
Daily Ooo's: Monday December 20th!!!


Well-Known Member
Five more days until Christmas!!!!

It's Me Me Monday! Hmmm, today I think I'll work out for a bit and then finish up prep for a meeting tomorrow. Then I'll get out our email Christmas cards :) They'll probably give my grandma a heart attack, she spends so much time sending out over 200 cards all over the world... hand addressing them with personal notes... and here I just send an email LOL.

Yesterday I was mega productive, I even managed to finally buckle down and make some blinkies for myself! Woo!!! All thanks to Clara, and her flat out telling me to buckle down and make them or pay someone else to!

Jeff's definitely super sick, sleep isn't happening easily for either of us :( He wouldn't let me get him stronger cold medicine, all we have is my weak stuff for heart patients... which actually messes with my heart rate! There's no way he'll get to call in sick this week, those who are allowed to get away with poor attendance already are calling in to work... So if he doesn't work, there wont be anyone to deal with the gangs that have been making work awful for him.

Chris -- I hope Gary's giving you an easier time than the whiny baby I'm married to! I told Clara that if Jeff wont take stronger medicine or can't control his cough, I'm covering him in vicks, whether he likes it or not.

Laurie -- I know what you mean, I kind of felt that way at Jeff's family Christmas party. He couldn't go because of work, I was totally included, but I still felt lonely without him there!

Trudy -- I hope your soup turned out well!!! I tried to make a single portion microwave potato soup recipe last night that I found online... yucko, never again!!!

Linda -- I wish you lived closer!!! I want some of those cookies!!!!

Laurie -- I want peanut butter balls :(

Clara -- Did the fairies ever come by and clean up the house?


The Loopy-O
Happy Monday!!!!

Poor meg- you haven't gotten all that much sleep lately have you?
Gary has been so sick and in so much pain for such a long time, I have gotten pretty good at tuning him out. :lalala:
I know, that sounds mean, doesn't? I don't mean it that way, but I have had to learn to discriminate to listening to "important" health issues, like the time he had chest pains or threw up for 8 hours straight and both times I had to call 911-- vs the things like his legs hurting or a cold. His legs *always* hurt and a cold- well, I survived, so can he :rofl:

But seriously.... men in general are such babies when it comes to being sick. Just about every woman I know has said the same... they can be sick as a dog, yet life goes on. Their man gets the sniffles and its off to bed they go.

I hope that he feels better soon, for both of your sakes. Can he take garlic pills? I know that you can't, but if he can- get them in him. I am already feeling 100% better. Still have a itchy throat/cough/stuffy nose, but nothing horrible. For you- if you can eat fresh garlic- that is even better.

Off to get some :tea:
who wants a cup??


The Loopy-O
Ack- i still have to make and email my C-mas cards! I forgot to do that yesterday, but I was having a fun time scrapping my fur-baby Ravyn ;)

Clara-- woot!! So proud of you girl!!!!! No credit cards! I know it must be hard to not be able topay them down ATM, but look at it this way- it would be so much harder in a few months to do that if you used them for gifts as well.
I know how hard it is, but I think enrolling Ethan is a smart move. If hates it, and has given it his best shot, you can always try H/S-ing again. but i think it will take a lot of pressure off of both of you. Also the school will be able to help with the eval ad provide the services that he may need.
even though I have a teaching certificate- there is no way I could teach my own kids- other peoples kids- not a problem. My own- fuggedaboutit.....
Cristians mom-- wow she is toxic! How long is she in NC? Poor kid.....

Laurie- yummy cookies! Your work schedule sounds great! Enjoy those days off!

Linda S- pretzel turtles?? Sounds cute! Bet your kithcen smelled good withall that yumminess!

Trudy- how did the soup come out? Good luck today!

Laurie- hugs. I get thjat feeling some times..... its hard :( just know theat you are never really alone- there is most likely always someone from your O-Fam who is thinking of you!

Hope everyone has a wonderful day today!


Well-Known Member
Ok...we are counting down for sure! The cookies and turtles were good and made the perfect dessert with the baked potato soup. Sydney needs a filling today so I'm going to the dentist with her prior to going to work for a day full of meetings!

Meg, hope that Jeff is feeling better today.

Chris, hope that you have a great day!

And Clara, hang in there!


Well-Known Member
HI ladies!! How is everyone?? Sorry to have been MIA....but I have been SICK!!!! :sick: YUCK!!!

I went from BAD to WORSE last week....I just did not get to the Dr soon enough....when I went on Wed...he gave me some antibiotiics..but Thursday my breathing was horrible...I knew to feel any better I needed a breathing treatment...so I went to the ER....got the breathing treatment....gave me some better antibiotics and steroids to go home on ...and I was in bed for a while!! I finally had a some energy yesterday...but it was short lived....I feel quite a bit better today....I have not coughed since yesterday either...YAY!!! So now I have to get ready for the weekend, but I am not going to stress over too much....just do what I feel like doing and forget the rest.....if my family doesn't like it...OH WELL!!! The good news is I had already finished my Christmas shopping, except two gift cards I need to pick up...no big deal....I have all week for that.

I have some catching up to do here to see what is going on with everyone!!

Today is catch up on the washing....

Hope you ladies all have a wonderful day today!! :)


Well-Known Member
Meg....I am sorry Jeff is so sick...I feel his pain.....Mike has started yesterday with this stuff...but he was off to work...YAY for a productive day yesterday!!!

Chris...sorry Gary is feeling so bad too...I know what you mean about the paying attention to the complaining and whining.....You learn to know what you have to deal with.....Mike was asking me about you last night....he asked if you were better or worse...he saw an article in the paper about Lyme and NJ....he said the paper says that NJ is the absolute worst area for it. He didn't remember that I had told him you all had the desease...so I explained it to him again.....He said he hated that for you guys.

Linda...Hi sweetie!! hope Syd does well at the dentist!! How scary for little ones to have cavaties!!! I guess I was lucky...and my girls are too....I have very hard, very good teeth, and my girls do too...and so far the babies all seem to be good too!!

Hi to everyone else who pops in!!


Well-Known Member
Dropping in really quick to say hi. I had a really hard time getting up and out the door this morning. Could be because both DH and Christian are home today, but I only have 2 days of work this week and then my Christmas break starts. We are done with the shopping in our house. Now it's on to thinking about the menu for this weekend! Are any of you cooking? What's on your menu? For Christmas day, it's just me and my little fam, but then on Sunday, my parents are coming so I was thinking of doing a special meal on Sunday too. Time to look through some recipes.

Clara - sorry to hear that Ethan is having a hard time, but it sounds like you are doing the right thing with re-enrolling him in school. And WTG on no credit cards!

Hiya Nana! Hope you are on the mend and don't suffer a relapse. You poor thing. This is an awful time of year to be sick.

Hey Lin, baked potato soup and turtles! That sounds Yum, as my boy would say.

Chris - sorry to hear that Gary is feeling poorly!

Meg - good luck with your CT call. And I've been reading the weekend thread, catching up, sorry for all of the drama with your mom. Hugs!

Hi Trudy, Sally, Laurie, and anyone else I am missing!
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Well-Known Member
Good evening! Glad to see that our Nana Linda is back in action!!!

Syd did great at the dentist! She just giggled when they filled the cavity! (I've never had a cavity either Linda, so I have no experience there...not sure that I'd giggle though!)

Long day at work, but I'm only working 1/2 day tomorrow and then I'm done for the week!

I'm cooking Christmas dinner for my family...there will be 13 of us. Let's see...the menu! Ham, Praline Sweet Potatoes, Corn Pudding, Quiche, Mashed Potatoes & Gravy, Strawberry Jello Salad, Broccoli Salad, Chocolate Chip Cheesecake, Blackbottom Eggnog Pie, Rolls and Strawberry Butter


lOve the O!
Oh Linda- sounds yummy- glad the filling went well. I've had way to many and way to many root canals to think any thing but yuck. I'm plugging away at getting things done-I may miss work tomorrow though- very stuffy. Need to go pack up the last of the to mail stuff before I lose energy!


always chatty at the O!!
Hey ladies!! Yes, C's mom is a bit toxic. My mom thinks we need to have a sit down with her but I think it is a wasted effort. I don't know. I think it will be fine once her life gets settled. She'll be here for at least 3 years, so for awhile. She is just a very selfish manipulative person and I know this but Ethan really enjoys playing with C so I deal. I generally just take her for what it is...I just don't understand people like that and how they can't see that they are like that, ya know? It isn't like you can explain them to themselves because they really think that the world owes them. So, it is on me whether or not to spend time with her and if I do, how much time do I spend. I do enjoy spending some time with her, but I just have to remember who she is and what type of person she is. So, I'll live.

I think I have decided that school may be the best answer for Ethan. It is hard though because schooling is going fine and there is no real problems with that but I do feel like emotionally he is regressing horribly. All he wants to do is snuggle, which I love, but he's also 8 and needs to eventually grow out of that which makes me sad...I don't want him to grow out of that but he needs to want to play with the other kids and one of his main reasons for not wanting to go to school is "What if I get sad and have no one to snuggle with?" it all just stinks.

Ugh!! So, i am still trying to figure out all this stuff for Ethan and his eval. apparently we don't have a pcp and so i won't schedule a new appt with a random doc. ugh!! Ugh!! I am so frustrated. I tried to call and get it set up and it is like banging my head against a wall. I am going to get this taken care of. My husband says he will but these things don't seem to be really taken care of. I've been waiting for him to go to pt advocacy for a week.

So, I got everything ready to mail but I have nothing for my sister's boyfriend. I don't know what to get him. Ugh. Whah!! Any thoughts for a sister's boyfriend gift? My mom already bought him alcohol. I am quite proud of myself for having everything mostly ready though. Yay!! I just remembered I have to paint my MIL a painting and I have no idea how to do it. I really need to do it tomorrow. Eeeek!! I guess I know what tomorrow's project will be.

Well, this has been sitting here all day, so I am going to post it.


always chatty at the O!!
Linda - That sounds amazing can you add another seat? I think I'll drop my family off in Cleveland and then head off to Iowa.


Well-Known Member
ME -- We're now doing a brunch for Christmas, since my husband will have to work that evening and my FIL will be on call.
We already have the ham, so we're going to do french toast, eggs, hashbrowns, and whatever else the guys want!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Hey everyone... late getting in here, bad day!!! Drove over 2 hrs. to get my splints today and when I arrived, they told me that the molds that they took were no good and that I had to do them over again. :frusty: I was so hoping that I was going to get this over and done with and get on the road to recovery!! What a blow!! I cried most of the way home, I am so sick of the headaches every single day and being woke up 5-6 times a night because of my uncontrollable clenching of my jaw!! By morning I am exhasted and my jaw hurts so much I can hardly stand it!! Now to top it off I have to wait until January 24th before I can get my splints :hurt: I need a shoulder to cry on!! Merry Christmas to me!!! Sorry to vent to all of you but I know that you are there for me. Hope everyone had a better day than I did!!