
Daily Ooo's Friday September 25


The Loopy-O
Yay for Friday!!! woo hoooooooooooooooooooooo!
I cannot wait to sleep late(r) tomorrow. I cannot tell you how much that makes me happy LOL I love my sleep. Getting up this early is just not right.

Did everyone have a good day yesterday? I'll be checking in on that thread in a minute.

Not much going on here today- lots of paperwork/bills etc. And somehow I got myself as the Chairperson of the TREP$ committee for PTA. TREP$ is that entrepreneur/marketplace that the kids do for school. The PTA wants to do this in early December which means I need to get the paper work out , like yesterday... but I have no idea where to even begin. ugh.... That is #1 on the priority list for today.


ME- I know- my DVR is all filled up already! But man, I am so excited to see Fringe tonight!
I am not on Twitter. I might be a twit some days, but not a tweet Lol Good luck and have fun!

LindaW-- so true!! Hope I didn't make you spit out anything w/ the tomato comment! Good luck to mom and the eye dr.
No kidding on the inspections, :(- we used to have it every year, and you would have to wait minimum an hour on line. Once I waited almost 2 hours and that was when Scott was a baby- I swore I was never going to do that again. Now we go every other year, and new cars don't have to go for three (4?) years. Lines are much more manageable but I still make Gary go.

Oh poor Sharon and C-man!!! One time Scott forgot to get off the bus and I was flipping out. I had Caitlyn in the car wearing her black velvet and pink tulle ballerina dress up costume and had to go to the school to find out where he was- I guess better her wearing the tutu than me.... thenthey had to track down the bus, make sure he was on it then drop him back off at the bus stop. Insanity LOL!

Hope you had so much fun out and about!

Dianne- I saw your scrap room on your blog- so nice! Hope you had fun with your church "date"

Sandra- oh sweetie- you are just not getting a break. Hope that your little man feels better and things start looking up for you.

Lori- I think we all fell off the FLY plane this week ;) Come on back over to our thread and we'll help you get back on track. Hope that your dh is feeling better-- beleieve me, I know how you feel!! (I deserve Sainthood for having Gary home over 2 years dont you think? LOL)

Sally- I love these threads too!!

Jos- give that happy chunk a big ol belly raspberry from me! LOL Happy canning!!

Clara- Some days I hate computers! Its def. a love/hate thing :p Great news about your friend, I hope that the kids adjust well, and that the mom can get herself the help she needs....

Dawn- feel better!! LOL at the tummy bug!
So sad about the girl....scary :(

Finish It Friday! Lots and lots for me to do- but I have my list and that will help keep me moving forwrd.

Love you all!


Well-Known Member
Came home last night and had no internet! Argh...how hard was that? Very! So I'm way behind but it's Friday and I can catch up tonight!

In the meantime, happy Friday all!!!


Well-Known Member
Good Morning ladies!!!!!!

Well....it's suppose to rain here today and tomorrow...so I did cancel my yardsale, so it probably won't...LOL!!!

Ended up not taking MIL to the eye DR....she calls me 5 minutes before I was going to walk out the door and tells me she has an upset stomach!! GRRRRRRR!! You have to know her to understand why this is so aggrivating!! She would NEVER leave the house if it was up to her, and she doesn't except dr appts. She sits around feeling sorry for herself because no one wants to come and sit with her all the time....we try to tell her to get out some....she won't. She then gets herself worked up over going to the dr and just decides she can't go!! I love her to death, but it's ridiculous..I have been helping out for a long time...but this was the last chance for me....now that I am going to be keeping the two babies, I can't take her any more!

Well...I am with the rest of you on the TV...my DVR is full and I have something to watch all the time now!! YAY!! I LOVE FALL!! WEATHER, COLORS, TV!!!!


Chris....my car needs cleaned out..will you do mine??? and I promise there are no tomatoes!!! LOL!!! I am glad you got so much done in the yard the other day....but yeah...it's hard on the body!!!! Good luck with that paperwork today!! YUCK!!! You should get Clara to help you...she says she likes paperwork!! :) man....we don't have lines like that for inspection....but I really don't see the need of doing it every year...especially if your car is newer.

LindaS...Oh so happy your internet is back...that stinks....I do okay if ours goes out...and I am the one on ALL the time...but DH gets MAD if it goes out!! I think it's the paying for something that your are not getting at that moment thing....he always says "call them and tell them we want a credit on our bill"....geeeezzz.

Hi ME....I don't tweet either....I spend too much time already...I don't need another distraction!!


Well-Known Member
WELL...I hit enter by mistake....

Ok...the rest of my personals:

Diane...I am happy you have joined in here with us!!! I saw your journal cover...I LOVE IT!!!!! Hope you got to your church couples dinner!!!!

Sandra...poor Mathew...he has really had it with these temps and bugs!!! (((HUGS))) for you both dear...hope he is feeling better!!!!

Lori....I know about the falling of the flywagon...I have too!! I swear I am going to do better next week!!! but life happens!!! Hope Mr Potts is better and went to work...sounds like you neeeded him to!! !!

Sally...no fair...they don't do free sandwiches at ChicFilA here!!!!! sounds like you had a good day yesterday...journaling and scrapping!! WOOT!!

Jos....sounds like a great prize for the shots...starbucks....your big little man sounds like my Jesse...he was almost 17 lbs at 4 months and he is well over 50 lbs now and will be 3 in NOV...his daddy is a big guy...and his grandfather is a really big guy...so I am guess Jesse is going to be too!!

Clara...I am so glad the system worked for your friend....those children need her...I know!! and hopefully it will be permanant!!!! I wish her lots of good thoughts and luck!!!

Dawn....(((HUGS))) sorry you have another bug!!!! that stinks...you have been catching them all!!! that is terrible about the child with the swine flu...her family is in my prayers!!

Okay...I am off....gotta shower and get over to Sharon's house...I am helping her with a project today.


Well-Known Member
Good morning, Ladies!

Checking in real quick here....then I'll be back for personals. :wink:

Last night's church couple meet & greet was so nice! My DH & I haven't gone "out" for quite awhile. It was great to meet new couples from church, see some good friends and the mojitios weren't too bad either! lol I weren't able to stay too long because we didn't know how long Gracie was going to last at home w/o me. She was not happy when we left! And, it was a school night, so Abby had homework. Gracie did great though & I am so grateful that we were able to go!

We had a busy morning. Abby has school pictures today, so we got up early and put some hot rollers in her hair & I helped her put on a little eyeshadow & blush. She looked so beautiful & I am just in shock at how quickly she's turning into a young lady!

After she left I moved the rug out of our living room & scrubbed & scrubbed our carpet. It was covered w/ circle stains of chocolate milk & who knows what else!

I am hoping that tonight is pretty quiet & I can do some scrapping. My DH has already warned me that he will be working this weekend, which is a huge bummer. I am really excited for tomorrow. The Mothers of Young Children group at my church is going to a Habitat for Humanity house tomorrow morning to do landscaping. I am so thankful to be able to be a part of this & it's something that I never thought I'd be able to help with!

More in a bit! Have a great day, ladies!


always chatty at the O!!

Today was running day but I woke up with a horrible headache and went back to bed. I was not so impressed with myself but I still have a pounding headache and it is making for a crappy day. I definately didn't get enough sleep last night after watching Grey's Anatomy. I need to do something. Maybe me and the kids will all go for a walk tonight or something.

This weekend I'll be playing the single parent role. DH will be driving to Portland for a MRI seminar so that he can take the test to make him a superstar. He had some big plan a couple of days ago to drive 2.5 hours down there, drive back up for a party that I know would involve a lot of drinking then back down Sunday morning. I swear he thinks I'm an idiot once in awhile. I threw a little fit about it. Him and another guy came up with this big plan but the other guy backed out so now he's making more sense and just staying down there for the night. Silly boys.

Well, I'd like to do persona;s but my head is killing me so I will try and come back. I need to head to the gallery for a bit though. Have a fantastic day everyone.


Well-Known Member
Hi ladies... I just wanted to pop in here and say hello... I know it's been a while, but it has been a crazy month! Sending you all well wishes and have a wonderful weekend! ((hugs))


Well-Known Member
Hi everybody! I have a headache! And I'm trying to write this dumb paper for school. I'm telling you. Grrr. I miss scrapping and I miss my O-fam! I'm going to try to make it to Sally's chat tonight. I saw on Facebook that several people including the lovely Miss Christina Renee were interested in attending. Should be a lot of fun!

I have done ONE layout this week, and I'm not sure how many I did last week, if I even did any. Lame. I need better time management skills.

Kiss kiss! Hopefully I'll get back over the weekend.


Well-Known Member
Hi ladies... I just wanted to pop in here and say hello... I know it's been a while, but it has been a crazy month! Sending you all well wishes and have a wonderful weekend! ((hugs))

Hey Dawn! Your new avi is gorgeous :). Good to see ya posting! Love the kit you have up at A5D!


Well-Known Member
Hi everybody! I have a headache! And I'm trying to write this dumb paper for school. I'm telling you. Grrr. I miss scrapping and I miss my O-fam! I'm going to try to make it to Sally's chat tonight. I saw on Facebook that several people including the lovely Miss Christina Renee were interested in attending. Should be a lot of fun!

I have done ONE layout this week, and I'm not sure how many I did last week, if I even did any. Lame. I need better time management skills.

Kiss kiss! Hopefully I'll get back over the weekend.

((((hugs)))) sorry about your head, hope it feels better soon. If you've gotten 1 LO done that's 1 more than me....between work stress and tummy bugs I've not scrapped...I don't like when RL gets in the way of my scrappin' LOL. I hope you can make it to chat tonight Andrea!!!!


Well-Known Member

Today was running day but I woke up with a horrible headache and went back to bed. I was not so impressed with myself but I still have a pounding headache and it is making for a crappy day. I definately didn't get enough sleep last night after watching Grey's Anatomy. I need to do something. Maybe me and the kids will all go for a walk tonight or something.

Take care of your headache sweetie!!!! Get ya some rest n maybe you can get some scrappin' in this weekend. (((hugs)))


Well-Known Member
Came home last night and had no internet! Argh...how hard was that? Very! So I'm way behind but it's Friday and I can catch up tonight!

In the meantime, happy Friday all!!!

Hi LindaS! Ugh to no internet! I hate times like that....causes some serious DTs LOL. Hope you chat with us tonight :).


Well-Known Member
Chris-I hear you on the getting up early, I'm liking it less and less myself! I'd rather stay up late and sleep late LOL. And yes, I do believe you've earned sainthood LOL.

LindaW-argh, that would make me nuts what your MIL did!!! I hope you can chat with us tonight my friend!!!!

Hi Dianne!!! Sooooo glad to see you still hangin' out with us and that we haven't scared you away with our nuttiness yet.

Well...I've gotta do a gallery run....and check out the store (payday!!! woohoo), then try and do a little scrappin'!

((((Hugs)))) see y'all later this evening in chat i hope!


Active Member
I am new here, and I am trying to get enough posts in to post a link to my layout for a challenge I did. I will be looking around the site to find places to post tonight.