
Daily Ooo's Monday March 30


The Loopy-O
Happy happy Monday!!! :D;):p
Hoping to put a smile on everyone's faces (mine included LOL)

I woke up this morning and my first thought was ugh- I need more sleep. Thank goodness for coffee!! I have a nice big pot brewed and a plate of bagels and muffins for you all.

In fact, I am going to grab another cup- anyone need one while I am up? "D

Ok, that's good!

How was your weekend? Is it possible to have a weekend go slow and too fast at the same time? It was pretty boring, and I was 100% unmotivated to do anything. I read a lot. I finished Jodie Picoult's new book, Handle with Care. And since that was so intense, I decided to start Prisoner of Azkaban. Yes HP dork that I am, I am rereading all of the books from the beginning. If you are an HP fan- you should do this too- all of the little clues that you pick up when you know the full story- JK Rowling is brilliant!

One of the reasons I had a rough weekend was b/c opf the whole PICC line insurance debacle. In a nutshell, my insurance has now completely denied me, saying that it is medically unnecessary.

First, my Healthnet HMO denied me, then the dr went through the Pharmacy program- also now being denied. my dr is still trying to fight to get me covered- not going very well.

Then on top of it, we have a new HMO starting on April 1. So basically I have to wait until then, call the Infusion Co with my new info and the process has to get started all over again.

The woman I am working with said that this is so typical for Lyme patients- apparently everyone *but* Lymies can get covered.
She said it is b/c of the "archaic" (her words) treatment plan of the IDSA.--treatment protocols that are known to be inaccurate as well as outdated. :mad:

For those of you who have no idea of what I am angry about - google Gary Wormser and IDSA and see what an a$$ he is. This is exactly why we have to pay out the nose for a Lyme Literate doctor, rather than an infectious disease dr.

So that sets the tone for me, and then add in that Gary is still feeling miserable on all levels, it was not a really fun or relaxing weekend!

One nice thing was that my IL's came up for dinner on Sat. and they brough tme bags of groceries- like real meat! LOL Stuff I can't afford ATM. And then some other frozen dinners, fruit, eggs, bacon- it was awesome!

I don't get them sometimes. Sometimes they seem blind to what we are going through, then they come up and do this- it had to be well over $100 worth of food!

but-- I am *not* going to complain! LOL

Yikes, I am blabbering.

Hi Yam! No problems at all -- anyone can start the Ooo's. I typically do it, since I am up so early on the East Coast. But on weekends, I try to sleep as late as I can!
I hope that you are feeling better today. Hugs!!!!

Welcome to the Ooo's Stirling!

merkee, you are a great example- you are only as old as you feel. My kids say that I look like I am 20, but some days I feel like I am 80! :lol: Glad that you are young at heart! yay! How is everyone in house feeling now?

LindaP- OMG- they took out the load bearing walls!! How did the house ever pass inspections! Sounds like you have a lot of work cut out for you. Hope it goes smoothly. I know that we we bought our house as a fixer-upper, the more we tried to fix, the more fixing we found needed to be done.
Did you get to watch the movie?
I was a lump too- Read one book right after the other, and now I can't separate them in my mind, they are just one long book. :eek:
Bagpipers are really cool- there was one at my G-ma's funeral (We're Italian, but they lived in a Scottish town) and my Brother and SIL had one (She is 100% Irish!) at their wedding. Very cool!

I am going to post this now so I don't lose it!


The Loopy-O
Ok, next section.....

Sara- I say go for it- I bet you are not the first to take pics of the llamas!

Clara- I am so happy that you are having a good time! You deserved that break. I will cehck your blog in a few- I haven't blogged in a long time too, I should do that as well. Good for Addie! bet she looks cute!!

k-Bamm! Hope you get your internet up soon! xoxoxox

Dawn-- goof for you- 2000+ how was your ride?? And how is Davy?

Kelly- Nico is going to have soooo much fun with that!!!! yay!!

Hi Jen, good for you getting your Cheery O lo in! Hope you had a great weekend in spite of the snow (ick)

Hey Sally! We taped KCA, haven't seen it yet- maybe tonight LOL

Kristin! You crazy lady!! Hope that you aren't too sore after that workout. But good for you!

Ok, ladies, I better run.
I'd hate for Scott to be late for school and for me to get a Bad Mom Note :lol:

Love you!


Well-Known Member
Seriously...its almost APRIL and we woke up to 2" on SNOW!!!!!!! It's pretty sad to see my tulips trying to poke out from it. I had a very nice weekend. Friday I had worked all afternoon outside clearing the leaves out of my flower beds and overdid it a bit, I starting having contractions...I knew I wasn't in labor but I had to call my CNM anyway. She said if I took it easy the rest of the weekend and drank a lot of water I could stay home :) and if I promised not to play in the garden (no problem there now with the snow!!!!) until I see her tomorrow. I went to a Mom2Mom sale on Sat and scored a summer wardrobe for Kalin for $20, six dresses, 5 pairs of shorts and 2 pairs of sandles for $20...I love resale!!!! Plus two big bags of boy clothes.

After church yesterday we dropped the girls off with the grandparents and Gunar and I went to Borders to sit and have some coffee and look at magazines. It was so quiet we didn't know what to do with ourselves :). Today is another lazy day because I don't want to go out in the snow.

Chris~ I know what you mean about HP, we have them on tape and I'll put them in and listen to them around the house. You pick up on SOOOO many little things in the books that relate later. JKR is an amazing story teller.

Have a great day O's. All of you in warm sunny places send me your sunshine!!!


Well-Known Member
Hi O's!!!

Ben's got a fever, so I kept him home. He's coughing and got a drippy nose, but he doesn't really seem too sick. So that's good.

Chris - OMG the drama of the PICC line. That just sucks. I wish the disease wasn't so misunderstood. And about Harry Potter...you are preachin to the choir girl! hee hee

Jos - Take care of yourself. It sounds like you did, so that's good. Quiet bookstore with coffee is my idea of heaven!!! I'm sick of the cold too. We had snow last Thurs. I think. It didn't stick at all, but it flurried all day. And that was after two days of gorgeous weather! I just want to wear my sandals and capris...waaahhh.

I got my Cheery O layout done and I was really pleased. Although it was a little bit of a pain to make. =) It's fun looking at all those layouts. I plan on doing some major commenting this morning. Then I might get some cleaning done since I'm home. Check back in later all!


Well-Known Member
Good morning ladies!
This will be a very intense week for me !
My son will go to pre-kinder this week... can you imagine it ? That little man (1y9m) with uniform, backpack... so cute ! We went for shopping the last things this weekend. I need to be with him to help in his adaptation.
I'll start remodeling the house to fix some problems (infiltration problems because of the rain).
I'm still trying to recover part of my backup to have some photos to work with (my notebook is in technical assistance)... I'm totally out of photos from my son and I'll need them to do Amanda's Challenge... And my camera is broken.
And on April 1st is my birthday anniversary. Have to celebrate it !
Wish me good luck with all my stuffs.
See you,


Well-Known Member

Quickie from me.

We leave for Vegas on Thursday, early. I am freaking out. Hate planes, hate packing. I have to pack for all the kids to spend 5 days with my parents as well. I took a few Benadryl last night, and was asleep by 9 pm. I hope that taking those won't knock me out for the rest of the day on Thursday.

I am going to try to check back in later. I need to start packing!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Another Quick little note from me today! WORK is NUTS TODAY!!

We had a CRAZY weekend! My little girl had a friend over and needless to say two little girls in WHITE was a MAJOR disaster! They jumped repeatedly into the creek behind our house! Oh well...baths fix that and by golly they had fun!! I got some scrapping done :) Again all stuff that I can't show yet :( That SUCKS! But here I am at work going like nuts so gotta run...but hope everyone had a great weekend and I'll catch everyone tomorrow...or maybe later tonight :)


Well-Known Member
Good Morning!

I'm about to head to McDonalds with the girls for play day.

I'm going to have a salad...did you get that? A SALAD. and fruit. ANd nothing fried. Got it? A SALAD....not a double cheeseburger and fries A SALAD.

I started back my food program today and I'm not going to let MCDonalds ruin it for me...I'm HAVING A SALAD.

THen I'm going to come home, and put the girls down for a nap, and do my firm tape. THEN I'm going to scrapbook.

So when I come back, I better have HAD A SALAD, and worked out...


always chatty at the O!!
Stephie...were you going to have a salad? I have to do that too to wrap my mind around it. I HATE veggies and it makes eating healthy a bit difficult.

Happy Monday. Monday this week is sad. It means we have to head home. So sad. We have had such a blast and it has been so relaxing. I took tomorrow off too so I can finally go and see the ENT and see what kind of plan they might have for me and my sinuses.

Well, I have a lot to do. Cleaning up the condo and packing. I did most of the packing yesterday. Okay...so quick question for you guys about husbands. Just checking to see if everyone else's husbands do this. So...yesterday I was getting dinner cleaned up and asked my dh to put the kids in a bath. So he yelled to Ethan to get in the bath and decided they didn't need to bathe together like they always do. He was watching TV and didn't want to get up and was trying to convince me that he just didn't think it was necessary for them to bathe together becaues he didn't want to get up. Like I'm an idiot and didn't know what he was doing. He really thinks I'm dumb sometimes and it just floors me. So I called him out and did it myself. He got up and helped me eventually though.

I am so stalling...have you guys heard of P90X? It is a 90 day work out program that has you looking awesome in 90 days. A few people I know are doing it and they are all so excited about it and doing it everyday. I don't know if I can motivate to do it. We'll see.

Okay, off to finish packing and cleaning. Blah!! I hope all of you are having a great day. I'll do some personals too...oh guess not. Addie is freaking out. Maybe I'll come back later. Ciao.


Well-Known Member
Hey ladies!!!

Can I just express for a moment how HORRIBLE it is to not have internet. Ahh! I came over to my old apartment to do all my laundry, today is our last day here, and our internet is still connected so i was like YAYYY!

I hate not being able to get online at any moment. It drives me INSANE!

Well it's going to be a short one for me today I have so much to do, but I'll get on M's phone and say Hi tomorrow.



Well-Known Member
Hey ladies!!!!

Its so beautiful here today, sunny, breezy, prob in the low 50's, so a bit chilly but still sooo nice!! Ran a coupe of errands this morning came home and vaccumed every room in this house, mopped kitchen floor and did 2 loads of laundry. all of a sudden lunch is over and its almost naptime. where did the day go?? I never feel liek I can get enough done though you know?? Anyway Im excited for naptime because i cant wait to dive into Amanda's spotlight challenges!! LOVE her stuff!!

Chris - sorry you have to deal with all of that insurance madness :( I hope your day is better and you are feeling good

Clara - I had to laugh about the bath and stuff, my husband does some goofy stuff too and im like helllloooo what is your deal???? Like sometimes Ill be cooking and Ill say to him can you take the baby and go play so hes away from the stove....and hell stay right where he is on the couch or whatever and go "come here Nico"...um he's 1, can you put a little more effort into it ??? like go get him and bring him in another room..and a few mins go by and in like um?? hello? nd hes like I called him....um again, hes 1. I know my husband is tired and all but come on!! LOL.

Jos - Crazy about the snow! Good deal about your shopping spree!!!!!

Sara - Poor Ben, hope he feels better. I meant to answer you the other day about something u said that made me laugh, & I forgot to, but......it was about the husband / cop thing...you know your husband is still a "cool cop" on the inside even if hes more business cop now....you know hes cool!! lol!!!:p:p:p;)

LIa- Hope your computer issues get resolved soon!! and Nothing worse than a broken camera! UGH!!! Good luck w/ Pre-K!!!

Tali - I DETEST flying, so I hear ya, sister. Hope you can take something for the flights. Hope you are getting some packing done!!!

Kristen - funny about the girls in the creek!! Probably was a fun photo op! Hope your having a nice day!

Steph - I hope you had your SALAD. I am right there with ya - totally have to psych myself up to eat right sometimes, it sux. I am a carb freak. ugh. I would have SUCH a disaster of a rime trying not not have a few Mcd's fries though so.....anyway hope you had a good time!

Bamm (Kbamm) lol such a cute name - I hope your internet gets turned on ASAP!! Nothing worse than not being connected! at least you have his phone tho!!!

Hi to everyone else who stops in!!!:D:D hope everyone has a great day!!!! I have to figure out whats for dinner tonight!


Well-Known Member
Hey ladies...just a quicky :lol: from me....since I'm at work and supposed to be WORKING ;)

We actually had a calm weekend. I cleaned the house however you would not be able to tell because it got destroyed in like 2 minutes after it was clean *ugh*

My middle son Ledger turns 3 this FRIDAY!!! I am so excited, however we haven't decided what we are going to do yet for his birthday...any recommendations??? We have decided that we are just going to do ONE big party for all three kids this year...since Landon and Lauren's birthdays are both in June we are going to do it in May...we'll see how that goes....

Oh, and we bought Wii fit last night...hubby is supposed to be winning a Wii from work because he sold over 20 cars this month and Target had it on sale so we went ahead and bought it....can't wait to play with it!!!

Ok, gotta go...but CLARA my hubby does the same thing, but he has been getting better now that Lauren (youngest) asks him to "comere" (come here) when it's time for bath. That little girl has her daddy wrapped around her finger already!!!

K...chat at you ladies tomorrow ;)


Well-Known Member
Quick Drive by, but I wanted to say hi to you all.

Things have been so busy lately. I haven't even had time to scrap!! Wah! Hopefully later this week, things will calm down to sit and relax with my photos and digi scrap stuff. I did get some fun photos at a Super Heroes birthday party yesterday. :)

Love to you all.


Well-Known Member
I'm back from Micky D's and did sucessufly have a salad. I only ate ONE fry. And One small bite of dd's chicken nugget. I'm quite pleased w/ myself. I haven't worked out yet though. DD is watching Max and Ruby in the living room. I'll get it done today though...dh will make me. I told him to not cut me any slack.


Well-Known Member
and I got my new camera in the mail today. A Canon point and shoot. I have two DSLR's...i just get tired of lugging them around all the time. I'm very excited about my new small camera.


Well-Known Member
A quick drop in from me today.

Chris, we are finally all well at my house. Thanks for asking. :)
Bummer on your insurance. :( Hope that something changes for the better.

Wavin hi to everyone else.


Well-Known Member
Doing laundry ALL day and moving all alone is really overwhelming. I'm so tired.

I'm having some serious issues right now. I have wanted to be a Cheery-O for a long time but i don't know when I'm going to have internet again so I can't really apply for it when I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to keep up with the requirements. It makes me sad!

I'm going to go move more stuff so I will post again tomorrow.

Love you all!!