
Daily Ooo's: Friday, February 4


The Loopy-O
We made it! almost- still have this one more day to go until I get to sleep late LOL
i just posted something on FB and meg posted right back, that she was still awake and here I am getting ready for the day. I guess it really does seem like the middle of the night when I have to get up.

But-- (Clara will be proud of me for noticing this) -- After I drop the kids off for the bus at 6:50 AM, its not quite as dark any more! The sky is just a teeny bit brighter every day. Love it! Gives me hope for the longer days ans spring and summer ahead!

Whatcha all up to today? I have to head out and get food for the weekend. We have a few freinds/family coming over for the Super Bowl and I guess i need to feed them :hungry:

I am in a quandary (my $5 word of the day). I don't know who to root for for the Super Bowl. Since the jets are out, normally I would go for the Steelers. I grew up as a Steelers fan, but Rothlinsbeger or however the heck you spell his name seems like a real jerk, doody-head.

who are you guys goign to be cheering on? I am sure that Sally has a choice hehehe!

Be back in a bit for personals


Well-Known Member
We're rooting for Green Bay, apparently they're my hubby's team, but I wouldn't know because we never have football on... because he's always at work during the games... so he watches at work!!!! He just found out that he now has Sunday/Monday's off, so idk what our plans are for the game now!

Hehehe well I was just thinking it might be time to hit the sack... I'm a little over an hour past our former bedtime, and Jeff's going to call in like four or so hours to stay awake on the drive home... so I need to be lucid enough to keep him awake! I'm glad the weather for us is going to be "dry" for the remainder of winter... so he wont have ice on the road! He said that everyone was very positive when they got the news about his promotion, I was worried that some people might be upset that they didn't get it.

Turns out yesterday's teeny headache was a massive migraine that's still bugging me, it wasn't the tequila. I barely made it through work, made a ton of mistakes, and just the bright sunny drive home was enough to throw me way over the edge... and the drive is only half a mile. Jeff forced excedrin on me, which I didn't want to take bc I knew it would make my stomach ten million times worse.... and it did. I can still feel my gall bladder pumping out misery. Oh and of course the drugs didn't help the migraine very much, it dulled long enough for me to watch an episode of top gear, then I felt like death again. I spent most of the evening in bed, in the dark, only interrupted by my dad's phone calls. He's only two-something hours away right now, but he's at his firm's california office for back to back meetings and stuff, so there was no chance I could drive up and see him for just a hug. He needs lots of prayers, he's got a difficult battle ahead of him.

Well that's it for me for now... still battling Riley and her poop rolling... Chris, where do I get the coyote urine?? Is it at sporting goods stores? Lol, I know they have doe urine there...! I'm thinking it'll be OK if I spray it along the tops of the fence, then they wont go into the back yard and Riley wont be able to roll in the pee.


The Loopy-O
really quick so I don't forget--

Meg- you can find (at least in NJ) coyote urine spray in a lot of garden centers. Its used by people to keep deer/squirrels/cats away from gardens and trees.
its the whole "predator/prey" instinct deal- if animals scent a predator they are supposed to stay away. You have to reapply it after it rains though.

Clara- the regular dose of melatonin is 3 mgs about 30 mins before bedtime. That is what Scott is supposed to take but he forgets a lot. He also takes Lyrica (50mgs at dinner time) at that has been a huge help for him. The Lyme p-doc rx'd that. I take 6 mgs of melatonin with .5 mgs ox xanax and that's the only thing that helps me sleep through the night. but look around online or as the dr - 3 mgs should be good for him, but i would ask to be on the safe side.



Well-Known Member
Okay.....I have started this post three times....and Savannah keeps messing with me and I keep losing it!!!

LITTTTTTTTTTTTTTLE GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was speaking to Miss S there!!!

So this has to be quick now...

It's still cold....we are due for some freezing rain later today and tonight......Very cloudly all day.....just more of the same old story!!

So this weekend we have Cameran's Birthday party tomorrow....Sharon held off since his b-day is 9 days after Christmas....just to put a little space there.....and we have the Superbowl this weekend.....Since we are Packers Fans..................guess you know it's a big event for us!!!! Mike has loads and loads of Packer Sweatshirts, hats and jackets....he won't wear them right now...HAHAHA...something about bringing bad luck!! HAHAHAHA!!! well that and it has perfect strangers trying to talk to him everywhere we go!! He and Savannah share the "stranger anxiety" trait....:biggrin:



Well-Known Member
Just poppin in to say hi! It's been a crazy week. Hoping things will slow down just a bit before the baby arrives, but I don't that that will happen. 34.5 weeks now! OMG - where has the time gone? Hoping to get into DC this weekend to take Christian on a special outing to the National Building Museum. Want to spend some extra special time with him before baby.

Hi Nana, Meg, and Chris!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning Ladies :yo:.... its soggy and :rain: here today. I got called into work early yesterday so put in a very long day and didn't get to scrap anything like I had hoped too :pout:. Oh well its friday and I only have to work 6hrs today so far. Then according to my schedule (so far), I have five days off in a row Horray!!! Monday back to the specialist to have my splint adjusted and hopefully find out how much longer I have to wear it.

Chris - Hope you get all your grocery shopping done, sounds like a good time will be had at your place for the big super bowl party!! What goodies do you make for your party? Any good recipes for me? It is nice when you get up and its a little bit brighter everyday, spring is coming, believe it or not!! Have a fun weekend!!

Meg - Oh so sorry that you are suffering with the headache!! My niece as an autoimune problem too , I will have to find out exactly what its called, perhaps she has some advice for you? Take care of yourself girl!!

Nana Linda - Sounds like another busy weekend for you!! Little Savannah, let your nana finish what she is doing, then you can have fun with her for the rest of the day!! Sure wish I could spend some time with my little sweethearts, they called the other day and left their grandpa a birthday message, just soooo sweet, it almost broke our hearts!! I hope to plan a trip to Winnipeg for Sadie's first birthday, sure hope it works out for us!! :sorry: I do go on and on. Must stop feeling so sorry for myself!! Have a great time at the C man's birthday!!

Me - Wow your time waiting for the baby is soon going to be over!! Can you believe it?? I'm sure you will have some wonderful special time with your little man this weekend, enjoy!!

Clara, Laurie, Sally and all the rest of our "O" family, hope the weekend is great for you!! :wave:


Well-Known Member
a little down today...as last night i got a nice blue screen on my computer UGH...that is never a good sign so i am currently trying to get all my pictures and scrappin stuff OFF of it...probably will reformat it...but one problem...that leaves me without my paint shop pro..means no scrapping stuff....cause i loaned my PSP disc to my mom...and she lost it UGH!!!! so i have no idea what im gonna do once my computer is redone....either A wait for her to find it or B buy another program (and re learn everything)....or C do nothing and just give up digital scrapping


always chatty at the O!!
Hey ladies!

I am having a cockroach day where I am thinking about how cool it would be to be able to chop off my head and be able to still live for awhile. My heaad hurts that bad. And my house is trashed and my downstairs is freezing so i haven't left my bedroom. the heating people came and guess what...THEY SUCK!!

Here's what they said...they didn't have the part for the downstairs to fix it. they didn't have a work order for the upstairs and so I called the office and they found out what they have to do to get a work order, so that is a start. so theupstairs is still a sauna and the downstairs an icebox. Then i felt a migraine coming on but Addie fell asleep early and decided that was just a nap and woke up as I was about ready for bed and stayed up until 3:30. ugh!!

So now I am off here. Later!!


lOve the O!
evening all - finally friday- getting ready to head out to dance group lesson and "party" soon. What a nice way to end the week. No bad weather for a day or two!