
Daily Ooos: June 22-23: Weekend Edition

@mimes1 any luck car shopping?
We found a Ford Edge 2022 that we like. It's at Enterprise Car Sales. In the morning we'll get the insurance squared away and God willing the financing will go through and we can bring it home tomorrow. It's more that I wanted to spend but less than Mark wanted to spend so I guess that's good. I'm not freaking out, there will be new income to pay for it, and it should be pretty balanced and not my whole paycheck for a year. KWIM? I picked out the car and the color - and then we had to arm wrestle to see who would drive it. I won. :flower:
Time to go wrestle some snakes :whip3:
How did the snake wrestling go??? Who won?
I haven't heard of heat making blood sugar levels spike, and I will be interested to hear what others say about that. Diabetes runs in my family, but I don't recall any family members mentioning that.
And @faerywings high temps definitely makes Mark's blood sugars go wacky, usually lower faster. He has to stay hydrated and keep nibbling on things when he's working in the heat. I don't understand the biology of it, but the heat wipes him out very fast blood sugar wise.
I'm loading photos from this morning so will post a few on FB in a bit and need to get lunch.
This totally prompted me to back up! Will do that later today. Can't wait to see some more of your bird pictures! :cameraclick:

Add us to the need rain now group! Our lawn is frying. We also had a small sugar maple that we planted 2 years ago. Not bigger in diameter in the trunk than a 50 cent piece. But overnight it's dying. And we don't know why. We've had hot dry spells before so don't know why the tree is acting this way now! It's been in the mid 90's all week with the high humidity. We need our AC on longer than I'd like also. First because I miss the open windows and fresh air, especially in the morning when the birds are singing, but second because Mark likes it COLD and I wear a parka in the house all summer long. :cold:

Off to go do some back up and maybe start a layout!
@AK_Tracy I'm doing the same thing on a smaller scale. Almost every night I put my phone aside and stay off the computer. During the day I am getting outdoors more so not checking my phone much at all aside from reading my book on it.
Isn't it so freeing? I dont count my kindle as an electronic!! LOL But I do have an actual kindle not the app on my phone. Otherwise I would constantly be on my phone not reading. So for me it has to be a different device. I do love the fun facts the app tells me thought. I've read 50 books so far this year and am on a 115 day reading streak :giggle4: I'm on week 146. Random fun stuff I never needed to know.
Good evening all,

I've been a bad "Daily OOOs" member lately. I apologize for that and for my rant about the dental insurance. I don't usually do things like that.

I've been having computer issues for a couple of days - like I really need that - NOBODY needs that. All of a sudden, when I got done in my PSE - I could NOT get back on the internet - not for anything. I rebooted my computer - still nothing. It's not my internet carrier, it's my computer. I had to go to a brand new search engine and now I have to put my password in EVERYWHERE. I couldn't even get logged in here, or in the store. Not to mention the other gazillion apps that I keep open and access all the time. It was like i was in a foreign country and didn't know the language. It's SO different. I still haven't gotten back into a couple of them.

Well, it seems like all I do is complain anymore. I've been gone most of the last 4 days, too. I'm usually here a lot and the last 4 days have been busy.

Hugs to all and I hope to be back to my usual cheery self soon. :hug2: :heartpumpred: :floorlaugh:
Good Morning Lovelies!
@JeanneMN How are you???? Saw massive flooding in my hubby hometown in MN and wondered about you. Are you doing okay with all the rain? Are you flooding? Stay safe my sweet Twin.

I wish the MN Rain would move on and you all who need it could get some.

Yesterday we had another hot day of 77* and sun. Might have to water the lawn today since its been so hot. I was sad to be at work yesterday as the grand came and played in the lake. Thankfully DD sent me photos but oh it was hard to be at work knowing they were playing and I was missing it. We have a big duck blow up and one grand refused to get off of it. She wanted to be pushed all around on the duck. Nope, not going home, not getting out. My son said it was funny how she refused to get off.

Have a wonderful day!
Thank you so much for asking. Water is going down here, town park and area is still full of water, baseball fields are flooded, but that seems to be the worst of it. The lumberyard, sand bagged, but the water started receding so they stayed dry. We live about 50 miles from Waterville where they are experiencing the worst flooding in history. It's heartbreaking to see the devastation, the Mississippi River is way high so there are road closures around the Twin Cities.

@Celestine So glad you had a good time with your company & to have a clean house after is a bonus. I'm glad you felt well enough to enjoy your time. It's so good to see people we haven't seen for a long time and have it feel like yesterday is wonderful. That's the way I felt after my reunion last weekend. Yes, the cpap episode was very interesting to say the least. It sounds like maybe high water shorted out one of the power stations.

@Cherylndesigns What a great help plan. Many hands make light work. I hope some work was done on the bench & totem today. It will be so wonderful when it's finished.

Almost bedtime here so I'll sign off for now. Sleep tight & I'm sure none of you have bed bugs, so whatever might bite, avoid it.
Isn't it so freeing? I dont count my kindle as an electronic!! LOL But I do have an actual kindle not the app on my phone. Otherwise I would constantly be on my phone not reading. So for me it has to be a different device. I do love the fun facts the app tells me thought. I've read 50 books so far this year and am on a 115 day reading streak :giggle4: I'm on week 146. Random fun stuff I never needed to know.
I'm enjoying the freedom of getting off the computer for longer periods of time now for sure. I have also decreased my yearly book count, I'm only at 19 I think so far this year, you are way ahead of me. When the weather gets colder I'll be indoors more, so reading more then. It's nice to have a better balance of exercise, reading, computer, tv time, etc.