work *sigh* this week just sucks big time! not much going on here...

just wanted to say a quick hi... hope everyone has a great day!


Well-Known Member
LindaW - *big hugs* families can be wonderful... its always one bad apple that ruins the bunch... so sorry for all your family woes!


Well-Known Member
Chris - glad to hear your doctor had a cancellation and could squeeze in your friends! hope they find some answers!


Well-Known Member
Just popping in to say hi. Happy Friday, ladies. Hope you all have a good weekend!

And I hope to scrap this weekend. Tonight we are watching The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, tomorrow is errands day, and Sunday, we are going to a friends' bbq.

Going to meet a friend for lunch. :) Haven't seen her in a while so it will be good to catch up - we've been scheduling/rescheduling for several weeks now. LOL.


always chatty at the O!!
Okay ladies...let me tell you about shellfish seasons. Haven't you ever seen the Alice and Wonderland cartoon. It explains it in the story about the oysters. Anyway...good shellfish months are the colder months, also known as the "R" months because all of those months have an R in the spelling. If any of you have watched the show deadliest catch you would notice that they are always crabbing in the winter and have ice all over their boats. Because that is when they taste the best and it has something to do with mating seasons and stuff too. But the colder water makes shellfish taste better, especially crab. The meat has a sweeter taste to it. When it is out of season it doesn't taste like much of anything. Yummy!! I love crab!!


always chatty at the O!!
So, today is Friday. Yay!! That means Ethan comes home tomorrow. I haven't talked to him since Wednesday. His phone has been found but I don't think they have picked it up yet and Yvonne obviously doesn't tell him to call me. When he had his phone he called lots of times a day. I miss him.

Oh my gosh!!!!!!! I can't believe I forgot to tell you guys this yesterday. There was a shooting at our PX. To explain the PX to those of you who don't know anything about the military...The PX (or BX on airforce bases) is like a Walmart. Not a super Walmart, just a plain old Walmart. It is a huge store that sells pretty much everything except for groceries. It is a huge store here at Ft. Lewis. Anyway, it the place to go to buy stuff with no sales tax if you are in the military. To me it has always been a safe place. A place where I don't have to worry about anything crazy happening. Well, the other day that changed. There was a shooting at our PX. It appears to have been a passion crime. Some guy walked into the giant foyer area where they have lots of booths set up and shot a vendor and then shot himself in the head. She was brought to the hospital dead and he was on life support for a little while and then died. I'm not saying that I'm glad it happened, but I was so thankful it was a crime of passion and not just some crazy person coming in and shooting at people, although from the sounds of it he was kinda crazy with a history of domestic violence. It is just unreal to me. I can't believe it happened and in my safe zone. This stuff always happens someplace else, someplace where people I know don't get hurt, at least that's how it is in my mind. It is just unreal.

Anyway...something happier...uh...I've got nothing. So, I guess I will move onto personals.


always chatty at the O!!
Dawn - I hope you have a fantastic day. Our beautiful weather has cooled off a little bit to get us ready for the sweltering temperatures that are coming next week. Ugh!!

Chris - That is so cool that Cait is loving working on that quilt and that your MIL is being so awesome about helping her. It is so great to have awesome grandparents. I had some great ones too. It is so awesome. I think it is great that you were still in your PJs. At my house we have pajama days all the time. We'll stay in our PJs all day long unless we decide to go somewhere. It is awesome. Plus I just prefer to wear them around the house. That is great that your friend was able to get in to see your Lyme doctor...although the best case would of course be that it was unnecessary and she's perfectly healthy, right? I'm assuming that's what you meant by using quotes around "good."

LindaW - You SIL sounds horrible. Feel free to vent away. That just sucks. It sucks even worse that your Brother is buying into it. I'm sorry. My sis is stupid about boys in her life too. I don't get it. If my husband acts like jerk to my fam he's gonna hear about it...and has on a couple of occasions. I'm sorry you have to go through this. I'm sorry you have to feel so helpless in such a ridiculous situation. That part, I think, is the worst. ((((HUGS)))

LindaP - Say it isn't so...a garage is for your car?? Really?? I would have never known. I was under the impression it is a giant storage area for all of my husbands $*%@...stuff...that he refuses to part with but never uses. I'll have to let him know I have been enlightened and he has the meaning of garage usage all wrong. Hahahaha!! Our garage is a total disaster. It makes me crazy and I hate it. That is awesome that you love canning. I wish I liked veggies more and that I had any desire to garden because it would be great to do some canning. Derek did pickle asparagus though. So yummy, and he made homemade sauerkraut. Yummmm!!!

Sandra - Poor Matthew. Don't you just hate to miss work? And it always happens when you first start your job, doesn't it? When I first started my externship at the hospital my husband works at my clinical advisor had made lots of comments about me not getting special treatment blah blah blah, making me really nervous about everything to begin with...the my second week I got strep throat and ended up in the hospital for 3 days for a paratosil absess that needed IV antibiotics. It was not cool. So, I feel ya. Poor Matthew though. I hope he feels better. I hope I didn't send it to you from my house.

ME - Enjoy your lunch. Lunch with a girlfriend is always nice. Also, enjoy your movie. DH and I really enjoyed it. It puts you through lots of emotions but it was definately enjoyable. Such a strange concept though.

Well, I have had 3 patients since I started this so I will possibly have a few more people to catch up on after I finish. Ciao ladies. have a fantastic weekend.


Well-Known Member
Clara - it's really weird... Matthew was fine when he left the house... anywho, the good thing about my job is that it's a casual position with no benefits... so as long as I work 25 hours in one week I'm okay... thank goodness... this week has been a nightmare... sorry to hear about the shooting at the PX!


Well-Known Member
Thanks Chris for the "Lyme Class". I really just had no idea...I have looked up about it a little since I came here to the O's...but I had not seen these facts. ((((Hugs)))) just makes me want to send out hugs and more helping hands to you!!

LindaP...sounds like you are really doing some renovating and changing at your house!! I love renovation! We try to do a room each year...we didn't get to do any this year...:( Sometimes it's very small...but it's an update anyway.

Sandra...thanks for your support...family can be so wonderful! The rest of mine really is!!!

ME...have fun at your friends BBQ..and enjoy the movie...I saw it a few weeks ago...not one of my favs...but it was not bad!

Clara...you crack me up!! I saw Alice in wonderland about a million years ago...but do not remember that!! WOW....that's aweful about the shooting!! just seems nowhere is safe!! YIKES!! and thanks to you too for your support!! Yeah...my brother is buying into it alright...everytime he starts seeing the real her...she comes up with something to make him feel sorry for her....her newest thing is she is telling him she has ovarian cancer....and it's not true...just like the 25 other things she has been diagnosed with!! Gahhhhh!!!

I think I have loved you all....and here is some for everyone else too!!!:)


Well-Known Member
Olah girlies!
sorry I've not been visiting the site this week:) My grandma is out of town and she has a nice house so we stay there when she's gone. I have been taking sewing classes this week so I've been busy. I'll try to upload some pics of what i made...I'm sorta proud of myself...LOL!!!

Bye Bye ladies,