
Daily Ooo's: Friday December 17


The Loopy-O
One week left..... so much to do. Must find time to relax!

I know I never made it back to finish personals yesterday. After I got out of the shower I remembered I was supposed to boil ribs to throw in the crock pot the night before- so i had to do that or we weren't going to have any food for dinner. Then i had to do F-W when i got home from MIL's, dinner then out the door for the concert.
Cait's band was sooooo good! And I didn't have to hear Hat Cross Buns. LOL The last 4 years, at the Elem. School Band Concert the 5th grade band plays Hot Cross Buns- they are just getting started with instruments so I guess that is one of the easiest songs to play. Its always very cringe-worthy LOL
But her band kicked @$$!!!!! Even better than the 8th grade band. I really hope she sticks with it. She is losing interest (in everything other than cell phones and FB!) so we are trying to encourage her to keep going with it. Our HS has an awesome Music program- and who knows? It might make a big difference in a college app a few years down the road.
God knows, my kids better get scholarships and grants b/c the money we have put aside for them might cover books, but no where near what tuition is.

Today i am finishing up some baskets and F-W's orders and then some baking in the afternoon. I hope to have the bulk of "Christmas" done so I can relax with my family this weekend. I haven't had the chance to do that in so long and it is *killing* me!!!

off to post this- grabbing some :tea: plenty for everyone! :kiss:


The Loopy-O
aaaahhhh! I just Love Coffee!!!!! Coffeeeeee makes me happeeeeeeeeeey!
(and so does Friday!) Coffee on a Friday :dance:

*puts down coffee*

Easter Candy!!! EASTER CANDY!!!!!???? You cannot be serious Laurie!!!!!!!????

well, at least i can look at that as a sign that Spring is near??????
And that would be hysterical to put the Cadbury's in the C-mas stocking! Santa and the EB got confused hahahahah!!!

Sorry, that just seriously got to me.....
That is sweet of your DH's vet. Too funny about the plant. i have done that too- I also watered a fake ficus tree of my IL's- when Gary and I were just dating. They still laugh at me for that. They were away on a cruise and asked me to look over the plants b/c they knew Gary and his younger brother wouldn't. Here I was trying so hard to impress them with my mad plant caring skills.... LOL

Clara- awww hon, thanks for the compliments on my stuff!! I am so glad you liked it all.
Yeah- its hard... and the families my Bro's side and SIL's side are just different emotionally how we handle things. My heart breaks for them both, all they wanted for C-mas was a baby :( The last thing that they need is more stress. The good/bad thing about my fam is that we are *very* protective of one another. My mom is never going to forgive *or* forget how SIL's family treated him.

yes, the cold is brutal- damp bone chilling stuff. Now you see why i wear my "Terrorist Hat" all of the time in the house. Fuzzy socks!!! get some fuzzy socks :)

Katrina- that is a fabulous tradition to have the kids make gifts for each other. I used to make an ornament with the kids- started when scott was just 6 months old. The last two years I haven't been able to do it. They don't want to be bothered and I have been inundated with other stuff. But those are memories your kids will treasure!

What kinds of cookies do you make for the holidays? Have fun!

Oh no meg-- porr Riley. How is she today? What is she throwing up? Food or just bile? If she is still throwing up, you can try giving her some boiled chicken and plain white rice. That might help her tummy.

Trudy- woot for extra shifts! Hope that your jaw is feeling better- I never had a chance to get the other soups up for you, hopefully i can do that today.

ME- I saw the pics of Christian on FB- he is the *cutest* reindeer ever!!!!! Bet you had a great time and got some good pics too. How much snow did you get? I heard South Jersey roads were a mess, but we didn't get anything up her, thank goodness. They are saying perhaps a blizzard here on Sunday- hopefully the storm will swing east of us.

Linda S- can you hire me????? I promise I can telecommute with the best of them :D
Hope that you can get some gifts for the kids soon. I would be so stressed!
How is your mom doing?

I think I got everyone from yesterday- love you all!!

PS: Meg- I saw your CT call-- Oh I so totally want to email you........but I don't know if I have the time for a CT, especially if I have to go back to work in the real world after the holidays :Cry:

Good luck tho!


Well-Known Member
Hey ladies, happy Friday. We have a two hour delay here for schools, so we are still home. Nice having some extra time this morning to sleep in a bit and get ready for our potluck lunch today. Still needed to make my fruit salad. ;-)

The play at Christian's school was so good. His class did great - half of them screamed the words to the song, the other stood there blankly, and more than a few remembered the words to the song. LOL. They were fabulous reindeer. It was a very festive day for my little fam. Last night we went to dinner with some friends and to a local park to drive through their Christmas lights. Great day!

Chris - yes, we got about 1-2 inches here. Not bad at all, except when I was driving to C's school right in the middle of it - they hadn't started to treat the roads yet. I guess things are slippery this morning, thus the delay. Sounds like your concert was great too. What instrument does Cait play?

Happy Friday all. Hope the weekend is fun!! And that you all get to scrap some amidst the holiday rush.


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Good Morning all... I am so sad that I never got on this computer again last night:sad: I was so pooped after my shift at work that I took a little nap and then spent the rest of the night getting my christmas cards done. Why oh Why do I leave everything til the last minute??? Off to work again this morning, but I am bound and determined to post in here again later today ! I love you all and hope your day is great!!


Well-Known Member
Aw thanks Chris :) I'm probably having a CT call at the worst time too!!! I just need three or five people, so hopefully some more apps start coming in. I need to get up and contact my store owner, my stuff didn't get released today so I probably messed up somewhere, Gah.

I'm on my phone right now, so I'll be quick. Jeff woke up with a cold yesterday, and while he was at work he texted me an order for all kinds of stuff. Airborne, juice, medicine, etc. So, my MIL and I went to Target 9pm and actually managed to finish my Christmas shopping!!! I just need to make prints for my grandparents and parents gifts, but that's it!!!
Today I have to go into work, three reports to do!! Since the other girl is back from her honeymoon I haven't been getting anything, which is a huge dent in our income. But now she's sick, so I'm getting her work!


Well-Known Member
Oh I forgot, Riley's doing better. I never got to see what she threw up, but my FIL said it wasn't normal bile. I think she just ate too much stuff that she isn't supposed to eat, like cat poo. She's still been glued to me, but for warmth. Yesterday she even insisted on sitting on my lap when we went to go pick up my MIL, even though I had the tooshie warmer on for her in the passenger seat! Oh I love my tooshie warmers, I'm so glad I managed to find that car for a steal!!!!!!

Chris -- Keep encouraging her to stick with band!!!! I wish I had never quit choir!! With school costs these days, there's no way you can anticipate how much to save :( My dad's riding on the hope that my brother will stick with wanting to be a marine, or that both he and my sister get lacrosse scholarships.

ME -- Hooray for the delay!!!!!! They never shut down the schools over here :( Even when we had shooting bank robbers & police running through my university campus!

Trudy -- I hope you get a chance to relax, things will get done! Have a great day at work!!!!

Ok, going to brave the cold and check the mail, I really hope my new book is here!


always chatty at the O!!
Hey ladies. I have been so tired today. It sucks. I haven't gotten crap done today and Ethan is super depressed. he wants to go home to Washington and has just been crying and crying about it. I did set him up and email today though so hopefully that will help. We'll see. Anyway, I am going to try and get my act together. Wish my luck with that. Hugs to everyone.


lOve the O!
evening all - guess I never made it here this morning- hmmm- we had dance practice tonight- while waiting to start this couple walks in- and I think- hmm I know her- that's my dr. Too funny. that is the highlight of my day