
Daily Ooo's: Monday Jan 5 2009!


The Loopy-O
hellooooo-- anyone out there?
*knock knock* Is this thing on?

I thought for sure the Daily Ooo's would have been rockin' along by now.
I had computer issues this morning, as opposed to my everyday morning issues.
Whenever I start up my computer and my ehd is not connected, it has to do some serial disk scan. It says you can cancel it, but there is no way how. So I had to use my laptop this morning, but I needed that so I could write the letters for Scott's school regarding his relapse of Bartonella. Then the mtg with the Dean of Students was next, so he would be allowed back to school after his suspension. Run off to the bank, then the grocery store. As I am unpacking, his school calls, he has a detention for tomorrow for being late to class. I cannot tell you how many times I have told them that part of the Lyme/Bart is thathe has a lot of leg pain and he moves slower than the other kids.
Ugh... this is so not the way I wanted to start the new year.

But I am re-grouping here. I have a cup of coffee and my Daily oooo's!

How are all of you doing? Hope my O-Fam is having a great day! It is Monday! A new day, a new month a new year! woot!!!!!
(If I say that enough, do you think I am going to start buying it at some point? LOL)

I think I had caught up with most of you over the weekend but I know I miss some of ya.

Sally-- feel better- and make sure you take those garlic pills :D I wanna smell ya here in NJ! (Or that might be the pizzaria down the street...hmmmm ;))

Linda P- I am working my way through Number 2 also, don't know what page but I think you are farther along than I am. So addicting!

Joslyn- so happy to hear the girls are feeling better! And great news on the van-- happy and prosperous selling vibes to ya!

Shell- we love you too!

Uh oh! I hear Stephanie is becoming an O-Addict! Muuuuhahahahahaha!!!!

Oh linda- poor Sydney! Thank goodness for a good dentist!

Wooo hoo on your new laptop Tali!!!!

Sara- hope your weather is better!

Thanks for the yummies Merkee!

Clara, how did Addie do in big girl panties?

Hey there Kim- glad you are kickin' it with us- the Daily ooo's rock!
Lots of good luck to you on that commute- ick! Stay safe and warm!

Me Me Monday--- can I wish for a nice glass of wine and about two hours to myself? No? Ok then....maybe I'll have time for a quick cup of tea after I get back from the orthodonitst. Keeep your fingers crossed that I am done with these braces!!



...loves her some "O"
Chris, you can always wish for those two hours and a glass of wine...you just have to do what I do and wait til those wonderful children of ours are in bed!! ;) Thanks for the garlic reminder! This mess is hanging on and I'm plowing through today! So keep sending those get well thoughts! this is my most hated virus!! ugh!!! just makes me exhausted beyond all exhaustion...if this is what Lyme is like, I'm really really really feeling for you!!! and wondering how you do it!! {{{{hugs}}}} my dear friend!

Well, I'm just going to pick Lil up from the gym today and take the other three into town for their music lessons, spend a little money at Bath and Body works and then come home and crash today! Cora has a lot of Algebra to do, so i hope to scam her computer for most of the afternoon and get my LOaDay done and update my blog. Ahhhh the beauty of a laptop..you can be sick and still create and update!! :)

Hugs to everyone in my dear OFam!!! I think and pray for you everyday!! love ya!!


I Love TaylorMadeDesigns
Good morning O Family .. ;) Happpy 1st day back to school from Christmas ha ha ha!! How does the time go so fast??? Why??? Where??? What the HECK??

All 3 big girls are gone to school today so it's just me and the 2 little midgets at home for the day. Mya is watching Horton Hears a Who for the 100000 time and Keisha is in mass destruct mode ... love that child (sometimes :) )

The little girls and I went for a little shopping excursion to the mall ... protien shakes and the dollar store ;) Needed to buy a tape measure to measure all my chubbiness!! HA HA HA!! Although the numbers weren't happy ... I feel happy today! :) I'm sipping on a banana vanilla protien shake and chatting with my 2nd family really what could be better?? :)

Love you all!! :)
I wish that you all have the best day possible.!!!


Well-Known Member
Good morning fab ladies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Chris - ugh, I'm so sorry! I wish the school would be more understanding for Scott!

Sally - Feel better my friend!

Krista - It is so weird to have school back in! Ella is back at preschool this morning, so it was just the twinks and I. Very quiet (when they are napping, anyway!) I'm going to be taking my pics for the Healthy O's soon ... gotta find the tripod b/c I don't trust Ella to take a good shot. HA!

We are having issues networking our 2 computers, so all my stuff is still on the desktop. Driving me batty!!

Took our Christmas tree down yesterday finally - I have my house back!


Well-Known Member

Yes, just slightly addicted. I had little comp time yesterday though...

Dh is off today and we are taking the girls to his mom's so we can take back a few Christmas things. And eat lunch at Jasen's Deli. Healthy, yum! I just finished my breakfast of 3 slices of all natural ham (no nitrates) and instant whole GRAIN oatmeal, and water mixed with the cherry pomegranate benefiber.

Sounds like a breakfast of champions.
Here's to a first day of eating healthy.

I'll check back in later girls!


Well-Known Member
Just a few minutes to check in here. I'm back to school and so far, so good :0

Chris, I finished twilight number 2 on Saturday night in bed :) Now I'm "making" myself finish Brisinger - the third in the Eragon series before I latch onto number 3. At least that's the plan. You are in New Jersey - right? Call your special services department and request a meeting with the people in your son's school that provide special services - ie Special Ed. I would request that your son be put on a "504". It is a plan for modifications for students due to health reasons. Perhaps you have already done this, if so, call the special services folks and tell them what is happening with your son getting detention for being tardy. Call, scream, yell, nag - go to the school board etc. There is NO reason that this should be happening to him. Good luck - it I can answer any questions, let me know. I am not a special ed teacher but work with a ton of special ed kids and several that are on "504's" due to mono, west nile, and one other wierd thing that I can't think o fthe name of right now.

Everyone else - have a fabulous day! I'm back to class, 17 juniors waiting to make floral arrangements this morning.


Well-Known Member
Just stopping by to say howdy to all my O friends! Hope you all are having a good Monday. :) It's back to reality today, right?

Love to you all.


The Loopy-O
Super quickie before I hit the ortho - well, not really hit him, unless he says I need to keep wearing these ugh....

spend a little money at Bath and Body works
Noo!! You gotta order from me!! LOLOL!! JK!!

Linda P- He *has* a 504 which is why I am getting so frustrated at times. I feel like the teachers don't communicate or something..... It was easier last year when he was in Elem school.
And I had just spoken to his guidance counselor about it 2 hours earlier! ughh....

hugs to the rest of ya!


Well-Known Member
Good morning O's. We've had a busy day today and I am in need of a nap now :)!!! Sadie was up most of the night coughing so I took her in today, turns out she has a nasty ear infection. Poor girl, she hasn't had a fever and never acted like she was in pain. While we were there my Dr. just wrote a Rx for Kalin too guessing that she would need it, I may hold off on giving it though, I hate giving abx when there really isn't a need. I see too many resistant strains now.

Gunar is back to work and will hopefully be driving my new van home today :), I won't hold my breath though. I work tonight so I am off to take that nap!!!

have a great day O's!!!


Well-Known Member
Hi girls! I've got a busy day but just wanted to do a drive-by.
Have a good day!
Hugs to all!


...loves her some "O"
Sally- Noo!! You gotta order from me!! LOLOL!! JK!!

of course, darling!!!! I was going there to find the sheep eye mask that was with the fun cashmere sheep...they were all sold out. *sigh* so now I may go online looking for this cool online store that sells nighttime masks. Apparently it's really great and can enhance sleep!! this i need!!!

i'm bushed!! since there was nothing in b&bw, Lil and i went to borders and spent a gift card I had. :) I got Inkheart, Confessions of a Shopaholic, and a great Quotes book (addicted to those!) and a little moleskin notebook to track my food in! heehee

off to scrap a little before i take a nap!


always chatty at the O!!
Good morning everyone. So, monday...first one of the year...I thought life would be getting back to normal but not so much. I forgot to take my meds over the weekend so I'm a bit edgy plus I am just tired today. So, yesterday I got online at my bank to see about paying some bills and stuff and noticed that I was $1200 overdrafted. After I recovered from the initial heart attack I checked into what happened. Apparently after I refinanced in October I didn't completely get rid of the old bill pay account, although after not paying for 2 months I didn't think there was an issue. Anyway, as a nice little present for my stress levels my bank not only paid my mortgage but also my old mortgage. So therefore...$1200 overdrafted. I am trying very hard to stay calm although I currently have no answers. I am going to get on the phone today to get it all worked out. I was a bit of a blubbering mess for a few minutes yesterday. So for this week, I guess we are getting groceries on the creditcard. Not exactly my plan of action. I am not very thrilled about all the over draft fees either. Just a little stressful.

My DS heard me freaking out while I was sitting on the computer. About a million time throughout the day he let me know that he had a few dollars he could give me. he kept trying to put it in my hand so I told him that if I needed it I would let him know. he decided that was good enough for a little while. then he went to Cabela's with DH and came back after buying candy for everyone. then he had a dollar left that he really wanted us to have since we were having the problems with the bank. When my husband said no thank you. Ethan managed to sneak around him and sneakily put the dollar in my husband's back pocket. He is such a sweet little boy.

Yesterday we tried big girl panties with Addie...I HATE POTTY TRAINING!!! She told us she needed to go potty everytime after she peed herself. We had to clean up lots of puddles. then to make it even more fun for us...she decided she didn't want to wear anything. So, we will keep asking her and try it again next weekend. I did let her pick out her own panties at the store though. She picked out Elmo and Tinkerbell. So cute.

So i am trying to be on track today for the healthy o's. I had a hard time over the weekend but now I think things should go well. we'll see. I need to run off to the grocery store and get me some lunch. I forgot to grab something from home. Well, I don't have much longer for lunch so I'd better head out. I will talk to you all soon.
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always chatty at the O!!
Chris - that really stinks about Scott's school. I would be throwing a fit out of frustration. I was a sick high schooler so i understand the frustrations of not having the teachers get it. at one point my principal told my mom that I needed to learn about disappointment. My mom went off the deepend at that point. We had the notes from the doctor, explanations about my illness and nobody wanted to help or try and understand. I barely graduated from high school but I managed without the school's help but lots of support from my mom that at the time I thought was annoying but I am now so thankful for. You guys will get it figured out. Good luck with the braces.

Sally - good luck getting ahold of the computer. A lo a day? wow. Good luck on that. i hope you keep feeling better. I think as far as the wine goes...some days you just need a glass or two of wine, with or without the kids.

Krista - enjoy your horton filled day. At least it is cute. I know we've watched it at least a few times since Christmas.

Tali - good luck with tha computer stuff. I am so happy for my ehd so that I have it no matter what computer I'm on. My saving grace.

Stephie - It is great to see you here. You can't say we didn't warn you about the addictiveness of the O's.

LindaP - you have to "make" yourself finish another book before book 3? You're crazy. I couldn't handle it. Book 3 is awesome.

Joslyn - good luch with that nap. I think every pregnant woman deserves a nap every day whether you are working strange hours or not. So, enjoy that nap. Good luck with the van. I am very hopeful for you.

Hi Merkee, ME, Shell! I'm still sending lots of warm thoughts your way Shell.

So, I also wanted to share this with you. I was in a mood today at lunch and so I turned this song up in my car. No, I am not planning on leaving my husband or kicking anybody's butt but definately got me a little amped. Love it!!



The Loopy-O
Chris, I'll do some "research" here with our sped folks and see if they have any suggestions.
Thank you!
I have written yet another letter to his guidance counselor- and soon I am going to request a hearing to update his 504.
He is also having some problems in gym- a mile run every morning, and he can't keep up. :(
And for some reason, he can't get out of gym partially- it is either full out or full in, YKWIM? Doesn't make sense to me, let him do what he can do! argh!

Is it just me or do schools in general make all of this harder than it has to be?

Thanks everyone for listening to me rant and the support!

And moms of older kids... does this get easier? Ever???
I know that when I had little ones, everyone said it would get easier when they got older. Granted potty trained kids, no car seats, being able to make their own b-fasts-- that is all *wonderful.* But some of this other teen stuff..... *sighs*

And I am so blessed that my kids are really good kids! Maybe the super-rebellious/fresh stages will come later (hope not!) but I am always proud of how awesome my kids are, in spite of all of the crap they are living with.

:oops: I really ended up ranting didn't i?


Well-Known Member
Ah...sounds like some rough days for my O friends.

Chris, I hope that the orthodontist went well. And I'm sure sorry that Scott's having such an awful time.

Clara, hope that you were able to get things straightened out with the bank. How frustrating!

Sally, hope you feel better girl!

Jos, hope the girls feel better!

Just a quick drive through here. Gotta go check on the Healthy O's too!


Well-Known Member
Chris - I'm sorry that he's having a hard time. There's so many issues that factor into school. Laws, layers of bureaucracy, disconnected teachers...It is so much easier at elementary schools where one teacher (usually) make sure that their students are on track.

Sally - Loooove Inkheart. And Confessions of Shopaholic too. Hope you are feeling better.

Krista - Hope your shake was yummy!

Tali - Isn't that a great feeling to have your space back?

Stephie - How is the cherry pomegranate benefiber? It sounds good.

Linda - Hope school was good. I found my desk and my office floor. I had never recovered after book fair and then Ben had a sick day and then we had a snow day. So today was time to clean house!

Hi ME!

Jos - Wow. My pediatrician hardly ever gives antbx. I was amazed when Ben had his ear infections this last time that he finally prescribed them. I can't imagine him prescribing them without even seeing him! =) Hope your little ones feeling better.

Clara - I really hope that you get it all worked out.

Hi Merkee, Linda, and Cora!

I had a good day today and am curled up with Ben on the couch watching Dora before I put him to bed. Weather got better, but it's still cold. It's supposed to be really cold next week though. Arctic temps with like 9 for a high and -10 for a low. (And that's without factoring in wind chill!) So think warm thoughts for us midwesterners!

The "We did it!" song has come on now, so it's time to wrap up and put Ben to bed. See you all tomorrow!


Well-Known Member
Send copies of your letter to the superintendent of schools ( that's what we have here in SD - whoever the head mucky muck is) the director of special services, all of your son's teachers, the principal, every authority figure you can come up with.

I did check with one of our special ed gals and she said to make sure that providing him extra passing time between classes is written in as a modification. Also - see what they can modify in the PE class. Have it ALL written in the plan. The way that I understand it, they have to provide the modifications that are written into the plan ( at least I have to for any special ed or 504 student that I have). Keep me posted on how it goes. I have good friends in the dept of ed and dept of agriculture eduation in NJ. I could call and check on NJ special ed law and 504's