
Daily Ooo's Friday Jan 16 TGIF


The Loopy-O
For all of us old timers, do you remember last year how I flipped when it was already halfway through January? Well, guess what!! It is that time of year again!!!
The 16th! Halfway through Jan. *shakes head*
Just crazy how fast everything goes.

Yesterday, I took Scott to the bus, roads seemed fine, so I geared up to go to work. By the time I took Cait to the bus a little over an hour later, they were getting really slippery. My MIL suggested I work from home, and get the rest of the accounting done. I worked for almost 3 hours and have another hour or two to put in today. So it worked out not so bad.

And good news- the car issue worked out. Gary calmed down and realized that our best option is to keep the car, Yay! The last thing I wanted to do today in this freezing weather was to be walking around car dealerships.
Did you guys here about the plane that landed in the Hudson River? It was all over our local news, and the only thing Ii could think of was how cold those people were. I could barely stand being outside dry- but these poor people were coming off the plane, soaked. I am so glad they all got out safely. but it makes me shiver just thinking of the cold!

LindaP- Glad you are back home and I really hope that your house stays warm enough. Fingers crossed that Mr Crabby Pants is better too.
LOL at your interesting girl. :) I don't know if it more of the area I live in (grew up in NYC suburbs) but that look is very common around here. Scott has a classmate who's nickname is Skittles b/c her hair is literally every color of the rainbow! But I am happy for both of you- that she is getting her life turned around, and that you had a great chance to see beyond the "outside" and find the intelligent girl inside. You both rock!

Sandra- another thing you can try is to call the med manufacturer and tell them your situation. My SIL used to work for a pharma company and they put aside a certainamount of meds/money to help people who don't have insurance. We still have coverage so we haven't tried it yet, but she keeps reminding me that is an option when our insurance ends.
Also stay on top of the state insurance. NJ has some good programs to help kids, but it takes a while to apply and get accepted- we are still waiting and it has been 7 weeks since I applied.
Good luck- we are here for you!

Oh No Tali! That is a bad sign :lol: But if it is any consolation, I have had those days when I getting the kids their milk for b-fast, the wine/beer in the fridge would look pretty good....

ME- hope that things calm down and that you can get those challenges done. I know I would be stressing if I were racing. Hope you are not stressing too much! Have a great long weekend!

Sally- I am glad Penny is ok. And what an interesting way to "raise consciousness" (not really the right words....but can't explain what I mean) about pro-life issues. Good convo starter, maybe.... YKWIM!
yeah, and good luck keeping them calm.... why do the vets even bother with that line? :p
Yay for YMG! He knows how to treat a lady!

I gotta go- get the car warmed up.... I will be back.
(I really wish I had my remote start installed!)


The Loopy-O
Pkie dokie- got the car started, gonna take a while to get warm.....or warm-ish.

Sandra- just read about Gabe's interviews-- fingers and toes all crossed!!!!!

Clara- how awesome is that?This is where Sally would come in and say that good days and bad days are all a matter of perspective. (I love channeling Sally- she is the happiest, most optimistic person i know!)
Good luck with all of the bank stuff.

Kelly- hey girl! LOL- most of my days are like that, but I crash into that brick wall of I am wiped and what did I do all day around 5 pm LOL

Joslyn, you be careful out there!! Please take good care of you and that baby. Of course, when I was 9 weeks pg, some guy totally rammed into the front of my car. I was freaking out and the drs office kept telling me that the baby was 100% protected than me.
Either way- be safe on those roads!

Clara- I bet that they do make bamboo underwear- my goodness the studd is so aweome! And LOL-ing at myself- I know I am a tree hugger greenie, but this is even new to me LOLOL!

Time to go. hope that the car is warm enough.
Have agreat Friday everyone!



Well-Known Member
Hi, Happy Friday! TGIF! TGIF! Hoping you are all warm. We're cold here - it 10 this morning. Brrr ... and I think Christian is coming down with another cold. He had the sniffles this morning, and DH said he thought he heard him coughing a big last night. Keep your fingers crossed that it passes.

Hope all of you doing the Healthy O's challenge had a good week. Doing it as a group has kept me motivated.

Chris -- so lgad to hear the car thing worked out. I saw online about that plane. We were amazed by the photos and video that were posted immediately. Thank goodness everyone is okay.

Have a great weekend!!


Well-Known Member
Another quickie stop in for me...it is 3 degrees here...ugh...and I'm fixing to head out to work.

I hope everyone has the best possible TGIF :). Big hugs! Try to stay warm!


Well-Known Member
I hope everyone has a great weekend, I am sick today. Slinking back into bed. Will check in hopefully tomorrow. TGIF (except the kids are off Mondy, so it may be a long weekend =))

Chris Turnbull

Well-Known Member
Well being a newbie to the forums and gallery here (not the shop....lol) and to the Ooo's section which I think is awesome here I go.....lol.

It's officially Saturday here....shhhh I won't tell if you don't, because it's almost 1am and yes I am still up as usual. Huge night owl. Ok so here downunder it's the middle of summer and hot, it's also christmas school holidays and we're right in the midst of them.....kids don't go back till Feb 2nd but we're managing despite some days being better then others, but then that's our life anyway.

So I guess for me my weekend has officially started and I can't wait as my eldest brother and his wife are spending it with us. I hope you all have a fantastic weekend and for those of you who have already....thanks again for your wonderful welcomes. :)


...loves her some "O"
ohhh I had this long post and hit something and lost it!! i usually hit ctl-c before i lose something, but it didn't occur to me to do that today!! yikes!

anyway, i'm sooo glad it's friday! i need a weekend to just get my crafting life in order!!! yikes!!

I don't know how you cold girlies are doing it. It's around the 40s today and I"M COOOOOOLD!!!! I know...i know...i'll stop my whining and go put on more clothes!!

We went to see the sneak preview of PAUL BLART-MALL COP last night and it was sooooooooooo funny!! we all loved it...we took the whole fam, stood in line for an hour and a half cause it was FREE and we wanted good seats. There is a tv station and radio station that are sponsoring free movies every Thursday, so we are trying to go to one every week! Can't beat free!!! Mr Gorgeous had other things to say about standing in line for an hour and a half...but i thought the movie was worth it, definitely!! and it's kid-friendly! no bad language, no *you-know-what* wink, no violence...well, there is fighting...he's going after bad guys!!, but no killing!!!! :) we all loved it!!

tonight I get to go out with some girlfriends for a birthday dinner. It's gonna be fun!!!

I better get going here...it's almost 11am and I haven't had any breakfast!!

ChrisC (we get to differentiate now!! heehee), you can channel me anytime you like!!! I need to hear my own positive, optimistic thoughts a lot!! and with friends like you, it's easy to be happy and optimistic!!!

Mary Ellen, hugs to Christian...can he eat a ton of garlic? or maybe just some vitamin c!!! hope he doesn't come down with anything!!!

Dawn, sending you some serious hot chocolate!!! yikes!!! or just come here and stay until it warms up!!!

Lori, sooo sorry you are sick, hun!! just rest and take it easy!! and no stressing allowed!! :)

ChrisT, Sooo glad to see you here!! and I'm totally a night-owl, too!!! I always say that I'm just on a different time zone, but I wonder if i would adapt and stay up late whereever I go!! heehee!!! have a wonderful weekend with your brother and sil!!

hugs to everyone else who have yet to come in!! love you all!!!


Well-Known Member
good morning... I'm finally here... we're frozen and starving! Our power went off somewhere between 3:30 and 6:20 this morning and was just turned back on around 11:20... it's 58 degrees in the house... I hope it warms up soon... I'm too cold to type... back later!


Well-Known Member
Friday! Yay! The sun is shining and the temp is actually ABOVE zero today! School has been super busy this morning. House keeping from having a substitute for two days and trying to get the new semester started.
Glad to hear that everyone has weathered the week fairly well.
Sandra - keep us posted on what's going on. Hope you've had a chance to warm up now!
Chris - not much for purple hair here in South Dakota, especially with the farm kids that I work with. Very traditional conservative families and such. You are so right tho, I looked past the outside appearance and had the opportunity to get to know a really cool kid!
ChrisT - welcome to the O!
ME - hope the weekend gives your household a chance to get healthy!
Lori - sorry to hear you are not well today. Sleep, sleep, sleep!
Sally - the mall cop flick sounds like fun. The previews are at least! May have to take that in. I still have not seen Twilight!
Everyone else - have a fabulous Friday and a restful weekend!


Well-Known Member
okay... it's a little warmer now... and boy does my coffee taste FABULOUS!... On another note - Happy Birthday to my baby girl! She's 5 today...

Happy Birthday, Piper!!!

so anyway, not much going on here.. my mom and sister are coming tonight to spend the night since Piper's party is tomorrow... so we're just cleaning and hanging out... trying to defrost my toes LOL... hope everyone has a great day!


always chatty at the O!!
Good morning!! So, my morning started nice and early. At 4:30 Ethan came into our room crying saying he had an ear infection. So he climbed into bed with us, we got him calmed down and we went back to sleep, although not before I changed my alarm clock to sleep in a little bit. Since I work at the doctor's office my kids are seen at I decided I would just bring him to work with me. So now we are sitting here at work waiting for 11:30 to come. It has been an interesting morning to say the least. I forgot the children's tylenol at home so I tried to get him to take a advil liquigel. That did not work out at all. His shirt is now covered in juice and he ended up spitting it out on the floor. Good times. A little bit later we spilled water all over my desk. So now I am trying to convinve him he needs to do some reading but it doesn't seem to be happening.

This weekend should be good. My husband is finally going to take Ethan's bed out of his room. he has this really cool bed that is built like a truck with the bed on top and a bench to sit in front of a steering wheel with lights and everything, but it doesn't work inour house very well. So, we are selling it to a friend and I am going to put a new bed in his room and decorate it like a undersea/pirate room. I've got all the stuff for it it just needs to go on the walls. My DH is taking DS and his friend to the Monster Truck show tomorrow. My sister gave us tickets for it for Christmas. I think the 3 tickets were intended for the whole fam to go, but I think E would enjoy it better with his friend. So, that is the plan. I'll have to do as much decorating as possible while dd is napping. I think I am going to try and talk a friend of mine into helping me out. We'll see if she can.

So, that is my plan for the weekend. I hope all of you have good plans for yours.

Chris - be careful on those slippery roads. I'm glad you and dh worked everything out about the car. Those conversations are always so originally stressful. They come out of nowhere and you're taken off guard because it was unexpected or you didn't expect anyone to disagree. So, I'm glad you guys ended up agreeing.

ME - I hope Christian is feeling okay. Lots of hot cocoa and mommy time might do the trick.

Hi Dawn!!

Lori - get some good rest and like Chris would say...take garlic pills!! I hope you feel better soon.

ChrisT - I am so jealous that it is summer down there. Maybe I should live here 6 months out of the year then move for the winter. Welcome to the group.

Sally - My dh is so bad about waiting in line. I always turn around to do something and turn back and he's gone. I don't know if he maybe thinks waiting in line is at the top of my list of favorite things to do or what. I'm glad you enjoyed the movie. I haven't heard of it. I'll have to look it up.

Sandra - get warm!! Lots of blankets and hopefully some house warmth.

LindaP - colored hair is nothing here either, along with piercings (although I still think some of them look a little strange). My IL's live in Ohio and they didn't see a lot of that before they moved into Cleveland. Even now they are very judgemental about that type of thing. It is great when we have opportunities to get to know some of these people that look a little starnge and find out that they are in fact bright and intelligent people and not some weirdo that shooved a giant needle through their cheek. Although I have met several of those too. In Olympia we have a college called Evergreen. The people there can be a little strange and are called "greeners" for two different reasons. Anyway...off track a little bit. I'm glad you met a girl who changed up your impression of the stangelings that are peppered throughout our communities.
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