
Daily Ooo's: Friday, May 9


The Loopy-O
Whew! What a week. Some majors highs and lows. You might have seen the news that we lost a Cheery-O and O-Fam member, Andrea C
I found out about it literally moments before I left for my last radiation tx and what a roller coaster of emotions those few moments. But nothing like what Andrea's family must be going through. I hope and pray that they can somehow, at some point in time, come to terms with all that they have gone through. Way, way too much loss for any family.

I apologize for the cryptic posts, but I wasn't sure what proper "protocol" was. I have found out about way too many deaths over the last two years through FB or internet postings. I guess that is the way of it now. Doesn't make it any easier however.

Lyme appt went, as expected I guess. She doesn't want me working. Said I looked like crap. hehe, not quite in so many word, but said that I not only looked exhausted but "deficient." She is putting me on some different vitamins and herbals to help my body to start producing white blood cells again. Part of me is relieved. I know that I am not ready to go back to work yet.

Tonight 2 of my girlfriends are having a girls night in, some wine and appy's and celebrating my completion of rads. Good friends. Good family. Good O-Fam.

Finish it Friday.
Eep. I have another LO for a challenge to post and one more to do. Plus I have to get some of the clutter/papers floating around my office area put away.

Hugs and love to all of you!


Well-Known Member
Hi Chris , I read about it on fb and I wanted to come in here to say well, I don't even know what to say. Shocking ! Hugs to everyone, she will be greatly missed:(


Well-Known Member
Morning - the weather is grey which I suppose might be appropriate given the sad news about Andrea. She was funny and I enjoyed her comments!

I did have a nice day and got in a good walk as the rain had ended by mid afternoon. Had a fun dinner out with my girlfriends. Watched hockey. Today more scrapping and more hockey and walks.

Chris listen to your doctor and gain your strength before going back to work!

Trudy that cute kid Fraser scoring the OT goal was pretty exciting. Loved how he jumped in the air after scoring. Tuuka looked really good!

Everyone else please have a great day!


Well-Known Member
Morning everyone.

What a crazy week Chris. I can't imagine the roller coaster helps you heal. I'm glad she said you couldn't go back to work too.

I apologize for the cryptic posts too, but I didn't want to step on toes either.

Busy day today, but a lazy night tonight and a fairly low key Saturday. Mother's Day will be busy. I wish I hadn't asked my Mother-In-Law if we were doing anything. There is too much drama for that family to get together right now and it's turned into a headache. I'd much rather go to my dad and stepmom's, but they only told me about it last night and we already had the other plans. :-( Forget that, I'd rather go home and sit on my booty. :)

Oh well.

The weather here is beautiful. It's been very spring-like the last several days (well...except for the 98 degree day!). Maybe I will sit on the porch and have a margarita after school. Too bad my friends are busy. I'll have to take comfort in fictional friends. :-D I got plenty of those!

I'm testing kids right now. They take this long reading test on the computer and I sit on my duff. I have plenty of stuff to do elsewhere when they are done, but for now, I'm stuck in the stuffy computer lab. At least this group is taking their time. I had two the other day that I was testing that took 6 minutes and 9 minutes to do what should take them 25! *sigh*

Hi Jen!

Hi Angela - What a difficult year and a half you've had. I'm glad things are settling in finally. I'm sure that will help! Glad you popped in!

T - Sorry about ZLS! I can relate totally. I know I get sick of hearing everyone suggest their "hypoallergenic" dogs over and over when I know most of them still bother me, BUT, I can't help throwing out the Wheaten to you. It seems to not be as bad for me...even compared to other "nonshedding" dogs. I think they are supposed to have less dander or something.

Hi Trudy and Laurie!! You've been busy beavers.

Trudy - I had to go get a new Vera Bradley bag yesterday. My laptop case that I've had for four years and practically used the tar out of it finally had the zipper break. I used the other one and then it got caught on the bad side where the first one was. I just couldn't use it anymore. Sooo...Happy Mother's Day to me. :) (Of course it HAD to be Vera Bradley!)

Laurie - What did the dr. say? Maybe you need to take it easier!!! You've been working a lot!

Sabine - I think your English is great! And man...aren't we American just awful?! We *might* learn Spanish or French if we take it in school, but we just don't see the need to learn other languages. It's really awful of us!

Hi Jean!!! I'm glad you are getting good baseball weather. I want to take Ben to a game soon.

Nancy - I'm wishing you warmer sunnier weather!

All the kids are done testing now, so I better go work. Have a good day ladies and remember to hug and love the ones you're with.


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning sweet "O"'s !! Still reeling from the sad news about our lovely Andrea C. How could this happen? Her poor family has already been through so much! It just makes no sense!!

Clouds are starting to move away and go :rain: on some other place so hoping to get outside again today and get in a good walk. I searched all afternoon yesterday for a cover that I liked for my e-reader but did not find one. They are all ugly and I want something that is a pretty colour or with a unique design on it, but all I saw was black, black, black and one really ugly coloured Red one. :rant: doesn't anyone make a girly one?? Guess I will have to search the big airport mall in the Toronto Airport to find something I like.

Chris - Glad that you are not going back to work just yet, you need to get your strength back up for sure before tackling any kind of physical work!! Sounds like you will be having a great nite with your girlies!! Wish I could join you!! Or at least be a fly on the wall and listen in!! Hope you get your layouts completed, I still am searching for more MoJo and hoping it comes back to me very soon!!

Jen - How nice of you to pop in and say hey! Such sad news for sure!!

Nancy - It really was an exciting goal for that young player!! We don't seem to be able to figure out how to get anything past the Habs goalie. :mmph: But he can't stop everything!!

Going out for supper to my Brother's house tonight, we have not seen him and my SIL for many months as they have been in Australia visiting their kids and grandkids, they will be home until just before Christmas and then off down under again I am sure. Not sure how long they will be able to do this, its a long, long way to go, but they really never experience winter anymore so that must be really nice!! Ok today I am going to find that piece of luggage I want if it kills me!!!! Wish me luck! Have a great friday everyone! :wave:


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
:wave: His Sara!! We cross posted... I am going to have to check out this case you got, it sounds like it must be a nice one! Have a margarita on the porch for me too!! Yumm!


Well-Known Member
doesn't anyone make a girly one?? Guess I will have to search the big airport mall in the Toronto Airport to find something I like.

I found some cute girly ones on Amazon. I can send you some links if you'd like. Vera Bradley makes some that are awesome, but kind of expensive. And I have several bookmarked that look like books. :) Let me know if you want any links!


always chatty at the O!!
Hey ladies!! With the news of Andrea I wanted to make sure to hop in here. I have been a bit remiss on keeping up with everyone and I miss it. Stupid work. But know that I love you all and think of you often. I just love my hOme here and everyone in it. Have a blessed day and weekend.


Well-Known Member
i'm so sad today about Andrea. i was looking in her gallery at some of her family pages. i can't imagine the time they're having. geez.

i'm not being good about personals. sorry. i think i'm in a "slump." well, at least it's not snowing. it's a balmy 89 degrees outside. this weather is ridiculous....

hugs to all. even though i'm remiss on the personals, i think of you guys all the time. be well! be happy!