
Daily Ooos: May 25-26: Weekend Edition


Well-Known Member
@AK_Tracy I hate shopping on weekends and cannot imagine doing a month's worth right before a big holiday. I'd need a little extra somethin' somethin' in my water bottle to be sure. Then I'd end up brawling and going viral and everyone would think I was in a Walmart. :jail1: Bwuahhaha!
Have you scheduled some downtime for yourself? Take good care!
Down time??? I think that happened at work. LOL Was a quiet day and I didn't have to do much but read my book. I laughed so hard at your description of how you eneded up viral with people thinking Walmart. I can SO see it in my mind. If it happens, I'll post bail (while laughing).

New phone, who dis?

That's me on a good hair day!
:floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: This totally cracked me up!!!!! That's my photo when my hair gets too long!!!!
It is worse now than it used to be because the gray is even frizzier than the brown.
Yes, why oh why does the white hair get more curly/frizzy/kinky? WHY??? Its bad enough it lost it color. Does it really have to go spastic on us too???? I envy the ball cap ability. I look so stupid in a ball cap. Even hubs is like its not you babe. I have three of them but wear them about once every two years. I think I can do it and then realize nope not a good look. I'll find one and post it later. Its not pretty.

Dogs are demanding breakfast. Sundays are earlier then normal but they think if they are all awake they have to be fed NOW. Off and running. Have a wonderful day ladies.


Love my O Family!
@vickyday The septic is blocked-- something with the distribution box possibly. The septic company will dig that up on Tuesday and see what can be done about it.
Hope you are back to feeling 100% today.

@AK_Tracy I hate shopping on weekends and cannot imagine doing a month's worth right before a big holiday. I'd need a little extra somethin' somethin' in my water bottle to be sure. Then I'd end up brawling and going viral and everyone would think I was in a Walmart. :jail1: Bwuahhaha!
Have you scheduled some downtime for yourself? Take good care!

@Cherylndesigns Woooo hoo, the Magpie Gang is here! Have a wonderful and special weekend with the family.♥

@BrightEyes I can't think about June and June Challenges. I can't! *sticks head in the sand, can't breathe, grabs a paper bag, and attempts some deep breathing in it*
I'm happy for you -- I love that feeling when a LO and challenge all come together like that.

@bcgal00 Welp. You know my feelings about ACDsee and my love/hate relationship with it. The CS is not helpful at all, very nice but not in any way to make it easier to get the software to work. I still haven't found another program that works for me though. I hope that LR is close enough for you and that the transfer went without a hitch.

New phone, who dis?

That's me on a good hair day!

@MariJ Julianne is adorable!! Love that bow! I hope that you can get out of the scrap funk and get some cute pictures and LOs done with her. What a cutie pie! I am so conflicted about using photos online. I guess when digiscrapping first was a thing, no one thought of privacy issues and all that. Or maybe we did but didn't realize how *huge* the internet/social media would become.

Cheryl- oooh, I can't wait to see Steph's hair!
Awww, my poor Daisy..... give her some extra belly rubs from me

@bitzee - more curly girls!! Look at you at 1! ♥

I cannot wait for the ecology center to order more logo baseball caps. I will wear one to work every day. I straighten my hair in the winter because it takes forever to dry naturally but I leave it frizzy in the summer because there is no point otherwise. It is worse now than it used to be because the gray is even frizzier than the brown.

Uh-uh! I think this is the only time I have ever heard you frustrated with any of the grandkids. Asher- you better make sure that you do not make your Cici cross today!
Hope that you got some sleep, Cheryl.

Still not 100% but it is what it is.....stinking IBS!
So sorry you do have a blockage! I hope it can be a cheap fix! :praying2:


Love my O Family!
Crawled out of bed and into the shower early this AM. Let the hot water beat on the back and shoulders to loosen them up. I spent most of yesterday working in the garage. There are 2 small vents on the side wall - and dirt had blown in through them. They are right by the storage cabinets and work bench - which I have not straightened up since before DH got bad in 2017. That was "his space". I donned rubber gloves and with wet rags wiped down all the tool cases and other items; sorted and moved things where they belonged; tossed lots of junk; then cleaned the work bench top; swept the garage floors. I also moved all the stuff for the garage sale over next to the powered garage door to make it easy to load when DD#3 gets here today. Have a 3 car garage with a powered door on the double car side and a non-powered door on the single car side. Wow... what a difference it made. At least I was smart enough to take lots of breaks but it took most of the day to get it all done. The next big project in the garage is to sort through the books and binders on the shelves and toss out the old, useless books and binders. But the trash bin is over half full now so that will have to wait for a week or so. And the body needs a break from all the work I have been doing.

DD#3 just called and is on her way down. Need to get the coffee made for us. Then we will tackle loading up the garage sale items into her car. HAGD
PLEASE, Please send me some of your cleaning mojo!


Love my O Family!
Wow, we have a Curly Hair Club!! Most people don’t believe I have curly hair. I work hard at blow drying to tame the curls. Hog bristles is a new one. Sounds even scarier than what I have. :wow2: Gonna try to attach a pic of my curls at 1 year old. Hope it works.
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I think your hair was even curlier than mine at that age! I'll see if I can find one of me.


Well-Known Member
Wow, we have a Curly Hair Club!! Most people don’t believe I have curly hair. I work hard at blow drying to tame the curls. Hog bristles is a new one. Sounds even scarier than what I have. :wow2: Gonna try to attach a pic of my curls at 1 year old. Hope it works.
View attachment 419743
OMG, you have GOT to be related to my hubs family! 10 kids and they all had curly hair. Some are now frizzy curly, some try to tame the curls, and hubs likes to keep his hair shorter, it still waves some (hi there y'all) but when it gets to haircut time the waves start to get some curl which is the stage I like it, but if it touches his ears he can't deal with it. That's also the reason we put seatbelts on the clematis, which is also curly btw.