
Daily Ooo's: November 16-17, Weekend Edition


The Loopy-O
Happy weekend my O-zies!!!! I hope that you are all having a wonderful day and have lots of time to relax and scrap.

Today is the coffee party and I am now just realizing that I shgould have made it earlier inthe day. It is at 3 pm, but caffeine and Faery do not mix well after 2pm. I might not sleep very well tonight. :sleep:
I do have one box of decaf cappuccino, so I am going to have to hide some of them for me to drink ;)

Major breakthrough for me yesterday! Scott drove down to his GF's after school. I asked him to text me when he got that. And he didn't. But!! I wasn't worried, I knew he was ok. However. After 2 hours went by, I did text him just to ask how the drive was..... Its progress right?? Hahahah!!!!

This morning I am making some banana bread and pumpkin dip for the party. I made a Tastefully Simple Beer Bread last night. It doesn't look all that good, but damn, it smelled awesome when it was baking. I made it was a bottle of Sam Adams Oktoberfest beer that my brother had sent up. It felt like sacrilege to use a good beer in bread, but I think it will go great with the pumpkin dip.

Ok, I am gonna post this and get some more coffee, who is with me?? :tea:

Morning Chris and the rest of the O family! I think my internet may be working again- time will tell!
Phyllis-- omelets are such a good idea! Gary makes the best omelets too. Mine end up being scrambled eggs. Maybe I'll grab some mushrooms (ick- but Gary and Scott love them) next time I am shopping and cait and I can just do bacon and cheese.

And what a great idea to use plastic!! I don't know why I never though of that! Doh! (ha, get it Doh. Dough. Ok, that was reaalllly bad!!!)
I make my crust, them wrap them in plastic to chill them before I roll them out. Makes tons of sense to put plastic down, then unwrap the discs right on that.
So happy that you enjoyed your cheesecake for b-fast. I wanted a slice of apple pie for breakfast the other day but I knew when everyone else was having it for dessert I would be very jealous.

Trudy that wrap sounds sooooo good! Two of my fave foods! Good for you getting your mammo. Hope that the report is 100% clean!
Please come today!! :) I would love to see you and sip coffee and try Naniamo Bars. I have never had them but everyone always says how good they are.
Does anyone else get so wishful that we all could meet IRL?? I know I do!

Nancy-- you rock and all of your pages! I really need to do at least 1-2 a day for IL's Christmas album but I just have not been able to.
Men=Boys for Life!
Keep ranting whenever you need to. Makes me feel not so alone that I am alwsy ranting or rambling about something.

Laurie-- did the internet people ever fix your connection?? Hope you get it back soon!

Linda-- How awesome that the concert went well. It really does amaze me how much they learn in such a short time. Enjoy your b-day bash. Sounds just like what I have to do in Sept. Get pics of your concert!!!!

love and hugs!
Chris, now i want some beer bread. ha. actually now i want ANY kind of bread. still haven't found any non-grain recipe for bread that is actually at all like BREAD. i dream of baguettes!! re: Scott and not texting you: i told my son and daughter that if they DIDN't phone me when they arrive and again when they were leaving for home, two things would happen. no going anywhere in the car AND no phone. wow, did it work and ALL the time. i was serious about maintaining my peace of mind when they were driving. i was NOT going to be driven crazy. mean mommy....

hey, here's a recipe for something we had at a Bed and Breakfast, which i thought was pretty slick. i don't think i'd cook in ZipLocs every day, but for a one-off, this is really good:


Put out a variety of ingredients such as grated cheese, ham, cooked onion, cooked green or red peppers, chopped tomato, salsa, cooked mushrooms, cooked bacon in individual bowls. Crack 2 eggs (NO MORE) into the quart size ZipLoc bag. Shake to mix up. Everyone then adds whatever fillings they want into their bag containing the eggs. Squeeze all the air out of the bag and zip it up. Place the bags into water that is at a rolling boil for EXACTLY 13 MINUTES. You can usually cook 6-8 omlets in a large pot. To cook more, make another pot of boiling water. When done, remove from water, cut open the bags, and roll out the omlet onto a plate.

Laurie, hope your Internet is working. how's the well stuff working out?

heheee...Nancy, i used to work with a woman who brought a big bottle of Coke into the teacher's room every morning, so she could have it instead of drinking coffee. at the time i couldn't imagine it, but i HAVE been known these days to drink diet cream soda for breakfast. re: your son and the "immature fool" thing: that's why i don't want any of my kids living at home. if they want to be goofy, let them do it out of my sight, and where i won't somehow get sucked into the nonsense.

eeeep. Linda. i'm remembering early band concerts. they were cute but painful! :rofl:

TROOOODY!!! guess what i did yesterday? i bought "The History of The Eagles" on iTunes, and watched it, on and off, all day. it's FOUR hours long! but it really fills in a lot of the info about the band and what was going on for the last 40+ years. quite good. geez. 40+ years. gaaah....

today, going over to a friend's house so Hubby can take a look at some trees in her little forest which have fallen down. firewood!! it's a magic word to Hubby. then, i never did make the bread yesterday, so maybe today. i DID, however, finally vacuum upstairs. i'm also going to order pizza for dinner tonight. i don't feel like cooking.

enjoy your Saturday! order pizza!! :becky:
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good morning woke up to a cloudy day but now the sun has broken through and not a cloud in the sky. It is to get up to 60 today and 68 tomorrow. Going to enjoy these warm days. My Devils lost to the Kings. It was a shut out which is a real bummer but was fun to see my son. My husband was meeting me to ride the train home together but he stopped to have pizza with one of his students in Jersey City and then got back on the path and missed the train so he got home an hour after I did. I felt bad and asked if he thought the pizza was good enough to miss the train. He DID NOT LOL. The Devils have another game tonight so perhaps they will score. Got in a good walk - it has been breezy but not too cold. Not much else going on.

Chris have fun at your party. Your goodies sound yummy!

Laurie glad you internet is back and working!

Have a great day all!
Phylis it would be wonderful if my son could afford to move out - I am sure he would love that but in NJ it is just not possible. So there are days when we irritate each other. I love the Eagles and sounds like a wonderful way to spend 4 hours. Hard to believe 40+ years but I guess it makes sense as I started watching them in my 20s. I have seen the Penguins and now that James Neal is back it looks like Malkin is going to start scoring again. Both teams will be playing in the second games of their back to backs.
oooooooooooh those omelets sound like a fun sleep over breakfast!!
life was a bit wild last week, but a heavy rain last night (bit of snow on our mountain, but i like it on the mountain not on my driveway) made the air so crisp and clean!
The Littles are cleaning their room (for reals) so we can unbunk the beds.
the heat so dries up their little noses in the winter and being up higher is not good. They moved their big toys to back patio and will just have the dreaded LEGOs in their room. Torture pegs they are!
I am excited to scrap a bit today...after I pick up my big find! A fire pit!! for outside!! woo hoo,
so tonite may hold roasted marshmellows and hotdogs!
The coffee party sounds divine!!
big hugs to my most awesome newly found O family!
just made myself one of the ZipLoc omlets for lunch to see if they are as good as i remember. yep! i made mine with sauteed onion and red bell pepper, ham and cheddar. yum!

Anne, i also believe that Legos were created as a torture device. stepping on one in my bare feet is something i'll never forget.... the fire pit sounds great! we had one for a while, but it got rusty. the cover for it wasn't waterproof, and the rain just seeped right through and sat in the bowl. something for dry little noses. i use this stuff all the time at this time of year. it's called "Ayr," and it's just a saline gel that helps alot. no additives.

Nancy, i can't even imagine rents in Jersey, and close to NYC. :scared:
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Morning sweet "O" friends... Not much going on today (what else is new!) Just a bit of grocery shopping and other errands that hubby has planned for himself. Really should start to get some of my Christmas shopping done soon. Have no idea where to start ??

Chris - Ohhhh now I really want to be there for your party!! All those goodies sound great!! Do you have a recipe for Naniamo Bar? If not then I will post one for you on the recipe thread that you started. Sooo yummy and not fattening at all :becky: ya right!!

Laurie - Keeping my fingers crossed for you that your internet is finally fixed!!!

Phylis - What a great idea for the Omelets!! Gotta try this for sure! And the EAGLES YAY!!! I still have not watched the second half of the history, but plan on it soon! So many things that I did not know about the Band, such great music!! Love it!! I know 40 years !! WTH!! It can't have been that long right?? We had pizza for dinner last night, hubby likes everything on it and I only like Hawaiian so we have to order two pizzas. Isn't it funny that men love to get firewood so much!! We are alway stealing from the In-Law's stash, FIL always is getting wood, he probably has enough to last until the end of time LOL.

Nancy - Sorry your Devils lost last night, so did Hubby's Bruins!! But oh well you can't win all of the games right? Too bad your son missed the train, uggh would not be fun waiting around for another one!!

Anne - Sounds like your kiddos will be busy today organizing their rooms! Ouch on the lego, I remember all to well how much those darn things hurt when you step on them!!! Enjoy your new found fire pit! We have one in the backyard, hubby just dug a hole and placed an old large wheel well from a truck inside and put some bricks around the outside, works like a charm!! Enjoy your day!!

Ok off to get breakfast and get going on the grocery list, hope you all have a great Saturday!! :wave:
gooOd morning (afternoon, whenever!)

I wish you all could have been here yesterday, the coffee party was yummy! While I usually only drink regular coffee, the fun ones like cappuccino were so neat to be able to make! I think I am going to ask for some boxes of tassimo pods for Christmas ;)

But wow, I have so much to do today. My house is kind of a mess, I just threw a bunch of stuff in my office, which is tiny and crowded as it is. Coupons and shopping list to be prepped for tomorrow, laundry. Then I have to head down to the mall to get Cait this afternoon. She went home with my mom last night and my mom is taking her to the mall to get some jeans. She is the worst person to go shopping with. My mom got her 3 pairs of jeans for her birthday and she didn't like any of them. She is so picky! My mom has way more patience with that stuff than I do.
My mom was going to bring her back home today but she drove all that way up here yesterday I don't want her tomake the trip again. I dislike malls, especially on weekends very much. But hte alternative-- to make Cait walk home, 20 plus miles in the rain-- didn't seem all that nice. LOL

BRB with personals!
Phyllis- I shouldn't tell you but the beer bread was good. I have way too much sweets left over, every brought something super delish to go with the coffee and no one wanted to bring anything home.

The ziplock omelets!!! That is GENUIS!!!!!!!!! That is the worst part of omelets that the you don't get to eat them together. How cool is that! Must try. :)
Congrats on finally vacuuming!!! hahah!!

Nancy- that is a bummer about your hubby and the train. How is his leg? It was his leg that had the stitches right?

Anne-- i love fire pits and chimeneas! We have both but never really use them any more. The kids used to last summer. They'd have friends over and just hang out in the back yard.
Legos- yuck! :p

Trudy- I am really dreading Christmas shopping this year, more than usual. Scott has no ideas, Cait has too many. My mom is relentless about asking every darn time I talk to her about what to get the kids and I keep telling her, ask them!!!!!
Yes!! Please post the recipe for the Naniamo bars!!!

Hugs to everyone of you!!
good morning we are expecting high winds- which I am sure will wreck havoc with my still not quite normal internet connection- it is more consistent, but not complete. I am so excited- 3 days of work and then 12 days off and I only have to use 6 days of my time away pay (really who names these things- why not time off hours) Any ways I am also teaching co workers how to crochet (had to do something when my internet was so frustrating) and have made 1 entire wrap and two more started. I may just make them for people that can't crochet. Extra crafting $$ you know. Well off to batten down the hatches before the high winds come.

Oh and Phylis, I have the well problem handled- you should turn off the outside water before two freezing cold nights or it explodes and once you are home in the daylight you can fix that by turning the water off and the ice ring on the lawn will melt and the fountain shooting out of the water spigot will stop- next spring we should have some replacement fun!
Hey ladies!! I am currently sitting in the airport waiting to head back to NC. I got to come to Seattle for a week to hang out with my parents, sister and niece. She had her first birthday party while I was here. It was awesome but now it's time to head home and see what chaos happened while I was gone.

Chris - Check this out: http://www.food.com/recipe/tastefully-simple-copycat-beer-bread-259441
I've made it before and it is really good. I like making it with cheap beer. I don't like the bitter taste of the fancy beers. LOL But I'm also not a beer drinker so I've gotta have the sissy stuff. Have you ever looked on their website for alternate recipes? I made a cinnamon roll bread once with cream soda. Way yummy.

Laurie - No internet? I h ope that problem is fixed. That would make me crazy but it makes me always thankful for my pathetic addiction to my smart phone.

Phyllis - My grandma used to make those omelets. They are so fun. Perfect for camping.

Nancy - Living with your son can't be easy. I'm assuming he's an adult. I had to live with my parents for awhile when my husband went to some training and it was hard...we finally came up with a routine but it was difficult. My sister was there too and she is quite difficult to live with. She's very OCD and thinks everyone else should be also. Ugh.

okay...can't finish. They are calling us to get ready for boarding. Have a great day everyone. Hugs!!
good morning woke up to clouds but mild temps. Yesterday was really fun. The Devils defeated the Penguins (sorry Phylis). It was a great game. I rode the train in with 2 of my son's friends and then saw my younger son and his friend Natalie. I love it that all of these kids are such NJ Devils fans. The best part was that the game ended in time for me to make the train. Game ended at 9:23 and the train left at 9:38. I walked fast! Was home by 10pm. Got in a good walk with my girlfriend. We love talking hockey. We also love talking about peoples houses as we walk by. We are too funny! Going up to see my son and DIL and get him a new iPhone for his birthday.

Chris so glad that your party went well! Sounds like a busy day. I too hate going to malls especially on weekends. And yes my DH's leg is completely healed from his fall.

Phylis never heard of a ziplock omelet. Hope the Steelers do well for you today. How did the hunt for fire wood go?

Laurie glad the internet is mostly back. Good luck with the high winds.

Clara - yes my son is an adult age wise but not too sure his maturity matches his age. Maybe that is a guy thing. It is amazing here in NJ but all of his friends are still at home with their parents. I know I could not wait to leave. Perhaps part of it is that we have made it too easy but the major point is it is just too expensive to live on your own.

Trudy even though I know they can't win all their games I want them to win most of their games. LOL. I don't even want to think about Christmas shopping!

Have a great day all!
Chris, i'm with you re: malls. on weekends. before Holidays. :scared: i hate 'em. i'm almost,done with my Christmas shopping, and 99% of it i did online. i am a BIG fan of online shopping. there's so much stuff that is just not available around here, so when i ask the kids what they'd like, they give me websites and links. perfect. glad your party went well. and i'm gonna have a look at the recipe that Clara posted. i MAKE bread. (in fact, that's what i'm in the middle of right now. the first rise.) i just can't eat it. it only bothers me when i think of a salami sandwich on some kind of crusty bread. then it hurts....:hurt:

Trudy, did you already know about that Eagles history film? is that what you guys were listening to when you were making wine and dancing a while back? wish we has someone to pinch firewood from. it's like a Giant Hobby with Hubby. he looks at a forest, and all he can see are the trees that are down and how much firewood he would be able to get if he were allowed in there! he did finish the firewood job yesterday in record time. the trees weren't that big. it looks like next week we'll he using the wood stove again. cold!!

did anyone in the USA read anything about the EPA banning wood stoves? i thought i saw something about that last week. that would be swell. no one can afford their gas bill, Obama and the EPA hate coal, and now we can't even try to stay warm any other way. what are we supposed to do? pull heat out of our %##?

Clara, thanks for the recipe! i hope your flight is/was great. sounds like you had a lovely time back home!

Nancy. TOLD ya!!!! :hurt: oh, well....

Laurie, it's raining here, but no wind yet. i wonder whether that's actually going to happen. loved you description of the water faucet adventure. TG Hubby is in charge of shutting off outside water outlets. so, if he forgets and something bad happens, it's on HIM!!! wow. enjoy your time off! it's a great time of year to have some free time to tackle the upcoming Holidays.

time to punch down the dough and form the loaves. then more rising time. THEN comes the "oh, BOY!! the house smells GREAT!" part.

make yourself some Sundayshine, O-zies! :becky:
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Morning ladies, I guess probably for you it is late afternoon by now. I have been cleaning and prepping supper for my sweet brother Tom and his lovely wife. They head off to Australia for 5months next week, so we will have our gift exchange today and say farewell to them :sad: we miss them when they are gone, my brother and I have always been very close and my MG and brother's wife have known each other since grade school. We always have lots of fun together. Wish we could travel to Aussie land with them some day!! But if wishes were fishes I'd have some fried as my mother always said.

Not much time for personals today, but will say to Phylis that the eagles music we were listening to while bottling wine is the Eagles Farewelll 1 tour live from Melbourne Australia , it is fantastic!!!! Here's a link .. http://www.amazon.com/Farewell-Live...eagles+farewell+i+live+from+melbourne+blu-ray

Clara - I hope your trip is nice and smooth and that you had a great time at home!!

Nancy - Your friend sounds like a great one!! Nice that you can talk hockey with her!!

Laurie - Ohhhh I hope your internet problems are almost done with!! Hooray for so many days off!! Enjoy!!

Chris - Good luck with all your clean up today and man I really wish I could have been at your party!! Lucky you, you get to keep your Tassimo!!! I posted the recipe for naniamo bars for you.

Ok gotta get back to cleaning and dinner. We are having brushetta stuffed chicken breasts and rice, and perhaps a nice 7 layer salad?? Wine of course with a side of laughs!! Hope your Sunday is fabulous everyone :wave:
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Just a quick check-in to see what's happening to discover Trudy has given you my Nanaimo Bar recipe :nono: :nono: :nono:

Really I was going to post it at some time :cool2:

It's about the only thing that comes from Nanaimo - well except for my family :pound:

I often read the chatter but don't write too often depends how much hands are shaking - it's infuriating when you've typed a full post and zap your fingers go crazy and post is gone!

You all seem so busy - it tires me out just reading your posts :)

anywhay had to comment on the Nanaimo Bars :)
Those omelets sound amazing! I can't wait to try them. I think that they would be great for Thanksgiving morning while I am trying to get Thanksgiving dinner cooked!

Busy weekend. Basketball, soccer, shopping at the dreaded mall and a big family gathering to celebrate November birthdays. How was the coffee party Chris? I can drink coffee anytime day or night and still sleep like a baby. Or have insomnia...which I do...but not related to the caffeine.

Now sitting at soccer camp. So grateful for wifi.