
Daily Ooo's: August 21: Weekend Edition


The Loopy-O
I am here, really i am. My head might be on another planet, but I am here in body.

Still struggling here in NJ. Every day seems to bring another challenge. I am trying to keep my chin up, and remember that i am strong. Maybe if I tell it to myself enough times, I'll get it through my head. :fish:

How are all of you doing?
Miss you tons and tons!!!



lOve the O!
Storms came through last night and wiped out another router- 2011 the year of the router- arghhhh. Sitting in mr gorgeous office with laptop on. a side table, plugged straight into the net- arhhhh Guess who is making a trip into town today??


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning ladies... Chris I am sorry that you are still feeling like Janet from another planet!!! Perhaps when school returns and you get back to your old routine you will feel better?? I am up super early this morning, just can't seem to sleep :(. Maybe its because the house is so quiet and there are no little feet running around anymore. A cool breeze is coming through the screen door of my computer room and it really feels like fall is arriving.... we still are waiting for our summer to get here :frusty: Spent the day outside yesterday and got lots of yard work done, today is cleaning and :washing: maybe I will be able to get a challenge or two done today. Well thats my plans for the day. Hope you all have a great Sunday!!


lOve the O!
so far, I have registered and reported no longer working 2 routers- since 7/24/2011. I have a shopping list, I have the defective routers packed and ready to return, I have heartburn- stress ? orange juice? bacon? or combo- I vote combo, but boy not quite the way I pictured my sunday. Off to shop and try to curb my cart rage at people that believe the grocery store is a social event.