
Daily Ooos: May 25-26: Weekend Edition


The Loopy-O
Good morning and how glorious is it today! Clear blue sky and lower humidity. Lower at least in NJ terms. It's going to be a beautiful day to hike.

As much as I wanted to scrap or garden, I didn't do either yesterday afternoon. I forced myself to work on the bridal shower. For three hours. Let me tell ya, that was more exhausting than cleaning my friend's house for the same amount of time. I am not a party planner, not in a past life, and hopefully not in any future life. :p
I was able to come up with a few games and thank you to everyone who made a suggestion in my thread pleading for help. I have a few things to order on Amazon-- plates/utensils/table runners, and balloons. I have a List started so as soon as I am certain of what I want, I'll have it in no time with Prime Shipping. Thank goodness for Prime! :praying2:
My mom is bugging me that I need to get an outfit and I should get new shoes and get my hair done. And manicure. SMH! She is spot on, I'll keep blowing that part off until the last minute and have a meltdown when I look and feel like an old bag of potatoes.

This morning I am going on a hike that Scott is leading and I'm meeting my hiking buddy Stephanie there. I'm really hoping I have some energy left afterward to work in the yard. I still never finished cleaning the garden spots in the back areas. Although, that is going to depend on when the septic people get here. They are sending down a camera to see if/where there are any blockages. I don't want to think about that, nope, :lalala:

I hope that everyone's weather is as pretty where you are as it is here.


The Loopy-O
I just remembered that it is Memorial Day Weekend in the States. May thanks to those who served ♥

@A-M I forgot about rebuses, yours are great!! I had trouble with the first one, I kept thinking "light" ;)
What a creative team you and Ken are. Gary is the creative one here, he can make just about anything out of anything. Me-- if it isn't digital, I can't do it. Hope that you are enjoying the weekend!

@JeanneMN I think remember that game show... it's ringing some faint bells in my head. Could also be the last two working brain cells clanging off one another. :lightbulb:

@MariJ I promise, I will never hold it against you for being at the shore.*fingers crossed behind my back* :haloslip:
I love hearing about the CLass Trips with Julianne. Something about spending time with little ones makes you see the world with wonder again. Have you brought her to the Liberty Science Center yet? Scott and his GF Sam brought Logan there a few months ago and he loved it. There is also a nice aquarium in the mall at the Meadowlands- whatever that is called now LOL He will be two next week and runs around yelling Ahhhhhhhhhh! when he is excited. They took him there over the winter, and when he was in one of the glass tunnels, he and another toddler were yelling Ahhhh at the same time :rotfl:
Are you allowed to scrap pictures of Julianne? I can't wait to see them if you are. I'm allowed to use pics of Logan but I have to blur his face which is 100% understandable.

@bitzee Julianne's Village is such a sweet name for them ♥

@vickyday You are so lucky to see the skinks, I'd never seen one before and wish I had gotten a photo. I can't tell you how many times I see something super cool at work and want to take a picture, but you know, watching the kids and all gets in the way Haha!

Gotta post this and BRB!


The Loopy-O
Drat, I was hoping W would move out from under my desk and she looks too comfy for me to move her. My chair feels miles away from my desk. :/

@BrightEyes I bet your house feels lighter and brighter after the spring cleaning.
How quickly will it take you this year to complete the library challenge? It was a week last year? I have read several Kristin Hannah books but darned if I know what titles. The one you are reading isn't familiar so I'll have to add that to my To Read List.

@vickyday how is your headache, did you sleep any better? I scrolled farther down and saw that your stomach was crummy too. *gentle hugs*

@AK_Tracy your avg moose is twice as heavy as the avg black bear. Although about 10+ years ago, there was one that was tagged and he was about 800 lbs. My vet did some surgery on him and the photos of the two of them are crazy!
Why am I imagining you and your hubs racing through Costco like you are on that shopping game show?? *beep beep!!!*

@FloridaGranny That's super sweet of you to think of me when you were in my neck of the woods. I am guessing that you came down 287 or one other Route 17s (so many of them). Once you get off the highway, you are in the woods. Crazy how pretty that area is and just a mile or so away is traffic and stores and chaos. " Too Peopley" to quote @AK_Tracy

Look at you, Vicky! Love the hammock!

@Cherylndesigns dance4 the family is back together for a crazy weekend on the compound! I'll be thinking of all of you so much!
Well, I guess if you are going to have to lose out with Asher, you know he will be close by. On the couch. LOL!
Uh-oh... I am more worried about Steph and Adrienne together and out of your sight. Those two must be thick as thieves.

@mimes1 Have fun at the zoo and races!!



Love my O Family!
Good morning and how glorious is it today! Clear blue sky and lower humidity. Lower at least in NJ terms. It's going to be a beautiful day to hike.

As much as I wanted to scrap or garden, I didn't do either yesterday afternoon. I forced myself to work on the bridal shower. For three hours. Let me tell ya, that was more exhausting than cleaning my friend's house for the same amount of time. I am not a party planner, not in a past life, and hopefully not in any future life. :p
I was able to come up with a few games and thank you to everyone who made a suggestion in my thread pleading for help. I have a few things to order on Amazon-- plates/utensils/table runners, and balloons. I have a List started so as soon as I am certain of what I want, I'll have it in no time with Prime Shipping. Thank goodness for Prime! :praying2:
My mom is bugging me that I need to get an outfit and I should get new shoes and get my hair done. And manicure. SMH! She is spot on, I'll keep blowing that part off until the last minute and have a meltdown when I look and feel like an old bag of potatoes.

This morning I am going on a hike that Scott is leading and I'm meeting my hiking buddy Stephanie there. I'm really hoping I have some energy left afterward to work in the yard. I still never finished cleaning the garden spots in the back areas. Although, that is going to depend on when the septic people get here. They are sending down a camera to see if/where there are any blockages. I don't want to think about that, nope, :lalala:

I hope that everyone's weather is as pretty where you are as it is here.
I sure hope you don't have any septic blockage!
Have a great hike!


Love my O Family!
I just remembered that it is Memorial Day Weekend in the States. May thanks to those who served ♥

@A-M I forgot about rebuses, yours are great!! I had trouble with the first one, I kept thinking "light" ;)
What a creative team you and Ken are. Gary is the creative one here, he can make just about anything out of anything. Me-- if it isn't digital, I can't do it. Hope that you are enjoying the weekend!

@JeanneMN I think remember that game show... it's ringing some faint bells in my head. Could also be the last two working brain cells clanging off one another. :lightbulb:

@MariJ I promise, I will never hold it against you for being at the shore.*fingers crossed behind my back* :haloslip:
I love hearing about the CLass Trips with Julianne. Something about spending time with little ones makes you see the world with wonder again. Have you brought her to the Liberty Science Center yet? Scott and his GF Sam brought Logan there a few months ago and he loved it. There is also a nice aquarium in the mall at the Meadowlands- whatever that is called now LOL He will be two next week and runs around yelling Ahhhhhhhhhh! when he is excited. They took him there over the winter, and when he was in one of the glass tunnels, he and another toddler were yelling Ahhhh at the same time :rotfl:
Are you allowed to scrap pictures of Julianne? I can't wait to see them if you are. I'm allowed to use pics of Logan but I have to blur his face which is 100% understandable.

@bitzee Julianne's Village is such a sweet name for them ♥

@vickyday You are so lucky to see the skinks, I'd never seen one before and wish I had gotten a photo. I can't tell you how many times I see something super cool at work and want to take a picture, but you know, watching the kids and all gets in the way Haha!

Gotta post this and BRB!
I know what you mean. It stinks having to be the adult sometimes instead of being one of the kids! ;)


Love my O Family!
Drat, I was hoping W would move out from under my desk and she looks too comfy for me to move her. My chair feels miles away from my desk. :/

@BrightEyes I bet your house feels lighter and brighter after the spring cleaning.
How quickly will it take you this year to complete the library challenge? It was a week last year? I have read several Kristin Hannah books but darned if I know what titles. The one you are reading isn't familiar so I'll have to add that to my To Read List.

@vickyday how is your headache, did you sleep any better? I scrolled farther down and saw that your stomach was crummy too. *gentle hugs*

@AK_Tracy your avg moose is twice as heavy as the avg black bear. Although about 10+ years ago, there was one that was tagged and he was about 800 lbs. My vet did some surgery on him and the photos of the two of them are crazy!
Why am I imagining you and your hubs racing through Costco like you are on that shopping game show?? *beep beep!!!*

@FloridaGranny That's super sweet of you to think of me when you were in my neck of the woods. I am guessing that you came down 287 or one other Route 17s (so many of them). Once you get off the highway, you are in the woods. Crazy how pretty that area is and just a mile or so away is traffic and stores and chaos. " Too Peopley" to quote @AK_Tracy

Look at you, Vicky! Love the hammock!

@Cherylndesigns dance4 the family is back together for a crazy weekend on the compound! I'll be thinking of all of you so much!
Well, I guess if you are going to have to lose out with Asher, you know he will be close by. On the couch. LOL!
Uh-oh... I am more worried about Steph and Adrienne together and out of your sight. Those two must be thick as thieves.

@mimes1 Have fun at the zoo and races!!

The headache is gone but the tummy is still not great today. :sad2:


Love my O Family!
Good morning,
Still dealing with tummy issues today but not a headache, thank You Lord!
Just gonna chill for now. Read my Mornings with Jesus and create the ATC for the daily devotion, One Good Word a Day. And go from there depending on how I feel. Mark is helping a neighbor with a project on the sawmill today.
Have a great Saturday.


Well-Known Member
Why am I imagining you and your hubs racing through Costco like you are on that shopping game show?? *beep beep!!!*
Well, no beep beep cause when I accidentally run into someone I say sorry forgot my backup beeper/turn signal. And yes we do rush through. So peopley. Costco is always crazy and always the last stop so by that time we are ready to just get out of there.

Its overcast today. Sun is trying but I doubt we will see it today. Its been a busy week so I am looking forward to the down time at work. I'm not a fan of grocery shopping but man once a month makes it double fun. Thursday was all about far away Costco and yesterday was all the local stores. I am tired.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Good morning. Quick in and out. I have a few things to get done before Steph and Asher get here. I can't wait to see them and get one of Asher's big hugs. He always picks me up and I pray he won't drop me. When Cameron was about his age, he picked me up and stumbled and we both fell backwards. He ended up on top of me and I hit my head on a table and man did it hurt. I've been paranoid ever since.

Yes, Chris @faerywings my girls are full of shenanigans. I would say that Roger would keep an eye on them, but they pull him in, too. The weather outlook is sunny and we're planning a cookout and pool party on Monday. Yes, Asher has claimed the couch because he knows that he can play his game as late as he wants to here. No spoiling ever goes on at Cici's house. :floorlaugh::floorlaugh:

I'd better cut this short and I hope everybody has a wonderful weekend. XOXO


Morning, gals. Just finished get my June challenge and LO done this morning. Whew... dance4 I finally came up with what to do for it!!! Once I started the LO, it all flowed together, thank goodness. Still have a few more CT things to do work on.

Yesterday, I talked to DD#3 and she will be here tomorrow to get the garage sale items. Just remembered this morning that I have some lawn tools that I need to move next to the rest of the stuff for the sale. Don't have a lawn so the edgers, weed-whacker, etc can go. I am slowly sorting items into containers and clearing stuff off the workbench. I did get the 2 large faux trees washed in the shower... was so easy to spray them down then moved them over into the tub to drip dry.

Back to the garage to see what else I can do out there before the back yells at me. HAGD


Well-Known Member
Good afternoon ladies. This morning I was busy researching how to preview kit folders in windows. I had been using acdsee which has been corrupted and tech support can't figure it out. They just give me the usual answer, must be your computer, must be your outdated drivers, etc. Everything else is the problem, not their software. This is exactly what happened a few times before but they were always able to figure out how to fix it but that doesn't seem to be happening this time. I am going to try using LR to preview kits. I won't get all my old kit previews copies over to a folder to open in a LR collection but I'll move a bit here and there and will put all future kit previews in the collection. One nice thing about having them in lightroom is how nice the library grid displays them, quickly able to resize viewing when needed.

I will be heading out to get some wine and appies for tomorrow's game day with friends. I'll take Remi to the park in a bit too. Other than that, some CT work and housework is on the agenda.

I moved my LR catalog to a new location, I need to go see if that all went smoothly. HAGD everyone. Talk more later.


Well-Known Member
I will never hold it against you for being at the shore.*fingers crossed behind my back* :haloslip:
I love hearing about the CLass Trips with Julianne. Something about spending time with little ones makes you see the world with wonder again. Have you brought her to the Liberty Science Center yet? Scott and his GF Sam brought Logan there a few months ago and he loved it. There is also a nice aquarium in the mall at the Meadowlands- whatever that is called now LOL He will be two next week and runs around yelling Ahhhhhhhhhh! when he is excited. They took him there over the winter, and when he was in one of the glass tunnels, he and another toddler were yelling Ahhhh at the same time :rotfl:
Are you allowed to scrap pictures of Julianne? I can't wait to see them if you are. I'm allowed to use pics of Logan but I have to blur his face which is 100% understandable.

@faerywings If I remember correctly, that is the name Julianne's mother named their group. It is so special when multi generations are actively involved together. It does take a village. @MariJ

Haha, Chris I laughed at your angel! @faerywings
Julianne is only 14 months now so she's a bit small for LSC still, although I know there are things for little ones and her Mom and Dad do take her lots of places.
Her Mom and Dad are both teachers and Kathy remembered correctly - her Mom named our group outings "Class Trips". @bitzee
Our first ones were on the Polar Express and then to visit Santa and take photos. I actually have a bracelet from Julianne that says "It Takes a Village inscribed on the outside and "Thank you, Marilyn, I love you, Julianne" on the inside.
Yes! I am allowed to scrap photos of Julianne and even use her name. I originally named her "Melanie" but her Mom said, in this day and age if someone wanted to find them, they would.
I've scrapped some layouts at ScrapGirls (hence our notoriety) and also a few at another site. I don't know if I can show them here, they are pretty precious. Once I have more time, I'd like to scrap some here too, I'm still in a scrapping funk so haven't done much lately. Here she is recently dragging around the new clothes Great-Grandma bought her and one from her First Birthday Photos "Class Trip"!
Subject 3JP.jpgIMG_6670.JPG


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Haha, Chris I laughed at your angel! @faerywings
Julianne is only 14 months now so she's a bit small for LSC still, although I know there are things for little ones and her Mom and Dad do take her lots of places.
Her Mom and Dad are both teachers and Kathy remembered correctly - her Mom named our group outings "Class Trips". @bitzee
Our first ones were on the Polar Express and then to visit Santa and take photos. I actually have a bracelet from Julianne that says "It Takes a Village inscribed on the outside and "Thank you, Marilyn, I love you, Julianne" on the inside.
Yes! I am allowed to scrap photos of Julianne and even use her name. I originally named her "Melanie" but her Mom said, in this day and age if someone wanted to find them, they would.
I've scrapped some layouts at ScrapGirls (hence our notoriety) and also a few at another site. I don't know if I can show them here, they are pretty precious. Once I have more time, I'd like to scrap some here too, I'm still in a scrapping funk so haven't done much lately. Here she is recently dragging around the new clothes Great-Grandma bought her and one from her First Birthday Photos "Class Trip"!
View attachment 419735View attachment 419734
OMGosh how adorable is she?????


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Well, as you can see, I'm back. Asher is in the kitchen with his laptop setup, headphones and microphone and is playing something with about 5 people. I've been feeding him and giving him things to drink. He DID see avocado in my freezer and wanted avocado toast - yay for healthy food. Every time he lets out a "war whoop" Daisy jumps a mile. We're definitely not used to all this noise. I love it, though. Steph dropped him off and went straight into town so Aly could do her hair. She won't be home for a while; she just called me and she still has color on her hair. Chris @faerywings I know you'll want another picture. It was so gorgeous last time and I can't wait to see it. OMGosh - he's threatening to throw his mouse. These games get pretty crazy.:desk3:

I just promised Steph I'd make her some sweet tea, so I'd better get on that. Be back later.


Well-Known Member
You don't know how true this is, Tracy. :floorlaugh::giggle4::lol23: The other part of the equation is: "Am I going to have a good hair day today?" It's a surprise each day.
Mine is, is she going to comb it today? When my 3 yr old at the time grandson asked why Nana hadn't gotten to her house yet, Mom told him, that maybe she was combing her hair. He pondered that for a second ' then replied "Sometimes she combs it and sometimes she doesn't." He's 15 and almost 6'5" and my hair situation is still that 3-year-old response.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Mine is, is she going to comb it today? When my 3 yr old at the time grandson asked why Nana hadn't gotten to her house yet, Mom told him, that maybe she was combing her hair. He pondered that for a second ' then replied "Sometimes she combs it and sometimes she doesn't." He's 15 and almost 6'5" and my hair situation is still that 3-year-old response.
Well, you know my standing "joke" is I can get ready fast if I don't have to wash my hair. :lol23:


Well-Known Member
Well, you know my standing "joke" is I can get ready fast if I don't have to wash my hair. :lol23:
That's me. My hair rules me a lot of times. People who have straight hair don't get it. I am in the curly hair bunch. I babysit my nephew's 16 month old son who clearly got his head of wayward curls from our side. Yesterday his straight haired momma texted me a picture of my little guy when he first woke up. Looked like he stuck his finger in an electrical outlet. Those curls were on steroids :rotfl: Her message was, "Nanny, what am I supposed to do with this mess???" Told her to just comb it and re-wet it to get the curls back. It worked.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
That's me. My hair rules me a lot of times. People who have straight hair don't get it. I am in the curly hair bunch. I babysit my nephew's 16 month old son who clearly got his head of wayward curls from our side. Yesterday his straight haired momma texted me a picture of my little guy when he first woke up. Looked like he stuck his finger in an electrical outlet. Those curls were on steroids :rotfl: Her message was, "Nanny, what am I supposed to do with this mess???" Told her to just comb it and re-wet it to get the curls back. It worked.
I love "he stuck his finger in a light socket". You don't know how many times we've said that. :lol23: :lol23:My brother has always said his hair looked like hog bristles. :floorlaugh::floorlaugh: Welcome to the Curly Hair Club.


Well-Known Member
I love "he stuck his finger in a light socket". You don't know how many times we've said that. :lol23: :lol23:My brother has always said his hair looked like hog bristles. :floorlaugh::floorlaugh: Welcome to the Curly Hair Club.
Wow, we have a Curly Hair Club!! Most people don’t believe I have curly hair. I work hard at blow drying to tame the curls. Hog bristles is a new one. Sounds even scarier than what I have. :wow2: Gonna try to attach a pic of my curls at 1 year old. Hope it works.
Kathy1yr ed.jpeg


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
This picture is adorable, Bitzee!! I gave up taming my curls unless my daughter decides to straighten it, which she did recently. I just let them go now. I usually wear my hair up in a messy bun, but I always have loose curls hanging down and doing their own thing. I do hot roll my bangs, though. I'm super picky about them.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Well, girls, I think I'm in trouble. Asher promised to sleep on the couch, but he's crashed on my bed. He's like a ton of bricks after he goes to sleep. UGH. I'm not very happy about having to sleep on my couch. He's going up to Auntie's house tomorrow night if he pulls this!! I'm not very amused right now. :banghead:


The Loopy-O
Uggghhhhhh!! I could have slept as last as I wanted to this morning but no. HarrrruMPH! I woke up before 5 am and dragged myself out for coffee at 5.30. There was no point lying there thinking of everything that needed to be done. :/

This is my first -- and last-- day where I don't have to *be* anywhere until June 8th. For someone who is mostly anti-peopley, I sure have a lot of peopleing ahead of me. :/

The hike was awesome yesterday. We had a nice, small group but it included a 6 yo on his very first hike. *plops Proud Mama hat on head* Scott is so freaking amazing with kids. The hike was longer than we expected but we made so many stops to check neat things out. Scott taught the boy how to read trail markers and put him in charge of pointing them out. He was thrilled every time he saw one. And then we found a pink lady slipper and the little guy was jumping up and down each time he found more. The highlight-- two toads. He even got to hold one very carefully. Stephanie got a video of that and I can't wait to send it to Scott.
I did my usual bugging him every time I saw something cool and tested myself too. I feel more confident on plant/tree ID, the basics to be sure but at least better than I was.
Stephanie and I took our selfie together and one day I will scrap a page of them :D
(One day, I'll scrap. The End)

Crud! I had a tick crawling on me! Just now. ick. Must have come in on one of the dogs because it was not there when I went to bed. &^^%#$%&**_*(^&$ :angry4:

Plans for today... not a clue other than get ready for the week and work on food shopping/meal planning



The Loopy-O
@vickyday The septic is blocked-- something with the distribution box possibly. The septic company will dig that up on Tuesday and see what can be done about it.
Hope you are back to feeling 100% today.

@AK_Tracy I hate shopping on weekends and cannot imagine doing a month's worth right before a big holiday. I'd need a little extra somethin' somethin' in my water bottle to be sure. Then I'd end up brawling and going viral and everyone would think I was in a Walmart. :jail1: Bwuahhaha!
Have you scheduled some downtime for yourself? Take good care!

@Cherylndesigns Woooo hoo, the Magpie Gang is here! Have a wonderful and special weekend with the family.♥

@BrightEyes I can't think about June and June Challenges. I can't! *sticks head in the sand, can't breathe, grabs a paper bag, and attempts some deep breathing in it*
I'm happy for you -- I love that feeling when a LO and challenge all come together like that.

@bcgal00 Welp. You know my feelings about ACDsee and my love/hate relationship with it. The CS is not helpful at all, very nice but not in any way to make it easier to get the software to work. I still haven't found another program that works for me though. I hope that LR is close enough for you and that the transfer went without a hitch.

New phone, who dis?

That's me on a good hair day!

@MariJ Julianne is adorable!! Love that bow! I hope that you can get out of the scrap funk and get some cute pictures and LOs done with her. What a cutie pie! I am so conflicted about using photos online. I guess when digiscrapping first was a thing, no one thought of privacy issues and all that. Or maybe we did but didn't realize how *huge* the internet/social media would become.

Cheryl- oooh, I can't wait to see Steph's hair!
Awww, my poor Daisy..... give her some extra belly rubs from me

@bitzee - more curly girls!! Look at you at 1! ♥

I cannot wait for the ecology center to order more logo baseball caps. I will wear one to work every day. I straighten my hair in the winter because it takes forever to dry naturally but I leave it frizzy in the summer because there is no point otherwise. It is worse now than it used to be because the gray is even frizzier than the brown.

Uh-uh! I think this is the only time I have ever heard you frustrated with any of the grandkids. Asher- you better make sure that you do not make your Cici cross today!
Hope that you got some sleep, Cheryl.



Well-Known Member
Uggghhhhhh!! I could have slept as last as I wanted to this morning but no. HarrrruMPH! I woke up before 5 am and dragged myself out for coffee at 5.30. There was no point lying there thinking of everything that needed to be done. :/

This is my first -- and last-- day where I don't have to *be* anywhere until June 8th. For someone who is mostly anti-peopley, I sure have a lot of peopleing ahead of me. :/

The hike was awesome yesterday. We had a nice, small group but it included a 6 yo on his very first hike. *plops Proud Mama hat on head* Scott is so freaking amazing with kids. The hike was longer than we expected but we made so many stops to check neat things out. Scott taught the boy how to read trail markers and put him in charge of pointing them out. He was thrilled every time he saw one. And then we found a pink lady slipper and the little guy was jumping up and down each time he found more. The highlight-- two toads. He even got to hold one very carefully. Stephanie got a video of that and I can't wait to send it to Scott.
I did my usual bugging him every time I saw something cool and tested myself too. I feel more confident on plant/tree ID, the basics to be sure but at least better than I was.
Stephanie and I took our selfie together and one day I will scrap a page of them :D
(One day, I'll scrap. The End)

Crud! I had a tick crawling on me! Just now. ick. Must have come in on one of the dogs because it was not there when I went to bed. &^^%#$%&**_*(^&$ :angry4:

Plans for today... not a clue other than get ready for the week and work on food shopping/meal planning

Hope your day gets better after the rough start. Your hikes sound like so much fun and it sounds like the kids really enjoy them. Aww, you don't sound anti-people. Try to have a good day :love:


Well-Known Member
Good morning ladies. I'm going to be baking gluten free banana bread in a bit. Got the no bake peanut butter choc balls in the fridge and got a bottle of wine yesterday, so we are all set for our doggie playdate/card game afternoon with friends. I had a blast at the Calgary zoo and one of the gals goes all the time (lives close by) so I'll probably go with her often, as I got a yearly pass. The other gal is a college teacher and has started an outdoor pedagogy early childhood education course at St. Patrick's Island in downtown Calgary. She sent me the news clip that aired on TV. What an interesting group of ladies I've been meeting since moving. I thought of you @faerywings Chris, you would have loved to talk to her about the course and the outdoor education.

Tomorrow morning I will be heading out early to the zoo with Jen. She is going to love the botanical butterfly garden.

I've loaded some kit previews into lightroom and have decided that this will work out for me.

I've still got some CT work to do so hope to get a bit done before I head out this afternoon. Busy couple of days ahead.


Crawled out of bed and into the shower early this AM. Let the hot water beat on the back and shoulders to loosen them up. I spent most of yesterday working in the garage. There are 2 small vents on the side wall - and dirt had blown in through them. They are right by the storage cabinets and work bench - which I have not straightened up since before DH got bad in 2017. That was "his space". I donned rubber gloves and with wet rags wiped down all the tool cases and other items; sorted and moved things where they belonged; tossed lots of junk; then cleaned the work bench top; swept the garage floors. I also moved all the stuff for the garage sale over next to the powered garage door to make it easy to load when DD#3 gets here today. Have a 3 car garage with a powered door on the double car side and a non-powered door on the single car side. Wow... what a difference it made. At least I was smart enough to take lots of breaks but it took most of the day to get it all done. The next big project in the garage is to sort through the books and binders on the shelves and toss out the old, useless books and binders. But the trash bin is over half full now so that will have to wait for a week or so. And the body needs a break from all the work I have been doing.

DD#3 just called and is on her way down. Need to get the coffee made for us. Then we will tackle loading up the garage sale items into her car. HAGD