
Daily Ooo's Monday, December 21


The Loopy-O
Happy Monday!!!!
Last few days before the big holidays begin!

I fianlly feel like I am in more of the Christmas spirit. I am close to done shopping- just stocking-y stuff left. Almost everything for F-W's is done, just my mom's basket left. I started wrapping. Slowly feeling things are under control.
We OD'd on Christmas movies too. Gary and I watched Its a Wonderful Life, then we watched Grinch and Snoopy with the kids. Last night it was Rudolph and the Simpson's C-mas specials.

We thankfully didn't get too much snow.

Off to get my behind up and out of here for a few.

Wishing you all a very happy day!


Well-Known Member
Good morning ladies. It's Christmas week! hi-ho-hi-ho...it's off to work I go! Have great Mondays and I'll see you this evening!


...loves her some "O"
ohhhh I LOVE MONDAYS!!! especially this week...today is my 18th wedding anniversary!!! Mr Gorgeous is home, too!! It just doesn't get any better than this, I tell ya!!! So I'm off to post my blog giftie and then i'm going into my "studio" to get some christmas presents done!! yipeeeee!!!!

Love you guys!!!


Well-Known Member
Hi ;) I don't know whether I could come here... but I just came, so hello ;) It's snowing in Poland all the time, and thery is really cold... We've -15 degrees... I hate weather in winter...


Well-Known Member
Hi ladies and Happy anniversary Sally!!!

Just ran some errands this morning and trying to get my little guy down for a nap.....ive got some baking to do!

WElcome Natesia!!!!! Come on in!!!!:p


Well-Known Member
Good afternoon!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Still cold and piles and piles of snow here!!!

We are all in our jammies!!! LOL!!! Cameran and I have been in the kitchen all morning.........YUM!!!!!!!!!!!

We also did our gingerbread house..........this is funny........ we got it all decorated and I think Cameran knocked it all down by "accident"...LOL!! He laughed so hard!!!!!!!!!!! well...so did I!!! He had icing all over him....he ate more than we decorated...the candies too!!! but I turned around for a sec and was going to put it in the fridge to help it harden faster....and when I turned back around it was in peices!!!! Yeah...I took pics....definately a layout on the way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love scrapbooking!!!!!!!

and I LOVE THE O!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and Christmas time!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well..we are going to clean up the kitchen and then C-man is going to help me wrap some presents!!!! I think I might need a couple of rolls of tape :D

Yay for the Christmas spirit Chris!!!!!!!!!!!! and I love love love SNOOPY!!! My kids never did like it!! and the grandkids don't either...I just don't understand it.....Joe Cool!!!!!!!

Oh LindaS........Love the singing and the good mood from you too!! Have a great day!!

Sally........HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY Anniversary!!!! I love it!!! Marital Bliss for 18 years........CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!

Natesia......WELCOME to the daily Oooos and YES YES YES....everyone is welcome and we just chat about anything and everything in here....some days it is VERY chatty!!! you can talk about what ever you want...we share our good and bad days here!!! How much snow do you guys have?? BRRRRRRRR...15 is COLD!!!

Kelly...........Nap time is a blessing to get things done!!! Kisses to Nico!!! and hope you bake some really yummy stuff!!


Well-Known Member

Made it back from the gym. Fit Camp M, W, and F of each week. Today was weigh-in and I've lost 10lbs in 21 days! Dh is home all week! (YAH!!!!) and tonight we are taking the girls to the festival of lights.

Also, My parents got me this piano when i was 4. We got part of our inhearatance early, so I used some of that money to get my piano refinished, and they are bringing it today! i'm SOOO excited! My dad would have been glad!

I can't wait for it to come!

Happy anniversery Sally! Hope you and Mr. G have a good day!


Well-Known Member
Just a few seconds to write....

Sally - Happy Anniversary to you and Mr. G!!!!!!

Everyone else have a fab day!!!


Well-Known Member
Stephie........WOOT!!!!!!!!! losing 10lbs...I need to get on this program!!!! the festival of lights sounds awesome...have a great time!!! and I bet the piano is GORGEOUS!!!!!!!!!!! Take some pics for us!! would love to see it!!


Well-Known Member
I don't know how much snow we have, but it is everywhere... and all is white! Especially roads, and it isn't so good... and I have to go tomorrow to school by bus, and I'm a little afraid...


always chatty at the O!!
today has been a yucky day. i feel like crap. blah. head hurts. face hurts. i slept all day, but i got on some antibiotics that i can handle. i can't do the 10 days twice a day on a full stomach. i just can't get it together. i'm lame. throat hurts. i made ethan come home and dry my hair. derek was supposed to mail some stuff today and got lazy and din't even try and do it. i was really upset. he had all these excuses but he didn't even try and it just really upset me because he does that every time. ugh!! today was the day to get everything there by christmas for the kids. whah. so, i got it all together so he better do it tomorrow or i will beat him.

so...little story about how 7 year olds don't listen. ethan came home to help me dry my hair after i took a shower and i sent him back to the neighbor's house with some smpttie mix with a request to send some back over but they could have whatever they wanted. Well, I also texted her, but she didn't get those. He just said I sent over the smootie mix. So, I sat over here for hours starving hoping she would send over a smoothie since I wasn't about to make anything. I just kept going back to sleep and woke up and would send her another message that she didn't get until late after Derek was home and she checked her phone when she was sending me a text asking for some eggs for brownies. 7 year old boys. It is like playing telephone with 20 people with only child. Crazy kid.

Okay...head is starting to hurt again. I'll chat hopefully tomorrow.