
Daily Ooo's August 22-23: Weekend Edition


The Loopy-O
Happy weekend!
A rainy Saturday here so all of our plans have changed again. We were supposed to be going to the annual Family reunion for my MIL's cousins. But since they live near us on the lake, all of the outdoor act ivies would be a bust- they have a boat, fishing, swimming.... hopefully tomorrow will be a better day.

I guess this means I have put off my housecleaning long enough.... my dust bunnies are calling me.... I also am getting that need to get organized before school starts.
Do any of you do FlyLady? I used to and swear it really does help so much. But then I kind of lost interest, got busy, got too distracted....
I am wondering if anyone would like to join me in a O Flylady support thread?
If you think you might be interested,I will resign up with her and maybe we can cheer each other on.
If you have never heard of her she is at http://flylady.net/


The Loopy-O

Sandra- hoping that your day was calm- I am going to scroll down to see how the appt went....oh, I hope that the new meds work. And wonderful news to see a specialist. I think that is a very smart move. Good luck!

Grandma LindaW!! I neeeeeeeed youuuuuuuuuuuuu!! LOL Nah- I need you just to keep on being the awesome person that you are. But- being a "Giver" myself, don't do what I do and really put yourself last.

Joslyn- sounds like you have those kids under control, and in a very good way! You rock!!!! Good luck with PT!

neenee! So good to see you too- I had been wondering where you had been :) Ugh, no news on our disability. Going on 13 months soon. Avg wait time for a SSI hearing in NJ is 12- 18 months and it is usually closer to the 18 month range. :(
I hope that it is better in your state.
I am glad to hear that you were able to quit your job- all of those auto-immune disorders like fibro and lyme just thrive on stress! I wish they could prescribe us weekly massages instead of all those pills ;)

Clara- hey sis! We ended up meeting at a Chinese Buffet that the kids love for lunch. It worked out really nice- my mom got to see them, no one had to drive more than an hour, and everyone got along. Yay! When we got home, Scott made plans to up with with friends. Caitlyns friend called last night to invite her to go with them to Liberty Science Center today! Worked out perfect!

Hope everyone else is doing great! Enjoy your weekend!


Well-Known Member
I got as far as shining my sink....

I decided to start on flylady last month. All I have done so far is shine my sink though. :-? I signed up for the e-mail under a new account (because they say she fills your inbox) and to be honest have not even checked it. I just have no self discipline. It is one of my greater talents. :)


Well-Known Member
Hiya!!! Fast check in for me.....running through during the break in thunderstorms. We are supposed to have storms all day today and tomorrow :( *sigh*


Well-Known Member
Here I am. Climbing out from under a rock...or was it a Mack truck? Work's insane. How often do I tell you that? And then on top of it, we had back to school visits with the dentist and pediatrician for both kids. Got Shaun's passport ordered. Friday morning I got up at 1:30 because I couldn't sleep and worked (on work) until 6:30 when I took a shower and was in the office at 8 to do a full day. By last night, Brian took the kids to the park and I slept for 2 hours. I was in bed by 10 and slept until 8:30 this morning. Way too old to do that anymore.

Needless to say my gallery runs are way behind! But I'm going to try to do a little catching up today!


always chatty at the O!!
Good morning ladies. I feel like I have been run over by a truck. Ugh! My allergies arre always horrible in th emorning anyway and my eyes are all puffy. It take about an h our for that to go away. Then I feel like I slept for an hour last night. Ugh!!

I hope it goes away soon. I may need to drink some coffee. I need to get woken up eventually because today is Trader Joes day. Whoo. Well, I'll come back when I feel more like myself.


Well-Known Member
Hi ladies....not very chatty today....I am in major overdrive doing my house cleaning....

I told you about the dead squirrels...well the aftermath has hit all week...I guess the dead one from the chimney left some decay....and that means...GROSS...FLIES!! we have been battling them all week!! spraying swatting...I tape the entire fireplace up...we poured stuff down the chimney....I have vaccumed everyday this week at least 3 times a day getting up dead flies....I feel so nasty in my own house...so I am scrubbing and scrubbing today...my house smells very CLEAN....I am hoping it's over....and I am really hoping this never happens again!!!!! I had NO IDEA!! I hadn't really planned on sharing this story because it's so nasty...but OH WELL...what are friends and family for!!

LOVE YOU GUYS....I am off to clean some more....I have two rooms to go!! My bottle of clorox is almost gone!!


Well-Known Member
Hey everybody!
Had Wives of Warriors at church today, that group is just awesome! It was our last group for a month or so, and we had a Mexican pot-luck and some prizes were passed out. THe folks at JC Penney had contacted the group leaders about an event they are having where some Army wives are getting makeovers complete with free clothes, and guess who's name got drawn.... my friend Ida's! Oh, and MINE! Yeee haw! I've never had a makeover, but I've been suggesting that my son nominate me for What Not to Wear for a couple of years now because I have no idea how to dress myself, so this will be really cool for me. They are going to do before and after photos and everything, so I'll be sure to share that with you.

Oh, Linda W, I'm so sorry about the flies. Yucky yucky! One of the ladies at our group today shared that her daughter has recurring MRSA infections, so the doctors told her they have to BATHE her daughter in bleach water every night for... a week or two, I think? Anyway, that's what I thought about when I read your post. That smell... Poor you! At least your place is spotless, right?

Speaking of spotless, RUGBANA, (sorry I don't know your real name) I have done that very manouver with Flylader more than once. Meaning, created a new email addy just for Flylady, and then never checking it. LOL! But eventually some of her teachings did wear off on me, and I definitey am not in CHAOS anymore. So... maybe in time you'll catch some of what she's dishing out.

Clara- we've all been suffering from the allergic to morning syndrome over here. The girls have just enough congestion that they cough at night when they are lying down, which wakes them up and causes Atha to jump into the bed with Gen and I (yes, I still sleep with her at night, but we're WORKING ON THAT!) anyway, then Gen starts tossing and turning which wakes me up, and then I wake up and am grouchy.. cut to the morning when I feel sleepy and headachy and sad that I barked at my sweet girlies all night. Sigh. Hoping you feel better!

Oh, Chris, I just saw that you are interested in starting a Flylady support group. Hmmmmm, hmmmm thinking about that.


Well-Known Member
Andrea.....WOW...totally awesome!! I think at this point..a makeover is totally deserved for you!! PLEASE leave us details!! can't wait to see those before and after pics!! I think it's wonderful that they have this for you gals!!

Clara...sweetie...I hope you are feeling better this evening!! It takes months for those shots to really start helping...but don't give up on them...It's been 20 years since I went off my shots...and I still am not bothered by allergies too badly any longer!! ((HUGS))

LindaS...Dang...I am gonna have to elimnate these mack trucks!! So happy to see you! I haven't had time for the gallery in a couple of days...so tomorrow I have to get busy....I have about 150 to go for my new goal...and DH is on vaca this week...soooooooo...I will be babysitting him this week ;) Goodness...what a day!! but bright side...you accomplished A LOT!!! WOW!!

Kat...Hi ya!! and I guess we sent those storms to you...they were here for about three days through last night! We had rain all morning here A LOT and then when the sun came out this afternoon it was SCORCHING!!

Hi Rugbana!! Nice to see you!!

Chris....I guess I need to see what this FlyLady is...sounds like something useful!! Sorry your plans were a bust...but from your FB status...sounds like the kids came up with some alternative plans...GOOD LUCK!! Awe Sweetie...if you need me...I am here!! and too late about putting myself last...have done it for 26 years!! (that's how old sharon is)....

Can I just tell you this??? I have not had any kids here since Thursday. I just don't know how to act....

I am suppose to be over that....but I am not...I mean..don't get me wrong...I love some peace and quiet, and I have gotten A LOT done today and yesterday too...

The next 7 or 8 weeks...until I start keeping Savannah Grace everyday, and Cameran after school...I am going to be on a mission...my house is getting cleaned out top to bottom...we are having a BIG yard sale the end of September...and I am painting, and essentially SPRING cleaning in Fall!! I will have to not scrap so much...BOO to accomplish this...(since I scrap 2 or 3 pages almost everyday..it won't kill me to cut back to a couple days a week for a little bit).

Hope everyone is having a great weekend....I think the flies are under control...we haven't seen ANY today and I feel clean again...YAY! Going to Cracker Barrell for breakfast in the morning if anyone wants to join us!!



always chatty at the O!!
Oh Linda - I was just talking about Cracker Barrell tonight. What I wouldn't give for a CB breakfast or dinner. I LOVE their chicken/dumplings with mac'n'cheese, fried okra and some sweet tea. When I visit my IL's in Cleveland I go there at least a couple of times while I am there. We have a Cabela's up the street and I think they should put a CB in next to it. When you come out here to visit you need to bring me a meal. You would be my favorite forever. My DH actually did that one time. It was awesome. He definately got some cool points that day.


The Loopy-O
Good mornign O-Fam!
If you saw this on FB you will be happy to know I survived dinner and a sleep over of 5 tweens/teens. They are all asleep and I am typing as quietly as I can to keep them that way LOL Now I just have to get through b-fast with them, and I am good to go.
Nah- they were all wonderful. The boys watched some horror movie with Gary and the girls were in Cait's room playing. I was only woken up a few times to be asked if I could let them stay up later. I had told them lights out at 12 and asleep by 12:30... knowing it was goign to be later than that. But all in all, a success ;)

I don't know about our Family Reunion that was rescheduled for today. As of right now, it is looking pretty dreary. I hope it clears up.

Rugbana and Andrea- pllllleaaaase think about joining me, I need some one to keep me accountable!
I would keep all of her emails filtered into different folders- all of the testimonials went into one, cuz I didn't have time to read them. But I need help with the daily routine and jobs.

Kat- these storms are crazy! Someone told me there were tornado warning for PA- anywhere near you?

Linda S- oh so sorry to hear about work being such a PITA. Hope it calms down for you real soon.

Clara- O h I loooove TJ's!!! I haven't been down in a while- it is about 35 min's from me, but oh so awesome! My bro gets me gift cards and I still have $25 sitting in my wallet. Hopefully when the kids go back to school I'll have some time.
Hope that you are feeling better today (((hugs)))

Linda W-- oh yuck :( I ended up cleaning a lot downstairs- but I can't figure out why it doesn't look any cleaner! Gah!!
Have you tried fly paper? So gross, but might keep them sort of contained.....


The Loopy-O
Andrea- woooooooot!!!!!!!!!! Go You!!!!!! What a great win! I am so happy that you have a great group like that, I can;t even imagine how hard it must be, so the support must be wonderful. And a Makeover!! yay!! I need one too- everyone tells me I look stuck in the last decade, but oh well! haha!

And OMG-- bleach- she has to bathe her DD in bleache?? I know it is diluted...but.... omg....
Plz tell her to try tea tree oil! Dilute 1 tsp of tea tree oil in a carrier oil (olive oil will work fine) and add it to her bath. That will be so much more gentle to the skin. She could even add some tea tree oil to any plain lotion and use that. Bleach, oh my....
(tree hugger is in shock LOLOLOL)

Linda W! That g-baby is getting closer and closer! I am so excited for you and Sharon! hehehee sounds like *you* are nesting :)

I have never been to a Cracker Barrell but I hear they are yummy. There is one about an hour away from us, but never made it there.

Hope everyone has a great Sunday!


Well-Known Member
Hello my lovely-Os! I'm sorry I've been AWOL. I have been in a funk lately. DH and I went on a little trip Friday evening to St. Louis and didn't get home til late yesterday evening and I'm still worn out :). We went to the zoo which is one of my fave places! I was hoping it would get me out of my funk and it seemed to help some...then mid-Sept DD and I are going to Florida so maybe some time away from work will help ;).

I am sooooo behind on love in the gallery and personals...not to mention scrapping!

I just hope y'all know I love you all and haven't forgot anyone :).

Andrea-woohoo on the makeover! Can't wait to see pics!

Chris-good luck with Flylady. Hope your weather holds out today!

LindaW-soooo glad the flies are outta there and WTG on the clean house...you can come do mine anytime LOL.

Clara-mmmm, yes, isn't CB the best?! I love their chicken tenders or meatloaf.

Jos-good luck on the potty training, definitely sounds like she's ready!

Rugbana-hi there! Nice to see you in the dailies :).

kat-ugh on the thunderstorms :( hope they move out soon!

LindaS-Hope you get some rest. Is something bothering you, like school starting back? Hang in there sweetie!!! Vent to us if you need to :).

I hope I got everybody...I will go back and check :).

I love you all!!!!!! ((((hugs))))


Well-Known Member
well, day 1 down of the Adderall XR... Gabe was talking to Will last night, and he said he felt less angry on the new meds... maybe it's just me, but he did seem a little less agitated yesterday... I know it'll take at least a week, but there were no temper tantrums yesterday so I was very happy...

Matthew starts his preschool tomorrow... can I tell you how happy I am? Not only did he get bit twice, they lost 2 pair of cloth training underwear, and on Thursday another pair of shorts for a total of 3... plus we were reconciling our bank account and we're broke and will overdraw our account if I can't get them postpone depositing the checks we gave them 2 freakin' weeks ago.. yes... they are still holding $300 worth of checks from the 7th and the 14th of August grrrrr!

The neighborhood get together was fun yesterday... my tater tot casserole was a smashing success... they completely wiped it out... the kids had a blast playing in the sandbox, but the tub will need some more work to get it all out of there LOL...

okay that's about it for me... hope you all are having a great weekend!


Well-Known Member
Chris- I know, the bleach thing, it was shocking! All of us gasped when she said it. It was one tbsp per gallon, and they were measuring it out every night for her. I think they've gotten pretty close to being done with the course of treatment now. Poor thing was getting a new case of MRSA every week or so, and the doc said her body was colonized with it. EUGH! But actually she's the other lucky lady who won the makeover with me, so I'll ask her about it that day.

Hey, I saw there's a thread for the flylady thing and I'm off to check it out!


Well-Known Member
:pClara....girlie...you know when I come to the West Coast...I am bringing a box full of CB just for you!! and YEAH your husband gets cool points for doing that for you!!

Chris...Yay for getting your downstairs clean....IKWYM about still not looking clean...I feel like that too...I think a fresh coat of paint is the only thing that makes me feel like it's really clean...oh and NEW STUFF...but since that can't happen very often..I just have to deal with it. Oh...CHRISSSSS...you gotta go to a CB...they are awesome...just like eating at MOM's house!! We have them everywhere around here!! Within an hour around us I can think of 4!! Best thing to my DH and Cameran...they serve breakfast all day!! yes...I think I may be nesting too!! LOL!! I just want to be ready when she comes to me!!

If any of you have friended my DD on FB...you know with out a doubt she has 8 days to go!! and boy is she ready!!

Dawn...My friend....I will be emailing you shortly!! and YAY for your little trip...I just love the zoo...I could go to every zoo there is...no matter how big or small!! I am in awe of these big beautiful animals, little ones too! Maybe since I am not a pet lover...it spews to the zoo animals..LOL!
Wow..you and Amanda to FLA!! What's up in FLA?? sounds like fun!! Tell me if I can do anything to help you get out of your funk((((HUGS))))!!

Oh...NO MORE FLIES!! we haven't seen a live or dead one in 24 hours!! FINGERS CROSSED!!

Sandra...I am sending good vibes your way that Will's new meds are working...sounds like it might be!! :p Now that daycare stuff is one of the reasons why I keep my grandbabies...I had to live that horror too..so I didn't want my girls to go through it!! Although Cameran was in preschool for about a year and half...just because he needed the socialization!

Andrea....that poor little girl..MRSA is a horrible thing...a couple of years ago there was a really bad outbreak in the school systems around here...it was aweful!! School by school they would shut down for a week and completely disinfect the schools...my youngest DD gets it about two or three times a year. The dr says that some people don't have the immune system to fight off this kind of infection...because everyone carries these germs on their body. And she must be one of those people. I worry that when she gets something life threating (infection)..because of all the high powered anitbiotics she takes so often, there won't be anything to fight it off for her....BOY do I sound like a worry wart!!

Ok....the rest of today...I am off to my Mom's for a bit...I haven't been over on the weekend to see my Dad in a while....although I do call him about every other day to check in with him!!

Oh and Chris...I knew you would make it with your tweens!! :p


always chatty at the O!!
That bleach in the bathwater thing sounds crazy, but I completely understand it. MRSA is no joke. We see a lot of it in the hospital. When we have a patient with it we have to wear glove, gown and a mask. It sucks...but I sure as heck don't want that crap. The hard part is that antibiotics don't work very well unless you give some very strong hardcore ones. The bleach makes sense unfortunately. I can't even imagine putting my kids in a bleach bath but if they had MRSA and they thought it would help I think I would. Bleach kills everything. Ick!!


Well-Known Member
Have had a great weekend as our last hurrah before school starts. We visited the State Fair again yesterday. Lots of great food. And we went to the special animal barn for kids. We saw a baby chick hatch while we were there. And lots of baby pigs, several calfs, a couple of kids, a couple of lambs...all that had been born in the last week while at the fair. On the way home, Shaun was talking to Grandma on the phone. He said "Grandma, we went to the barn where the baby animals were born and we saw some guy stick his hand up the sheep's butt to get the baby out." Actually, we only saw the video while standing in line...but my TV boy didn't miss a thing! :)
Then today, Brian had an open house so I loaded the kids up, picked up Mom and we went to a nearby state park where the kids could play in the water and sand. It's a beautiful day and everyone came home tired...especially Mommy!