How is everyone holding up with this utterly bonkers weather? It is 100% unpredictable at this point. It was the in mid-50s on Saturday. Less than 48 hours later, 16* My knees have been slightly achy and I've been tracking that on my app, but I can't tell if it is Lyme-related or weather-related. This amount of barometric changes is sure to do the healthiest of joints in.
I had a cleaning mishap yesterday and I am:
1. Glad it happened here instead of at one of my friends' houses and
2. Glad that I had witnesses because it was one of the funniest things I have seen and done in weeks!
I was cleaning the kitchen when the kids came down for coffee. Cait needed to use the microwave so I grabbed the can of Windex and moved away. The can of Windex slipped out of my hand and onto the floor, knocking the cap off. And the nozzle. The can is (was!!) pressurized so I tried to put the nozzle back on as it is spurting foam *everywhere.* The nozzle won't go back on so I am wiggling the connector tube to get it to stop. Also did not work. Push down on the tube - and whew. It stopped. Until I took my hand off and it exploded everywhere. It's on the floor, on my hands. on the wall. I ran to the bathroom and put it upside down in the sink. It is now shooting everywhere in the bathroom- sink, walls, mirror, floor. I cup my hand over the top of the can and race to the bathtub. (Slight exaggeration, the tub is two feet from the sink LOL!) drop it in the tub, close the curtain, and listen to is foam for another 5 minutes. It slows down and starts back up. Sputters a bit more and starts back up. Meanwhile, I am cleaning up the foam that was all over the kitchen while the three of us are hysterically laughing at how long the can was exploding.
Needless to say, the tub and sink and kitchen are sparkling clean. Hahahaha!
There is my story to start your week with a chuckle.
My goals for today are to stay warm, finish my food shopping order, and then have a nice chat with BFF. She has a half-day at work so we are meeting for coffee in the afternoon ♥