
Daily Ooo's Monday August 31


The Loopy-O
My lOvlies, I am sooooo tired and running late! We have 3 days left until back to school, and no one in my family seems to get it!

I am just opening the thread, but you know I will be back.:cool:

Good Morning....I am on the run....DD will be here in a few....going to get her labwork done and then to pick up a couple of "last minute" things she says she forgot about....Tommorrow is the day...our newest little one arrives. So I will be back later this evening....will be with her most of the day.

Have a great day!! :p:p
Well, it's back to the old grind for me this morning. I feel pretty good, still a little weak and sore but other than that good :). If y'all get that nasty flu I feel really bad for ya, it's really yucky!
Eeeek!!! I'm closer to my posting goal! Maybe if I hit the gallery and leave some more love tonight I can make it :).

I neglected my poor Davy this morning...I decided to straighten my hair which takes an extra 20 minutes of my time...but did I get up earlier...heck no..LOL...but I made him sit in his cage longer :(. I feel so bad and instead of running around doing bunny stuff he's sitting at my feet wanting pets. And yesterday morning I was a bad bunny mama too..I stayed in bed until 10am!!! He was soooo good and didn't make any noise :).


Love and hugs everyone!!
Good morning everybody! I am procrastinating heading over to the University of Phoenix site where my classes have started. I know I'll get the hang of things eventually, but right now it's such a new medium for me that I'm nervous!
Atha was sick all day yesterday, hopefully she'll be better for school this afternoon.
Oh well, I've been scarce around the dailies the last few days, I just was hopping in to say hi!
Chris, here's a quadruple espresso to help you jump start your day!
Linda W, wow, how exciting!!! A new little bean and lots of material for scrapping!
Dawn, glad you are over the flu! Sounds like a bad one. We all had a small run-in with the sniffles and sneezes, but are coming out of it, I think.

Okay, over to explore my virtual classrooms. I'll come back later if I don't get swallowed whole!
Good morning O's!!! I've got a pot of espresso blend on and I think I am going to need all of it to stay awake at work today!!! Gunar thinks my computer is offically dead. THankfully he was able to put my hard drive in his and my stuff is still intact minus a few songs from itunes, but he may be able to put the other HD in and I'll get that back as well. Really we don't need two desktop computers, mine was pretty old as I've had it since college. OK I've got to play with the kids and then get ready for work, only a 4 hour shift today :).

LInda~ Can't wait to hear about the new little bean!!! That is great that you are able to help DD so much. My MIL is a great help and it means the world to us. My mom still hasn't met Chase. Its been over year since I've even seen her, living in Hawaii does have its down side.

Chris~ I can share a few cups of coffee with ya ;).

Hugs Dawn and Andrea!!!
I am a busy one today as well. Good news my mojo seems to be back for sure. I have one page i am hoping to have published so its stashed and one in the gallery. Yippee.

My boys are at prek and i am gonna pick them up in a few. I hope it went well.

I slipped a calendar in their backpack so we can add happy faces for good days. I have been studying philosophy this morning and have spanish class this afternoon. I love it cause I know spanish but I am getting my pronunciation and spelling down to upgrade my skills.

This afternoon I plan on studying the color blue with the kiddos and doing yoga for kids b4 heading off to class.

I will do some personals when I get a another minute. I just realized i am still learning names so I dont want to call u ur screen names and need a few more seconds to put the faces to the names. KWIM? But I gotta run to grab the boys please send them behavior vibes. :p

PS I am gonna squeeze that Flylady in!!!
just a quick hello... I've been to the doctor this morning... have an ear infection in my right ear... so I feel kinda crappy!
Chris (((hugs))) I hear you !!!!! Nick's orientation is Wednesday and I am freaking out!! I don't know what I am missing and I have so much to get together for his school....I feel like running around going "Heeeeeeeeeeeeellllllllllllllllllllllllooooooooooooooooo" need some help here :)

LindaW - YEAH!!!!! Wooot woooot woooot!!! I am sooo sooo excited for you!! :)

Dawn awwww....Davy still loves you :) I am glad you are feeling better!

Andrea - You will do fabulous!!!! Stay positive!!! You are such an inspiration!! :) Hope Atha feels better!!

Jos - So glad you only lost a few songs!! ((hugs)) Glad Gunar could save that for you!

Sandra - Oh no (((Hugs)))) Sorry you don't feel well. Ear infections are horrible! Get better soon!

Things here are going well outside the craziness of school starting :) We are getting ready to totally revamp our upstairs and paint :) I CANNOT wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Long story short the people we bought the house from hid a major leaking roof from us which we fixed....and we did not know how bad the damage was until recently when all of these stains bled through. We had our roofer come out just to double check we were right and they were old bleed throughs. Our roof is perfectly good - however the people...not so much! I am so sick of the stains and seeing the damage I cannot wait to have a nice bedroom finally! :)

Woot Woot!!! That is my September goal...Change Nick's room from a baby room to a little boy room *cry* My room into a haven for me :)

Today is Laundry Day...and I am on a roll....so far everything is washed and folded but 2 loads. Now I just need to put it away and I am golden!!!!!! *WOOT* The flylady is sticking in my head Chris "A Load a Day Keeps the Chaos Away" :)

Have a fab one ladies!!!
Good morning ladies! I am at home today. I feel like crap. I think Sally sent her crud to me. I thought the bonus of having imaginary friends was that they don't pass on all the yuckies. LOL!! I actually think my allergies are just really bad right now. I have a horrible headache, stuffy nose and sore throat. I was just now feeling getting up and moving this morning so I stayed home. I'm not really doing my flylady stuff today yet, although I did make my bed so that I'd be more comfy. I have stuff to do today with it though that I think I can manage.

So, yesterday was an interesting day. I shared about it in the FLY thread. Essentially after a mini meltdown I had a good chat with dh about getting things in our house together among other things and I think we are the same page and I'm pretty excited about it. So, we worked together hard yesterday and talked about some stuff and I feel really good about it. Yay!!

Ethan is off again this week. He's at my parents' house now. They live a little over an hour away. I'll get him back on Thursday when my sister picks him up and we head out to Eastern Wa to see Dave Matthews. I am so excited about that. We go every year and I love it. The group every year is different, although some people are always the same. It will be a blast. I'm excited.

Well, my head is starting to really hurt so I'll do some personals and head off.
Chris - I hope you get yourself on track today. Running late and off track can make me crazy. I hope we see you later.

Linda - Whoohoo!! Yay for baby!! I'll bet you are all so excited. Have fun spending the day with your dd even if it is all medical stuff. I love those times with my mom. I can't wait to hear all about a safe and healthy delivery. I'll pray that everything goes smoothly and safely tomorrow.

Dawn - I am so glad you are feeling better. That is so sweet that Davy was a good bunny while you slept in. Addie was not a good bunny yesterday and woke up way too early and was bouncy and loud instead of good and watching Tinkerbell. One day she will be able to entertain herself in the mornings, but until then I guess I just have to go to bed early. LOL!!

Andrea - Don't be nervous about school. Just attack it and go for it. You are going to do awesome. I hope Atha feels better.

Jos - yay about your hardrive. Only a few songs were missing? That is amazing. I hope you are able to get through your day with out being too exhausted.

Lori -I hope pre-K went well. I hope the calendar system with the stickers is a great motivator for them. Sounds like you have double trouble with your boys. I'll bet they egg each other on, don't they? :) I'm sure they will fit right into their class.

Sandra - Oh no!! Ear infections are no fun. I hope it gets better quick.

Kat - that sucks about your roof. Did you guys get money from the seller after the fact or were just stuck fixing your roof on your own? That is so horrible. I don't understand why people are like that. I hope it all comes together quickly for you.
stopping in for my personals. still loving Oscraps ya'll are so friendly.

Chris-lol on being busy. I was like that the weekend b4 we went to school. my car was broke and i really needed to get to the store and at least get my boys new shoes and my sis and mom were not helping me at all.

LindaW: How exciting a new baby!! good luck i wish i had a new baby to cuddle but i would not enjoy the caring for in addition to my crew.
lucky as grandma u get more cuddles than crankies to deal with.

Dawn: i so hope i dont get flu this year. i never get the shot but i am creeped out this year with the swine flu moving around and my sons in public school. we are such homebodies we rarely get sick. sorry to hear about u neglecting ur bunny hopes he gets over it.

mrsaboyer: i hope u enjoy school. i love it. it does take from my scrappy time but going to class really helps get my mind off home and i find lecture relaxing.

Joslyn: how annoying about your PC. I kid myself and say that if mine broke i could take it but i doubt it. lol!

katg: i hope ur house gets the way u want it soon i would also be so mad if i bought one and then it needed a bunch of work. i can imagine it must bother u to have to look at that.

hey clara: so glad u feel better. sometimes it take a big fit to get things straight and get people on board. i hope ur allergies or whatever go away. my throat is also sore from allergies. i lost my voice almost everytime the season changes.

ok off to spanish class.
Mucho Gusto!!!
Sandra-so sorry about your ear infection! Hope it is shortlived and you get to feeling better quickly!

Clara-That's great about getting your DH on track with you..that always makes things easier! I hope you get to feeling better!!

LindaW-I bet you are chomping at the bit to get to the hospital and get things rolling LOL! Try to get some sleep tonight :).

Kat-that stinks about your roof damage! Exciting though about redecorating :).

Lori-So nice to see you here again! I tell you, the Os are addicting :).

Andrea-Am I understanding correctly? You are taking online courses? Awesome! Let me know how they go!

Joslyn-that's great news about salvaging your HD!

Ok off to post a little note of my own :).
Y'all know how I'm always saying my grown kids still live with us? And of course I come across like it's such a nuisance? Which, really it is...they need to find their own way in the world after a certain point...we, as parents need to kind of push them out of the nest, so to speak, right?

::::waaaaahhhh::::Well, I'm not ready for my baby boy (23yo) to leave my nest!!! He dropped the bomb this afternoon. He's already rented a place and is in the process of moving. I already feel like a piece of me has gotten lost.

This is really weird...I mean...back before I knew Amanda was sick she had moved out, she was gone more than a year and I was mostly ok with it as long as she kept in touch. And I had that period before that where DH and I split up and I moved out for almost 3 yrs...and actually divorced (what a goober I was)...I was fine then, but of course I knew where the kids were, they were here with DH. Amanda was working and DS was finishing high school, he was in his last yr at the time.

But this is different for some reason, this is mama's boy. :::sniff:::
How do y'all that have gone through this make it?
Dawn is it different because he might be going to live with that girl? Is he going to move with her?

Ur son sounds like he is growing up fast. 23 is still a baby right? I know I want mine home going to school at that age. Hell, i have a secret plan to build an apartment in the backyard so they will never leave. LOL! JUst kidding kinda. Well, so far it seems like he is responsible and independent. Sounds like u did a good job!! Now he needs some stuff. like a welcome mat or tupperware. :D
Sandra, sorry to hear that you aren't feeling well.

Linda W, incredibly big day tomorrow huh?

Chris, hope that they got it today about school starting. Are you doing practice runs for getting everyone up and going?

Dawn glad that you feel better.

Lori, the calendar pages are a good idea. Hope that they had good days.

Both my kindergarten and 1st grader had homework tonight. Ugh....I am not ready!
ohhhhh i'm just sitting here thinking i need to step away from the computer!! I've been on here since 4pm just watching the forums, watching tv, posting every 5 seconds on fb (sorry, friends!!) and watching football... Quentin is now pacing the floor and screaming at the tv, Cora is at the game with my mom...the two little girlies are gorging on the KungFu Panda DVD...LOL!!

can you tell Mr Gorgeous is in CA???? LOL!!

*sigh* I can't wait for all of the new challenges tomorrow!! The STyle spotlight is going well!! If you haven't done your LO yet, you've got a week!! I can't wait to see what you do!! All the LOs are always soo inspirational!! :)

Okay...the Texans are back on...fighting the PURPLE Brett Favre??? what's up with that???? (for those who know me, purple is my most unfave color, which is weird as football goes, cause I was born in Minnesota...and I USED to love Brett Favre!! not in purple!!)

I think I should probably start checking out my history curriculum now...getting it all together!! LOL!!

LOVE you ALL!!!