
Daily Ooo's January 7th


lOve the O!
morning all- turned my alarm off but the cat alarm went off at 6:00- so once she started yowling there was no hope to go back to sleep- I plan to go run errands before the snow hits later today.

Clara- woo hoo for internet and getting test results back

AndreaNYX- sorry you got your butt kicked at TKD last night


The Loopy-O
hahah! LaurieW I have cat/dog alarms too. Wish there was some way to turn them off on the weekends:)

Doing pretty ok here, my horriblenogoodverybadday of Tues is over, yippeeeeee!
Off to work for MIL in a bit. Then I have to find a birthday present for one of Caitlyn's freinds, and my mom. Why do people have to have their b-days immediately before or after Christmas? I have no ideas at all!!!

Linda W- When is it ever going to be warm????? How many days til spring???

Soco- good to hear you girls are on the mend!

Kat- sending hugs and chicken soup hon!

Andrea/Nyx- TKD- woot!!!! Good for you!!!!

Elisa- hope that your are "hooked" back up again soon. thank goodness you can get internet at work or you'd be jonesing by now.

LindaP- hope you and your fam is staying warm and cozy. I miss my wood stove.

Natesia- wish I could send you some sunshine and warm breezes to you, but there aren't any here at all, wah!!

Laurie W ROTF! I hear ya- we live in the mountains of NJ, and we do typically get a lot more snow than other areas south of us, even by a few miles. But I think of the people in Buffalo- who must laugh at us when we get all freaked by the 6-8 inches.

CLara!!!!!!!! (((((((((((((((hugs!!!!!)))))))))))) So happy to hear about your blood results. You know that this means you'd better start taking good care of yourself. Vitamins, lots of water so you don't dehydrate and going to bed at a decent hour If you don't listen to me, I am gonna sic our Nana Linda on you!

Love to you all!!


Well-Known Member
Good morning girlies!!!!!!!!!!!!

I hope you are all WARM!! YES CHRIS....I AGREE...WHEN WILL IT EVER BE WARM AGAIN!!! I usually am not complaining about the cold...but it's usually not THIS cold!!! BUT....I did see the weather this morning...we are headed into a heatwave next week...high on Thursday will be 40 degrees!! WOOT!!!!!!!! I am breaking out the sunblock and going out to tan!!! :D LOL...as far as how many days til spring? thinking it's not going to matter...It's definately going to take until MID summer to thaw us all out!!

I got my pictures taken of my JUNK to put on Craigs List...just need to list them....My Mom came over to visit for a while yesterday and my babies kept me busy...so just never got the time...then when I did...I just had to do some scrapping!!!


where I left off yesterday:

Soco....I am sending you great big ((HUGS)) and positive thoughts so you will feel better my dear!!! but I am happy your princess is feeling better and fully charged!!! and just love seeing you here in the Oooos more often!!!

Kat.....((((((((HUGS))))))))) to you too!! You need to take care of you and not let this turn into the big P!!...GET BETTER and STAY WARM!!

Elisa....it really really sucks that you can not get your internet going!! especially if you are going to be snowed in!! Guess you may not get to see this post for a bit!! The snow is coming here tonight!! I think a couple of inches!!

Andrea/Nyx....TKD...you are very energetic!!! I don't think I could handle it!! But it is very good for you!! Yay for you!! Sounds like it's time to step up the grounding or time outs for the kiddos!! I tell my daughters all the time...just don't let them be in control...or they WILL BE IN CONTROL!!!

LIndaP...enjoy your days off from school!! and better stay in if it's too windy!! I hate the "blowing snow"...it's hard to get around in the stuff when it's not blowing..but so much worse when it does blow!! Stay warm!!

Natesia....ooh be very careful when you go out in the weather!! and you stay warm too!!

Clara...I am so happy your blood tests came back okay!!!! But my dear...YOU NEED TO TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF...I am happy to see that you are realizing this now!!...You know I will come right out there and kick your butt if I need to!!! I can't imagine putting myself on a timer for the computer...but I don't have little ones either....after dinner....that and tv is pretty much it for us around here!! ((((((((((HUGS))))))))))

Laurie....very cool about the ballroom dancing!! that is a huge thing around here!! It's fabulous excerise!! IKWYM about the snow thing...it used to be the same here....2-5 inches is nothing...but we just don't get that kind of snow too often anymore, so the state is not prepared for it...so it's a huge deal when the least little of flakes fall!!...the 20" we got a few weeks ago is a really really big deal now!! Now that cat would be on my HIT LIST!! LOL!! I don't have pets...so I don't get it too much!! But I know you pet lovers learn to deal with it!!

Chris....so happy you are over the BAD day!!! and I am with you sister on the birthday stuff...geez we have so many in this family that range from november to january!!! 4 of 6 grandchildren included!!!! Have a FABuLOUS DAY!!!

Love to everyone else too!!!


Well-Known Member
Well, the weather is bad everywhere...here in Bariloche, Argentina should be Summer, right? well, maybe in the calendar! it's cold & windy and we neeeed a little summer already!!!
Sorry about you there with all the snow and cold temperatures and no internet too!!! how do you survive!:p
Clara- this are AWESOME news!!! now, just take care of yourself!
Yesterday was my last day at work, my back hurts too much to work, and was my mom birthday so I did too much and I was in such pain at night that my heart raced and I couldn't sleep until I took something for my heart and a pain killer :shock:...so I slep too little and now my eyes are tearing! Oh, well....:(

My dog also wakes me up in the morning...I know...

I hope you all will feel a little better!!!


I lOve Me Some O!
The snow is coming down hard still. I rode into town with my Dad since he has a truck, so I've been awake longer than I wanted. And I had to come to work since I need to send some orders out, or else I probably would have just stayed home & taken a snow day ;)

As for the snow, I would say it looks pretty, but I couldn't see it this morning since it was still so dark out and now I'm looking out the window watching it come down on the slushy road, (so not so pretty). I guess we have a winter advisory until tomorrow night here, and since it is fluffy snow, then more accumulation.

For my internet, it looks like my Mom will be bringing me a wireless card thingy for my computer and then I just need to reimburse her for it. But she won't be around till tomorrow night, (if the roads are okay), or Saturday. I'm hoping for Friday night!

And yeah Chris, I'm glad I have internet here in town or I'd go nuts!

Hope all you girls have a great Thursday!! I'll try to be back in later!


Well-Known Member
Morning all!

So today I wake up with bruised arms, a headache and a realization that I should to see the doc. For some time now I've been crazy moody. Always passed it off on the nausea or foot intolerance, but I'm wondering if the anxiety has come back. Once upon a time way before I had kids I took Zoloft and I *think* that I was less moody. It's about time I do something about it... it's just getting out of hand.

LindaW: do some tanning for me please, we're under probably 3 feet of snow these days & we have quite the humid cold wind so it's bundle up for sure! TKD is for ME... DH is a 4th Dan Black Belt and he teaches the class. I also goto the gym 2 or 3 times/week. Before kids I was very active so I'm super excited to be able to get back into it. Specially with feeling crappy all the time... exercise helps a bit. As for the kids... they are 5 and almost 3... not sure if grounding would work quite yet. What I do need to do is get my grumpies under control b/c that certainly doesn't help!

Soco & Kat: hope you feel better soon!!!

Elisa: man, I hope you get yer internet working soon, it would drive me crazy to not be able to check!

LindaP: have some great time off. when do you go back?!

Natesia: how is the weather today?! any better?

Clara: very glad your test results came back negative. Hope that you can get a good routine going and feel better soon... I know what it's like to feel crappy all the time.

Laurie: it's funny. where I used to live, the roads were always slippery but people were accustomed to it so drove appropriately. Here? man... we get winter, we get snow & we get slippery roads. But *every* year they seem to forget how to drive. and it's not just the 1st snow either... it's all winter. drives me nuts lol.

I wake up with kitties in the bed all the time lol but they don't wake me up. it's DHs snoring or blowing his nose or coughing that wakes me up... arg!

Chris: yep, we have 2 birthdays in december and one right away in January... sheesh lol.

ah, if I missed anybody sorry!

everybody hope you have a great day!!


...loves her some "O"
morning my dearest Os!!!

Sorry I missed you yesterday! I was enjoying finally being upright ALL DAY! omgoodness!! What a blessing!! So today, I'm going to continue on my Studio refurbing journey...I'm gonna post a pic on my BLOG today of the journey so far!!

So Wow!! Everyone is getting hit with all this crazy COLDNESS...even Yam in Argentina!! What's that all about??? It should get into the teens today, although my "teens" in the house want it to stay in the 50s so I will take them to Target and Fry's Electronic store to get stuff with Christmas money and gift cards they have...I'm not a "go out into the cold" person at all, so it'll depend on school, weather, and then how I'm feelin'! LOL!!

Otherwise, just hanging, learning about the Incas and Spanish Conquest of the New World today...if you have any questions, ask Cora!! heehee!! :)

Love you guys!!!


Well-Known Member
Hi ;) I'm just 18! And I'm adult! So... drink with me ;P


Well-Known Member
Snow Day! :) They closed school already last night. They closed Interstate 90 all the way from Rapid City to Sioux Falls last night. That's about 300 miles of Interstate. Looks like they have it open again from Rapid City to Chamberlain. Chamberlain to Sioux Falls is still closed - about 140 miles. It's horribly windy and the snow is blowing around like crazy. Mr. Wonderful plowed the driveway for about 5 hours and finally gave up for a while to come in and have some lunch.
Air temps are supposed to plummet to -25 tonight. I doubt we'll start school on time if we go at all tomorrow.

So - I'm going through garden catalogs getting ready to start planning my garden for 2010.
Have a happy day all, stay warm!


lOve the O!
Hi everyone- it has started snowing- I love it- got to town and back without a hitch.

Chris- good luck with the gift hunting!
Yam - may you get warm weather soon!
LindaW- hope you get those junque items on craigs list soon
Elisa- hope the snow doesn't delay your internet too much!
Andrea- hope you get medical answers soon
Sally- can't wait to see your blog pics
Natesia- happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Natesia, happy birthday to you!!!
LindaPete- enjoy the snow day(s)!

Off to clean before dh gets home!


I lOve Me Some O!
Just a quick update for you guys... it is still snowing like crazy here! They haven't even gotten the main road cleared up, (yes, there is only 1 main road in my tiny town, hahahahaha). The kids got out early. I'm still stuck in town for a few more hours till I can get a ride home since no way would my car make it in this weather, (an inch and it goes crazy).

It is predicted that this will go on through tomorrow. Hopefully it isn't too bad and I can still do some fun snow senior pictures for 1 of my friends. (She's going to help me promote this year to get me more business, and she wants photos during each season, lol).

Stay warm & safe guys!!


always chatty at the O!!
Good morning!! Ooops, I guess it is just now afternoon. Thanks guys for the well wishes on the encouragement on the healthy blood results and the kick in the butt about doing what I need to to get and stay healthy. It is horrible when as an adult I have to put a timer on my computer to go to bed at a decent hour, but I'll do what I ned to. Then I just need to work on drinking more water, taking my pills everyday and finding a good vitamin to take everyday. I think I will find some flintstone vitamins with iron. I can do that I think. Iron and calcium. Those are winners right there.

So today is Ethan's first day back to piano after the break. Did I tell you guys he had his first piano recital before Christmas? It was so sweet. He played Dance of the Sugarplum Fairies. He wanted to play Jingle Bells but I could just imagine all the songs he would start singing as he played it on the piano. No way!! My parents came down for him to play his song and everything along with a friend of mine's kids. It was great. But he was so cute all dressed up. I need to do a page for it soon.

well, i am going to go eat some lunch and then come back in a few for personals.


always chatty at the O!!
So, I am eating lunch now and have my vitamins...now about those personals:

Laurie - I am so glad to not have a needy cat. I would squash her. She's not allowed in our room when we are sleeping. Husbands rule. He shuts the door because she makes too much noise and our dog stays downstairs. So, no animals wake us up. Creepy crawly children on the other hand...

Chris - I think you need to tell them to reschedule their nirthday because it isn't convenient. My grandma rescheduled my dad's birthday from Dec. 23 to Nov. 11 for many years. I will def take care of myself. Nana Linda is nice to me and loves me. I don't want her mad at me and on my butt. I'll be good. I bought my Flintstone vitamins today with Iron. I spent probably 20 minutes looking at stupid vitamins. They have to be chewables or I won't take them. I'm such a baby.

LindaW - you know what they sell at Costco that is perfect for you for around the house? An electric throw blanket. How cool is that for those cold days for snuggling with those babies? Good luck selling your stuff on craigslist. Oh, and my computer timer just turns my computer off at 10, or whatever time I have it set up for on the specific night. 11 on Thursdays because of Private Practice, etc. It just keeps me from staying up until 1:00 working on a LO or 2.

Yam - No warmth in the summer? I would not be thrilled. But what can you do. So what it the story with your back? That stinks that it hurts you so bad. I hope you can find some relief.

Elisa - you stay safe. That snow there doesn't sound like fun. I read something on FB about a street sign?? BE CAREFUL!!!! I'm glad you will have internet at home soon.

Andrea/Nyx - You are in good company here for mental health medications. Some people take them depression, sleep or anxiety. I take effexor for anxiety and swear by it. I can function without it but not very nicely. I truly believe that if you need the medication you need to take it. If life is overwhelming without it, then get your butt on something. Quickly!! Life is hard enough then trying to balance depression or anxiety on top of the everyday challenges of life and children. But that's just my opinion. **Hugs**

Sally - as usual I'm jealous of the stuff you guys are learning about. I'm sending my kids to the Keller Institute of Creative Learning next year. I really wish I had what it took to home school my kids because I really want to start Addie a year early. I'm still struggling with what I want to do with her. I hate the idea of her in preschool for 3 years. YOu should start a boarding school and I'll send her to kindergarten and first grade with you. LOL!! I hope it doesn't get too cold down there. I know you Texans don't handle the cold well.

Natesia - Happy Birthday to you!!! I'll definitely have a drink with you!! Mango margaritas for everyone!!

LindaP - 5 hours of plowing? That is insane!! I hope he is doing it in a truck or something and not actually in the cold. Yuck!! That is some really bad weather. I hope you are enjoying your day off. I wish we could get a nice day off, but no it isn't that cold here. No snow here.

OKay that is it. I'm going to just sit here at work and wait for my boss to get here and not fire me. LOL!! That's what he said anyway. he said he was coming out here so I asked if I was getting fired. He asked why everyone always asked if they were getting fired. Haha!! Not sure why he's coming out though. he keeps calling asking weird questions about my equipment and how many pictures I take a day and stuff like that. Hmmmm...maybe I'll get a raise?? Wishful thinking.


I lOve Me Some O!
Hehehehe Clara.. Okay the Street Sign was my first time ever driving on bad ice going around a curve.. soooo about 7 years ago.

The only thing scary about it was I had one of my baby cousins in the car with me, (so she was about 2.5 or 3 at the time), so I started crying, (I cry easily anyway), and when we got home she got on my lap and said "Don't worry Lisa, the sign's not dead" it was the cutest thing ever. She still remembers this too.

Now don't worry about getting fired Clara. I'll wish for a raise for you!


always chatty at the O!!
Elisa - that story is kinda funny because that same type of thing just happened to my sister a couple of months ago. No ice though. Her shoe somehow got caught in her floor mat and she couldn't hit the brake and she had Addie in the car and she rear ended someone. The guy she hit ended up being some older hippie guy though who was really cool. He ended up just being worried about her and trying to get her car fixed and get her settled down. He was trying to get her to call his wife who apparently can get anybody settled down. Then gave her a phone number to a guy he knows who owns a auto body shop and told her who to ask for and said he'd hook her up. I think he even hugged her. He had long hair and was driving a VW bus. There was no real damage. My sister drives a mustang and the hitch on the VW put a hole in the under bumper thing on her car. She was just so upset that she got into any kind of accident with Addie in the car. Then Addie was being all sweet to her telling her "shhh...its okay auntie."

I'm not really worried about getting fired. A raise would be nice though. He's just being a pain not telling me why he's not coming out. It is because I've known him forever. He used to work with my husband way before I was ever and x-ray tech, before we were married or lived in Italy or anything. Long time ago. He just likes to mess with me. Punk.


lOve the O!
Evening - ended up not going to dance lessons- we were the only ones left that hadn't canceled- dh said we could make it, he already passed 6 different cars driving 20 mph on his way home.

clara- my cat does get shut out of the bedroom as does the dog, and normally goes out at night, but she doesn't like snow- so when she thinks I have slept long enough she will sit at the door and yowl and sometimes beat on the door with her paws- she adopted us- she is not my kind of cat.


Well-Known Member
Hello ladies! It is nasty here today! I made it to work...kids and Brian stayed home. I came home at 3:30 so I could drive through the daylight. Getting white outs now. So tired of it already!

Should be working but I think that I will spend a little time scrapping instead. Some kits and challenges that I really want to take a chance at.


Well-Known Member
oh Clara, how did it go?

got an appt on Wednesday to see the doc. I'm gonna tell her everything and see what she says. she may not be so quick to jump to meds... but we'll see. I really like her so I'm looking forward to the visit. DH also wants to change docs so I'll ask her if she'll take him too :)


Well-Known Member
No school again tomorrow. They have cancelled classes in Sioux Falls for two days in a row now. That is completely unheard of!
Mr. Wonderful spent close to 12 hours getting the driveway dug out. For those of you wondering how he does that. We have a backhoe! I posted a picture of it on my blog yesterday. It has an enclosed cab and a heater so he stays warm and out of the wind. Now if the township would plow our road - life would be complete. It has not been plowed since the day after Christmas and it drifts in very quickly and deeply.
When I got home yesterday, i could not tell really where the driveway was. It's a good thing we have some markers at the end of the driveway! I posted a picture of that too:)

Clara - take care of yourself!