
Daily Ooo's Monday Feb 2


The Loopy-O
waaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! I can't believe January is over- not for any special love for January. I dislike Jan as far as months go. Feb is better- at least it is shorter. March is ok cuz it gets me closer to spring.
But it is all so fast lately!

How was everyone's weeknd? Heard that Sally had a blast watching the Super Bowl- I think I heard her yelling here is NJ!
And some of you Ooo's had a fun chat here :)

If you haven't seen this yet, Sandra needs O-Fam Prayer Power

And for something fun to look forward to in March-- check this out!
ADSR FANS!!! If you thought this was fun ..

Wonder what could be going on? *innocent smile*

Have a great day ladies!



Well-Known Member
Good morning ladies! Quick drive-by here. I thought the same thing when I saw Feb 2 as Chris...it's going so fast! Sydney had birthday parties on Sat and Sun and then we had a family party for my 14 year old niece. And she is the middle child...at 14? Ugh... It's going way too fast!

We are headed to San Francisco on Thursday. A short trip but jam packed with fun I hope. Now, off to work...must try to prepare for being out of the office two days. LOL


Well-Known Member
good morning! Not feeling so well this morning... feeling nauseous... I think I might be getting some sinus issues... I don't know if I should go see Dad today or not... Will is finally going to school after being out for 5 days! The Superintendent may ask the State Dept. of Ed to waive the days, but he's undecided at this point... that would be nice... we don't bank any days, so they would have to go into June which is unusual for us...

Not much going on today... I've got to call and check on Dad in a little while... then hop in the shower after I get Will off to school... after that I'll gauge whether I should go to see him or not... my aunt is coming sometime today, but I'm not sure when...

Hope you all have a great day!


Well-Known Member
Quick driveby for me as well. Love to you all! Hope it's a great Monday for everyone.


...loves her some "O"
Morning all!! I'm off to music lessons in about 15 mins!!

I LOVE MONDAY!!!! I have to say that once in a while just to remind myself that a NEW day is a GREAT day!!! I need a new day after this weekend!! It was a bit rough...I'm needing to get back to my grats...feeling blue about MR Gorgeous having to leave early this morning to go back to CA!! At least that is what caused my two year old tantrums I threw this weekend!! UGH!! sometimes I just want to be the 2 yo so I can get away with it, but LUCKILY I have a wonderful wonderful loving hubby who will not let me NOT grow up! So, it's Monday...no more tantrums...just time to step up and be the woman God made me to be!!

:) Chris...ohhhh yeah...I was yelling!! I had a couple teenage boys sitting in front of me the last 4 mins of the game...I'm not sure if they can hear now!! LOL!!!! Cora and my SIL were the big winners yesterday...the rest of us were Cards fans!! (LOVE Kurt!) but I was sooo happy to see Melanie Colosimo's team WIN IT ALL!!! yay, Mel!! And Chris, can you slow down time for me, PLEASE>?????? Life is tooooo precious to see it whisk by like this!!! yikes!!

LINDA!! Wave to Mr Gorgeous when you get to SAN FRan...he'll be flying home Friday night, so I guess no meeting for you guys...but soon you will be here in TEXAS, right????? LOL!!! Have a beautiful trip, hun!!!

Sandra, still praying for your dad!! hope YOU feel better...take care of yourself, doll!! Oxygen, remember????

Mary Ellen and Krista!! *waving profusely!!* love you both!!!

Okay...I'm off to get some HealthyO time in before I have to go in 5 mins!!

love you all!!


Well-Known Member
Hi all!

Sandra, I hope your father continues to improve and I hope you're not coming down with anything!

To the drive-bys - Hello!

Linda, have a great time in San Fran!

Chris, I'm so glad you help keep the calendar here. February? Already? Egad.

To everyone who pops in after me - Happy Monday!



Well-Known Member
Hey O's. I just had to pop in and say hi. I've been busy the last few days and just lurking :), work mostly but after tomorrow I have 2 weeks off!!!!! We had a nice heat wave yesterday, it got up to 40 so when I got off work we played outside until the game started. It cracks me up that my husband watches football once a year, the Lions don't give us much to root for ;).

We've been re-arranging the living room in prep to move the office out to it to make the office the new nursery for Chase (I think that is the name we are going with). Mostly we just need to get rid of stuff that we haven't thought of in 3 years, I did find a good use for a text book when I had to prop Sadie's crib up it is bigger than a phone book, lol. So that's my plan for the afternoon sorting through junk to get rid of while the little monkeys nap. Then a little nap for me too!!! Have a great day.

Sandra~ Praying for your dad!


Well-Known Member
Weekend was quiet.. kids getting over colds, watching movies, and playing Wii.

Not much planned for today, DH is supposed to be working tonight but not sure he is going to make it. Hopefully someone will buy me some cake lol.


always chatty at the O!!
Hello everyone!! Happy Monday. I am a bit sleepy. Not much sleep last night. It started with a good discussion with dh. Conversations about important, I'm upset stuff usually turns into a fight but it didn't. He has ADD and takes pills for it. The slow release stuff doesn't work for him so he's supposed to take 3 a day and I found out all he's been taking is his first morning one. And here I've been wondering if he has depression or something and he just really has no energy. Big dork. He's going to try and at least get 2 pills in a day and see if he can figure out a way to take 3. Unfortunately, when he takes 3 he can't sleep at night. It stinks. But hopefully now that it has been addressed and talked about he'll get it figured out and see his doctor about it. He has just been so sluggish and not a very active part in the family so hopefully change will happen soon. We'll see. we also came up with some plans for housework and stuff like that to make things easier for all of us. He always tries to overdo it. I came up with a plan for us to start with and he added all this extra stuff. I was just like "Slow down. One thing at a time." So, hopefully that will get us started.

My son's room is almost done. Whoohoo!! I have pics on my blog: http://therigglefamily.blogspot.com/2009/02/ethans-room.html I am so excited about it. I have a few more things to put on the walls and stuff but it is getting closer. Hopefully tonight it will be done.

Chris - I cannot believe the year is already into its second month either. I am ready for January to be over but not ready for it to be February.

Linda - Have a blast in SF!! I loved it there. Those double decker busses are a lot of fun if you want an easy way to see the city. PLus you can get on and off of them at all sorts of different stops.

Sandra - I'm sorry you are feeling sick. Get some rest. With all the stress you have had in your life it is no wonder you are getting sick. Do everything you can to get all of your sleep in.

Hi Me, Krista, Karen and birthday girl Blythe!!

Sally - That is very cool that YMG lets you throw a tantrum when you need it. I think a good tantrum every once in a while when there is nothing you can do about something is healthy. It helps get rid of some of the stressed energy that gets trapped in. But like you said you throw your tantrum then get up and carry on with your life. That really does suck that he has to be gone so much. I feel your pain. Derek had to go to Virginia for six months a while ago. I was in school so I couldn't go with him and there was a chance he could get sent someplace else and make it a year. We got to visit for a weekend here and a weekend there but it was hard on us. I think he was the tantrum thrower most of the time during that time period but we got through it. We both just did our thing and before we knew it, it was over. Then he thought it would be funny to tell me we were going to Ft. Hood. Nothing wrong with Texas, I just wasn't really up for living there at the time. Sorry rambling. I was sad with you about the Cardinals. Like most people in the greater Seattle area I hold a little resentment towards those pesky Steelers because they STEAL!!!!! sorry. :)

Joslyn - even as stressful and time consuming it is that kind of sorting and organizing is so exciting. Having to make room for a baby?? Not a bad thing to have to work towards. I loved it.

To anyone who is posting while I am (this always happens to me since I am so freaking wordy) hello! I hope everybody has a great Monday.


Well-Known Member
Quick pop in for me. I've signed up for a designing challenge at another site and it started today :( Mind you I've NEVER done any designing at all. I hardly know what my old Paint Shop Pro program can do. So - I'm feeling way in over my head at this point. I managed to make a few papers today, but have to figure out elements too!
Hope everyone had a great Monday!