@vickyday So sorry that your and Mark's stomachs are not doing so great, hope that today is much better.
Good luck repackaging and pricing your craft supplies.
@BrightEyes I hate when times/responsibilities catch me by surprise-- but I know you will have the July challenge ready to go in no time. As for it being almost July-- iy yi yiiii.

Hope the derm appt went well.
@MariJ For real-- I'd rather go back to school in September than August, too.
The catch with the Highlands Natural Pool is that it is 100% natural and that includes critters. It's all about location, love to see the snakes on the ground/trail but swimming with them? Nope!

They mostly stay on the far side of the pool and really no different than swimming in a lake but still.
Did it rain by you last night?
@mimes1 Congrats!!!!!! So happy that you got the job although I am not surprised. yay!!
@Terri M We tried netting over the blueberry bushes but then we didn't get any berries that year. No idea if it's just one of those things, but if the birds are happy, then I am happy

Cowbirds are evil. Scott has one that is at his feeder often and he yells at it for being an a-hole bird.
@pachimac Susie-- you have a lot of people here who are sending hugs and support. Do you feel us??

That's going to be exciting when you get the photos from the disposable camera. I hope there are some good memories and fun pictures to scrap.
Soooo dang proud of you for the lifestyle changes! Scales can be addicting and frustrating and everything bad to our brains. Just keep telling yourself that you are not a number, and so much more than a number. Take that with a grain of salt coming from me but maybe it will help. I have gotten much better about weighing myself and how it affects me but it also depends on the time/day, the color of my socks, and how the planets are aligned :/ YMMV hehe
I hope that Mei gets switched to a better position soon. CS has to be awful, people can be so mean.
Don't get me started on grocery prices and how much the stores are profiting while they keep raising the prices. All of the major companies-- record profits, stock buybacks, CEO pay raises, and the rest of us are struggling.
@taxed4ever Did you and Linda enjoy the peaceful lake or did you guys vent about the chaos from the move? Perhaps a bit of both? It seems like the majority of it is getting finished and hopefully you will be back here in July. We miss you!
Good luck with the painting project today.
@Cherylndesigns I don't have any dental insurance and don't want to even think about what it would cost if anything happened to my teeth. I am debating whether I can afford to get a good cleaning done before the wedding. pfft.
And rescue dogs-- Jaida is the most expensive rescue ever--
Two knee surgeries: $10,000.
A stinky kiss from here: Priceless
Who me? Overthinking? Never! Your t-shirt sounds hysterical, I'll need one for Cait too. She is working on the Table Cards for the wedding and making herself out of her mind loopy over them. The fonts are all super similar but the one font has a nicer M yet the other has a better A. For *days* she has been stressing over this.
I wonder where she gets it from. Apples, trees, I mean-- who can say???
@bcgal00 How many days a week do you actually stay home? You are the busiest and most social person I know.
When you do have time to scrap, you are going to have the best catalog of photos to pick from. Everything you do and where you go is incredibly interesting and fun. Have a fun time at the lake today, I hope you get to see the grebes.
"They bicker but have endured" is the best and most accurate description of my parents ever!
@JeanneMN I see congrats are in order with your new banner under your screen name

Hope that the rain has slowed down and your lawn dries out. I have been shocked that my nephew's baseball games have still been going on with the heat indexes as high as they are. My brother bought a large battery-operated fan to keep in the dugout for the kids, esp the catcher. They won't cancel the games until there is lightening.
Dreary days make me sleepy too.
HAGD, my lOvelies!