
Daily Ooo's Friday Jan 23 TGIF


The Loopy-O
Yahoooooooeeeeeeyyyyyyyyyyyy! It is Friday!!!!!!
And I am working from home so I don't have to go out in the cold.
I wish!
Nope, I still will have 4 bus stop runs, two times to the Tire Shop (fingers crossed) and a trip to the pharmacy.

it is not supposed to be too cold today- actually in the 30's! Still freezing for me, but way better than the 19 it was yesterday.

Yesterday was such a long day- between working at MIL's then doing to volunteering at the school by the time I got home I was wiped. But I had planned out in advance that Gary was going to cook and he did awesome- even washed all of the dishes afterward. He makes a really mean linguine with white clam sauce. mm mmmmm!
The TREPS program that I was at is this really cool enterpenurial workshop for 5/6th graders. They teach them how to come up with a basic biz plan, how to price products, then make them and at the end, they run a craft fair at the school to sell what they make.
This was right up my alley, being that I am an entrepeneur (sounds absolutley silly when*I* say it LOL) with Faery-Wings Apothecary. In fact, it was so much up my alley, guess who is going back for the next workshop to talk to them about being an business person IRL.... me!
I am planning on bringing in some of my raw materials, and packaging, go through the steps of making the product, pricing, advertising and selling it at a craft show.
Maybe they will all go home to their parents and say how awesome my products are LOLOL!

Cait cannot wait to get started on her product. She is making "Caitlyn Cuddlers." She sews little pillows with faces on them. She makes them for all of her friends but has wanted to sell them too. This was a great opportunity for her to join.

Clara- I know, it has been quiet here this week. I hope I am not scaring anyone away! How was your night out?
Thanks for the special coffeee yum yum!

Whoa Joslyn, you look so tiny- hope this baby is less then 8 lbs for you. Glad to hear that everything is going well.

Sandra-- sending you some peace and quiet vibes, you need 'em!

Lori- I promise I won't laugh. We are used to this weather and guess what I did when I was cleaning the other day? My client has a full glass front door, so I wanted to clean the fingerprints and doggie nose prints. I sprayed the door with wondex, and it froze up on me, on the inside! The glass was that cold. brr! I spent the next few minutes trying to warm the windex, to scrape it off -- and forget about about the prints- who cares!!!

Waving to ME. Karen and Dawn and LindaP! :)

Have agreat Friday everyone!



Well-Known Member
TGIF! TGIF! This was my kind of work week - only three days, and now the weekend is here again. :) Looking forward to the weekend. Two of my high school friends from PA now live in this area too although we don't get to see each other too frequently, but we all have toddler boys born within 3 months of each other so we are having a playdate tomorrow morning. Should be nonstop action!! LOL. I will be wearing my sneakers for sure.

Chris - that program sounds pretty cool. You must post a photo of Cait's pillows. I want to see 'em.

Love to you all!!


Well-Known Member
Popping in to say hi, was up all night coughing and my head is going to exploded so I am taking it easy. Have a wonderful weekend if I don't chat with you, hoping to get some scrapping done this weekend.



The Loopy-O
Lori- have I told you about the wonders of garlic pills?

(I swear, this feels like an Official O-Fam Initiation-to belong to the O-Fam you have yo hear my spiel on the value of garlic pills LOLOLOL!!!)

If you can get your hands of either fresh raw garlic (pu!) or odorless garlic pills (much better) take a whole bunch as soon as you feel a cold or flu coming on. Garlic has amazing anti-viral and anti-bacterial qualities. I promise you- they will help!

When I first starting teaching PreK many moons ago ;) I was always sick. I co-worker told me about garlic pills and as soon as I started taking them, no more illnesses. Now I just take them when I feel a cold coming on or before I go somewhere where their are lots of sick sneezy kids.

I just wish they worked on Lyme disease.....


Well-Known Member
Hey ladies! Quickie from me. I feel like I haven't checked in forever!

My fingers (that I burned Friday night) are feeling much better. Eric came home yesterday and we are SO SO happy to have him home. He is my rock.

Today I am sporting a migraine, so I'm not terribly excited about that.

I haven't scrapped a page since Friday! One week! I'm in full-on scrapping mood today, however, I don't think the kids would like it if I ignored them all day to scrap. ;) So ... hopefully nap time goes well today!

Chris - how awesome that you are speaking to the kids about your business! I think you are awesome. :) I hope it goes well. When are you doing that? How fun for Cait! Her pillows sound really cute.

Mary Ellen - have fun with the playdate tomorrow! Sound busy but really fun!

Lori - feel better hun!


Well-Known Member
Hi all!

Chris - Now that I've heard the garlic spiel too, I need to go get some. I managed to miss a cold that DH and DS had last week, but I'm sure my time is coming!

Tali - hope your head feels better.

ME - have fun at your playdate!

Lori - hope you feel better soon.

Potentially busy weekend for us - dinner with my parents tonight, breakfast with them and a video conference with my brother, his wife and their 3 month old, then dinner with some of DH's friends. And that's just Saturday! Hopefully Sunday can fulfill DS's need to be a home-body. Although we need a run to the grocery store too...Hmmm...

Later! Karen


...loves her some "O"
Morning, my dear sweet OFam!!!

I've been a little mia here because it was stamp club workshop week. It always takes a lot of time for me to prepare my projects and then clean up my house for it. I used to coordinate it on days that the maids came, but it totally didn't work out that way for me this week. It had been a week and a half since they came and four children and one crazy crafting momma sure makes a big mess in a week and a half...mr gorgeous didn't make the mess cause he's in CA...BUT HE comes HOME today!!!! yay!!! Maybe I'll actually sleep tonight! I haven't been sleeping at all lately, and it's reflecting on my attitude!! Chris, HELP!!!

Okay,I hope you don't mind...but I need to cheerlead myself into a good attitude!! So I lost weight this week, not much, but I lost and I didn't gain!! and I'm thinking that I am gaining muscle and that weighs more than fat, so I'm excited!!! I also woke up to a clean house!! yay!!! Last night after my wonderful workshop (which I will be posting my projects on my blog here pretty soon this morning!) I actually stayed up and cleaned everything up. Quentin said, why did you stay up and clean, mom? I said, cause i wanted to wake up to a clean house!! I think he was hoping there would be all those cool tools he could go and punch paper with! LOL!! thank goodness I cleaned them up! heehee...

This weekend is going to go fast, cause Mr Gorgeous has to go back to CA on Monday. We are celebrating my neice's birthday tomorrow at the Aquarium...Sandra, we'll eat at that same restaurant that you did (well, the one in Houston, anyway! heehee), then we will do all the stuff there. It should be fun!!

Chris, very cool about the entrepenuer program!! Yes, have Cait post a pic of her fun pillows!!! And I'm praying for your new tires!! yay!!!

Mary Ellen, enjoy your fun playdate tomorrow!!! sounds very energetic!! :)

Lori, ohhhh take the garlic advice...Chris knows!!! I need to do the same...I'm starting to sport a sore throat, but I know it's just lack of sleep...Hugs, hun!!!

Tali!!!!! so glad to see you here today!!!! i've missed your smiling face!!! glad your fingers are doing better!! yay!! love ya!!!

and to all the Oers coming after me (and before!!) love you all! have a wonderful FRIDAY!!! yay!! TGIF!!!!


...loves her some "O"
Karen, I kwym about being a homebody...I have to be careful not to plan anything extra when Mr Gorgeous is home!!! Hope your Saturday is still full of joy!!!!


Well-Known Member
Friday, at last! Just in time for our weather to turn cold again :( I was so enjoying the January thaw!
I finally managed to get some blogging done last night! I hadn't touched the space since about new years' eve! My 18 and 15 year old daughters blog more frequently than I do! I'm also working on some blinkies for the SandraK's CT members:) Wish I could get them to turn out the way they look in my imagination. Guess I'll just have to continue to play until I'm happy!
Not much planned for the weekend. Need to make a big trip for groceries and I think we may spend some time splitting firewood. Mr Wonderful is sponsoring a "Better Health Challenge" at his office. He's got 15 people involved and they each paid $30. Whoever loses 10% of their body weight and keeps it off through the next weekly weigh in wins the pot. So - he is VERY motivated! So far he's down 6 pounds, about 14 to go I think.
Enjoy the rest of your Friday and have a fabulous weekend!
Chris - way cool to be sharing your entrepreneurial skills with the kids!
ME - you sure have had a cool week with time off! Lucky!
Lori - hope you are feeling better soon!
Tali - so glad that Eric is home to help you. Hope your fingers feel better soon! Good luck with the naptime thing! I'll be lurking in the gallery to see what you accomplish :)
Karen - sounds like your life will be super busy this weekend. Have fun!


Well-Known Member
Yay Friday. I need the weekend. I am pooped. lol

Just finished my strength exercises and I am so out of shape. That is good though, it means I will notice improvement.

Catch you all another day!

Have a superb weekend!!



Well-Known Member
Hello O's. I've been very productive around the house today and still have some motivation so as long as I don't spend too much time at this computer it may keep up :). We went over to some friends last night for pizza and had a great time. They have a little boy a little older than Kalin and are expecting #2 any day and the kids play so well together that we actually get to sit and act like adults for a while!

I work tonight so I need to catch a nap at some point so I can make it past midnight :). Have a great weekend Os.
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always chatty at the O!!
Good morning!! Yay for Friday!!! Although, I do feel like crap. I didn't sleep much last night because of something that got my mind reeling all through the night. I am really upset about it but it is a long story and it has nothing to do with me so I won't really get into it. All I have to say is that I am amazed at the way some grown adults act. There is no excuse to treat people badly because life doesn't go your way.

This morning was a great morning. First I weighed myself...yay!!! I am dropping weight at an excellent rate and I love it. Second, Fridays are casual days at work so I can wear jeans. Well, i only have 3 pairs of pants I wear with only one of them being jeans. They got a stain on them and are wearing out. I have lots of other pants but none of them fit. So, this morning I went to put on a pair of pants and saw a pair of jeans on the floor that was too small for me a couple of weeks ago. They were a little bit tight, but they fit well enough to wear. They are a bit long and I should probably get them hemmed but they fit me. Hopefully not for long. Thelast happy thing that happened this morning is i checked my mail and I got a card froma friend of mine. This is the friend who fell and literally broke her face a couple months ago. Well, I had loaned her some money to help her out a few months ago and I knew she would have trouble paying me back. I told her then that she could pay me in payments as long as she talked to me about it. Well, she was mad at me for a bit because I told her she drank too much and needed to stop drinking. So, she called me the other day and got my address and stuff. Then I got a card this morning with a good chunk of the money and a note saying how grateful she feels to have the support of a friend like me. It was just nice and made me feel good. So, today, I need to watch Grey's Anatomy. I have Dish Network and they are protesting fisher broadcasting which means I don't get ABC until they work it out. I agree with their stand so I am not going to switch companies, but I have to watch my ABC shows on the computer now. Then I think I may try Chris's advice and take some garlic pills. Hopefully today is coffee day because I could use one. We'll see.

Chris - soundslike yesterday was a good day even if a busy one. I hope today doesn't wear you out too bad. Good luck with the tires. that is exciting about the treps program. That sounds like so much fun. I agree...we want to see pics of Caitlin's project.

ME - good luck tomorrow. I don't do well with large groups of kids. Have fun though.

Lori - get some rest. I hope you feel better soon.

Tali - I'm glad your fingers are getting better and especially glad that dh is going to be home.

Karen - have a great weekend. I hope it is fun and not overwhelming.

Sally - I love all the products that go with stamping but I just can't get myself to go there. I have seen some really cool projects though. I don't know how you find the time and energy for it.

Have a great Friday everyone. If I can get my sinuses under control I think I'll have a great day. I hate allergies.


Well-Known Member
hi everyone! I went to Will's class today and helped out... his teacher is always so grateful for any help she gets... Natalie seems to be feeling better but she's been limited to crackers and bread and water today to make sure her stomach bug is gone... no one else has gotten sick so we're not exactly sure what it was...

anyway, just wanted to say a quick hi... I got busy and this is the first time I've had a chance to post... so hope everyone is having a great day!


Well-Known Member
Hey girls!!!!

Happy Friday!!!! Yay!!!!!!!!!!

just a quick drive by, we had a lunchdate with my 2 best friends and their 2 BRATS OMG I mean kids, their kids...lol just kidding...sort of.....1 is very very fresh and the other is really well behaved but he thrives on the other one's freshness, so...the day was a bit stressful, boys will be boys I guess but one of my friends just lets her 2 yr old run the show, no discipline, Ive talked about her before here, shes the one who wanted me to watch her son 1 day a week, but he is a maniac and I had to gracefully bow out............anyway lunch is over, Nico is napping and I have laundry to do!! I hope everyone with Migraines and colds feels better ASAP!!!

also, just wanted to add this, I hope its okay to add something like this here...its a site similar to shutterfly, etc, they are running this offer for a box of 6 FREE valentines day cards, just upload a photo and drop it in, free cards and free shipping.....awesome!!!!! only good till Feb. 1st........I just did one of Nico and Its adorable!


Thats it from me ladies!!!!! ;)


Well-Known Member
Hello special Ofam :)! Quickie stop in from me...just wanted to say Happy Friday and goodnight.

What a week!!!!!!!!!! Catch you all this weekend. hugs to all