
Daily Ooo's Monday April 27 -- Happy Monday!


The Loopy-O
I am in such a good mood! I looooooove this weather. If it could be sunny and 85* year round, I'd be in heaven!
But I am also in pain! Wah! This weather just pulls me outside to do yard work- no matter how I feel. And then, I pay for it dearly. but while I am out in the sun.... I am just so dang happy!
Such a bummer that today I have to be inside working, but maybe if I can stay focused and get it done fast- then I can go out and play in the afternoon :)

Did you all have nice weekends? We did- I posted on Sat what a nice day we had, and then yesterday I was just outside all morning til about 2 pm, then I came in, showered and finished reading the book I was on. Jodie Picoult, Change of Heart-- very good read!

Sandra- wow, Matthew got some great Loot! I'm glad you got to spend some of that money on yourself too.

Kat- ITA- flip flops rule!! How is the packing going? You must be getting so excited!! I am the same as you- I have to be able to come home to a clean house ;)

Clara- the name of the book is Amazon.com: A Good Night's Sleep : A Drug-Free Solution: Jan Sadler ...
Whew! Good to hear that your sis is not mad-

Dawn, WB! I bet that ride was so nice- we saw all of the bikes out in full force this weekend. I wish ours was running. I wish ours was running also b/c we have to sell it :( but let me live vicariously through you! (Except no kickstand issues- ugh)
When we were in Mexico- man, we felt so much better too. Don't know if it was the heat and sun, or the lack of other stresses, but we all felt great compared to when we were home. Good luck with work and at the drs.
...oh just kept reading-- a headache again.... :( that bites. Good luck with the job/insurance stuff. I know how hard that can be.

Sara! We found you!!!! Or you found us!!!! Good to hear that you got so much done- the end is near!! xoxoxo

To all of my O-Fam-- love you guys!!

Me Me Monday
Yard work!!!
And maybe I'll paint my toes :)
good morning! I've got Will of to school, and both Matthew and Piper are having breakfast... I've just sat down with my cup of coffee, and believe it or not my house is still clean! No major disasters, just some straightening up to do... yay! But it can wait until after my coffee LOL... and I got the front yard mowed yesterday so I can cross that off my to-do list!

When I went outside this morning to walk Will to the crosswalk, my irises were blooming... yesterday, I had 1... today I have 8!!! Tomorrow I might have 2x that because there's a bunch more that look like they're ready to pop! I'm sooo excited... this will be the first year they've had this many blooms on them!

Not much going on here today... got some design stuff for Scraphead's birthday that I need to get done... other than that it's gonna be a fairly lazy day!

Chris - it was nice... and yeah he did get some great loot... he went to Toys 'R Us yesterday and got 2 more big toys with the $50 gift card his grandma sent - a Little Einsteins Transform 'n Go Rocket, and a Wall-E transformable toy, then went to Walmart and spent some of his Christmas gift card and got some movies LOL - needless to say he's a happy boy...

Me Me Monday - hmmm think I may catch up on As the World Turns a little LOL

Have a great day everyone!
quick catch up for me...i was lurking all weekend, but spend my time scrapping (as you could see from my other thread! heehee!!)

we are off to lessons in town today. I'm gonna go hang with a friend and then we are all going out to eat. Then we run home, finish school, take Q to the gym, i work out on the bowflex, then off to the studio for CORA to record tonight! She's trying out some poetry for Hearthstone Media's sophmore release! LOL!! It's gonna be great!!

busy day...so i'm off to get in the shower!

chris, that sun really does pick up my spirits too, doll!! you soak it all in!!

sandra, enjoy your fun lazy day!!!

love everyone gobs!!! yay!!!
:) Morning ladies.

We had such a busy weekend that we really had no time to unwind at all. Eric worked all day Saturday - fire training. Then yesterday we took the kids rollerskating and to the circus after church. We didn't get home until almost 9 pm. Looooong day with the 3 kids! But we had a great time. Eric got all his skating knowledge back so quickly, lol! He did great. Ella loved it as well - it was her first time. Next time I'll skate too. ;)

Tonight we have Ella's track & field events (can't believe this starts in preschool already!) then tomorrow is Ella's dance. Wednesday we are going to go shopping for some summer stuff for the kids, I have an eye appointment, and then I have dance. Thursday my mom is coming to visit.

Chris - mmmm sunshine! We had none this weekend. :( I hope it comes back soon. You enjoy it, girl!!! But - don't enjoy it too much! Remember to relax in it and not just work your tail off!!

Sandra - Oh wow - your irises sound like they are doing amazing already!! How fantastic. Doesn't that just brighten up your whole yard! Sounds like it was a great birthday. :)

Sally - Yay for Cora! That sounds awesome. You were a scrapping fool this weekend!
GUESS WHAT!! ahhhhh I have to post here i am sooooo excited!! I got my itouch in today!!!! It was a surprise, because i didn't expect it in 'til tomorrow!! I was still in bed even! hahaha!! I ordered it last... thursday i guess, and I have been tracking it on fedex.com!! It was so fun, because i giftwrapped it (free!! why not!) and so it was really cool when i pulled it out of the box and it was all pretty hahahah!! right now I am loading all my music onto it and looking through all the free apps!! :) :) :) I am really happy!! haha <3
Morning friends! It's nice here, too. But I'm inside relaxing and starting a mini-job search ;). I pulled out all of my contacts and started 'txt'ing' people I have worked with before since I know they are at work, LOL. So far I have a couple of possibles!! One is not for another 5-12 months, but hey, it's something :). Plus, my knee feels better so I guess it's not fractured just bruised.

DH is home as well today and is getting on my nerves, I feel like all I do is complain, I apologize! But seriously, he is driving me batty today!!!!!!

Chris-sooo glad you are having some good weather! I hope you get some time outside to enjoy it!

Sandra-I am with you on the lazy, I'm not caught up on my sleep from the trip yet. Still have some clothes to wash and kitchen to clean.

To all who stop in hi and I'll drop back by later to check in :).
Good morning Lady Os!!!

It was a pretty good weekend. Not too crazy busy. DH was on call this weekend and very cranky but I stayed relatively uncranky. I don't do well in the mornings but this weekend I did pretty well. I didn't get all overwhelmed and crazy. We got up and went to Walmart and my head did not start spinning. I was pretty stoked about that. I had a nice visit with my sister. I love it when she comes down to visit. Plus we went out to eat at a mexican place that we had never been to and it was soooooooo yummy. I ate way too much but it was so good.

So this week I am going to get motivated and contact a local x-ray clinic and see about getting trained in Mammo. I got some validation this weekend which was nice. NOt whether or not I'd be good at it but just that it wasn't funny or dumb. Although you guys have validated me plenty...it was nice to hear from another tech...and a man at that. Even my husband thinks I'm crazy. His issue is more about all the women in one place though. I really do need to do something about it. I'm tired of talking about it. I looked into some classes for it but they were $750 for the conference. Holy wow!! I figured it would be a couple-few hundred but $750? That is crazy. I'll have to figure it out.

Chris - I am so glad you have sunshine. Don't overdo it. I know how hard it is to not go crazy in the sunshine. Fortunately, I don't like gardening so I never work too hard in the yard. But then I also don't have lots of pretty flowers either. I will write that book down this time and pass it on to the people I think can get some relief from it.

Sandra - Yay for you for mowing the lawn. I have never mowed a lawn in my life. I never had to when I was a kid because we had a weird yard on a hill and it was really big so my dad always did it, then I lived in apartments and military housing. So when I finally was in a spot to need to mow I just refused. If my husband were to ever refuse to do it I think I would have to just hire someone to do it. Sounds like Matthew really made out now. Awesome!! How fun for him to get to go and pick out some toys.

Sally - Have fun with classes today. Sounds like you are still just busy busy! How fun for Cora. Hopefully you will get at least a few minutes of calm today although your time running around sounds more fun than work, huh? Have a fantastic day.

Alright...I have some dishes to do before I leave for work. So I will chat later. have a fabulous day everyone. I hope you all have some sunshine to enjoy.
Wow!! I missed a lot of you while typing away...

Tali - track and field in preschool? Wow!! I'll bet it will be fun to watch though. I'm glad you had a great day yesterday. I'm sure you and the kids all came home and crashed.

Cora - Yay for an iTouch. Have fun with that. Don't you just love buying yourself presents??

Dawn - my husband was driving me batty this weekend too. He was really tired from work and was just being mean. It was not a lot of fun. Today he set his alarm wrong and got to sleep in a little bit. Hopefully that helps. Good luck with the job search. I'm glad your knee is feeling better. If you live dhere I would let you just come into my clinic and take a quick pic.
Hi girls! I am trying to get back into a routine here. Am loving this weather, but it seems like we skipped spring here! LOL. We had a bbq and playdate on Saturday with some friends who have 2 boys, 5 and 2.5, perfect ages for Christian, and they had a lot of fun playing with cars and the water table. It was pretty relaxing to hang with some other parents while the boys played.

Potty training question for all of you experienced moms - pullups or full force into big boy underwear?

Clara - sounds like you had fun with your sis! Yummo on the Mexican food.

Dawn - good luck with the job hunt.

Cora - you lucky girl, an iTouch!

Tali - how did the boys likethe circus? we have been thinking of taking Christian.

Hi Sal, and Sandra!

Chris - I am with you, just want to sit outside and be in the sunshine!

Love to you all!
ME - I hate pullups!! But that is just me. Unfortunately Addie likes wearing pullups sometimes so we have them but I don't personally like them. With Ethan we just went right for underwear. Take Christian to the store and let him pick his own out though.
whew!! it has been nutty in my world..Had a super busy weekend...We went to the Strawberry festival here and had a blast! A neighbor and her little girl went with us so Savannah had someone to play with! And boy did they have a blast...Both the girls rode this mechanical bull, talk about hilarious! It was def. worth the cash just to get the pics I got!! Scrapped page will be coming soon with evidence of the above mentioned pictures! :) And as nutty as it sounds we left the STRAWBERRY festival and went and PICKED STRAWBERRIES!! At the festival they were selling them but for 15 bucks a bucket..there was a local farm that if you picked your own you got a bucket for 8 bucks! So Krista (my neighbor), her daughter, and Savannah and I went picking and got twice the strawberries for the price! And talk about YUMMY!!! That plumb wore us all out but we had fun..Then of course wake up the next morning to a phone call...Grandma wants help planting a "few" plants...Ok...no biggy...get up head over and what do I see?? a "few" plants?? NOPE! More like about 60!!!! But plant away I did at the direction of grandma :) Then Krista gave me a Japanese maple so that had to get planted..which led my hubby and I to moving 2 ton of rock to line all the front flower beds and trees!! Can we say I def. got plenty of exercise this weekend! Will be doing more planting next weekend...I ordered some Black Bamboo and it was shipped today so I'm anxiously awaiting it's arrival..Can you tell I'm in full outdoors mode!! :) Needless to say that has cut into my online forum time as you all have noticed I'm sure...you haven't had any novels from me to read LOL! Well I'm still here just ubber (the 5 year old's new word substitute for super lol) busy.. I'm at work now and getting ready to head out to get some food...so Catch everyone later!! :)
Happy day, the sun is out and there is no rain and my flowers are blooming!!! Too bad we can't go in the yard, lol, Gunar put inscetacide down last night so its off limits for a few days. We had a big grub problem last year and that lead to a mole problem, we don't want the moles to bring the skunks in so we are heading it off early this year. Since we couldn't play in the yard I took the kids to the zoo. They got to see all the animals, walk and have fun outside and I got to work on walking this baby out :). Actaully, I had a great time watching the tigers today. They were being very playful, our zoo has two sisters that were rescused, they kept roaring at eachother and play fighting. Usually they just sleep when we are there so it was fun to watch.
We got DRENCHED by the fountain though. Kalin wanted to look at it so we walked up to the big pool its really windy today and a big gust of wind came up and blew water right at us. All three of us were soaked, thankfully its a warm day. Kalin freaked out a little and Sadie thought it was great. OOO... and I am so excited Gunar ordered our swing set over the weekend and it will be here tomorrow. Now we just need to inlist another man to help set it up!!!

Ok I am off to nap because I have my last night of work tonight!!!

ME~ I did not like pullups at all. Kalin would just use it like she would a diaper because it felt the same to her. Also, they leaked like crazy for us. As much of a pain as it is cleaning out dirty unders...it worked for us to just use underpants and if she went in them she was very uncomfortable so she would do her best to try and get to the potty. If you are worried about the car or when you are out you can have him wear plastic unders over the regular ones to stop big messes in the car seat ect. That is was I did for our first big car trip durning PTing. Good luck, remember he'll get there eventually!

ETA: Everyone was asking about Goechaching. Its like "treasure hunting" with a GPS. Something fun to do outside.
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Jos-ew to the moles and skunks! I especially don't like moles they are the strangest looking critters, LOL! The zoo sounds fun, glad you got to take the kids :). I cannot say enough how happy I am to not deal with pull-ups and diapers, etc anymore , I looooove kids when I can play with 'em and pass 'em back to Mom ;).

Clara-exciting! I hope you do what you need to start doing mammos that'd be great for you, good old job security! I'm tossing around ideas, kind of thinking of doing something a little different but I just don't know. Aren't mean a PITB sometimes?! My DH is home today, and he's outside where he belongs, LOL, working on stepping stones and I don't feel at all guilty about being lazy. Of course, he's off every Monday!

Kristin-WOW! Sounds like you had your work cut out for you, good thing you like gardening :). And yummy strawberries, I could eat my weight in them! I did manage to get a couple of flowers today, just African daisies, but I fell in love with the colors. Hopefully, I can keep them alive as long as they're meant to be LOL.

Mary Ellen-I'm not much help with the potty-training, it's been too long, we went straight to underwear though...and had lots of accidents :rolleyes:.

Cora!! An iTouch! Lucky girl :). Have fun with it!!!

Sally-WTG working out! And getting soooo much scrapping done, your pages are awesome, I saw a few of them!

Tali-rollerskating, sounds fun!

Well, I gotta go, DH is NOT having fun outside....LOL.