
Daily Ooos: April 27-28: Weekend Edition


The Loopy-O
woo hoo! I slept until 5.30 today! Naturally, that makes me feel like I am running late but it's not like I have anywhere to go today. Other than my yard :sunout: :flower:

Did you all have a nice day yesterday? I wouldn't say my day was amazing but it sure was satisfying at the end. I did a little of this, a little of that. My mom came up to get her computer and took me to grab a slice of pizza. Brought some home for Gary and when Cait texted that she was going out after work, I had enough that I didn't have to cook dinner. yay! My mom's brain was allll over the place when she got here, enough that I was worried somewhat about her driving to PA. By the time she left my house, she had settled down and I kept reminding her to take slow, deep breaths when that happens. When she called to let me know she was there safe (it's about 1.5 hours from my house) she sounded like a different person. I wish Calm-Mom stuck around longer than the stressed-out one. :/

It was chilly but sunny so I debated with myself if I wanted to do any yard work and after staring out the window, I went for it. Gosh, I love being outside. Still too cold to see most of my critter friends, although I bet the garter snake is under the leaves next to the house. We always surprise each other when I clear that area. He moves, startles me, I jump, then apologize to him. Every darn year. :giggle4: (No idea if it is the same snake every year, but I'm sure that he tells his family about me so I'm part of their folklore. Snakelore? )

This is my last free weekend until the middle of June and then I'll be full-on bridal shower prep. The weather is supposed to be perfect for gardening/yard work. Sunny and 60-70s. Gary was able to fix the lawn mover yesterday so he did a quick pass with that. I might make some hummingbird nectar today and put out the feeder so it's ready for them. I hope they come back. Last year I was obsessed with them.

I hope the weather is cooperating where you are too! Enjoy the day!


The Loopy-O
@vickyday If you download the Bearable App, let me know if you need help customizing it. Took me a little while to figure out how to add medications and activities. And moods! There wasn't an option in "How are you feeling?" for 100% Crazy Pants hahaha!
You're doing great with your walks! Are you noticing that it's getting easier?

@JeanneMN Depression and anxiety... That's me. Back pain, joint pain. Also me. So sorry that you have to deal with that. I can see
why the gym is so important to you. That is how I am with yard work. Even if I were in total pain, I would go out there-- it's therapy for me. Talking to my bug-friends, hands in the dirt. Even if I hurt afterward, it was a "good hurt." YKWIM? (you know what I mean?)
My dad and his mother have/had severe osteoporosis and arthritis and I have osteopenia (Make the appt for the DEXA, Faery!!) so I feel the same as you do, I don't want to go down that road.
Did you scrap any of the Color Plays? Those purples are gorgeous, aren't they?

@bcgal00 Euchre-- is that a card game? How fun to be meeting so many new people. Is D feeling better about being where you are too? (No need to answer if I am being too nosy)
If I were you and had your photos on the wall, I think I'd end up walking into the walls all of the time. I'd get distracted by them, they are all incredibly beautiful. I'd be cleaning drool off of the floor because my jaw would be dropped open too :jawdrop3:
I like that idea for the book club too, let them choose the book based on a common theme.

@AK_Tracy I don't like the cold at all but I bet the wild openness of AK is breathtaking. Do you have a lot of wildlife where you are? We have black bears where I am, although not as many come into my yard as they used to :( Bet AK bears are bigger than NJ bears.
*fingers and toes crossed that the sun stays out!*

@Cherylndesigns All good sunny and blue sky thoughts going out to OK! I hope that you and Ava can go and have a fun time together. (That's redundant. You and Ava *always* have a good time together)
The biggest issue we had setting up the computer was resetting her password over the phone with her. She didn't know how to get into her email on her tablet so we could get the authorization code. That was fun. :rolleyes1:
How many CP LOs did you do? How many did you, @BrightEyes make? "Who is this moooonth's Cham-pi-on?" *said in WWE announcer's voice*

@BrightEyes That must have been so frustrating trying to get the sprayer to work and knowing that you had a window of time with the calm air. How are the hands/back this morning? Hope it's not too sore.

Tracy-- songs in my head? All of the time! My favorite play is Rent and I listen to the soundtrack all of the time. Unfortunately, the dialogue gets fixed into my brain so any time I think or someone says a phrase that's in the play, my brain converts it to the musical version. Just the other night, Gary was mixing a drink and asked me if I wanted a Tom Collins (ewww. no) My brain heard it as "Tom. Collins." Then "I'm Angel" My DD heard it that way too and we started singing. He looked at us, holding the cocktail shaker, and rolled his eyes.

@mimes1 That's such a positive way to look at writing the thank you cards- as part of the healing process.
There is a thread somewhere about the acronyms we use often. I'll see if I can find it. If there's ever an acronym you can't figure out- just ask!
I love hearing about your babies! All of our dogs have been rescues and the last 3 have been listed as "labs." Only one looked anything like a lab. Or acted like a lab. Hahah! Is Reesie full-grown?
You would have felt at home in my house a few years ago. We had three dogs, 2 cats, 2 snakes, several rats, a tarantula, and a vinegaroon. At this point, we are down to 2 dogs and 2 rats, the fewest pets we've had since the 1990s.
Did any of your dogs try to jump the baby gates? After J's surgery, we baby-gated her in the living room but Whisky- the one who has to be part kangaroo- jumps them.
I cannot wait to hear about all of the experiences you had at the zoo. In case you can't tell, *wink* I adore animals. I'm trying to learn about birds and would love to learn from you too ♥

I am glad that you are all figuring out some of the "features" of the website. Yup, the green circle means online. Reaction score is how many "likes" you give-- and I think (don't quote me) how many you receive.

Everyone seems to be finding what you all need. Please-- just ask if you get lost in the forums. Even us who've been here a while get turned around. One helpful tip: You can Watch threads and Forums. On the right side of the page, there is a button that says Watch. Click that and it opens a box to select how to get notifications or none.
When you are are on the forum Home page, click on Watched and it will show a list of Threads/Forums that you are watching. HTH!


Morning, gals. Woke up to temps in the 40's this morning. Guess the cold front is moving in...with cloudy skies and breezes already blowing. Rain is in the forecast later on today. Pulling out the sweats to wear. So glad I left the down comforter on the foot of the bed as I have had to pull it up the last 2 nights. When I mention that I had moved it to my sister, she said she is leaving her heavy blanket on until mid-to-late May as we could still have some cold nights until then.

The back and right arm/hand are still sore this morning. Squeezing the sprayer so much yesterday tightened up the muscles in the upper arm and also in the hand. UGH!!! @faerywings - I am not going to be in the running for who made the most Color Play LOs this month.... Looks like @*sylvia* and @Cherylndesigns are running neck and neck for that honor. dance3 It is all I can do to respond to the LOs in the What New at the Os - April Color Play thread.

Going to take a hot shower and see if that will help with the stiffness. CYL


Well-Known Member
Good morning ladies. I decided not to go birding today. I want to select more photos to print and frame for the walls and I want to do a good housecleaning. I have been busy lately so need to buckle down and stay on top of it. Yesterday we got the replacement bulbs for the kitchen recessed lighting and also go a dimmer switch for them. Sometimes its the little things that can make you so happy. I love that now I can put the ceiling lights on low, just enough to see your way around the kitchen but not distracting when we are watching TV. I'll get out with Remi later, maybe drop stuff off at Value Village. I don't know how it is that I keep finding things to donate, you'd think with all the purging I've done these last couple of years that there would be nothing left....but there is LOL.

Tonight we'll play a few games of Mexican Train so D can brush up on the rules. He hasn't played as much as I have and I want him to feel comfortable with the game since we are hosting next wkend.

@faerywings Enjoy the outdoor time this wkend. You'd be in your glory here. I have three garden patches that need to be cleaned up and two herb gardens put in the stands but there is a late growing season here, I've been told not to plant until end of May. Euchre is a card game that I learned in Ontario as I was growing up. It is a very popular game there. Thx for the kind words about my photos. If you ever want something, just ask, you know I'm happy to share.

@BrightEyes Hope your muscles loosen up as the day goes on. Don't overdo it today.

I need to get some photos sent to the lab and if I'm lucky they might be ready later today. HAGD day everyone.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
A quick good morning. We're leaving in a couple of hours and I still need to get cleaned up. It's 71 but cloudy UGH and is supposed to stay that way all day. At least it's not raining - it rained off and on all day yesterday and was just generally dark and dreary. I even took a nap with the animals and I don't do that very often.

Chris, I can just see Gary getting ready to shake that drink and you and Cait singing Rent. You are all about as cray cray as we are. BTW I haven't even thought about that drink in forever. I used to kind of like them. I've only done 7 CPs so far. I think I'm done -remember the month I did 15??? I said never again. :lol23: At the rate of only being able to post 5 a day, it took too long to get them posted. Ever since, I've been a little more controlled. I have 4 more layouts that ready to post, though that aren't part of CP. LOL Kay @BrightEyes 'it's keeping you busy keeping up with CP" - I remember how that was the month I hosted that. Those layouts fly in there. :runningdog:
Oh Chris @faerywings glad to hear that Gary got the password and everything else set up. I'm sure it was *fun* trying to get info like the password out of your mom over the phone. Kudos to Gary.

I'd better get off here and get ready - I'm hoping that it doesn't rain, although it isn't on the forecast only cloudy.

Hugs to all and HAGD.


Well-Known Member
@AK_Tracy I don't like the cold at all but I bet the wild openness of AK is breathtaking. Do you have a lot of wildlife where you are? We have black bears where I am, although not as many come into my yard as they used to :( Bet AK bears are bigger than NJ bears.
*fingers and toes crossed that the sun stays out!*

Tracy-- songs in my head? All of the time! My favorite play is Rent and I listen to the soundtrack all of the time. Unfortunately, the dialogue gets fixed into my brain so any time I think or someone says a phrase that's in the play, my brain converts it to the musical version. Just the other night, Gary was mixing a drink and asked me if I wanted a Tom Collins (ewww. no) My brain heard it as "Tom. Collins." Then "I'm Angel" My DD heard it that way too and we started singing. He looked at us, holding the cocktail shaker, and rolled his eyes.
Its not always cold here. Especially up in the interior of the state where it gets in the 80's. Yeah I now its not triple digit but you also have to realize the sun comes at you from the side, so you cant put a hat on and be out of the sun. Its more intense so it feels hotter than the numbers. In my yard I have seen moose and black bears. In our area we have moose and black bears duh, but also brown bears (grizzly), coyotes, lynx, wolves, rabbits, muskrats, and a few other things I am sure. Oh Bald Eagles all over the place. We have to keep an eye on the shih-tzu dogs as the eagles will take them given a chance.

So glad youre a song in head person too. My DD loves Phantom and hubs and I have seen the play (not broadway LOL) and it was fantastic. So the bits get stuck in my head, plus its DD ringtone. But older movies like Adventures in Babysitting (that era) are so stuck in my head. Movie quotes of the 80's rock. But most people look at me like I'm cray-cray. Well, I am but still they dont have to look at me like that :giggle4: Growing up, we watched TV ALL the time. And movies. My dad was all about tv and watching so that's what we did. And man have I got movie dialog in my brain.


Well-Known Member
Hi Ho, Hi Ho, off to work I go. The sun is shining. Its a beautiful morning! The sun came up around 6 a.m. and man the birds started singing. Thankful for blackout curtains. Dogs are in heaven. Its warm enough to be outside yet they still have snow piles to roll in when they're hot. Its finally turned the corner and the snow is melting quickly each day. Spring has arrived.


Love my O Family!
@vickyday If you download the Bearable App, let me know if you need help customizing it. Took me a little while to figure out how to add medications and activities. And moods! There wasn't an option in "How are you feeling?" for 100% Crazy Pants hahaha!
You're doing great with your walks! Are you noticing that it's getting easier?

@JeanneMN Depression and anxiety... That's me. Back pain, joint pain. Also me. So sorry that you have to deal with that. I can see
why the gym is so important to you. That is how I am with yard work. Even if I were in total pain, I would go out there-- it's therapy for me. Talking to my bug-friends, hands in the dirt. Even if I hurt afterward, it was a "good hurt." YKWIM? (you know what I mean?)
My dad and his mother have/had severe osteoporosis and arthritis and I have osteopenia (Make the appt for the DEXA, Faery!!) so I feel the same as you do, I don't want to go down that road.
Did you scrap any of the Color Plays? Those purples are gorgeous, aren't they?

@bcgal00 Euchre-- is that a card game? How fun to be meeting so many new people. Is D feeling better about being where you are too? (No need to answer if I am being too nosy)
If I were you and had your photos on the wall, I think I'd end up walking into the walls all of the time. I'd get distracted by them, they are all incredibly beautiful. I'd be cleaning drool off of the floor because my jaw would be dropped open too :jawdrop3:
I like that idea for the book club too, let them choose the book based on a common theme.

@AK_Tracy I don't like the cold at all but I bet the wild openness of AK is breathtaking. Do you have a lot of wildlife where you are? We have black bears where I am, although not as many come into my yard as they used to :( Bet AK bears are bigger than NJ bears.
*fingers and toes crossed that the sun stays out!*

@Cherylndesigns All good sunny and blue sky thoughts going out to OK! I hope that you and Ava can go and have a fun time together. (That's redundant. You and Ava *always* have a good time together)
The biggest issue we had setting up the computer was resetting her password over the phone with her. She didn't know how to get into her email on her tablet so we could get the authorization code. That was fun. :rolleyes1:
How many CP LOs did you do? How many did you, @BrightEyes make? "Who is this moooonth's Cham-pi-on?" *said in WWE announcer's voice*

@BrightEyes That must have been so frustrating trying to get the sprayer to work and knowing that you had a window of time with the calm air. How are the hands/back this morning? Hope it's not too sore.

Tracy-- songs in my head? All of the time! My favorite play is Rent and I listen to the soundtrack all of the time. Unfortunately, the dialogue gets fixed into my brain so any time I think or someone says a phrase that's in the play, my brain converts it to the musical version. Just the other night, Gary was mixing a drink and asked me if I wanted a Tom Collins (ewww. no) My brain heard it as "Tom. Collins." Then "I'm Angel" My DD heard it that way too and we started singing. He looked at us, holding the cocktail shaker, and rolled his eyes.

@mimes1 That's such a positive way to look at writing the thank you cards- as part of the healing process.
There is a thread somewhere about the acronyms we use often. I'll see if I can find it. If there's ever an acronym you can't figure out- just ask!
I love hearing about your babies! All of our dogs have been rescues and the last 3 have been listed as "labs." Only one looked anything like a lab. Or acted like a lab. Hahah! Is Reesie full-grown?
You would have felt at home in my house a few years ago. We had three dogs, 2 cats, 2 snakes, several rats, a tarantula, and a vinegaroon. At this point, we are down to 2 dogs and 2 rats, the fewest pets we've had since the 1990s.
Did any of your dogs try to jump the baby gates? After J's surgery, we baby-gated her in the living room but Whisky- the one who has to be part kangaroo- jumps them.
I cannot wait to hear about all of the experiences you had at the zoo. In case you can't tell, *wink* I adore animals. I'm trying to learn about birds and would love to learn from you too ♥

I am glad that you are all figuring out some of the "features" of the website. Yup, the green circle means online. Reaction score is how many "likes" you give-- and I think (don't quote me) how many you receive.

Everyone seems to be finding what you all need. Please-- just ask if you get lost in the forums. Even us who've been here a while get turned around. One helpful tip: You can Watch threads and Forums. On the right side of the page, there is a button that says Watch. Click that and it opens a box to select how to get notifications or none.
When you are are on the forum Home page, click on Watched and it will show a list of Threads/Forums that you are watching. HTH!
Yes, I could've done 2 miles yesterday, too, but Mark wanted me to go with him to Ruth's to get the table saw. It is definitely getting easier! I did 1 mile in 17 minutes and that included stopping to take some pics!


Love my O Family!
Good Evening to Everyone,
I didn't get back in here yesterday as Mark worked my butt off, LOL! After I got back from my 1 mile walk (done in 17 miles and included some pic taking) we went to the widow's house to look at the table saw she was selling of her deceased husband's. Then we came back to the house and Mark wanted me to help him somewhat with cutting down the dead tree next to one of the out buildings. We are going to "decorate" it with bird houses and I'll move the bird feeders back out there. Plus we saved some of the branches to decorate the tree with so that the birds would have landing areas. Mark played with his saw today to start on a birdhouse.

Cutting down the tree was no problem.....the problem was cleaning up the mess from the yard afterwards. I am so sore today after all of the stooping and raking and gathering of branches!

Today I spent the day with 4 other ladies from our church at a women's jubilee at the church an hour away where I take the widows once a month. Then we ate a late lunch afterwards. I didn't get home until after 4 and left the house at 8:20 this morning. So I'm tired!

Getting ready now to do our daily devotional Bible readings and then I'm going to work on some layouts!

Have a great evening!


Well-Known Member
Well hello everyone! It's been a busy day!! First off, I didn't wake up until 8:30 which is stupid late for me - usually I'm up around 5:30 am to do my bible study while the house is quiet. But, I have to tell you all, I was up waaaaay to late having the best time with @wombat146 and @AK_Tracy and @joyfulheartdesigns. Helpful tips, laughter, plus a little hijacking of my own, it was so. much. fun!!! I kept laughing out loud at my computer while Mark was trying to sleep and he kept waking up and wanting to know why I was laughing so much. This morning Mark of course commented on it, and as I was trying to explain what was so funny, I couldn't explain it one, because he wouldn't understand the humor, and two, because I was laughing so hard all over again I couldn't even tell Mark the story. So. It was worth the staying up way too late!

Today was the first Alzheimers support group meeting since my mom died. Last months meeting was on the day we buried my mom. It was good to see everyone, but very emotional for me. I was able to share some insight about caregiving that I've gained since my mom died. Hindsight, you know? It was really nice because the leader commented that all phases of the disease are represented in the attendees from new diagnoses to those who have had loved ones pass. Everybody helps everybody in the sharing of their individual experiences. It was really good to be there. Very encouraging and uplifting.

Then I went to a local craft fair with my SIL. We missed her 65th birthday in the wake of my mom passing so we did the craft fair then spent the rest of the afternoon at lunch. We sat there for hours, and finally left lunch at 5:30 PM!! At the craft fair there was this vendor that made super cute jewelry, hair clips, crosses etc out of old spoon handles. She even had created little bird houses and put them on necklace chains. So adorable! I bought two for a couple of my zoo friends. I retired almost 4 years ago, and me and these two other ladies have a text thread, and it's been active without a break that entire time. So I got them both one of these cute bird house necklaces for Christmas. Never too soon to pick up gifts when you see something that reminds you of someone! And there's enough bird lovers here that I though you all would appreciate the description of the item.

Just checked in at Scrap Girls - 3 days and counting to the end - and now I'm here catching up. Hope you all had a good day, now I'll go back through and make individual comments.


Well-Known Member
@mimes1 That's such a positive way to look at writing the thank you cards- as part of the healing process.
There is a thread somewhere about the acronyms we use often. I'll see if I can find it. If there's ever an acronym you can't figure out- just ask!
I love hearing about your babies! All of our dogs have been rescues and the last 3 have been listed as "labs." Only one looked anything like a lab. Or acted like a lab. Hahah! Is Reesie full-grown?
You would have felt at home in my house a few years ago. We had three dogs, 2 cats, 2 snakes, several rats, a tarantula, and a vinegaroon. At this point, we are down to 2 dogs and 2 rats, the fewest pets we've had since the 1990s.
Did any of your dogs try to jump the baby gates? After J's surgery, we baby-gated her in the living room but Whisky- the one who has to be part kangaroo- jumps them.
I cannot wait to hear about all of the experiences you had at the zoo. In case you can't tell, *wink* I adore animals. I'm trying to learn about birds and would love to learn from you too ♥

I am glad that you are all figuring out some of the "features" of the website. Yup, the green circle means online. Reaction score is how many "likes" you give-- and I think (don't quote me) how many you receive.

Everyone seems to be finding what you all need. Please-- just ask if you get lost in the forums. Even us who've been here a while get turned around. One helpful tip: You can Watch threads and Forums. On the right side of the page, there is a button that says Watch. Click that and it opens a box to select how to get notifications or none.
When you are are on the forum Home page, click on Watched and it will show a list of Threads/Forums that you are watching. HTH!
@faerywings Animal people always seem to find each other don't they? I love that you like to be outdoors getting your hands dirty. And that your house has been so full of animals! What is a vinegaroon? When I was little I took home a garter snake and put it in a gerbil cage and ran off to play, first leaving a note for my mom that I had found this snake and it was in the cage. Which was on the kitchen counter. Well of course when my mom got home the note was there and the cage was empty!!! So we had a loose snake in the kitchen for a couple days - and it was eventually found in the silverware drawer. o_O I was in a little bit of trouble for that, but I did eventually bring home another snake, but that one went in an aquarium instead.


Well-Known Member
It is all I can do to respond to the LOs in the What New at the Os - April Color Play thread.

Going to take a hot shower and see if that will help with the stiffness. CYL
@BrightEyes I hope you start feeling better and less stiff! Those pesky sprayers can give those wrists and forearms quite the work out!


ONA - Administrator
Well hello everyone! It's been a busy day!! First off, I didn't wake up until 8:30 which is stupid late for me - usually I'm up around 5:30 am to do my bible study while the house is quiet. But, I have to tell you all, I was up waaaaay to late having the best time with @wombat146 and @AK_Tracy and @joyfulheartdesigns. Helpful tips, laughter, plus a little hijacking of my own, it was so. much. fun!!! I kept laughing out loud at my computer while Mark was trying to sleep and he kept waking up and wanting to know why I was laughing so much. This morning Mark of course commented on it, and as I was trying to explain what was so funny, I couldn't explain it one, because he wouldn't understand the humor, and two, because I was laughing so hard all over again I couldn't even tell Mark the story. So. It was worth the staying up way too late!

Today was the first Alzheimers support group meeting since my mom died. Last months meeting was on the day we buried my mom. It was good to see everyone, but very emotional for me. I was able to share some insight about caregiving that I've gained since my mom died. Hindsight, you know? It was really nice because the leader commented that all phases of the disease are represented in the attendees from new diagnoses to those who have had loved ones pass. Everybody helps everybody in the sharing of their individual experiences. It was really good to be there. Very encouraging and uplifting.

Then I went to a local craft fair with my SIL. We missed her 65th birthday in the wake of my mom passing so we did the craft fair then spent the rest of the afternoon at lunch. We sat there for hours, and finally left lunch at 5:30 PM!! At the craft fair there was this vendor that made super cute jewelry, hair clips, crosses etc out of old spoon handles. She even had created little bird houses and put them on necklace chains. So adorable! I bought two for a couple of my zoo friends. I retired almost 4 years ago, and me and these two other ladies have a text thread, and it's been active without a break that entire time. So I got them both one of these cute bird house necklaces for Christmas. Never too soon to pick up gifts when you see something that reminds you of someone! And there's enough bird lovers here that I though you all would appreciate the description of the item.

Just checked in at Scrap Girls - 3 days and counting to the end - and now I'm here catching up. Hope you all had a good day, now I'll go back through and make individual comments.
:giggle4: :giggle4: Amy it's hard sometimes to explain to someone 'in real life' some of the fun we have, in many ways they just don't get it! :lol23: I have tried to explain to my sister and she just smiles politely hahaaa!!! She and I went on an overseas holiday back in 2012, one stop was London so a few girls from Oscraps organised a get together. Sue, Selena and Audrey aren't here at the site anymore but Diane (@Madi) and her daughter Maya (@madigirl) were there and we had the best time! Had lunch, walked around London and then back to the hotel we were staying at for afternoon tea, all the while talking and laughing! :heartpumplove: My sister was apprehensive at first about meeting 'these online people' but she had a great time as well! So happy you to have you here with us! xx


Well-Known Member
Its not always cold here. Especially up in the interior of the state where it gets in the 80's. Yeah I now its not triple digit but you also have to realize the sun comes at you from the side, so you cant put a hat on and be out of the sun. Its more intense so it feels hotter than the numbers. In my yard I have seen moose and black bears. In our area we have moose and black bears duh, but also brown bears (grizzly), coyotes, lynx, wolves, rabbits, muskrats, and a few other things I am sure. Oh Bald Eagles all over the place. We have to keep an eye on the shih-tzu dogs as the eagles will take them given a chance.
@AK_Tracy Living in Alaska must just be the coolest thing ever. The wildlife alone must be incredible. I love hearing all your stories and seeing your Alaska Life layouts. One day I'd like to visit up there.


Well-Known Member
Good Evening to Everyone,
I didn't get back in here yesterday as Mark worked my butt off, LOL! After I got back from my 1 mile walk (done in 17 miles and included some pic taking) we went to the widow's house to look at the table saw she was selling of her deceased husband's. Then we came back to the house and Mark wanted me to help him somewhat with cutting down the dead tree next to one of the out buildings. We are going to "decorate" it with bird houses and I'll move the bird feeders back out there. Plus we saved some of the branches to decorate the tree with so that the birds would have landing areas. Mark played with his saw today to start on a birdhouse.

Cutting down the tree was no problem.....the problem was cleaning up the mess from the yard afterwards. I am so sore today after all of the stooping and raking and gathering of branches!

Today I spent the day with 4 other ladies from our church at a women's jubilee at the church an hour away where I take the widows once a month. Then we ate a late lunch afterwards. I didn't get home until after 4 and left the house at 8:20 this morning. So I'm tired!

Getting ready now to do our daily devotional Bible readings and then I'm going to work on some layouts!

Have a great evening!
@vickyday I just love how you're so active in your yard. I can just see you out there cutting down a tree, hauling it, but the best part of all is saving parts of it for your bird feeders and houses! Putting out landing spots for the birds is not an intuitive thing for most people. A quick story: One time at work a keeper needed help watching this dove that we had. He said it wasn't eating and he was worried about it. I went and assessed it with him, and I observed that there was no landing spot for the bird on or near the food pan. I suggested that a perch be added to the feeder stand, which was done and Instantly the bird flew to the new perch, and ate. I remember the keeper looking at me and saying "How did you know that?" Really it's just animal sense. :heartpumpred: There are definitely alot of animal people here!


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
@Cherylndesigns I'm still getting familiar around here with the challenges and gallery. and this is my first Color Play experience. I've already loaded up! Is there a particular gallery the CP layouts should be put into?
After you get your layout done, upload it to the Color Play Gallery: https://oscraps.com/community/media/categories/color-play.140/

Then you can upload it to the current month's Color Play Thread, which you'll find in the "What's New at the O": - Share your Color Play Layouts: https://oscraps.com/community/threads/april-color-play-is-here-now.39718/page-2#post-701150

You also need to promote it on social media. If you have any other questions, let me know. I don't know how much more detail to go into. But post it first in the Color Play Gallery.


Well-Known Member
Everyone seems to be finding what you all need. Please-- just ask if you get lost in the forums. Even us who've been here a while get turned around. One helpful tip: You can Watch threads and Forums. On the right side of the page, there is a button that says Watch. Click that and it opens a box to select how to get notifications or none.
When you are are on the forum Home page, click on Watched and it will show a list of Threads/Forums that you are watching. HTH!
@faerywings Thanks for another tip! A quick question though -I just checked my watched threads and it had 3 pages worth. After checking preferences I could see a tick box for watching everything I comment on. But I couldn't figure out how to unwatch threads from that spot, so I clicked unwatch, and it unwatched everything. Easy enough to go back and add the few that are wanted, but is there a quick way to unwatch from that field without unwatching everything? (That's kind of wordy and redundant but don't know how else to to describe it)


Well-Known Member
@faerywings Thanks for another tip! A quick question though -I just checked my watched threads and it had 3 pages worth. After checking preferences I could see a tick box for watching everything I comment on. But I couldn't figure out how to unwatch threads from that spot, so I clicked unwatch, and it unwatched everything. Easy enough to go back and add the few that are wanted, but is there a quick way to unwatch from that field without unwatching everything? (That's kind of wordy and redundant but don't know how else to to describe it)
@faerywings Uh Duh, NVM. I found what I was looking for!:dancingbfly:


Well-Known Member
@AK_Tracy Living in Alaska must just be the coolest thing ever. The wildlife alone must be incredible. I love hearing all your stories and seeing your Alaska Life layouts. One day I'd like to visit up there.
Amy if you get up here, I will kick a kid out of his room! I have a queen bed and youre welcome to stay in it!!! Just make it June, July, or August. Otherwise ya might freeze. But if ya wanna see some amazing winter Come see me in January.


Well-Known Member
What a day. Work was fun. I have an easy job sitting at a desk reading my books. :floorlaugh: Its a mini-storage but hardly anyone comes on the weekend so I just read a book most times. When its sunny I can sit outside in the sun and read, that wasn't today though. it was windy. But the temp hit 60 (not counting windchill) and the snow is melting faster!! The sky is so blue. I did buy a CP kit and will now have other then winter kit to play with. Look out! I got purples now :giggle4::floorlaugh: Soon I'll have a few more too but gotta pace myself or I would buy the entire shop.

So I know I read the directions but...... yep insert problem child gif here........ if we have a personal album, do all layouts have to be 50% Oscraps products? I have been to four sites this past two weeks searching my new home options and I am so confused on where and what anymore. Only thing I know 100% is I am home here.


Well-Known Member
Amy if you get up here, I will kick a kid out of his room! I have a queen bed and youre welcome to stay in it!!! Just make it June, July, or August. Otherwise ya might freeze. But if ya wanna see some amazing winter Come see me in January.
That would be amazing!!!! I just may take you up on that. :hug4:


ONA - Administrator
What a day. Work was fun. I have an easy job sitting at a desk reading my books. :floorlaugh: Its a mini-storage but hardly anyone comes on the weekend so I just read a book most times. When its sunny I can sit outside in the sun and read, that wasn't today though. it was windy. But the temp hit 60 (not counting windchill) and the snow is melting faster!! The sky is so blue. I did buy a CP kit and will now have other then winter kit to play with. Look out! I got purples now :giggle4::floorlaugh: Soon I'll have a few more too but gotta pace myself or I would buy the entire shop.

So I know I read the directions but...... yep insert problem child gif here........ if we have a personal album, do all layouts have to be 50% Oscraps products? I have been to four sites this past two weeks searching my new home options and I am so confused on where and what anymore. Only thing I know 100% is I am home here.
Hey Kitty, yes, whether your layout is in the main galleries or in a personal album they still need to follow the gallery rules which can be found here my little problem child! :no: :giggle4::hug2: https://oscraps.com/community/threads/gallery-guidelines-2024.30665/ If you are going to do one of the designer challenges, make sure to read those rules as each designer has their own requirements. :)


The Loopy-O
Pollen levels are Very High and my nose sure agrees with that. Will that stop me from being outside? Heck no!

How was everyone's Saturday? I was outside for hours and I loved it. Slowly but surely, I am getting the gardens cleared out and assessing what needs to be removed or thinned out. Scott has three blueberry bushes that have been in different states of poor health for years. Two of them are coming back and the one- it's a stick in the ground. LOL Just Like my rosemary. *sobs* I will give every plant a chance to grow well past its expiration date. Occasionally, it's worth it, like the blueberry bushes and a small azalea that everyone told me to rip out last year. It might be small but it is getting ready to bloom. So there. :tongue3:
Still no critters other than bugs and worms. I am keeping an eye out for TJ the Toad. I don't want to clear the leaves where I found him last year just yet but I'm hoping that he comes out for some sunshine soon. Today would be nice. *nods*
I also put up my hummingbird feeders and am waiting impatiently. My local FB page has reports of sightings so I know they are in the area. Please come back to meeeeee!!!

After a couple of hours in the yard, I went for a walk with my friend and caught up with her. had a nice shower, made some dinner (mozzarella stick grilled cheese and big salad), and watched some TV with Caitlyn and Gary.
Is anyone watching 3 Body Problem? It's really engaging but I don't think I understand any of it!

It is supposed to get into the upper 70s today so you all know where I am going to be. First I need to get ready for the week ahead and start some of the ATC cards I am going to make for the May/June Bash Gifts. @AK_Tracy came up with the idea and I think it's great. I am going to make ATCs and attach them to bags of Hershey Kisses. It should be easy enough to make a basic template and then edit it to say Happy B-day/Mother's' Day/anniversary etc.:thankyouspin: TY Tracy!

Sending you all big happy hugs!


Love my O Family!
@vickyday I just love how you're so active in your yard. I can just see you out there cutting down a tree, hauling it, but the best part of all is saving parts of it for your bird feeders and houses! Putting out landing spots for the birds is not an intuitive thing for most people. A quick story: One time at work a keeper needed help watching this dove that we had. He said it wasn't eating and he was worried about it. I went and assessed it with him, and I observed that there was no landing spot for the bird on or near the food pan. I suggested that a perch be added to the feeder stand, which was done and Instantly the bird flew to the new perch, and ate. I remember the keeper looking at me and saying "How did you know that?" Really it's just animal sense. :heartpumpred: There are definitely alot of animal people here!
Hi Amy,
Before I forget, I love your siggy!

As far as yard work is concerned, my hubby is the heavy lifter! I have severe osteoporosis and am not supposed to be lifting much or doing much bending. And I overdid it working on the tree, so I have been paying for it! I need to remember I can't do what I used to do, but it is hard! But, I'm working on it!
I got the ideas for adding perches to the tree from the internet! Also got the idea of adding the bird houses to the tree from the internet! HA! We love watching the birds from the deck. I'm not very creative, but I can imitate pretty well! ;)