
Daily Ooo's: Monday August 29


The Loopy-O
Happy Monday! I am shooting for a second week of "no funk allowed!" The sun is shining, we didn't lose power and that is all that matters :)

How was everyone's weekend?

I put away all of our flashlights and candles and stuff. Then the wind really started whipping and I was hoping no trees came down.

I am hoping to hit the lake today- but right now it is so cold! 58*! Yuck. :(
I so totally do not want summer to end.

(I am such a big baby heheh!!)

Nana- how was the rest of your day of leisure? I hope that you actually did get time to relax.

Trudy- did you get any relax time in too?

Clara- welcome back to the internets! I saw a bunch of wedding pics- just gorgeous!

Have a fab day everyone!



Well-Known Member
Good morning....

Well my day was very leisure after the kids left....we ran some errands and took a drive....picked up some dinner to bring home.....very quiet evening :)

I will probably have kids constantly for nearly two weeks now....Jesse is going to stay with me until Thursday and then Sharon and Savannah are going to Fla to visit a friend for a week....so Cameran is staying with me for a week....Geoff has to be out of town for his new job. But From Thursday to the next Thursday I have most of my days FREE...WOW!!!! I am getting my hair done one day....dr appt one day....GIRLS DAY OUT with my SIL one day....and some cleaning.....

Well...hope you all have a great day today!!!! The sun is shining brightly here and it's so nice out...the air has a tiny nip and it feels so good!!!

Chris.....hope it warms enough for you to go to the lake!!!! and YAY for no major events from Irene!!!!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Good Morning!! Off to work today, but had a wonderful day yesterday! Hubby and I went for a hike to the Kinsol Tressell it is finally finished and open to the public for walking across. One of the largest wooden tressells in the world it is very high, have taken some pics so will have to get them scrapped soon. It was a sunny very warm day, so we spent every moment we could outside. Once we were home again we had lunch on the deck then spent a couple of hours doing yard work. Then back to the deck for a glass of wine and put the chicken on barbie. Yummm supper was awesome!! Now back to reality and work for another week. Tuesday off so that will be nice to have the day to myself!! Life is good!!

Chris - WTG on the no funk allowed!! You can do it girl!! I sure hope the weather warms up and you can hit the beach today!!

Linda - Sounds like you are busy as usual for the next couple of weeks but how nice to have some time to do some things for yourself after that!! Hope your Monday is great sister!!

Gotta :bolt: and get ready for work Ugh!!


always chatty at the O!!
Good morning ladies!! Yes it is morning, I'm awake AND writing. LOL!! Today is an exciting day for us. Addie's Pre-K teacher is doing a home visit to meet the girl. I'm hoping Derek can be home for it also. I think the home visits are a great way for the teachers to meet the kids. It freaks some people out...the whole "home visit" concept makes them feel judged. I think it is the best way to meet a kid on their turf.

WEll, I would love to write a Clara-type post but I need to feed me and Addie before getting ready for our visit. After the visit I have to get some new pet food containers and a blue ray player so that we can have some sort of tv since we no longer have cable.

Chris - aren't the wedding photos awesome? The photographer was great. I'm glad we went with her. She was a co-worker of my dad. Good luck with your de-funk process. It is such a hard process but "mind over matter" right? Just remember I'm thinking of you.

Linda - Hugs!! It's a good thing you love those babies since you get to hang with them all the time. I hope somewhere in there you find time to breathe. That is awesome your day of leisure stayed that way.

Trudy - evenings on the porch with wine are the best. We have moved into the garage for the stuff with the "man cave" but I still love back deck, watching the sunset type of evenings. I hope you have some great "Me Time" planned for tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
Good almost afternoon! My day is going to be the usual fare... a little housework... a little photoshop time... We're getting ready for Iain's surgery on the first. Hopefully in two months she'll be walking again! yay! Other than that just adoring my dog as he now takes up the entire sofa for his morning nap. lol


always chatty at the O!!
Hi Terra!! I haven't met you yet. I'm Clara. Sounds like you are towards the West Coast?? I hope that everything goes well with the surgery. Kid surgery is always so stressful for the parents. Hugs!!


Well-Known Member
Hi Clara... Yes I am on the West Coast... I live in Arizona! I'm VERY ready for fall to get here. However, I will say that we've been fortunate where I live because we've gotten so much rain... Last year was awful. We didn't get hardly any rain, and we didn't really get any during winter either so I was so worried the whole state was going to burn to a crisp.


always chatty at the O!!
A friend of mine moved to Arizona because she got tired of the Chicago winters and she loves it. I think it might be a bit too warm for me. I love the Pacific NW weather. I currently live in humic NC and hate it. The weather is kinda gross.


Well-Known Member

Sorry for my absence this summer ladies :( I missed you all so much!!! It's been super busy around here with work, family, stress, BIL's wedding...

I'm just really really looking forward to fall!!! Summer does not bode well with me, the heat drives me nuts!! Chris, want to house swap?!?!?!

Today Jeff and I got up super early and went fishing with my grandpa. Like usual, I totally skunked Jeff and caught more fish than him! I took a break and let him catch up because I started to feel sick. Then we relaxed at home, I talked to Elisa some, & then we were off to do some shopping! Jeff's getting ready for hunting season, and I needed to get some ideas at the craft store for baby gifts for all of the babies being born lately! Now we're off to Borders!

Chris - woohooo for the storm being over!!! I'm glad you didn't get hit too bad!

Linda - wow, it sounds like you're busier than ever with all of those kiddos and appointments!!!

Trudy - your day yesterday sounds divine!!!! I'm so jealous!!!

Clara - have you thought about getting a roku? I think it would be perfect for you guys :) How did the visit go?

Terra - so glad to see you over here!!!! I hope the surgery goes well!! My westie tore his ACL... luckily a surgeon from UC Davis comes once a month to do those tricky surgeries at our animal hospital!

see everyone later, I'm hoping to find some good deals at Borders!


Well-Known Member
I can't believe you still have a Borders! The Borders here closed (along with several other stores)... We only have Barnes and Noble now... But I typically go to Bookmans... It's a great used bookstore... HUGE... They have two of them in town. They carry books, movies, music... etc...


Well-Known Member
A friend of mine moved to Arizona because she got tired of the Chicago winters and she loves it. I think it might be a bit too warm for me. I love the Pacific NW weather. I currently live in humic NC and hate it. The weather is kinda gross.

Honestly, I HATE the weather here! I'm thinking at some point I'd like to move to somewhere like Oregon.


Well-Known Member
I can't believe you still have a Borders! The Borders here closed (along with several other stores)... We only have Barnes and Noble now... But I typically go to Bookmans... It's a great used bookstore... HUGE... They have two of them in town. They carry books, movies, music... etc...

Our was one of the very FEW they said might stay open, but they're liquidating now. You can tell their liquidation company has also started stocking random junk from other places, stuff that was never sold at borders!

I'm the same way -- when we go to Santa Cruz I hit their big used bookstores. Usually I swap paperbacks on paperback swap, but they froze my account because I haven't swapped in a long time.

I ended up walking out with two copies of a massive how-to & recipes on slow cookers - one for me and one for my brother in law and his wife. I have the Fix It & Forget It books, but they're not very friendly for people like Hunter & Erin... who don't know ANYTHING about cooking. Then, I got another slow cooker recipe book for me... a cookbook on preparing/prepping meals in bulk & freezing... then jeff got a book on knifes and a magazine. We spend $28 for $70 worth of stuff, score!