
Daily Ooos: Monday, January 15


The Loopy-O

How is everyone holding up with this utterly bonkers weather? It is 100% unpredictable at this point. It was the in mid-50s on Saturday. Less than 48 hours later, 16* My knees have been slightly achy and I've been tracking that on my app, but I can't tell if it is Lyme-related or weather-related. This amount of barometric changes is sure to do the healthiest of joints in.

I had a cleaning mishap yesterday and I am:
1. Glad it happened here instead of at one of my friends' houses and
2. Glad that I had witnesses because it was one of the funniest things I have seen and done in weeks!

I was cleaning the kitchen when the kids came down for coffee. Cait needed to use the microwave so I grabbed the can of Windex and moved away. The can of Windex slipped out of my hand and onto the floor, knocking the cap off. And the nozzle. The can is (was!!) pressurized so I tried to put the nozzle back on as it is spurting foam *everywhere.* The nozzle won't go back on so I am wiggling the connector tube to get it to stop. Also did not work. Push down on the tube - and whew. It stopped. Until I took my hand off and it exploded everywhere. It's on the floor, on my hands. on the wall. I ran to the bathroom and put it upside down in the sink. It is now shooting everywhere in the bathroom- sink, walls, mirror, floor. I cup my hand over the top of the can and race to the bathtub. (Slight exaggeration, the tub is two feet from the sink LOL!) drop it in the tub, close the curtain, and listen to is foam for another 5 minutes. It slows down and starts back up. Sputters a bit more and starts back up. Meanwhile, I am cleaning up the foam that was all over the kitchen while the three of us are hysterically laughing at how long the can was exploding.
Needless to say, the tub and sink and kitchen are sparkling clean. Hahahaha!

There is my story to start your week with a chuckle.

My goals for today are to stay warm, finish my food shopping order, and then have a nice chat with BFF. She has a half-day at work so we are meeting for coffee in the afternoon ♥


The Loopy-O
@LSlycord Yay for the new mouse! As for not getting it sooner, geez... did you have anything else going on in your life that felt more important? :thinking2: I don't think so but maybe you did :D
I hope that you had a nice afternoon with Lynn's new kit! And thank you for *always* supporting me and my family through thick and thin. It means so much. ♥
49* must feel frigid to you. How is your family holding up? Were/Are they going to be affected by the blizzard I keep reading about? I hope they are warm and safe.
The French Onion Soup recipe I used was so good, I think I shared that in the IP Thread. And ya can't go wrong with bread and cheese. Enjoy your last day off and the fact that you can't wait to get back to work tomorrow really shows how much better your energy is! Happy for you!

@bcgal00 My mind literally cannot comprehend how cold it must be. It has to be painful to be outside for more than a second. I bet the weather is going to be wonderful for you once the cold spell passes. All of that sunshine will be great for hiking and birding!
The nose piercing didn't hurt that much and it doesn't hurt at all now. The cartilage in my ear was a lot more painful.
I adore your description of your technique with the snuffle mat and the dogs. I think I am going to pop into TJ Maxx on my way to meet my BFF. If they don't have it, I pass a Marshalls on the highway I can look at.

I am looking forward to watching True Detective: Night Country (HBO)- it has been getting very good reviews. We watched the first episode of Bodies (Netflix) and I think we'll enjoy that one too.

@BrightEyes That sounds so confusing about the photo files and the versions of PSE. Glad that you figured it out *before* you threw the computer across the room :desk3:
I hope you enjoyed the "warm" weather yesterday. How is your arthritis, doing ok? SMH, it is so weird!! - the weather not your arthritis.

@taxed4ever You probably spend a lot of your day watching the birds, how happy you and your Gary made them with the feeder heater! Hahahaha! The Bully Hummingbird~> :rollingpin1:
Good luck to your Gary back at work today. You take such good care of him. If I did;t post the IP recipe for the French Onion soup, let me know and I'll dig it up. It was so good. Caitlyn had leftovers the other night and said it was even better then.

@Cherylndesigns I love the new avi but I miss Asher's adorable face too. How are you all holding up in the snow/cold? I know that if you need anything at all, Ava will be there, Big A** Truck and all.
You'll laugh at me for this- we were having dinner last night, me, Gary, Caitlyn, and Tom when I noticed that the new earring had fallen out. I announced that to the table and said, "I did exactly what Tom told me *not* to do, play with the earring and now it's gone." Thankfully, we found it and he put it back in. And he didn't even scold me for it. Hehehe. Nice to have him around :rotfl:
Give pets to the furbabies and tell Chuck I said hey!

@vickyday Yesterday was a slight but noticeable improvement for Gary. I don't think he napped during the day at all and he was fooling around with some stuff on the computer. Good signs!!
I bet the house is quiet but I know for sure you have lots of new photos to scrap! Enjoy!

Hugs to you all!


Well-Known Member
Good morning! Last day before returning to work! I got a layout made yesterday but I couldn't figure out how to save it for the web. It came back to me in the middle of the afternoon so I'm going to try it after I get off here. :rolleyes: Sometimes I think that I've lost my mind...but, as you said @faerywings I have had a few things on my mind lately so we will see if it clears up! ;)

Brian said that he would take me to lunch on the ocean since this is my last day of freedom. Maybe even a short walk on the beach! It is 57 degrees but feels like 59. Warm enough for an Iowa girl to walk on the beach but we will see about the Florida girl. Made baked potato soup for supper which made Shaun happy! Spent most of the afternoon FaceTiming with Sydney...about an hour of the time she was taking a nap...but she wanted to stay with me. I think she must have been more worried about my health than I realized. She wanted to know when I was coming to Gainesville next so I guess I need to get that planned and on the calendar.

Today will be chili and getting my office back in order. And maybe paying bills...most autopay but there are probably some that could use attention. Mainly just appreciating TIME today!

:grouphugyay: Have a great day all!


Love my O Family!

How is everyone holding up with this utterly bonkers weather? It is 100% unpredictable at this point. It was the in mid-50s on Saturday. Less than 48 hours later, 16* My knees have been slightly achy and I've been tracking that on my app, but I can't tell if it is Lyme-related or weather-related. This amount of barometric changes is sure to do the healthiest of joints in.

I had a cleaning mishap yesterday and I am:
1. Glad it happened here instead of at one of my friends' houses and
2. Glad that I had witnesses because it was one of the funniest things I have seen and done in weeks!

I was cleaning the kitchen when the kids came down for coffee. Cait needed to use the microwave so I grabbed the can of Windex and moved away. The can of Windex slipped out of my hand and onto the floor, knocking the cap off. And the nozzle. The can is (was!!) pressurized so I tried to put the nozzle back on as it is spurting foam *everywhere.* The nozzle won't go back on so I am wiggling the connector tube to get it to stop. Also did not work. Push down on the tube - and whew. It stopped. Until I took my hand off and it exploded everywhere. It's on the floor, on my hands. on the wall. I ran to the bathroom and put it upside down in the sink. It is now shooting everywhere in the bathroom- sink, walls, mirror, floor. I cup my hand over the top of the can and race to the bathtub. (Slight exaggeration, the tub is two feet from the sink LOL!) drop it in the tub, close the curtain, and listen to is foam for another 5 minutes. It slows down and starts back up. Sputters a bit more and starts back up. Meanwhile, I am cleaning up the foam that was all over the kitchen while the three of us are hysterically laughing at how long the can was exploding.
Needless to say, the tub and sink and kitchen are sparkling clean. Hahahaha!

There is my story to start your week with a chuckle.

My goals for today are to stay warm, finish my food shopping order, and then have a nice chat with BFF. She has a half-day at work so we are meeting for coffee in the afternoon ♥
That mishap is just par for the course for you lately, it seems! Ha!


Well-Known Member
@faerywings it sounds like you had a real mess to clean up! I would have loved to have seen that! The blizzard hit hard back home...but everyone is surviving! Even the parents of the little kids who are full of energy and can't go outside. I wish I were there to help. Chatting with my SIL last night and said that we are going to come up for a couple of weeks in the spring. With my newfound energy, I am anxious to spend time with these kids and let them get to know me. She said they are getting "very busy" and I can't wait! Five little kids, 3 years and under...4 of them are boys! Crazy!


Love my O Family!
@LSlycord Yay for the new mouse! As for not getting it sooner, geez... did you have anything else going on in your life that felt more important? :thinking2: I don't think so but maybe you did :D
I hope that you had a nice afternoon with Lynn's new kit! And thank you for *always* supporting me and my family through thick and thin. It means so much. ♥
49* must feel frigid to you. How is your family holding up? Were/Are they going to be affected by the blizzard I keep reading about? I hope they are warm and safe.
The French Onion Soup recipe I used was so good, I think I shared that in the IP Thread. And ya can't go wrong with bread and cheese. Enjoy your last day off and the fact that you can't wait to get back to work tomorrow really shows how much better your energy is! Happy for you!

@bcgal00 My mind literally cannot comprehend how cold it must be. It has to be painful to be outside for more than a second. I bet the weather is going to be wonderful for you once the cold spell passes. All of that sunshine will be great for hiking and birding!
The nose piercing didn't hurt that much and it doesn't hurt at all now. The cartilage in my ear was a lot more painful.
I adore your description of your technique with the snuffle mat and the dogs. I think I am going to pop into TJ Maxx on my way to meet my BFF. If they don't have it, I pass a Marshalls on the highway I can look at.

I am looking forward to watching True Detective: Night Country (HBO)- it has been getting very good reviews. We watched the first episode of Bodies (Netflix) and I think we'll enjoy that one too.

@BrightEyes That sounds so confusing about the photo files and the versions of PSE. Glad that you figured it out *before* you threw the computer across the room :desk3:
I hope you enjoyed the "warm" weather yesterday. How is your arthritis, doing ok? SMH, it is so weird!! - the weather not your arthritis.

@taxed4ever You probably spend a lot of your day watching the birds, how happy you and your Gary made them with the feeder heater! Hahahaha! The Bully Hummingbird~> :rollingpin1:
Good luck to your Gary back at work today. You take such good care of him. If I did;t post the IP recipe for the French Onion soup, let me know and I'll dig it up. It was so good. Caitlyn had leftovers the other night and said it was even better then.

@Cherylndesigns I love the new avi but I miss Asher's adorable face too. How are you all holding up in the snow/cold? I know that if you need anything at all, Ava will be there, Big A** Truck and all.
You'll laugh at me for this- we were having dinner last night, me, Gary, Caitlyn, and Tom when I noticed that the new earring had fallen out. I announced that to the table and said, "I did exactly what Tom told me *not* to do, play with the earring and now it's gone." Thankfully, we found it and he put it back in. And he didn't even scold me for it. Hehehe. Nice to have him around :rotfl:
Give pets to the furbabies and tell Chuck I said hey!

@vickyday Yesterday was a slight but noticeable improvement for Gary. I don't think he napped during the day at all and he was fooling around with some stuff on the computer. Good signs!!
I bet the house is quiet but I know for sure you have lots of new photos to scrap! Enjoy!

Hugs to you all!
Yes, but it's a good quiet because everyone made it home safely and we share lots of memories!


Well-Known Member
@bcgal00 , @Cherylndesigns , @taxed4ever my wishes for all of you are for you to come out of the deep freezes that you are all in (to varying degrees).

@vickyday how are you feeling? It is such a good quiet when you know that everyone is safe and sound where they belong!

@BrightEyes it is the unpredictability of this weather that is wearing on people I think. I admire your persistence with the computer problems. I get easily frustrated!


Love my O Family!
@bcgal00 , @Cherylndesigns , @taxed4ever my wishes for all of you are for you to come out of the deep freezes that you are all in (to varying degrees).

@vickyday how are you feeling? It is such a good quiet when you know that everyone is safe and sound where they belong!

@BrightEyes it is the unpredictability of this weather that is wearing on people I think. I admire your persistence with the computer problems. I get easily frustrated!
Not too bad, but I can tell I ate too much stuff yesterday.


Love my O Family!
Good morning beautiful ladies,
I'll start this off with a family photo from the weekend gathering if I can figure out how to get it here from Snap Bridge.....DSCN1064.JPG
Well, it took a while but I found it!
We were expecting 22 but my oldest son (child#2) ended up with flu symptoms so the 3 of them stayed in Alabama. And since Ilene's been sick she decided not to get out. And my grandson's (far left in photo) girlfriend's brother went home before we got around to taking this picture.

It was a busy but fun weekend. I was able to freeze 2 cool whip bowls each of the potato soup and beef stew and 2 bowls of the southwest casserole. Still have leftovers of the sweets and the cheese ball to deal with.

Today I finished washing up the crockpot and pan I left soaking over night. The rest of the day will be spent doing some PT, scrapping, and chillaxing in my jammies in my recliner.

It's misty rainy here and pretty chilly... not out of the 30s yet. But that's ok because we have heat and all is well! Thank You Lord!

HAGD Everyone!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning everyone! It is -6C/21F. this morning, much better than the -13C/8F. we have had the past couple of days! It has been nice that we don't have to keep changing out the hummingbird feeder every hour LOL. The birds all seem to love the heater that my Gary rigged up its a busy little place! DH is back to work and I slept in until almost 8am, however I did toss and turn a lot during the night and so did DH, so hope that he is not too tired all day today! I am still working on the layout that I started the other day and hope to get it finished today. Not sure why its taking me so darn long to get a page scrapped?? Guess I am being too fussy over it? I struggle to choose a photo or wonder if I should even bother putting a photo on the page?? I should just throw a bunch of elements together and see what I come up with LOL. My mojo has left the building! I have been enjoying doing my wall pilates and have started doing some yoga as well! I am getting cabin fever as its to darn cold to get out for walk and I am hoping that the temps are much better for our hike this week, its near by and and easy one so it would be a good one to do. Ok Heather is calling I will come back in a bit for personals. CYL


Well-Known Member
Good morning ladies. It has warmed up a bit (-2F feels like -11) and this afternoon will hit 3F. Tomorrow it'll go up to 16F and the snow starts, about 8-10". Remi will love it. We'll get out for a few groceries soon so we'll be stocked up for a few days during the snowstorm. This afternoon the glass tops for both tables are coming. Slowly things are coming together. It'll still be another month or so before I get the credenza for the office and no quotes on the washer/dryer hookups for upstairs or the cabinet reno to put a new stove in Jen's place. There currently is no oven in there, just a ceramic cooktop so we'll get the bottom cabinet cut out and granite counter cut to accommodate a stove. We also want the deck extended and stairs put in upstairs. But, I keep telling myself "one thing at a time", it will all get done eventually.

I ordered a Cuisinart bread machine this morning. Looking forward to making homemade gluten free and/or whole wheat bread. The dough cycle will be used a lot too. D will love homemade cinnamon buns and savory rolls.

I thought the new season of Yellowstone was on last night but no, it was not the new season, that was disappointing. We watched the first show of the season for La Brea and enjoyed it.

@faerywings Oh no, the mess that must have made. It seems funny in my head but I know the cleanup must have been awful.

@taxed4ever How wonderful to have the hummers coming and enjoying the heated feeder. I miss seeing them here. Hopefully in the spring we'll have them.

@vickyday How nice to see a family group photo!

I'm getting one more coffee before heading out for groceries. HAGD everyone.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Good afternoon all,

Here are pictures from yesterday of our first snow. It's SO cold here, too, but at least we're not supposed to get below zero. Some bright spot, huh? You have to take what you can get. :lol23:

We've been having winter ranch fun - I think I told you all that our furnace went out, but we have an emergency back up, so we're good, once we switched it over. Then yesterday morning, we got up to frozen water pipes under the kitchen sink. That spigot was winterized and covered with the appropriate cover and it still froze. We still have no water in the kitchen. I even tore an old towel into strips and wrapped the whole thing with several layers of toweling. I ran my hair dryer on high all day yesterday under the sink and nada. We got a space heater today and it's now running under the kitchen sink. The MBath is also on an outside wall, and it froze up last night. I have to pour water in the tank if it has to be flushed. Thankfully, we still have water in both bathrooms and the toilet in the other bathroom is working - it's on an inside wall. I have every container we own filled with water just in case. We always keep gallon jugs full of water in the winter. As soon as a milk gallon container is empty, I wash it and fill it. Steph isn't amused and I don't think she can wait to get out of here. She couldn't even get down the hill right now. I don't blame her - it sucks. Adrienne got out today in Roger's monster truck and said that lots of things were closed. The Barn, the convenience store by our property is open of course, if you want to pay highway robbery prices for anything. LOL I'll try to come back and do some personals later. It's time for me to fix Chuck's breakfast. Cheers from the tundra. :brrr::brrr::brrr:


Slipping in right before noon here... Been busy all morning. I was clicking through this month's challenges and did a WHOA!!! when I saw Anna's Color Challenge.... love the colors - and found the perfect kit to use for the LO. Couldn't believe how quickly it went together. Then I made a quick run over to the PO to drop off mail - even though the PO is closed for MLKing Day. I remembered this morning that it is a holiday in the US .. I was thinking it is next Monday! I had a whole pile of mail that I had picked up Saturday but I hadn't sorted from last Thursday to Saturday. Got that done so the kitchen Island is cleared off again. I pulled out some frozen pork chops and a sweet potato casserole for supper tonight.

Yesterday was filled with scrapping chores. Brought my list of Jan LOs up-to-date... checking off what was finished - what had been uploaded - when other LOs would be released or posting dates. Plus did a couple of LOs for Karen Schultz Texture Overlays. Yes, it was a PITA getting PSE2024 updated with Open Camera Raw... then bringing in some png photos and changing them to jpeg. Just glad I realized how to open them and knew I could save them as jpeg!!! Then I got sucked into looking at free photos for a couple of kits I want to work with... and spend a couple hours looking at them. The next thing I knew it 6:30PM and I needed to get some supper. Then I ended up watching "In The Line of Fire" on Netflix. It had been awhile since I had seen it and I had forgotten some of it.


Love my O Family!
Good afternoon all,

Here are pictures from yesterday of our first snow. It's SO cold here, too, but at least we're not supposed to get below zero. Some bright spot, huh? You have to take what you can get. :lol23:

We've been having winter ranch fun - I think I told you all that our furnace went out, but we have an emergency back up, so we're good, once we switched it over. Then yesterday morning, we got up to frozen water pipes under the kitchen sink. That spigot was winterized and covered with the appropriate cover and it still froze. We still have no water in the kitchen. I even tore an old towel into strips and wrapped the whole thing with several layers of toweling. I ran my hair dryer on high all day yesterday under the sink and nada. We got a space heater today and it's now running under the kitchen sink. The MBath is also on an outside wall, and it froze up last night. I have to pour water in the tank if it has to be flushed. Thankfully, we still have water in both bathrooms and the toilet in the other bathroom is working - it's on an inside wall. I have every container we own filled with water just in case. We always keep gallon jugs full of water in the winter. As soon as a milk gallon container is empty, I wash it and fill it. Steph isn't amused and I don't think she can wait to get out of here. She couldn't even get down the hill right now. I don't blame her - it sucks. Adrienne got out today in Roger's monster truck and said that lots of things were closed. The Barn, the convenience store by our property is open of course, if you want to pay highway robbery prices for anything. LOL I'll try to come back and do some personals later. It's time for me to fix Chuck's breakfast. Cheers from the tundra. :brrr::brrr::brrr:
View attachment 410783
BRRR! So sorry you are having to deal with all of those wintertime problems! Our first home (trailer) always had frozen water pipes in the winter. A royal pain, for sure! Hope your weather warms soon!


Love my O Family!
Morning everyone! It is -6C/21F. this morning, much better than the -13C/8F. we have had the past couple of days! It has been nice that we don't have to keep changing out the hummingbird feeder every hour LOL. The birds all seem to love the heater that my Gary rigged up its a busy little place! DH is back to work and I slept in until almost 8am, however I did toss and turn a lot during the night and so did DH, so hope that he is not too tired all day today! I am still working on the layout that I started the other day and hope to get it finished today. Not sure why its taking me so darn long to get a page scrapped?? Guess I am being too fussy over it? I struggle to choose a photo or wonder if I should even bother putting a photo on the page?? I should just throw a bunch of elements together and see what I come up with LOL. My mojo has left the building! I have been enjoying doing my wall pilates and have started doing some yoga as well! I am getting cabin fever as its to darn cold to get out for walk and I am hoping that the temps are much better for our hike this week, its near by and and easy one so it would be a good one to do. Ok Heather is calling I will come back in a bit for personals. CYL
I sure hope it warms up for your hike later this week! I would probably be so bundled up I couldn't move!


Oh, @faerywings .... I spit out my coffee and was :rotfl: :floorlaugh: when I read about you and the Windex can exploding!!! Laughed so hard I had tears in my eyes and the tummy was hurting!!! Well, the good thing is that it was at your house (not a friend's) and you ended up with a clean rooms after it. I quit using pressurized cans of cleaner several years ago... no way would I get them after this tale!!! Ooops.:oops2:.. just remembered that my DDs bought some when they were taking care of me last year!!! I will be really careful when I am using them!!! And speaking of pierced hole closing up... I had that happen but DD#1 was able to get it opened for me while she was here. Don't think I could stand to have my nose pierced... Glad to hear it sounds like Gary is improving some.

@Cherylndesigns Oh, NO!!! not frozen pipes and your furnace quitting, too!!! Talk about a double-whammy!!! Hope the temps go up quickly. Ours has been doing a yo-yo the past couple of weeks. Right now, we are the warmer side of that artic blast. Thanks for showing the photos of your snow.

@vickyday what a great photo of the family!!! Sorry not everyone was able to make it for the family get-together but glad the sick one was wise to stay away.

@LSlycord Can't believe you are well enough to go back to work already! Enjoy your lunch out with Brian (how sweet of him to think about this).

@taxed4ever Glad your weather is warming up some too. Hey, it is fun to just throw some elements on paper and play around them... :puzzle: You might be surprised how it turns out. :dancing6:

@bcgal00 Glad some of the things you ordered are finally showing up!! I can't believe how cold it gets where you are!!! And more snow!!! Hope you get what you need in the way of food so you can hunker down during the storm!!

Need to get some lunch as I missed breakfast. HAGD


Love my O Family!
Good morning ladies. It has warmed up a bit (-2F feels like -11) and this afternoon will hit 3F. Tomorrow it'll go up to 16F and the snow starts, about 8-10". Remi will love it. We'll get out for a few groceries soon so we'll be stocked up for a few days during the snowstorm. This afternoon the glass tops for both tables are coming. Slowly things are coming together. It'll still be another month or so before I get the credenza for the office and no quotes on the washer/dryer hookups for upstairs or the cabinet reno to put a new stove in Jen's place. There currently is no oven in there, just a ceramic cooktop so we'll get the bottom cabinet cut out and granite counter cut to accommodate a stove. We also want the deck extended and stairs put in upstairs. But, I keep telling myself "one thing at a time", it will all get done eventually.

I ordered a Cuisinart bread machine this morning. Looking forward to making homemade gluten free and/or whole wheat bread. The dough cycle will be used a lot too. D will love homemade cinnamon buns and savory rolls.

I thought the new season of Yellowstone was on last night but no, it was not the new season, that was disappointing. We watched the first show of the season for La Brea and enjoyed it.

@faerywings Oh no, the mess that must have made. It seems funny in my head but I know the cleanup must have been awful.

@taxed4ever How wonderful to have the hummers coming and enjoying the heated feeder. I miss seeing them here. Hopefully in the spring we'll have them.

@vickyday How nice to see a family group photo!

I'm getting one more coffee before heading out for groceries. HAGD everyone.
It would not pay me to have a bread machine! My IBS enjoys carbs way too much!
My Liz has the perfect spot for a family photo out on her deck with the trees behind!


Love my O Family!
Slipping in right before noon here... Been busy all morning. I was clicking through this month's challenges and did a WHOA!!! when I saw Anna's Color Challenge.... love the colors - and found the perfect kit to use for the LO. Couldn't believe how quickly it went together. Then I made a quick run over to the PO to drop off mail - even though the PO is closed for MLKing Day. I remembered this morning that it is a holiday in the US .. I was thinking it is next Monday! I had a whole pile of mail that I had picked up Saturday but I hadn't sorted from last Thursday to Saturday. Got that done so the kitchen Island is cleared off again. I pulled out some frozen pork chops and a sweet potato casserole for supper tonight.

Yesterday was filled with scrapping chores. Brought my list of Jan LOs up-to-date... checking off what was finished - what had been uploaded - when other LOs would be released or posting dates. Plus did a couple of LOs for Karen Schultz Texture Overlays. Yes, it was a PITA getting PSE2024 updated with Open Camera Raw... then bringing in some png photos and changing them to jpeg. Just glad I realized how to open them and knew I could save them as jpeg!!! Then I got sucked into looking at free photos for a couple of kits I want to work with... and spend a couple hours looking at them. The next thing I knew it 6:30PM and I needed to get some supper. Then I ended up watching "In The Line of Fire" on Netflix. It had been awhile since I had seen it and I had forgotten some of it.
I love doing Anna's challenges as I love using her blending tools/kits! I'm way behind on doing the challenges this month! Do you keep a spreadsheet of what you are working on through the month? I just make a document with all of the information and links so I can copy and paste the info where needed socially. Makes quick work of the sharing.


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
ok its almost lunch time and I am finally back to do personals...

@faerywings - Yikes what a strange and messy way to start your day!! Well at least the bathroom is sparkling clean LOL. Hope you have a great visit with your BFF this afternoon and it looks like no you did not post the French Onion Soup recipe yet, but hey you have been very busy cleaning up :giggle4: .

@LSlycord - If this weather doesn't warm up soon, we might all be coming for a visit and walks on the beach with you, then you might never get rid of us goofysmile1

@vickyday - Love, Love the family photo! I bet you have already made a layout with it! Could you please send me some of your mojo??

@bcgal00 - Glad to hear that it has warmed up enough for you to get out for some groceries! You have a lot of projects planned for your new place, but you are right it will all get done and it will be amazing when its all complete!

@vickyday - I got rid of my bread maker too, my taste buds love homemade bread, but my stomach tells me something way different LOL.

@BrightEyes - I was looking at the Anna Colour challenge too and love the colour palette!! I might have to scrap my other layout and do that one instead. You are right I would probably be happy with just a bunch of elements thrown on a page LOL.

Ok I better get some lunch for DH before he gets home! Have a great Monday everyone!! :bye2:


Love my O Family!
Oh, @faerywings .... I spit out my coffee and was :rotfl: :floorlaugh: when I read about you and the Windex can exploding!!! Laughed so hard I had tears in my eyes and the tummy was hurting!!! Well, the good thing is that it was at your house (not a friend's) and you ended up with a clean rooms after it. I quit using pressurized cans of cleaner several years ago... no way would I get them after this tale!!! Ooops.:oops2:.. just remembered that my DDs bought some when they were taking care of me last year!!! I will be really careful when I am using them!!! And speaking of pierced hole closing up... I had that happen but DD#1 was able to get it opened for me while she was here. Don't think I could stand to have my nose pierced... Glad to hear it sounds like Gary is improving some.

@Cherylndesigns Oh, NO!!! not frozen pipes and your furnace quitting, too!!! Talk about a double-whammy!!! Hope the temps go up quickly. Ours has been doing a yo-yo the past couple of weeks. Right now, we are the warmer side of that artic blast. Thanks for showing the photos of your snow.

@vickyday what a great photo of the family!!! Sorry not everyone was able to make it for the family get-together but glad the sick one was wise to stay away.

@LSlycord Can't believe you are well enough to go back to work already! Enjoy your lunch out with Brian (how sweet of him to think about this).

@taxed4ever Glad your weather is warming up some too. Hey, it is fun to just throw some elements on paper and play around them... :puzzle: You might be surprised how it turns out. :dancing6:

@bcgal00 Glad some of the things you ordered are finally showing up!! I can't believe how cold it gets where you are!!! And more snow!!! Hope you get what you need in the way of food so you can hunker down during the storm!!

Need to get some lunch as I missed breakfast. HAGD
Yes, we hated he couldn't come but glad he didn't come and spread germs around! Not with everything that is already going around here!


Love my O Family!
ok its almost lunch time and I am finally back to do personals...

@faerywings - Yikes what a strange and messy way to start your day!! Well at least the bathroom is sparkling clean LOL. Hope you have a great visit with your BFF this afternoon and it looks like no you did not post the French Onion Soup recipe yet, but hey you have been very busy cleaning up :giggle4: .

@LSlycord - If this weather doesn't warm up soon, we might all be coming for a visit and walks on the beach with you, then you might never get rid of us goofysmile1

@vickyday - Love, Love the family photo! I bet you have already made a layout with it! Could you please send me some of your mojo??

@bcgal00 - Glad to hear that it has warmed up enough for you to get out for some groceries! You have a lot of projects planned for your new place, but you are right it will all get done and it will be amazing when its all complete!

@vickyday - I got rid of my bread maker too, my taste buds love homemade bread, but my stomach tells me something way different LOL.

@BrightEyes - I was looking at the Anna Colour challenge too and love the colour palette!! I might have to scrap my other layout and do that one instead. You are right I would probably be happy with just a bunch of elements thrown on a page LOL.

Ok I better get some lunch for DH before he gets home! Have a great Monday everyone!! :bye2:
No, not yet. I've been kinda playing catch up today. Getting the kitchen back in order, finished listening to an audiobook, did some home PT and just now getting back onto the computer.

Yeah, my stomach would love to eat warm, homemade bread everyday.....but my waist would not like it, for sure!


I love doing Anna's challenges as I love using her blending tools/kits! I'm way behind on doing the challenges this month! Do you keep a spreadsheet of what you are working on through the month? I just make a document with all of the information and links so I can copy and paste the info where needed socially. Makes quick work of the sharing.
I am old fashion... I have a spiral bound notebook. On the top of the page - I put the forum name and month. Then I list the challenges and details on 1-2 lines - and put + in front section and add the kit name when I do the LO. Also list any kits I use in a similar fashion down the page. Lately I have been adding release dates in that small front area, too. Once I have posted the LOs to the galleries I add more lines across the +.

As for the info about each LO.... I go into my email and in the draft mode - put all the info about the LO so it is easy to copy and paste when uploading to the galleries. I also copy and paste the links to each gallery to the draft so it is all in one location.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone

How is everyone holding up with this utterly bonkers weather? It is 100% unpredictable at this point. It was the in mid-50s on Saturday. Less than 48 hours later, 16* My knees have been slightly achy and I've been tracking that on my app, but I can't tell if it is Lyme-related or weather-related. This amount of barometric changes is sure to do the healthiest of joints in.

I had a cleaning mishap yesterday and I am:
1. Glad it happened here instead of at one of my friends' houses and
2. Glad that I had witnesses because it was one of the funniest things I have seen and done in weeks!

I was cleaning the kitchen when the kids came down for coffee. Cait needed to use the microwave so I grabbed the can of Windex and moved away. The can of Windex slipped out of my hand and onto the floor, knocking the cap off. And the nozzle. The can is (was!!) pressurized so I tried to put the nozzle back on as it is spurting foam *everywhere.* The nozzle won't go back on so I am wiggling the connector tube to get it to stop. Also did not work. Push down on the tube - and whew. It stopped. Until I took my hand off and it exploded everywhere. It's on the floor, on my hands. on the wall. I ran to the bathroom and put it upside down in the sink. It is now shooting everywhere in the bathroom- sink, walls, mirror, floor. I cup my hand over the top of the can and race to the bathtub. (Slight exaggeration, the tub is two feet from the sink LOL!) drop it in the tub, close the curtain, and listen to is foam for another 5 minutes. It slows down and starts back up. Sputters a bit more and starts back up. Meanwhile, I am cleaning up the foam that was all over the kitchen while the three of us are hysterically laughing at how long the can was exploding.
Needless to say, the tub and sink and kitchen are sparkling clean. Hahahaha!

There is my story to start your week with a chuckle.

My goals for today are to stay warm, finish my food shopping order, and then have a nice chat with BFF. She has a half-day at work so we are meeting for coffee in the afternoon ♥
Probably wasn't funny at the time, but you sure can spin a tale, Chris. You've got me beat - I'm doing dishes in my bathroom sink and draining them in the shower. :lol23:


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Good morning! Last day before returning to work! I got a layout made yesterday but I couldn't figure out how to save it for the web. It came back to me in the middle of the afternoon so I'm going to try it after I get off here. :rolleyes: Sometimes I think that I've lost my mind...but, as you said @faerywings I have had a few things on my mind lately so we will see if it clears up! ;)

Brian said that he would take me to lunch on the ocean since this is my last day of freedom. Maybe even a short walk on the beach! It is 57 degrees but feels like 59. Warm enough for an Iowa girl to walk on the beach but we will see about the Florida girl. Made baked potato soup for supper which made Shaun happy! Spent most of the afternoon FaceTiming with Sydney...about an hour of the time she was taking a nap...but she wanted to stay with me. I think she must have been more worried about my health than I realized. She wanted to know when I was coming to Gainesville next so I guess I need to get that planned and on the calendar.

Today will be chili and getting my office back in order. And maybe paying bills...most autopay but there are probably some that could use attention. Mainly just appreciating TIME today!

:grouphugyay: Have a great day all!
:lalala:J/K or AM I???:giggle4:


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
I am old fashion... I have a spiral bound notebook. On the top of the page - I put the forum name and month. Then I list the challenges and details on 1-2 lines - and put + in front section and add the kit name when I do the LO. Also list any kits I use in a similar fashion down the page. Lately I have been adding release dates in that small front area, too. Once I have posted the LOs to the galleries I add more lines across the +.

As for the info about each LO.... I go into my email and in the draft mode - put all the info about the LO so it is easy to copy and paste when uploading to the galleries. I also copy and paste the links to each gallery to the draft so it is all in one location.
Oh you girls are so organized. Kay, I love the idea of a notebook, but mention spreadsheets to me and my eyes roll back in my head. :lol23:


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
It is easier if you can see what I mean about the scrapping notebook.
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I honestly need to do this, Kay. I try to keep all of my monthly layouts for Oscraps in a separate folder and when I name the files, I put the designer and due date on it. I keep the links to the products in my email drafts, but this would be so much easier. Thanks for sharing.