
Daily Ooo's: July 10-11: Weekend Edition


The Loopy-O
Yay for weekends...... Except why the heck am I up this early again? Why will no one (cats and dogs mostly) not let me sleep? Why does my back wake me up in pain?

On the bright side, that means I am here! And the O is back up. Sweet!

I need some more coffee and I am gonna do some gallery hopping ;)

What is everyone up to today? I think I am going to be doing house work- it is finally looking like it is going to rain. It poured for 3 hours at MIL's yesterday and we didn't get more than a 5 minutes sprinkle. I hope it rains nice and steady all day. I also hope that it is nice and dry tomorrow- at least down near the shore, b/c Gary and Scott are going to an outdoor concert, and when it rains at them, it is a big bummer.

Hope y'all are doing great! And a big hug to Vicki for working so hard to get the site back up. Love you Momma V!!!


lOve the O!
Morning Chris- sounding perky today!

Today, dancing lessons, drive with dh, lunch, work for 3 hours (playing catch up), grocery shopping- and in between there, working at restoring downloaded files, that may take a few months- too cheap to pay for all my mb to be restored- at .50 per MB + $70 and 6 years of photo + digi files- naw I'll just go slow! Tomorrow- play day, no work, just home stuff and sun and garden and time with dh!


Well-Known Member
good morning everyone... been busy here... lots of personal stuff going on... been dealing with marriage issues which unfortunately can't be resolved... spending time with my mom and sister today... gotta do the grocery shopping etc... so... lots to do... hope everyone has a great weekend!


Well-Known Member
Good morning ladies!

@Mama O---I second Chris' thanks for your hard work!!!

@Chris---you do sound pretty upbeat this morning! I hope you get that light, steady, constant rainfall today!

@Laurie---wow...those costs are high! I don't blame you for doing the work yourself.

@Sandra---so sorry to hear about the marriage issues. ((hugs))


Well-Known Member
Watched my nephew's high school baseball team win their last game of the regular season last night. 36-0 Wow, has that been fun! Now we'll see if they can keep it going during tournament time.

Today, we're heading to the Farmer's Market. And Sydney has open gym this afternoon. She is working on her front handsprings and flips so she's very anxious to get back into the gym. :)

And the rest of the weekend, I think that I'm going to try to fit in some reading and some scrapping! Sounds like a good life, huh? (And maybe some grocery shopping. :)


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
So Happy to see at least most of the site is up and running again!! Way to go to those who work so hard at keeping everything running smoothly :thumb: I am off to my sister's beach front house this afternoon and just heading out for a walk with hubby before the sun gets too warm.
Linda...you are right Life is pretty darn good!! :wink:
Chris...so glad that it sounds like you are feeling a bit better, as for waking up with a sore back, perhaps a new mattress is in order :noidea:
Laurie...Sunday sounds like a great day for you :thumb:
Sandra...Oh so sorry to hear that you are having some issues with your marriage :hug:
Hope everyone has a great weekend!! :wave:


lOve the O!
so - best laid plans- don't seem to be working, got a headache and took longer at dance/drive than I thought, so- downloading from my backups, laundry, and weeding for today- oh and scrapping!


Well-Known Member
Happy Saturday O Peeps!!! I am so glad that the forum did not stay down too long!!! A big ole THANKS and :hug: to Mama V!!!!

We spent most of the day at the water park yesterday...needless to say, the kids had a blast!! except for Savannah...poor thing, absolutely refused to lay down in the stroller and take a nap!! She usually will so I did not think it would be a big deal...so she was very cranky....I finally wrapped the whole thing up in towels so it would be dark and she passed out for about 30 minutes...but I had to take the towels half way down so some air would flow....EVERYONE was so tired...we were getting ready to leave and they announced a thunderstorm was close by, so they kicked everyone out and we got free passes to go back...YIPEEEEE!! My back got a little burned, because I forgot to get Traci to spray some block on my back. I took a load of photos...I just need to edit and upload to facebook...and then scrap!!

I had to take Mom to get her car this morning...our "guy" who works on our cars was doing a little maintenance on it and my Dad went to the church to work...So we got a nice ride in the country...Jesse went with us since he spent the night last night...he enjoyed it too...He loves to ride!!

We have been having thunderstorms like mad here...and really really bad ones...yesterday evening we had one that lasted forever....and with Tstorms comes power outages!! It's been out three times this week!! for two - five hours each time!!


Chris...I hear ya on the up early on the weekends...Mike has the hardest time getting up at 6 m-f when he has to work, and on the weekends he is wide awake at 5 or 5:30 unless he takes something to help him sleep better...and me...always up at 6 or 6:30...even when I don't go to bed until 2 am!! UUUGGHH!! ~healing~ thoughts for your back to stop hurting!! What kind of mattress do you have??

Sandra...I am sorry about your issues with DH ((HUGS))...prayers for you sweetie!!

LindaS....Wow what a record!!! They must be a totally awesome team!!! Congrats to them!!! :first: Oh I love the Farmers Market..but with all the early heat and not much rain, it's been a little shabby this year!! Still no tomatoes!!! :frown: All but that grocery shopping sounds definately good to me!!! ENJOY sweetie!!

Trudy....I wish my sister had a beach front house :high5: but then again I wish I had a sister too!! :biggrin1: I just have one brother...and with his wife...we don't really see much of each other...she is CRAZY!! ENJOY!!!

Laurie....Sorry for your headache and your plans not working like they were suppose to...I hope the downloading goes smooth...I know this is a pain...but I don't blame you for not wanting the pay all the $$$ that could be a fortune!!!! Good luck ((HUGS)))

Okay off to do some:washing: and then it's some of :champagneand :partywine Tomorrow...hopefully swimming at Sharon's house!!


Well-Known Member
Oh I forgot to say this before.....

KAT..........get you bum in here and tell us where you have found those most AWESOME smilies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I adore the one in your siggie!!!


always chatty at the O!!
Love you guys!! I love that if I move you guys are right where I left you no matter what. The one thing that never changes. I love it. Had to say good bye to my church today. It was very sad. Almost 4 years ago I sent them an email asking them some very pointed question about acceptance and they treated people that did things that may not be considered very Christian and their answers were just what I wanted to hear and I have been attending ever since and they have become my family and a home away from home. Amazingmy enough my husband even came with us, simply because I asked him too, which in my world is a HUGE deal. It was a great night. Tomorrow we are having a farewell BBQ for our last weekend here with some of our closest friends. It should be fun but it will be sad. I love my friends and family and am going to miss them so much but am so glad that they love me and I have them to miss. This whole process has sucked but there have been a lot of great things I have seen in the whole thing. I have seen how much I adore so many of my friends. I have seen how many of my friends I really don't care about and are just people I know, and I'm good with that. I am slowly learning better communication with my husband. Hopefully we don't kill each other in the process. Still need to get some xanax though. I am definitely learning to pick up after myself a little bit so that I don't drive my mother too crazy, only a little bit. :)

So, that is where I am at today. I haven't scrapped in weeks and I miss it horribly, but I am not allowed to scrap until we are on the road and all of my Continuing Education is completed for my x-ray certification. Then I can do some scrapping and I am sure I will do a lot of it. Maybe I can get DH to do some of the CE's. A girl can hope. We were working on our game plan today. We are hoping to maybe take a ferry across Lake Michigan. We'd go from Milwaukee to Muskeegee. It looks really fun. Plus it takes a chunk of driving off. It costs a bit more but less driving and no tolls. That seems worth it to me. We are going to hit the Nez Perce Tribe Reservation, Yellowstone Park, Mt. Rushmore, Jackson, MI, Cleveland, OH, Maybe PA, Maybe WV, Fayetteville, NC and mYrtle Beach and then end up back in Fayetteville to stay. Wow!! I am rambly rambly tonight. Since I am on a roll I think I'll throw in some personal before I head off to bed.

Chris - Sorry your back hurts. That really stinks. I also hope the rain lets up and the boys have a dry concert. Are they seeing anything good? I am still thinking you need to join me and Linda at the beach. I think you should grab Caitlin and head down. You two could share a room with me and my kids. Derek won't be there and my room will already be covered so you'd just have to show up. It would totally be awesome.

Laurie - So, what is up with the restore? Why do you need to do that? Are they corrupted or on something or what is going on with them? Sounds like a royal pain whatever is going on with them. Sorry your day didn't go as planned. I hope it turned out okay anyway.

Sandra - Big squeezy, eye-poppy HUGS!! :hug: I hope everything works itself out somehow with your marriage whatever is going on. I hope you had a good time with your mom and sister.

LindaS - It is great seeing you around again. We've missed seeing you. How fun to see your nephew on such a winning team. I used to love flipping in gymnastics and then in diving, I can only imagine how much Sydney loves it. Just please don't ever cave and get her a trampoline. I hope you got some good you time in...and some grocery shopping done. I cheated and let my mom do my shopping today. LOL

Trudy - Are you getting some of this sunshine we are getting down here? I sure hope we are sharing some of this with you, if not please take some it. I hate to complain, but we may have a little much. I'm sweating down here. Enjoy your beach time.

Kayleigh - :wave: Hey lady!! Haven't seen you around here in forever. It has definitely been a long time. I hope life has been good for you. Didn't you move or something and not have internet and then you were gone. I remember something like that. Well, glad to see you are back and I hope life is good and hope to see you around more.

LindaW - The waterpark sounds like a blast. That stinks about Cranky Pants Savannah. Don't you just hate that. They take a nap every other day except the day you want them to have the most fun and they want to be Miss Cranky Pants. Silly girl. Yay for the free passes. How fun. Oh, guess what...I see you in a month. Whoohoo!! I haven't made my reservations yet. I was going to but they are unchangeable reservations and I may have to change the days so I haven't made them yet. It will either be Sat-Weds or Sun-Thurs. Either way I am going. Just don't have the days solidified yet. It will just depend on timing is all. I'll keep you posted.

Okay, I think I got everyone from this weekend so far. I have to go do some stuff and I am off to bed. Love you guys. You are all the bestest!!


lOve the O!
Clara- I had an EHD failure- old computer small hard drive- almost all on EHD- photos and digiscrap stuff (not my O stuff though- whew)

Good luck with the drive and the move- ferries are nice- we have taken them from NY to VT- give your body a chance to unbend!

DL three restores y day- 1 worked- will try again today - slow but money saving and I have plenty of things to do that do not involve my computer


The Loopy-O
bluuuurgh! Up early again, dang dog :( Got out of bed, shiffled over to teh computer and what?? Dead! No power, nothing. Dog whining and barking to go out, and all I want is coffee. Get dog and and settled, climb on top of desk - all cords are connected. Climb under desk, all cords are connected, but the battery back up is off. Hit that back on and the computer comes up. Now the big question is why the batter b-up failed. Computer is working ATM, so all is well. For now.

Yesterday turned out to be a busier day than I expected and I got next to nothing done. IL's called first thing to say that wanted to come up in the afternoon, spent all morning cleaning my house. SO now all of the "chores" I wanted to do yesterday, now have to be done today. *sighs*
Laurie- its sounds like the Universe was def. playing games with us!

I am glad that I sounded perky to you all. I am working hard on trying look at things more positively Didn't feel much like it this morning (s till not quite there) but I am trying. I had a very "heavy" therapy session the other day and she wants me to acknowledge that there is a lot of negative/stress etc in my life, but to not either totally ignore, or totally wallow. Its harder than it sounds LOLOL!!


The Loopy-O
Hi Sandra- so sorry that things are hard for you right now, but sometimes, its so much better in the long run. Hoping the best for you! How was your time with your mom and sis?

Linda S- wow-- that is so awesome about Sydney! How old is she now? That sounds just so amazing for her!
I want to look into seeing if there is a team at the Middle School that Cait can try out for. One reason is selfish- we have to pay a $75/per kid "Activity Fee" to put towards after school sports. I know Scott is not going to be involved, but maybe it will make me feel better is Cait is. And I think she would do so well on a team- build her confidence and support.
Were you able to get some down time in yet, or is that for today?


The Loopy-O
(Sorry for making so many posts, I am so nervous my computer is going to die on me!)

Trudy- I am so jealous of your sis- beach front!! *swoons* My mom's lake house is up on the hill across the street from the lake, so you can see it, but anything waterfront (OK- maybe not Passaic River LOL) is my dream!

Laurie- weeding and scrapping! Sounds like a *perfect* day to me!!!!

Kayleigh! What happened to your old account?? Yes, we missed you, you goof! Glad to see you are back- not sit down and stay a while!!LOL

Nana Linda- are you still adopting me???????? I wanna go to the water park with you!!! How is the back today? Aloe, aloe aloe!!
Have to admit, I am a bit jealous of the t-storms. It rained here, pretty hard, for a while, then by noon, it was all over.But the heat wave has broken, it looks to be a great day for Gary and Scott. They are seeing Iron Maiden together- my mom got them tix for their b-days. They are both so excited LOL

Oh!! Forgot to brag ( you know me, I brag so much cuz life is all about ME!!! muhahahha!) Scott got $$ for his graduation and he bought a used acoustic/electric guitar. He has been playing all the time now, some songs from tab, some by ear- *and* he is started to write his own songs.
This is so huge, he has always has a talent in music, Caitl too. They get it f rom their dad! :D Anyway- he has always given up, said he stinks, blah blah. Now it is all clicking for him. I think that he is started to come out of his depression/stress etc and is feeling better about himself, more confident. Gary always said that playing guitar got him through HS where he didn't feel like he fit in otherwise (not a jock or brain etc). I hope that this gives Scott a good stress reliver, a creative outlet, and a positive way to feel like he fits in. Its so hard for him sometimes, esp. with being sick.
Just had to share!


The Loopy-O
Linda- did you save some of that :partywine: for me?

Laurie- I am admittedly a cheapskate ;) but sometimes you have to weigh in the cost against the time and aggravation factors. I am thinking you should go for it.

Clara- I looooove you toooooooooo!
I think the idea of a ferry would be cool! Like I just said to Lauire- you have to figure time and aggravation. This would be a good time for the kids, I bet. And some down time for you and D.
I wish I could come to M Beach too-- when are the dates again?

love to you all!


Well-Known Member
good morning! had a wonderful time with my mom and sister yesterday... they did so much for the kids and it makes me feel kinda bad because I know how hard they have it... mom bought a bunch of school supplies, and my sister spent her yard sale money on 2 outfits each for the kids... Will's and Piper's are for school... plus mom bought Piper 2 pairs if pjs because she needed them desperately... then she bought lunch... I managed to squeak out an outfit each for Will and Piper for school and a couple things on their school supply list...

not much going on today... gotta do some laundry and try to finish up a promo kit for ScrapWow members... I need to work on the garage for a little bit and try to get my stuff ready for a yard sale at the end of July/1st of August... so another busy day with all of that and getting ready for the work week...

Chris - I know this will all be for the best... but I gotta tell you it really sucks!

Clara - Ferry rides are fun... we took one to Okracoke Island, NC... its sooo much fun!

hope everyone is enjoying their weekend!
Kayleigh! What happened to your old account?? Yes, we missed you, you goof! Glad to see you are back- not sit down and stay a while!!LOL

Hahaha! I missed you too!! =] My old account? Well I'd LOVE to use that one again, however, I don't remember the password or the email address I used for it so I guess I have no idea lol.

Well, I have some BIGGG news. Not all of it is great news but the most important thing is AMAZING news! First of all, Mario and I are getting a divorce. However, before that decision was made, I found out I was pregnant. =] :preggers:

&& I am back for good!