Chris (((hugs))) I hear you !!!!! Nick's orientation is Wednesday and I am freaking out!! I don't know what I am missing and I have so much to get together for his school....I feel like running around going "Heeeeeeeeeeeeellllllllllllllllllllllllooooooooooooooooo" need some help here
LindaW - YEAH!!!!! Wooot woooot woooot!!! I am sooo sooo excited for you!!
Dawn awwww....Davy still loves you
I am glad you are feeling better!
Andrea - You will do fabulous!!!! Stay positive!!! You are such an inspiration!!
Hope Atha feels better!!
Jos - So glad you only lost a few songs!! ((hugs)) Glad Gunar could save that for you!
Sandra - Oh no (((Hugs)))) Sorry you don't feel well. Ear infections are horrible! Get better soon!
Things here are going well outside the craziness of school starting
We are getting ready to totally revamp our upstairs and paint
I CANNOT wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Long story short the people we bought the house from hid a major leaking roof from us which we fixed....and we did not know how bad the damage was until recently when all of these stains bled through. We had our roofer come out just to double check we were right and they were old bleed throughs. Our roof is perfectly good - however the people...not so much! I am so sick of the stains and seeing the damage I cannot wait to have a nice bedroom finally!
Woot Woot!!! That is my September goal...Change Nick's room from a baby room to a little boy room *cry* My room into a haven for me
Today is Laundry Day...and I am on a far everything is washed and folded but 2 loads. Now I just need to put it away and I am golden!!!!!! *WOOT* The flylady is sticking in my head Chris "A Load a Day Keeps the Chaos Away"
Have a fab one ladies!!!