
Daily Ooo's Friday May 1 TGIF!


The Loopy-O
Holy cannoli- it is May already!
I am not ready for this- May is my Heaven and Hell Month :cool:
4 B-days, 2 anniversaries, Mother's Day, one band concert, a field trip- and three drs appts so far LOL...... it is always horrid trying to get everyone together and figure schedules.
June is crazy too, 2 b-days, 1 anniversary and Father's Day, so not as bad!
But it is always nice to see the family, even if it is hectic.

Not much to say here... in quite a bit of pain, and my brain is foggy...

ME- doesn't it feel great when you end that scrap drought? I have another one coming on that I need to rectify-- today LOL

Hi Dawn!

Sandra- hope that you got to enjoy your day with ATWT!

Clara-- I am so happy for you and your new camera! Hope it comes quickly!
((((hugs))) for being a good friend and helping them in this time.

Kat- still room for me right? LOL You must be so excited!

Sally- only a few more hours!!! Yay!!

Kelly- sounds like you had a very nice visit with your friend, that is always an awesome way to spend the day.

Clara- ITA with your rant. My current anti-media rant is about this swine flu. yes, it is important to be aware, but seriously? Does it need to lead every new hour?? More people are dying of other diseases *every day* more soldiers are dying in Iraq/Afghanistan *every day*..... yet we are all supposed to be freaked out about a flu?
Sorry- I tend to get all aggravated by this too.
News is not news anymore. You are spot on- its entertainment and thrills.

okie dokie- now that I am leaving on that lovely note LOL

Finish it Friday- I *have* to get two webstores up and running today. Hopefully it will be a lot of copy and paste!

enjoy your Friday and May Day!
good morning! Will woke up easy this morning, so I'm a little early today... had to get a freebie up on my blog too... I can't believe its May already! It's just too insane... Not much going on around here today... it's another icky, rainy day...

I'm trying to figure out how to keep my dogs out of my garden space... they've managed to crawl behind the fence (which is now broken on that end) and they've torn up one piece of trellis... grrrrr! I have to figure it out because I can't plant my flowers until I do!

Chris - WOW - your schedule is just nuts... I don't know how you do it (((hugs)))

Finish it Friday - I have a kit I need to finish, and today is my straightening up day... the house is staying clean, I just need to pick up a few things and run the vacuum!

hope everyone had a fabulous Friday!
Hi, it's a wet and wacky Friday here! DH is headed away for work so lots to do to get him ready to go and then it's just me, C., and dog. The painter promises the kitchen will be done today so ... lots of work there to do too. But I can't wait to have it done and everything put away.

I think I am going to have a serious spending problem this weekend -- I keep getting emails about sales and seeing all of this great new product. I am drooling. LOL. And my EHD is already so full, but it's so hard to say no to such beautiful eye candy. Are you with me?? But I love it!! ;)

Love to you all! Enjoy NSD!!

Hi Chris and Sandra and everyone else who pops in throughout the day!
Happy May day :). I hope our April showers are really done because I want to play outside today!!! Well, really I want to work my butt off outside so Gunar can start putting our swing set up tomorrow and on the chance that it will induce labor is just a bonus ;).

I have to dote on my wonderful hubby for a minute too. Last night I was *trying* to paint my toenails and it wasn't a pretty picture. Gunar came and sat down on the floor with me in the recliner and gave me a pedicure and a little foot massage too. I am a very lucky lady. Though, it did freak me out that he used his pocket knife a few times.

Chirs~ ITA about the media and the swine flu!!!! I am SOOOO happy that Monday was my last day at work, not because I was worried about getting the flu just all the people that will be in the ED thinking they have it. May is a busy month for us too, and now we'll have one more b-day to add to the mix.

Sandra~ My vet told me once to get my dog to stop digging to put her poo there. Not a very fun task but it worked. Maybe someone will have a more appitizing suggestion ;).

ME~ I hear you on the sales. I already feel guilty about the unused stuff on my HD and I KNOW I'll be adding more soon!!!

Have a great day O's. My finish it Friday is easy...I want this little man to finish GESTATING!!!!
Friday at last! This week has been a whirlwind. Nothing out of the ordinary, just super busy for some reason? Mr. Wonderful is putting in ridiculously long hours gettin things up and running and making sure all the programming is right. Now he can concentrate on making all of the operation "idiot proof" to keep folks from blowing up hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of equipment!
No big plans for the weekend, probably mowing :( It's been rainy and cold and now it's supposed to warm up - that will make the grass grow like crazy. I don't mind mowing, it just takes SOOOOOO long.
Our annual awards banquet is Monday night so I've been busy getting the script ready and making sure all the food and awards are lined up. Wednesday morning, early, my student and I leave for DC! So excited, I'm really ready to get out of here for a few days! End of the school year madness is getting to me!

Chris - hope your websites cooperate with you today!
Sandra - I've got no ideas on how to keep the dogs out. We have the same problem - but ours are in a kennel most of the time. Good luck!
ME -" See you" next week. I wish, it would be fun to meet.

Finish it Friday - I've got a preview to finish for a collab design challenge to finish and upload as well as another design challenge kit to work on ( along with my other work ). Drop by my blog - there are freebies there :)

All others who drop by - Happy May Day, hope it's fabulous for you!
I'm popping in for a second. My mom is coming to visit me and the kids in about an hour and I need to get all 4 of us dressed and presentable. ;)

Happy May Day!!!!!!
ohmgosh...i totally forgot about May day...thanks for reminding me, Tali!! my dad fell in love with my mom when she left a filled handmade paper basket on the doorknob of his fraternity on May Day 50 years ago today!! (isn't that the sweetest??? Now you see where I get my husband devotion!!) and my darling will be home in about an hour!! holey moley...i need to get to cleaning! LOL!!!

okay really quickly, I'm LOVING today!!! I lost weight this week!! and I didn't exercise, so I can lose even more if I apply myself...well, off to make the house and me a little more inviting for MR GORGEOUS!! YAY!!!!!!

love you all...i'll be back to pontificate a bit more!! :)
Hi Nice People! I'm pretty excited about NSD tomorrow.
Thanks for your thought and prayers for my husband's family. My MIL got out of the hospital today. She's on portable oxygen and feeling much better. My BiL's heart cath didn't go as well as hoped, but they are going to keep an eye on him and try to push meds for a couple weeks. Hopefully he can avoid major surgery. They weren't able to do much for poor Aunt Betsy. They were trying to remove whatever was blocking her esophagus and found that she had some tears in there so they are going to give her a couple weeks to heal. Hopefully she can recooperate at home.

Can I be finished with this sinus headache? I think that's what my finish it Friday goal is. That and I need to scrub and re-caulk the bathtub.

Chris- I'm with you about the scheduling. Band concert last night, another one at the end of the month. Mother's Day, 2 graduation parties. Softball just started 2-3 evenings a week (luckily it is nearly in my back yard. I can watch the games from my kitchen window.) Trying to find time to get back to the Y - Clarissa for swim conditioning, me just to exercise. Ed's been out of town every weekend scouting hockey. My brother and his family are coming to visit next month and the house is a disaster.

Sandra: I hope you come up with a solution. It stinks to not be able to plant pretty things.

ME: I've unsubscribed to almost all emails except Oscraps designers so I won't be as tempted. But even then I'm going to spend way too much money too.

Joslyn: Your husband sounds wonderful. The knife would have scared me too. Did he do a good job? I'm thinking labor thoughts for you.

Linda: DC sounds awesome! I hope you have a great time.

Sally: The May Day basket, that is just too sweet. I definitely see where you get your hubby-adorationability from (wow, from a grammar standpoint that sentence was all kinds of wrong).

Have a great weekend, ladies!
Heeeeeeeeeelllllllllllllllllooooooooooooooooooooooo my "O" family! Have I mentioned lately that you all rock??? Well you do!!!

I am so not packed...will probably be throwing things in the bags as DH is packing the truck *LOL* Oh well.....I have one more day to finish packing and then I am off!

Chris of course there is room for you! I made space for Sally too! How much fun would that be sitting by the pool chillin' with our umbrella drinks :)

Gotta....run.... Hope everyone has a fab weekend!
Hello! I really do have other stuff to be doing but I am here now instead. I hope everyone is doing well on this fabulous Friday. You know the one bad thing about being an x-ray tech is that you always seem to work where there are no windows. So, it is a gorgeous day and no sunshine for me. So sad. I'm stuck in the dungeon. Lame! I'm not going to chat for long because I do have stuff to do, but I wanted to stop by and say hi real quick. So..."Hi!!" Have a great day everyone and a sunshiney weekend.
Happy Friday everyone! I can't believe it is May 1st! It's a quickie from me tonight. It's yucky here, rainy, thunderstorms, flash floods. Our local Walmart got hit by lightning this morning so it's closed until tomorrow or until it's determined safe, there was a small fire inside. Our internet kind of comes and goes when it rains, LOL, so on this NSD weekend I may not get to buy toooo much.

I've got to scrap this weekend for sure as well as do some household chores and leave some gallery love :).

I hope everyone has a lovely weekend!! Love and hugs to all!