
Daily Ooo's: Monday September 2


The Loopy-O
This is going to have to be super quick, since my crazy kitty is literally climbing all over me and she needs her nails trimmed desperately! Yee-ouch!!!

Happy friday!!!!

Its Amanda taylor's Birthday so check out her b-day thread. Sue has already got the O-choir ready to go.

Finish It Friday- I have to finish my coffee and get in the shower and get to work.

Wish me luck with the roads, I have to drive on 2 highways that have been flooded and partially collapsed. I get off before the trouble starts but hopefully there won't be too much additional traffic.


always chatty at the O!!
Chris! Chris!! Chris!! My favorite Date Challenged Soul Sista!!

Hey ladies!! So, I'm gonna try and be kinda quick here. DH has today off. That's my favorite part about the military...if there is a holiday over a weekend it will usually turn into a 4-day holiday. Unfortunately Ethan had school today. But it will be nice with me and Addie having Derek home. They are installing our fence into the backyard right now so our dog will finally have a place to run around. I never knew you could rent fencing...but you can. Crazy, huh??

This weekend will include go-karting and the lego store up in raleigh. That should be fun. I need to look up what all we can do in Raleigh. I'm thinking we might stay the night up there tomorrow. Then Monday we'll be headed to the fair. A friend of ours won some tickets and gave us 2 of them. That should be fun. The rides and shows are included in the tickets. Yay!!

Okay, I'd better get. I hope everyone enjoys their 3 day weekend.

Chris - Good luck with the roads and trimming those nails. Plus I think I need to sending you a good-ole Eye-Popping hug...just because.


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning ladies... I am late again today, so I will also have to be quick here!

Chris - good luck with the roads and hope you get kitty's nails trimmed ( ouch) those sharp kitty nails can do a lot of damage!!

Clara - I had no idea you could rent fencing??? Imagine that!! Hope you have a fabulous time at the fair and enjoy your long weekend. We have a long one this weekend too Horray!!

Hope to get in here again later today, have a wonderful Friday everyone!


...loves her some "O"
Okay, so when I first started skimming the posts, I saw Trudy say that Clara was renting fencing and I was imagining Clara with the whole fencing outfit with a sword saying "En Guard" (or however that French word is written!!)...yep, active imagination for sure this morning!! must be the coffee!!

I'm still adding stuff to my store this morning after watching a bunch of netflix tv last night and adding 9 items to the store. Today's goal is to put everything in there I have for sale, blog about my two big announcments (put a SHEEP on it! and a back2school fundraiser) and send out a newsletter. It will take me all day to do all of this!!! But it's ohhhh so worth it. The hardest part for me is to keep myself from starting four new projects instead of doing this part.

I'm also trying to think really hard to find a little somethin' somethin' to make to feature in a "veryjane" promotion. What do you guys think would be easy enough to produce a bunch of them (like 50-100) and would be worth the money? If you aren't familiar with veryjane, it is a lot like Groupon, but it features handmade items usually from Etsy. I'm thinking like little girlie half aprons. That would only cost me about 4$ in materials. I have to get my sewing time down to 30 mins per apron, though. Do you girlies have any ideas???

Okay, off to upload store stuff!! yipeeeee!!! And my advent calendars are back! I've already sold one!! yay!

Trudy, I am longing for a LITTLE bit of your cooler weather. I practically froze my keester when I was up there in the NW back in July, so I only need a little bit!! :) Have a great Friday, hun!

Clara, have sooo much fun in Raleigh!! And yay for 4 day weekends, huh? (I'm still cherishing the time we had together this summer!! soooo fun!!) hugs!

Chris!!!! I love that you wrote Monday on today's date! I love Mondays and Fridays!! For me, they are interchangeable! yipeeee!! Praying your weekend is MARVELOUS, my dear!

love you guys!!! have a great holiday weekend!


Well-Known Member
Good morning ladies! Iain's surgery went very well... and she's up and talking... in loads of pain... but still awake... which is good. I have much to be grateful for today!


Well-Known Member
Chris - I hope your drive goes well and without traffic!!!

Clara - Have tons of fun!!!!! I want to go!!!!

Trudy - Have a great Friday!!!

Sally - I love the idea of the aprons, they would be great gifts so I'm sure they'll sell!

Terra - Woo!!! I hope her rehab goes well today too!!!


Well-Known Member
Well I totally overslept!!!!

I had a nightmare last night, that we had an awful earthquake. Jeff had one last week about a tsunami. I think all of these natural disasters are getting to us!!! I usually have dreams about earthquakes while they're actually happening... so let's check the map.... haha we did have one!!! Well that explains it!

Tomorrow is Jeff's birthday but we're celebrating Sunday night, since he has to work tomorrow night. He's finally requested SOMETHING to be made, bacon wrapped jalepenos!! Now I just need to figure out the main dish and we'll be good to go.

I'm off to wake up and get some work done. Love you ladies!