
Daily Ooo's: September 10-11: Weekend Edition


The Loopy-O
Wow, it feels so good to be b ack!
We lost power again yesterday. Trees are coming down all over town. The ended up closing the schools too. One main road was completely cut off from the rest of the town, so no on ewho lives "up the mountain" could get down, not could any of the teachers/buses get up the mt, to get to one of the Elem. schools. The day before, a tree came down on the road right in front of a school bus, bringing live wires on it- filled with Jr and HS kids.

It was not a good start to the school year.:doh:

But today should be good *fingers crossed* It is my SIL's baby shower for my godson whom they adopted in May. There has been some family drama and it took the fun out of the shower planning for my mom and I. But I am looking forward to seeing my baby! I haven't seen him since July and i miss him so much. I am going to have to share him with 30 other people though :(

Is it evil of me to play the Godmother card and steal him away? LOL

I have a ton of threads to go through and catch up on, but I'll be back to do some quick personals. (I hope- I have to still finish getting the gifts and food prepped for this afternoon!)

Miss you love you and sending hugs to everyone!


The Loopy-O
Not trying to single anyone out for personals, but I just had to respond to Clara. Oh my darling sister..... Thank you for sharing that service with us. It made me feel like I was connected to Chris as well. It sounds very fitting to an obviously special man, and the military and world around him is missing that life.
My heart goes out to you and to Michelle.

And Linda S- I don't like cancer very much either. Kisses to heaven for your mom.


Well-Known Member
Good morning Chris. Sounds like things are awful there...is it the rain soaked ground causing all of the trees to fall or are you having high winds? Whatever it is, I hope that it stops.

Have a good time at the shower. And use any card that you have to get your hands on that nephew of yours. He will have changed so much since you last saw him.


Cupcake Ninja
Hey they didn't grace you with the honor of Godmother if they didn't expect you to treat him special so steal him for yourself if you have to :) Have fun!


lOve the O!
Afternoon all - did dance practice this morning- my foot is still bothering me- I am heading to the hot tub to put jets on it, then to work for catchup and grocery shopping- tomorrow- scrapping!!


...loves her some "O"
hey girlies!! I'm here for a quick second while I get all of the pics off of my camera cards. Yep, I need some room for this little Emma's second meet! :) I'm hoping we have a better chance at good pics! Last time I couldn't find my camera (it was at my mom's!) and I am too intimidated by Cora's! LOL!!

and after cleaning the camera cards...it's advent calendar time! yike!!! :)

Hugs to everyone!!! Hope your weekend is phenomenal!! :) :) :)


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Hopefully headed to the beach soon!!

Chris - so glad that your power is back on! And yes as Godmother you get to steal the baby away from everyone else:thumb:.

Laurie - Move over, I want to soak in the hot tub too!! Hope your foot feels better!

LindaS - I hate cancer too!! Three members of the family with it at once, its very hard to cope with it!! :hug: to you and love sent to your mother I bet she is now an angel!!

Clara - You share what ever you like with us!! I love that you can vent here at the "O" I feel for your friend!! I have also had to attend many RCMP funerals of young members who had very young families, its so sad and I don't think I could have coped very well either. Lets hope you never have to find out!! :hug:



Well-Known Member
i'm taking a break, because i'm either going to cry or throw a paint can through a window. the insulation guys made and patched holes in all my walls. OK. they HAD to do that. what i'm finding out today, after my priming and painting over the patches is finished is that , in several of the rooms, when the paint dries, it doesn't match the old paint, even though it's the SAME paint. which means i have to repaint ENTIRELY those rooms. swell.


always chatty at the O!!
Hey ladies!!

So the funeral is over and I am ready to get my mind set into my normal mode. I feel bad saying that since my friend Michelle can't go back to normal...but it isn't my grief it is hers so I need to get back to being me.

So, we are supposed to be organizing and getting stuff together today but instead I am still in my pajamas and Derek is on the couch sleeping. We were watching West Wing but the Amazon app on our BluRay seems to kinda suck a bit. Netflix and Hulu work pretty well. I just went through all of Hulu and put a bunch of shows in the queue so that we can get to them easier. Hulu isn't that easy to navigate.

Tomorrow will be fun. We are driving to a town called Hickory about 2.5 hours away to watch a friend of ours play soccer. I used to work for her mom when I was 20ish and she was 6. Now she's all grown up and AWESOME!! She goes to Florida Institute of Technology. She played fast pitch last year but the closest she got to us was Alabama. She sent me a text when she was there saying "Hey Clara!! I'm only 300 miles away from you!!" It was cute. She said she'd even be able to hang out for a bit. I really want to get down to Florida one of these days to see her. She lives about 45 minutes from Orlando. But she'll be there as long as we'll be here so we'll work it out at some point I am sure.

Well...let me leave some personals and then I'd better get...

Chris - So what's going on with your weather? Are you still having hurricane issues or is it different weather stuff. I'm glad you have your power back. Losing power really sucks. One good thing about living on post is if the power goes out we will get it back relatively quickly. Good luck with the Baby Shower. I'm sorry people have made it less fun for you guys. Sometimes it just gets forgotten what the whole point of the shower is. I hope it is fun regardless. Give that little boy some extra hugs from his O-fam.

Linda - Hey lady! Have a great weekend!!

Laurie - Enjoy that hot tub. I could use a little bit of hot tubbing personally. I hope you get everything done so you can enjoy some scrap time tomorrow.

Sally - Always great to see you in here. Have fun at the gymnastics meet. I always loved gymnastics meets. I hope Emma rocks. Oh...random thought...you had mentioned something about what to make 50-100 of...what about stockings? You could make some really fun ones with fun fabric pretty easily I would think.

Trudy - Thanks!! Enjoy your time at the beach. I think I'd like to head to the beach soon too.

WhatNext - I'm so sorry I forgot your name. I am trying to get everyone straight but it always takes me forever to learn names and digi-land is the same as anywhere else. LOL!! That is horrible about patching the holes and them being a different color. My husband did that recently when we moved out of our old house and we ended up still having to pay for every single hole he patched because they looked so awful. His patching jobs sucked to begin with though. He didn't take nearly the care he should have and of course I didn't know until about 15 minutes before the final walk thru. Ugh!! I hope you can figure out a way to not have to repaint walls. Maybe you can just hang pictures over all of them. Hugs!!

Okay...that's it. I'll chat with you guys soon.


Well-Known Member
good afternoon all...got my eyes checked today, as things are starting to becomeout of focus...and its been 2 years since i've had my eyes checked....from her best guess (as her chart only goes up to 20/400....my vision is probably closer to 20/600!!!!! talk about blind!! my Rx is -4.75....last time i was at a -4......she gave me two choices...to either have bifocals...and im only 30!!!! ah! or just get regular glasses and reading glasses....well i went with the single vision and i'll get reading glasses some other time...so i should have my new glasses anywhere from 3-10 days LOL weeeeeee can'tn wait to see again@


Well-Known Member
Hi all

Just when I thought it was going to be a quiet saturday I got a text from my dil and then a call from my son that they're here in town for another weekend of water polo matches. My grandson has been a swimmer since forever as well as a soccer player but now that he's in hs, he switched to water polo. It's a new sport in the DC area and I kind of miss the winter cold when I go into the pool area and it's hot and steamy when it's fall or winter. They play a lot of their games at the USNaval Academy which has terrific pools, but in the winter they practice OUTSIDE at a pool down near National Airport. Who knew about this stuff??? not me for sure.

Since he lives in VA, he may spend the night with us, and then tomorrow I'll go see a match. DH leaves for a week in SC and I...I get the week ALoNE. So far no plans for me, which is just perfect!

Clara, I went to my gd's funeral last year this weekend - age 5 with aplastic anemia - and I'm so grateful the rest of my grands and us adults are all above ground and well this September. So so grateful!

Sorry this is long...but that how I roll sometimes.


The Loopy-O
Good morning my lOvlies!

I am still all scattered and my brain has run away again. I swear, it knows when it is necessary for me to think. It gets scared and :bolt: Its not like I really try to do anything hard like nuclear fission or knitting.


The shower went well, My SIL seemed like she was very surprised so that was nice. I behaved and didn't snag my baby until after the gifts were opened.The older he gets and the more I see him, the more he looks like my brother. I had to tease my brother to ask that was he really sure he wasn't in CO last year?? He even looks like our cousin's baby boy who is 2 months older than my nephew. How weird is that??

I am still not 100% sure where I stand with SIL.... its hard to get a feel at parties like that. But no matter, its all about that baby, right?

My plans for today are to clean my wreck of my house and get some bills paid (Social security doesn't come in until Wednesday for us....eep) and I would like to take some quiet time to reflect. Being from North Jersey, 9-11 has affected so many family and friends, people I knew, people from my town,military and first responder friends and family. Even to just growing up with the NYC skyline as a back drop. Its just a sad day for everyone.

After that, I am planning on taking the rest of the day for me and my scrapping. Gary has football all day long, so I am going to catch up on scrap time!
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The Loopy-O
Maureen- Water polo-- how cool is that! How nice of your family to spend time with you. Ahhhh, your week alone sounds terrific! My dh is disabled and home 24/7... I adore him, but I would love to have a day or 2 to myself like that. Can I live vicariously through you? LOL

I am sorry about your grand daughter. I cannot even imagine :(

kristy- I hope you haven't been driving LOL Get those eyes checked!

Clara- that is so cool about your friend's DD! have fun today.

Yeah- the weather here is nuts. We had record rainfall in Aug. and on our way in Sept. The ground is just so wet and we have woods and forest all around town.

Whatnext (I am sorry too, I can barely remember my own name!) - I am w/ Clara- and think hanging pics over the spots sounds like a plan LOL

Trudy- how was the beach?

Hi Sally!! Hope you had a great time at the meet!

Laurie- I'll be scrapping with you today too.

Suzy- Hahaha!!! My "honor" was to write down all of the gifts while other people held my baby :Cry: tee hee! I got him after that though.

off for more coffee, anyone want a cup??


Well-Known Member
Good morning ladies.

Maureen, I'm so sorry to hear of the loss of your granddaughter. I cannot imagine losing a child of that age.

Chris, glad that the shower went well. And glad that you got baby time!

Clara, enjoy the soccer game. It's always good to catch up with people you haven't seen for awhile. And I'm sure she will appreciate the effort that you make to see her.

Not too much on the calendar. I'm going to try to take my nephew's graduation photos this afternoon so wish me luck! Zeb doesn't like having his pics taken and he wasn't excited about working with a photographer. We will see how this goes...keeping my fingers crossed.


Well-Known Member
Maureen, i remember your family's ordeal so well. i hope that beautiful angel's family is doing OK a year later.it was such a wrenching experience. i was so honored to be able to make that journey with you all as you kept us informed. i hope there is some peace.


Well-Known Member
Good Morning Ladies.... ugh... I only haven't been here for one day, but it feels like a WEEK! I'm just stopping in to leave a brief hello! My new property manager is coming this week for the yearly inspection (it usually happens in October) so I was completely unprepared... So I'm doing some upkeep around the yard and the house this week.. ugh... but I'm sure I'll feel SO much better once it's done... and then I can just sit back and enjoy October!


lOve the O!
So today we had breakfast out on the deck- fed the mosquitos, I sc rapped and scrapped and scrapped, weeded a small part of the flower bed and - fed the mosquito's. I made fougasse bread-mmmm- recipe from the Trapp Family Lodge in Stowe, VT, and now before the next batch of storms come, I am uploading layouts and checking the net. Last weekend I made a conscious decision to have one day per week when my husband is home, not to do work from my job. This has been so freeing, I have started to cook and bake again.