
Daily Ooo's Monday Jan 26


The Loopy-O
Here we are, back to a new week, the last one of January. That is good news to me, b/c that means one less week until Spring, as I wake up to 6* weather.

How was everyone's weekend?
My highlight was playing Rayman Raving Rabbits with the family yesterday.
I just adore that game, cracks me up every time, even being totally bad at it. Between Cait and I, we are always the Toilet Paper (in last place).

But today, back to reality of food shopping and fighting with insurance companies. We found out on Friday at 5 pm that our COBRA runs out *this* Friday. I am still waiting to hear from Medicare (Medicaid?) to see if we are eligible while we wait and wait and wait for Gary's Social Security Disability hearing. We have 6 months down and approx 1 more year to go :(

I am trying to make sure all of our Rx's are filled this week. We also submitted a bunch of claims and got reimbursed partially on the kids' but not on mine or Gary. And the codes they use to "explain" the denials are so full of gobbledy gook (what words LOL) that it is going to take me days to figure them all out. And of course, I am going to have to call and see if I can actually talk to a "Human" that has a clue. Oh poor me :lol:

Not much else going on here today. but you all know it, deealing w/ insurance is plenty enough!

Me Me Monday, hmmm....... I am thinking that after dealing with all of the issues today, I am gonna need to take Chill Pill (literally Buhahhaha)

Love you!


Well-Known Member
Hiya ladies. Happy Monday (or not). We had a good weekend. Saturday was our playdate, and so fun hanging out with my girls and all of our boys. And yesterday we just took care of a lot of stuff around the house. I tried this awesome new recipe -- macaroni and cheese and butternut squash. DH said it was a keeper! :) Love sneaking in the veggies.

Chris - I am keeping my fingers crossed for you guys with all of the insurance stuff. Sorry that you are having these problems. Big hugs, my friend.

Love to you all!!


Well-Known Member
good morning! I've already cleaned up the family room (somewhat - toys are still here, but at least it doesn't look like the toybox exploded), and vacuumed... I'm having my coffee, and sitting down to do some design stuff... there's no school here today because of snow so I'll have 5 kids (god help me) today... Will and his friend together for the whole day is like a match and dynamite! This evening I have to start taking down my tree (yes its still up cuz I hate dealing with it)... it ALWAYS takes forever for me to take it down, because I just hate the whole process...

Not much else going on today... I'll spend most of it play referee and saying stop, no, and quit fighting!

Chris - sorry you're having to deal with the insurance mess... good luck!

hi ME!

and hi to everyone who pops in... have a great day!

Digi Designz

Well-Known Member
Good morning all you lovely ladies!!

It has been quite a while since I showed my face around here. I was dealing with alot of personal struggles and health issues but after rounds of dr appointments and tweaking my medications I'm pretty sure everything is back on track. I am back at my day job and things seem to be going okie so far. This is my 4th week back.

My weekend was great, I hung out with a couple of girlfriends and just acted silly and had a few bevvies. You know I dont do that enough, hang out with girlfriends. As much as my partner is wonderful a man just cant do the same things for you that a girl friend can....KWIM?

Anyways, Good to be back and I hope to pop in here A LOT more frequently. I am gonna make a febuary resolution :) scrap at least once a week and stop by to say hi

Chris- Me and my son <3 that Rayman game soooo flippin much..its just so silly and fun and wierd all at the same time!! and Boooooo to insurance!!!

Mei - your macaroni and cheese did you put the butternut squash right in it?? sounds interesting and delicious...I am always tryna sneak in veggies where I can. I read a book by seinfelds wife about puree and how to add em in your foods

Sandra - try and keep your cool with all those kiddies :) I would probly be hiding in a room somewhere LOL just hoping the house was in one piece when I emerged!!

Ok I've blabbered on WAY to long!! Have a great day everyone!!


Well-Known Member
Just popping in to say hi, life has been crazy around here so I may be laying low a bit (but will popping in when I can).

The good news is Florida temps are back to normal and I am actually wearing Capri's today.....ahhhh!:p

Have a great day.


Well-Known Member
Good afternoon O's!!! Quiet weekend here, I ended up reading for most of it and let the girls destroy the house...so today is being spent putting a little bit of order back into my living room :). We are going to rearrange it anyway to bring my computer out there so I don't want to clean too much right now only to have to go at it again tomorrow, that and I just hate cleaning!!!

Its cold out but the sun is shining bright and I am going to go enjoy some of the rays floating in while they are there!

Hugs O's.


...loves her some "O"
morning my dear ofam...

i'm officially in bed today with a bad cold...really bad...low grade fever, sinus pressure...blah blah blah!! So I'm not going to be on the puter much. I have to order my school books for the next unit which starts next week and do a stampin up order...that's about it for my responsibilities today. I may sneak in a couple of LOs if my brain is up to it. And that just means to go into my faves and lift, lift, lift.

I love you all and hope for a wonderful day for you all!!! Hugs!!!!


Well-Known Member
Hi Ladies!! We are suffering from a flu like bug here! *sigh* Is it spring yet?? *LOL*

Chris what is
Rayman Raving Rabbits
? Never heard of this one. Oh wow (((hugs))) I am sure you are holding your breath about the insurance thing!!! Fingers crossed for you!!

Sandra - How is your Dad? How is your DH's new job? If it makes you feel better....my Christmas Snow Globe is still outside...just haven't wanted to brave the cold weather to take it down. You are not alone!

Lori - Capri's...awww how you tease me ;) I can't wait for the warm weather :)

Jos - How are you feeling? How's the peanut? :)

Digi - Hi!

ME -
I tried this awesome new recipe -- macaroni and cheese and butternut squash. DH said it was a keeper! :smile: Love sneaking in the veggies.
Ohhh I need to do that too. I noticed that the veggies all of sudden are missing?? Need them back asap!

Well I need to take my sick tush back to bed...so have a fabulous day! :)


Well-Known Member
Sally we must have cross posted...from one sickie to another ((hugs)) Feel better fast! Love ya!


Well-Known Member
Okay, I'm about to go off so I need to vent... Dad had a pre-op appt today... only to find out that the VA has made another mistake, didn't take him off his Agrinox (blood thinner) and his surgery is in jeopardy of being cancelled... I've totally had enough... these people are totally pissing me off and putting my Dad's life at risk every time they mess up or delay treatment... and they don't really seem to care! that's the worst part... GRRRRRRRRRRRR!


Well-Known Member
Hi all! It's MONDAy again! Yippee Skippy! :) We're still cold here, but one week closer to spring I guess. Busy week for me, lots of after school stuff going on. I'm popping on quick while I eat my lunch. I've got just a few minutes before the next bunch of gremlins come to my room.
I read Breaking Dawn most of the weekend, about 200 pages to go. It is SOOOOO good!

Sandra - the VA made me crazy when we were dealing with health issues with Jay's grandfather. I'll be thinking of you and praying that your dad's surgery does not get delayed further!
Chris - I'll keep you in my prayers as well that the insurance people will suddenly grow hearts and brains!

Hi to everyone else. I'f you're sick, I hope you feel better soon! If your house is a mess, I hope the house cleaning fairy comes to visit you - heck - with she'd visit me too!
I wish for all of you the best of weather, no matter where you are!


always chatty at the O!!
Good morning!! I too am not feeling the best. My husband was actually really sweet this morning. He woke me up and asked if I was going to wii fit this morning. I told him, no because I wasn't feeling good. He asked what was wrong and so I told him my sinuses and throat hurt. So he gave me a kiss and told me to feel better. Anyway, silly, but it was sweet and a nice way to start my day. So, my throat is feeling completely raw but I'm still at work.

My husband's job changed today and he is very frustrated about it. he reenlisted in the Army to go to the MRI department. He is also a Nuclear Medicine tech (bone scans, and other studies using radioactive dyes). So he had moved out of Nuc Med because there was bad management (it happens a lot when you have a small group of military to choose from that has the correct rank and don't get to actually pick someone who is best for the job). Well, they sent everyone else off to other departments and schools so they are short staffed. So, they pulled Derek from MRI and put him back in Nuc Med. He is very annoyed about it and it is not helping my plans to talk Derek into retiring. Grrr... He does need some time down in Nuc Med though so it isn't so bad just annoying.

Our weekend was good with no major drama. No broken bones. Yay!!!! Spent some time with friends and just hung out. I did lots of house work and have almost conquered all the laundry only to start the battle again.

Chris - That sucks that you have to deal with Insurance companies. I had to deal last week with them. My insurance changed my Primary Care doc without notifying me and then didn't pay the bill. It took me all week to deal with them, but that was my own fault because I would only make one call a day. I think I got it all worked out though. We shall see what happens with it. I hope you have good luck with them and don't have to spend hours dealing with it.

ME - Mac 'n cheese? Is it lowfat? Hmmmm...it sounds pretty yummy and a great way to hide the veggies. I have to hide them for myself more than the kids though.

Sandra - good luck with your referee-ing job today. :) Also, if things aren't working with the VA don't forget about your congressman. This should not be this hard. I'm praying for you though.

Digi - I understand about hanging with the girls. I love those days and nights when I just hang out, drink some margaritas, watch chick flicks and just gab. That's the best.

Lori - I am so jealous of your warmth, but I hate the Florida humidity, so not sure which I would prefer...the chilliness or humidity. Hmmmm....

Joslyn - I also hate cleaning. Good luch getting what you need to done. I wish I could figure out how to rearrange my living room. I don't know where I want my desk. Don't work too hard.

Sally & Kat - What is up with all the sickness? Do you think we are just passing it around the Os? I can't wait for winter illnesses to finally be over. Get lots of rest and drink lots of tea.

Linda - Yay for being almost done with the series. So fun. I really enjoyed the Host too. It was very interesting and a great story.


Well-Known Member
okay... update on the situation... Dad's surgery is still on for Wednesday... the plan was to give Dad an epidural so that he had constant pain management for a while... but because his agrinox was not stopped anesthesiology refused to do the epidural so he's just going to have to do oral and iv pain management... this way the surgery isn't delayed....

thanks for all the hugs and thoughts!


Well-Known Member
Hi all! Happy Monday :). I'm trying to cram in some computer time this evening...we are in the midst of a lovely winter storm here in Western Ky, this is what they are saying is the 1st round the tomorrow through Wed is the 2nd round. Tonight is the freezing rain and sleet for us and tomorrow night is supposed to be the snow. Expecting major power outages, ugh, and we have elec heat. So if I'm not here for a few days you'll know why!

Sandra-I'm sorry you're all having to go through this, I know how much of a PITB the VA can be. My daddy was a DAV, he finally found good care at the last hosp he was in. I hope it works out and soon, I'm still praying for you.

Clara-That's sweet of your dh, I hope you feel better soon, I'm starting to get the swollen glands, congestion gunk....I agree with what someone here said, we must be passing it around the O!

LindaP-When you finish Breaking Dawn you'll have to reread the series :), it's even better the 2nd time around!

kat and Sally-you 2 feel better soon!!!

Sally-Stampin' Up?! I looooove SU! I had to make myself stop buying stamps...that's what got me into this whole scrappin' mess , thank goodness I'm digi now...I need to go through all my paper scrap stuff and get rid of it.

MaryEllen-that recipe sounds heavenly!

Hi Digi, Jos, Lori and anyone else that stops in :). I hope to talk to you all tomorrow if we have power, if not I'll catch you when we thaw out.

Hugs to all :).