
Daily Ooo's Monday April 20


The Loopy-O
happy Monday!!!!
GooooooOd mOrning!
Yes, I *am* feeling good! Crazy, eh???? :p I am reading this book/CD my brother and SIL got for me, A Good Night's Sleep, by Jan Sadler. It is based on using relaxation techniques and positive affirmations to help you gett ready to sleep- all through the day. This way, when night comes, you are already mentally prepped. One of my biggest insomnia issues is that I wake up frequently and thatis when my mind goes nuts. She suggests to affirm to yourself that when you wake up, you will quickly relax and fall back asleep. It worked! I even had to get up once b/c the bears hit my garbage cans. Just knocked them over, b/c we have a bear proof can, but still, they make some racket right outside my window.

My butt hurts on both side though hahahha! My left hip has been hurting on and off for years (part of the Lyme) and now that I am off pain meds, it is cranking in. Then I had to get my shot last night so I have a big ol' sore lump on the other side.:rolleyes:
But who cares?? I slept!

So how was everyone's weekend? Pretty mellow over here, played some games with the kids, worked in the yard, and *scrapped* I have a few new LO's in my gallery- and two more to upload!

When your mojo is gone, it is just so nice to sit and scrap and be happy with it!

Clara- thank you for the info on the blood donation. I only have a few more pounds to go before I get to the limit , but since I am trying to maintain my weight, not gain, it might be a while :) But I guess as long as my blood is full of meds and bacteria, its not like I am in a position to donate anyway. However, I donate several vials to blood labs every month LOL
It was an interesting list- Babesia was on there, and so was syphilis- but Bartonella and Lyme were not. I guess it is b/c Lyme and Bart tend to prefer to stay in tissues and collegen over blood.

I should have also known about the O+ not being compatible with neg. blood types. Scott was so sick as a newborn- our blood mixed during birth (he is B-, me O+) and my blood cells attacked his and he had severe jaundice and anemia b/c of it. First question I asked after Cait was born, was what blood type she was. I didn't want to go through with that again ;)

Sandra- wow!! I am so proud of you! You are really getting so much done! I bet it feels really good to look back and see the progress. keep it going, but don't forget to take care of you too.

Me Me Monday--
hmmmm, I really want to keep on scrapping!
I could also use a bit of pampering- a mani/pedi might be nice (no comments on the pedi from Dumpty or Jodie buhahahah!)

Have a wonderful fantabulous day!!!
Good morning! I've got a pot of kona coffee on for everyone so grab a cup. Clara I don't think they would want me in a bikini right now with this big ole belly ;)!

We had a very mellow weekend and it was great. Gunar started spreading last years compost pile in the garden and I weeded my flowerbeds. Then we took the girls to the dairy farm for icecream. Sadie LOVES LOVES LOVES the cows, Kalin puts up with them b/c she gets to eat icecream. Today is a typical April rainy day, but it will be good for my plants. I am dropping the girls off with Gunar's mom in a bit so I can go to my ACLS class for the day. I'll feel so much better once its done...then the lets get this baby out program is ON ;).

Have a great day O's. I need to go make breakfast for the little monkeys!
good morning! I finally got Will off to school... boy was that a chore this morning... Well it's rainy here again today... but apparently only for today and tomorrow... then we get sunshine for the rest of the week! Today, I've got to work some more on the house... the last of the playroom furniture covers are done, I just have to put them back on ... then I need to pull off the one here in the family room and get it washed...

But before I start work on the house, I'm gonna grab a cup of coffee and design a little... I'm about to finish a mini kit, and I want to get it done if I can... then its back to working on the house for a little while... small doses cuz I'm a little stiff from all the work yesterday...

Chris - it does feel good to get it done... I'm glad you got some sleep last night!

Hi Jos!

hello to everyone who pops in... have a great day!
Morning O Fam :).

Kinda quick, well, very quick really, Monday ya know and as usual I am running way late LOL.

I have a bad feeling about today, don't know if y'all remember around the end of last yr-first of the yr I went through some stuff at work and was put on a 30 day notice partly for missing due to migraines. Well, I've had 2 migraines in the last 4 months that caused me to miss and I'm freaking out. The director of nursing called the dr I work with into her office Friday, I missed Thurs, and for some reason I started thinking the worst. I'm a goofball about that kind of thing but sometimes I am right LOL, I hope not this time!!!!!

Anyhow, I'll be back this evening, I really hope not sooner ;), to catch up. Hope everyone has a lovely day!!

Hugs to all :)
good morning ladies!! I have had a whirl wind couple of days!!! It was a GORGEOUS weekend so I worked outside in the yard for most of it! Got all the roses trimmed and cleaned up (got blackspot, so had to get rid of all the infected leaves :() Went to Dewaynes' Garden Showcase to get my grandmother some ferns and to look at Wisteria for my fence line. They wanted $50 for a little 2 foot plant of Wisteria!!! Needless to say I sooo didn't buy it...Instead my hubby and I went out Sunday and trapsed around in the woods and found some wild! Dug up a clump and poof, free plant and quality goofing off time with the hubby! LOL Got that planted once we got back then went and got the freebie treadmill! Of course that forced us to clean out our garage in order to have somewhere to put it! I was all gung ho to use it buy by the end of the day what with all the work I'd done outside, I was whooped! Once I sat down there was NO moving me!!! I sooo didn't get any scrapping done but my yard is nice and pretty so I grabed some pics to use for when I DOOO scrap LOL. I hope everyone had a great weekend...I gotta run but I'll come back and read up on everyone at lunch :)
Hello people!!!!!

Today is supposed to be raining like crazy,its not yet, so before it starts I have to run to the bank and the produce market...I like to get our fruit there, its always better than the grocery store. I go thru fruit like crazy!! Nico eats a pear a day and sometimes an apple too....(the fiber....he needs it to help things move along....lol) anyway, tomorrow is our big playscape day!! I am sooo excited!! I just hope the weather is ok!! that would be my luck! Yesterday was my friend's baby shower, it was so nice. I love brunch....I could have brunch everyday...its the best! WEll girls, im off to get my day going...hope everyone has a great Monday!!!!!

Good morning Chris, Sandra, Dawn & Kristen!!!!!!! Hi to everyone else who stops in!
Goodmorning everyone!

I had a good weekend! Friday just chilled out with all the kiddies and spent some good ole quality family time together! Its nice to just hang out and do nothing sometimes! Other than that it was a fairly domestic weekend, did a little packing, bought a GPS which I have to say is the coolest thing ever! I have never really played with one before this but wow that technology is amazing! Ya I got no scrapping done but I did manage to get an alpha made! If I never Tooted before let me tell you I got a designing gig at pixel gypsy designs and started selling last week! woo hoo I am pumped! Well I have a lot of packing to do today, and dealing with the snow. Ya thats right SNOW! in the end of April! GRRRRRR

Chris that book sounds neat! and if its helping you sleep than even better!

Hiya Jos, thanks for the coffee!

Sandra, I'll trade you my snow for your rain anyday! LOL where r u designing?

everyone else have a good monday! or at least try to :)
Morning ladies! :) Here's hoping I can catch an easy week. Although - we have a preschool parent meeting tonight, tomorrow night is Ella's dance, Wednesday night is my dance, Thursday night I think one of my SILs is coming for supper, and Friday the boys have speech therapy.

Anyway, I can't remember if I checked in friday, but - I took Boden and Jacob (well, and Ella too) to the doc. Turns out B has a double ear infection and Jacob has an ear infection as well. Ugh. So, all 3 kids have it. 6 bottles of antibiotic in my fridge. lol Good grief.

This weekend was busy again. Friday night we just watched a movie, but, Saturday morning early, SIL picked Eric up and they went to IL's to plant 140 trees. Me and the kids slept in and then I fed them and packed us all up and went ot IL's as well. That night me, Eric and SIL went to a roller derby bout. My sister is a "jeerleader" for the ladies' team and I was dying to see a bout. So interesting! They get so physical, so awesome. My sister got us an "upgrade" and we sat in ringside seats on the floor, very close to the ring. The joke is that if you "catch" one of the players you get a free t-shirt.

Anyway, we got home last night.

So, my birthday is coming up in a few weeks and my mom gave me some money with strict instructions - only spend it on myself. Can't decide if I want some nice sunglasses or a new, nice purse. Or throw in a facial in there too? Hmmmm...

Chris! I am SO glad to hear you got some good sleep sweetie!!! That is amazing! I hope you can keep it up!!

Jos - sounds like a fun weekend! :) Jacob and Boden are a little scared of cows. IL's have a bunch so we see them regularly. Ella likes them. :) Thanks for the kona! Mmmmmm

Sandra - have a great day! Sounds like you are busy!

Dawn - fingers crossed for you sweetie!!! Keep us updated.

Kristen - good luck planting the wisteria! Sooo pretty!

Kelly - Hey sweetie! :) You are so lucky to have a place like that near you! We have a farmer's market about an hour away, I've been a few times but with our SUV and poor gas mileage, it gets way too expensive to go often!

Alicia - Congrats on the designing gig girl! Awesome!!v
I have a couple of minutes to write so I thought I would say hi. My friend who's mom has cancer and is on hospice has decided to take her to a resort up north. probably not the best choice healthwise but from the sounds of it her mom won't be happy unless they go. So off they go. I know it will be a stressful trip but hopefully they are able to relax a little bit and spend some quality family time together. I prayed for sunshine for the next couple of days and guess what...we got sunshine. I am so happy about that for them.

I had a great weekend. Spent time with Ethan on Saturday then went out to dinner and over to a friend's house to play some games. Then yesterday I tried a new church, just for fun...no intentions of switching. It is a church in a place that is a similar concept to ChuckECheese (although this place is much better). they rent the space on Sunday mornings. I thought it seemed cool idea and wanted to see what it was all about. It was very cool.

Well, now I have a few extra minutes to write since I didn't finish before Ethan had to go to the bus stop. So, let me tell you about my sister because we are not speaking at the moment I guess, or at least she's not talking to me. She went down to Santa Barbara to see a friend of hers and I guess she had made plans to meet up with her ex for lunch. Normally for most people not a big deal. But for her I don't understand because he was sooooo mean to her. He lied, stole and cheated. Her final I'm dumping you after 6 years (they were engagaed) was because she found evidence that he was doing meth. So she paid the rent on their apartment for the next couple of months, since her name was on the contract, and moved in with my parents and left him. Well, she now has this thing in her head that he needs to check in with her every so often so that she knows how he's doing. So he now lives on the streets of Santa Barbara and she is just heart broken about it. Mind you he was a loser the entire time they were together and she carried him most of the time but she thinks it is just so sad that he is homeless and a bum. I think homelessness is a very sad situation but am not anywhere near feeling any kind of sadness or pity for him. So the other night she went to the bar and they walked home and it was chilly out. So she called me crying about how sad it was that he had to sleep in the cold and I just didn't have it in me to act like I cared. I personally think the streets is the best place for him because then he can't hurt anybody else by living with them and destroying their lives. He's only destroying himself that way. Mind you, I had found out only a few hours before that my friend's mom was going home for hospice care. His drug addict self was not at the top of the list of things I cared about, so maybe that wasn't fair. but they broke up 3 years ago and she can't let it go. she gets upset regularly that she is not married and having kids yet dates losers or people who are not respectful. So she hung up the phone on me and hasn't talked to me since. It wasn't that long ago but for me and her it is a long time. I am sad that she's sad but I am just so tired that this stupid guy keeps bringing her down. She is so smart. She's a social worker, has a Master's degree and yet when it comes to men she's an idiot. It is so frustrating and she is impossible to talk to about it. Ugh!!

So, sorry I didn't mean to go on and on about all that. It just really upsets me. She'll call me in the next few days bt it is still frustrating, kwim? Okay...I'll start a new post for personals.
Chris - did you really get a good nights sleep? That is so awesome. I hope those techniques really work for you. I can't imagine functioning on no sleep on a regular basis.

Joslyn - get walking. I think you'd look cute with your belly popping out. Okay, so I am actually a "cover that pregnant belly up" type...but still I'd bet you'd be a cute preggo lady in a bikini.

Sandra - You are just busy busy aren't you?? I can't even imagine myself cleaning my house that well. People talk about spring cleaning and I don't know what to say. I don't know if I have ever done spring cleaning. Good luck getting everything done.

Dawn - i am sure everything will go well at work today. I'm sorry it has you stressed out. I am the same way and am always freaking out about that stuff.

Kristin - Yay for free plants. I am scared of wild stuff because all of our major wild stuff has taken over. We have scotchbroom, which is horrible on the allergies and will be popping up soon (yay me!!) and blackberries. Both of those plants are not from here but have taken over the state. Everytime I hear someone say they are planting blackberries I cringe. I'm sure wild flowers aren't the same and look pretty covering up your fence.

Kelly - Yay for playscape day!! I'll bet Nico will love it!! I just found a new local produce market that I haven't had a chance to go to yet but I am excited to check it out.

Alicia - where do you live that you still have snow? Yuck!! I'm so happy not to live a snowy place. Aren't GPSs the best? I love mine.

Tali - I have always wanted to see a derby event too. It sounds crazy. Plus it seems so 80s and is coming back into coolness. I love it. I hope you had a blast.

Well, It looks like that is about it. I hope anyone else stopping by has a great day.
Alicia - where do you live that you still have snow? Yuck!! I'm so happy not to live a snowy place. Aren't GPSs the best? I love mine.

Im in northern Ontario Canada! it was starting to get nice out here and then this morning there was a dump of snow. Enough to cover up all the grass that was showing! I have a pic up on my blog!
Hey kids, I'm a little slow on the take today!! We always go into town for lessons and stuff Monday morning and when I got home, I had some other stuff to take care of. So now, I'm finally sitting down (after working out and then taking a very short little nap with my laptop on my lap! heehee) and getting to work here! :)

My weekend was full of my craft room. It's a sweet little room that for the last few weeks, has been full of cat pee smell...so I've been burning incense like crazy!! (it's a great way to get everyone out of there..."mom, how can you stand that strong smell???") So Mr Gorgeous made a mandate last week that we were going to spring clean the house to find where CORA'S cats are relieving themselves and clean them up and then figure out how to get them to USE THE LITTER BOX!! so amidst all that, I took everything out of my craft room on Thursday, ripped out the carpet & put everything back on Friday and then proceeded to create all night long on Friday night and all day Saturday. I whipped up 2 scrapbook pages (with paper *gasp*) and 12 sets of cards!!! wooohooooo!! then it rained all day on Friday and Saturday (big heavy rain...) so i had a very light turnout at my open house on Sat night. It was okay, though, cause i got a lot done and my house is better!!! yay!!

So, Mr Gorgeous's cousin's wife is fighting cancer (Clara, i hear you and agree with the hate toward cancer!! ugh!!) and she needs money to pay for drugs and transportation costs. She lives in a small town about an hour from us (where most of my FIL's relatives are) and has to travel to get to good medical care. So our Aunt (her MIL) is putting on a benefit concert/luncheon with a silent auction! And the exciting part is that my band is playing!! So I'm hoping that this will encourage the guys (i'm the only girl...SOOOOO love that!! :) ) to get it goin again. I've been in the studio recording a bit and hope to have a couple of tunes online for you guys to d/l soon!! :) it's exciting!!!

Ohhh and btw, if you have anything (products you sell) you want to donate to her benefit, I'd be happy to give it to my sil who is one of the silent auction coordinators. I'll probably make several baskets of the handmade cards i just made this weekend to give to the silent auction. :)

It's been soooo awesomely gorgeous here...Sorry about your snow, Alicia!! you could move to Texas...it's not Canada, but it does seem like a different country than the other states!! heehee!!!

Clara, how was church? sounds really interesting. I've noticed a bunch of churches that have sprung up that meet in movie theatres. I played some prayer services for one and the members would tell me about going to church and then staying for a movie!! too funny!! :)

Tali, I just love reading about your escapades! roller derby!! sooo kewl!! hugs to your boys and ella!! sorry about all that pink stuff in your fridge!! (we call ear infection meds the "pink stuff"!)

Kelly, I'm a big brunch fan, too...then have a salad for dinner!! I'm thinking this is the best way to eat!! :) :)

Kristen, sounds like you had a glorious work weekend!! :) Mr Gorgeous was excited to get out in the yard yesterday! It's like me in my craft room!! :)

Dawn, ohhhhhh i hope your day was awesome!! You have to stop those thought processes...we call them Vain Imaginations (thinking someone is thinking something bad about you, but they really aren't!! that's my poor definition of that...LOL!!) hugs to you, doll!

Sandra, wow! you also had a really productive weekend!! yay for relaxing this weekend. And I loved your LO with Piper and her PaPaw!! :) hugs!!

Ohhhhhh Jos, that little boy will be here faster than we know it!! yikes!! well, be encouraged!!! the transition from one to two was much harder than two to three!! (does that help???? LOL!!!) Keep us posted, doll!!! I can pm you my cell if you need!! :)

Ohhh Chris...I hope you are sleeping well from now on!! I need to think a LOT less when I go to bed!! And I'm convinced I need to stop watching Law and Order: Criminal Intent...i just run those shows through my brain all night long...doesn't sound too healthy, imho!!! :) Love you, darling!!

and to everyone i love dearly...happy scrapping!
Hi all - Very busy week this week. Too much to do to keep up with everything. I'll check in periodically, but may not do personals.

Hope you all have a good week!
HelloooO lovelies!

Well, today was bad, could have been much worse. I knew something was up, I have pretty good intuition. I did manage to find a 4-leaf clover before I left this morning so I was covered LOL. So the dr I work with was kinda quiet all day, totally not like him so I really knew something was up! I kept asking Cindy, the LPN I work with if she knew anything and she said she didn't. So of course, Michelle, the DON, didn't call me to her office until 4:30! They always like to wait until almost time to go. She started off by saying "Well, it's bad but it could be worse" and she had a paper on the desk and our Team Leader was in there, too. I'm suspended 2 days without pay which is tomorrow and Wednesday and I'm on vacation Thursday, Friday, and Monday anyway. She said she doesn't know if I called in those 3 times since January for 'mental health' days or what! ARGH. I have a meningioma in the falx region of my brain contributing to my migraines, I only call in when they are at their worst. Oh, she also mentioned that I am not to 'complain' or mention when I have a headache. Which is practically daily. Sorry, but it is a little hard to hide when my eyes are red and running and I have to shield my eyes from the fluorescent lights when I'm at the desk and not rooming patients. She said I should think about going parttime or as needed which would mean no insurance or other benefits and I can't afford that or she said maybe I should think about disability. This woman makes me crazy!!! We have people there who miss a lot more work due to their kids being sick that's what drives me sooo nuts and I work as much as I can with a migraine and only call in when I can't see straight and/or am vomiting. I even went there last week, for the shot, they saw me at my absolute worst and know it was for real. I only take an anti-inflammatory for these and every once in a blue moon a Percocet and that is rare I've had the same bottle for 6 months and honestly they don't help that much.

Anyway, I'm sorry to dump, I am sooooo irritated, mostly at her attitude that my migraines are a ploy to get out of work. Argh. Ok, enough about me. I am sooo ready for my vacay, not that I can afford it now (oh, and DH does not know yet that I'm suspended for these 2 days, I am not in the mood for his ranting on top of everything else...it would all be MY fault. So there is more stress.)

Sara-Hope you have time to catch your breath! Have a great week!

Sally-ew! There's nothing quite like eau de cat pee is there?! LOL Hope you get it figured out and can school those kitties as well as you do those beautiful children of yours :).

Alicia-no snow here but we sure are getting plenty of yucky rain!

Clara-So sorry about your sis, I'm sure she will call soon, I'll be praying for her, sounds like she needs to let go.

Tali-Hi!! Hope your younguns get to feeling better! How's the speech therapy going? I remember how torn you were about it at first.

Kelly-good that Nico likes fruit!! Be sure to get some pics of that playscape in action and a layout so we can see!

Kristin-You work toooo hard! Neat that you found some wild wisteria!

Jos-trip to see the cows and icecream sounds fun!! How are you feeling?

Chris-I'm soooo happy you got some sleep! Hope it works again tonight :).

Sandra-when you finish up at your house come on over here LOL. Oh wait....I have 2 whole days to work on mine HAHA.

night all, hugs everyone!!!
Night, night... Just passing to say good night !

I've been out last week because I have a lot of things to arrange in my house... and part-time I was with my DS in the new school.

Now he is adapted and I don't need to stay with him anymore... I still have things to do in the house (I'm going to have visitors on May), but I believe I'll have more time to pass by... at least, I hope so :D
