
Daily Oooo's Weekend Edition 12/11 - 12/12


Well-Known Member
Good Morning girls....

Just starting this thread...I am so tired...I was up again last night coughing my head off....I guess today is going to be a visit to Urgent Care to see if I can get some meds!! UUUGGHHH!!!

BAD TIME OF YEAR TO BE SICK...I am not getting anything done!!!

I will be back later maybe after a nap!!!

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!!


The Loopy-O
Oh nana-- you have to take care of yourself. Definitely get to the drs- if you coughing that bad, you don't need it to turn into bronchitis or pneumonia.

if it makes you feel any better, I am not getting much done either and I am not sick. Pain-- yuppers, but the nose is clear!

I am hoping that i can clean downstairs of my house so I can finally start/finish decoration. Then Scott's GF is coming over. She has never seen A Christmas Story so we are going to watch that with her. I loooooove that movie and I cannot help myself from reciting along with it.
Poor girl, she is in for it.

I also better get my butt started with baking. I haven't done any yet. I guess it is good that i lost my job- or else I would have even less time to get stuff done. (OK, I would really rather have my job back- I am just trying to make myself feel better)

Katrina-- oh dang! That bites. Easy come easy go :( i wish I lived closer -- i would watch the kids for you.

Kristy- good luck with the weekend stuff. And your teeth too.Just a word of warning- my dr prescribed Percoset for me- except taking it on an empty stomach made me very nauseous. I was freaked out that I was going to end up throwing up from it. So if he gives you pain meds, make sure you have something in your stomach if you react like I do. I also used cold packs on my face to keep the swelling and bruising down. All 4 of mine were impacted, one was deep into the bone, and I though for sure I would be completely black and blue. But the cold packs helped a lot.

Meg- so glad to hear your migraine is gone- hope it stays that way. That is wonderful news about your Christmas plans! yay!!!

ME- did you have a better day Friday? Hope so!!

Hi Kat!!I saw your comment on FB re: my status- I love you too (and damn its cold!! LOL)

Trudy- did you get to scrap?? Yay for new pics!! That is always inspiring!

Clara- the mixes you are making are going to be awesome gifts! You are so creative, even though I know you don't always realize it.
What are Five Fingers? Is that some slang for gloves? or something that only the cool kids understand? LOL
PS: I got your PM and I am not ignoring you-- I haven't had time to sit down and write back and not get off on a tangent on how my life sucks right mow :rofl:

Nana Linda- hahahahah!! That card is toooooo funny!!!!!

Hope everyone has a truly fabulous and wonderful and WARM weekend!
(I think we might hit up into the 30's* today- woo hoo.)


Well-Known Member
quick post before I run to get ready in 10 min to take the kids to Christmas program practice..... I have finally added Dana's Footprints to my blog. I hope to actually start blogging more. Just not enough tim ein the day for everything. Here it is. http://skatterbrainedinmomnesialand.blogspot.com/

Furnace just magically started working again last night so we will wait to get that part till it totally croaks on us again. I feel like weare the butt of a joke to those "UP THERE". I know I shouldn't think that way. grrrrrr

And I'm off............................


Well-Known Member
Today's our family Christmas party, the Italian side!! It's always my favorite because Jeff's foster cousin comes into town from Texas, and she and I have gone through a lot of similar hardships in life and kind of view the world the same way. So, the two of us were up until midnight last night decorating cupcakes!

Jeff needs major prayers and good luck vibes going his way! Yesterday about 20 minutes before he left for work, his mom discovered a job opening for a LEO in the forest service. So, I got what info I needed from him & have his life's entire history on my computer... and filled out the application online! It was due that evening!! It took me almost THREE HOURS to finish. It would of taken five if I didn't have his personal history statement to copy and paste from.
Meanwhile, my dad's friends with the former director of the area the job is in, so he sent him a message. I believe my dad might use whatever connection he has to plug Jeff's name. Then, my grandad was second in command over the entire forest service, so he might be placing a call for us. Jeff hit the jackpot when he married the Deputy Chief's granddaughter, lol!
Normally I don't like abusing connections -- but with how the job search is now -- the only way you can get a job is through connections! This is the first LEO position we've seen open in TWO MONTHS. Jeff's certification expires in June. So, if he strikes out completely by June, he'll try state troopers out of state... Oregon first, then Texas. His cousin & her husband want us to come live with them if he gets into the state troopers there in Texas.

Ok, I got to hurry and get showered and finish putting together things for the party.

Nana Linda -- I know you told me to go to the doctor... lol.. I didn't... because Jeff remembered that putting Vicks rub on your feet & then socks at bedtime helps stop coughs... and after three nights of doing that, I'm better!! I believe you have to do three nights with vicks, then take a break for two or three nights.
Feel better!!!

Chris -- Honey I have no idea how you accomplish all that you do living with that pain!!!! You go girl, have fun watching A Christmas Story!!!!

Katrina -- I hope your furnace keeps truckin along :-\ do you guys rent? Because to me that seems like something the landlord would be responsible for fixing. In the meantime, it was either target or walmart who had heated blankets for $15-$20... that's a steal, just keep wrapping up in those!!


Well-Known Member
i'm hoping to get a lot of things done this weekend.

i bought the last of the stuff i need to finish my daughter's disneyland autograph book. it's been 2 years...i'm really bad huh? i still have a ton of paper scrapbook products laying around.

i also need to back up all my photos and scrapbook stuff to my new portable hard drive.

and i need to take my oldest daughter to gap for some new jeans. she's only 7 but growing out of her size too fast as she's quite tall.

nana - i hope you feel better soon!! no way to spend a saturday right? :)

chris - have fun at the movies.

meg - good luck to Jeff!! ;) i'm sure he'll get it!

have a wonderful and productive saturday ladies!


Well-Known Member
Instead of showered & dressed, I got back on the USAJOBS site and found a few more positions for Jeff! These ones are all mostly with the National Park Service, which wasn't under my grandad's control since they're not under USDA, but he still has connections. One position is up in Oregon... on the border, so only like four hours from my family, that would be amazing! Another one is on the CA coast near Jeff's family (it's actually an Army civilian job,) and then the last few are in the desert outside of LA (blergh.)
I really hope one of these works out, because he's been striking out for the last three years. Every time he gets to the point of a conditional job offer, the agency runs out of money and can't afford the position anymore.


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning all you beautiful "O" ladies!! I did not get any scrapping done yesterday.:hurt: It was sooo very busy at work that they asked me to stay late, so everything got put off at home :pout: Oh well will try again this morning. I still have my Christmas letter to finish, Daughter's gift calendar and then I think I should do one for my sisters too. Perhaps I will work on one for myself after all that. Why do I always bite off more than I can chew??

Nana Linda - dear sister...please take care of yourself!! Get to the doctor and insist on something to make you feel better before you land in the hospital with pneumonia :sick: I sure hope you feel better soon, there are too many Nana things that you have to do and you can't get them done when you are sick!! :hug:

Chris - I am so sorry that you have lost your job!! Perhaps this happened so that you can concentrate on your Fairywings products and make lots of money that way?? Enjoy your movie today, it's one of my favorites too!!
Oh by the way... I should get you to send me your all time favorite soup recipes, I am in the market for some good ones as I don't seem to be able to eat much more than that lately. I sure would appreciate it!!

Katrina - this is no time for your furnace to start acting up!! I agree with Meg, if you are renting then it is your landlords problem. Hope you can stay warm this weekend!!

Meg - I will keep all my fingers and toes crossed for the job opening!! How wonderful it would be for that to happen for Jeff!! Keep us posted. Sending good thoughts your way!!

Shellie - Hope your day is very productive and that you get everything backed up on your external hard drive!! You would be devestated if you lost all of your work!!

Have a wonderful Saturday everyone! We are off to the RCMP Christmas party tonight, should be fun! I am off to scrap a bit Yay!!! :wave:


lOve the O!
NANA- yelling here- since that cough has not gone and I know you've behaved- you need to be listened to - to rule out walking pneumonia- I know- I've had this happen twice and the powerful meds if it is- man- like steroids with an asthma attack- you feel full of energy very quick.

Personals will come later- but please pray for my FIL- he will be 80 on the 23rd of this month, but was just admitted to the hospital with pneumonia and it is not looking good at the moment.


Well-Known Member
Good afternoon all! Just me checking in briefly! I came home from work early yesterday. My co-workers thought that I looked awful...and I felt awful. Chills, aches, headache... Came home and climbed into bed at noon...slept until 6 when I pulled myself out of bed...took more aspirin and headed to Mary Poppins. First time the kids have seen a live theater production. Fortunately, the meds and the sleep kept me propped up through the performance. But I felt so bad that I didn't even have my point and shoot camera in my purse...so no scrapbook page!

Today, both kids had basketball games. And we have snow and a little bit of ice. The bad news is that we are in a blizzard warning...ugh!!!


Well-Known Member
Today isn't even over and I've already ridden the emotional roller coaster. I was super de duper "late"... today was going on 2 weeks... but then it happened, and I think I have enough hormones coursing through me to last a lifetime.

First off, the church group that protests at funerals was protesting today at the funeral of one of Jeff's friends from high school youth group. Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! Drives me nuts that they do that at the funerals of service men and women who died protecting that group's very right to believe whatever they want and protest...

Secondly, it was Jeff's family's huge extended Christmas party today. I feel so blessed that they've completely accepted me into their family, and supported us so much. They've always been there for me through everything that's gone down over the last few years. With everything still unresolved with my mom & her fam, it's been really hard on me with Christmas approaching. Ugh, full on bawling now. Anyways, I totally lost it as I was leaving the party. Jeff's aunt was saying how much I mean to their family and how much I belong & they're so thankful for me. Oh my goodness someone stop the flood coming from my eyes. So, yeah, my emotions are a wreck, I miss my family even though they cause drama and problems... and having my dad and his family so far away hurts. Even though I'm totally adopted into Jeff's family, I still feel like an orphan right now.
His foster cousin and I really made a connection last night, because she's dealt with the same emotions just different situation of course. We're going to go out on Monday before she has to return to Texas. I know my in laws and the rest of Jeff's family feel for me, but no one else has been able to understand where I'm coming from and the emotions of it all.

Ok, thanks for letting me pour it all out! I'm going to go try and take a nap... my in laws are still at the party, I had to come home from the party because I started having a stomach attack. I wish Jeff was home :(


always chatty at the O!!
Hey guys!!

Today was a pretty good day. I got up and went to a small group at my church witha bunch of ladies that are all army wives and it was a lot of fun...then went out to lunch with Andrea and had some nice grown up time. She'll be having that baby boy of hers on Monday so any of you on her FB should hop over there on Monday and let her know you are thinking about her. I'll probably remind you. She's all cute and preggo round. We tried to go to Panera because they just put one in here but since it is new it was CRAZY so I braved Mexican food again and it was not bad. I have decided I think I need to find me a new church though. I like the church I'm at but because it is so big the people I meet are far away from me and after talking to some people I am realizing that I think I need to find someplace closer and closer the actual community I live in. I am carless for the next 3 months until it heats up so I am hoping that helps a bit. We'll see. I'm going to try out a church tomorrow morning. Wish me luck.

So, tonight my friend Yvonne go into town with her son Cristian and friend. Her friend is I believe her girlfriend but she hasn't admitted that she's gay to us yet. We'll see when that happens. I think she will though. She refers to her as her nanny. Come on, really? Give me a break. Like we didn't know the day we met her. Anyway...well, I am going to go. I'll come back tomorrow for some personals and stuff. I hope all you sickies get better. Hugs to all of you!!


Well-Known Member
Meg big hugs to you hon!! Sounds like you have a great family there even though they are not your biological ones; they sound like they love you as their own! And I will sure keep all my fingers and toes crossed as well that Jeff gets the position. But what on earth is a LEO?

Linda: I feel your pain hon! We're stuck in Iowa as well because of the weather. Not much snow (yet) but the interstate is a skating rink.
Here's a pic I took just now: (it's in Walcott, IA)


I rather see this back:

That one I took 2 days ago in the Texas panhandle near Vega/Amarillo.
Is winter over yet? Hope you're all enjoying your weekend!! ::grouphug


Well-Known Member
Thanks Petra :) I really broke down bc I'm so blessed to be completely adopted into their family, but I'm still hurting that I can't rebuild the relationship w my mom.
& LEO stands for law enforcement officer, lol, I forget that this my LEO spouse support forum!!

Wow!!! That snow is getting to be a real pest!!! I hope you're able to hit the road again soon!!!


Well-Known Member
Good Morning Ladies...

Still not feeling great...and I did not make it to the Dr yesterday...but I am going this morning.....I called and my Dr's office does not have Saturday hours....but they do on Sunday's. Another branch office has the Saturday hours and it was across town....and I just did not feel like driving over there....I went to the drug store and got some different OTC meds....It seemed to help my cough quite a bit....but the trade off is it makes my stomach feel aweful...

I successfully took the kids photos last night, under the tree....my annual PJ's under the tree HERE on FB. We actually got them done in about 10 minutes this year....Jaiden was the hardest one...she doesn't like to sit still at all...but NANA BRIBED HER!! :heh: Savannah was fussy, since it was about bedtime for her....but between Sharon and Traci....acting all silly to get them to smile...they did pretty good!!

I have a question....on one of the photos (if you do go look at them) you will see where the flash has whited out one of Cameran's lenses in his glasses.....HOW DO I FIX THIS?? Would the best solution be to cut out the other eye and copy and paste there and blend it in??

OH....had to share this too....on Friday, Cameran's class went to see the Nutcracker....I WANTED TO GO BUT COULDN'T BOO!!....and when I picked him up from the bus...I asked him about it....he said he thought it was going to like play, but it wasn't it was a ballet, and that they did not tell the story...they danced the story. I asked him did he understand any of it. He just gave me this innocent look and said "NOT ONE BIT OF IT"....I had to chuckle. So I asked him if he would want to see it again sometime...I was expecting a no....but he said he did want to go again that he really liked it. Then he informed me "NANA, some of those dancers are REALLY REALLY flexible!!" So cute!!!

Chris....I gave up trying to get all my Christmas stuff out....I had all the boxes from the attic...and I just put out some of my favorites and just stacked the rest of the boxes away and I am done....Really and truly, I wasn't looking forward to fighting with the little ones on a daily basis anyway, so I think it's for the best....So the only room that has anything is the LR...I suppose as long as the tree is up...that is the main thing!!! Sorry you are in pain sweetie (((HUGS))) NO BAKING FOR ME EITHER...and if I don't get rid of this crap soon...there won't be any!!!

Katrina...WOW...that is great the furnace started working....hopefully it will hold out....we sat on pins and needles for years with ours....Our house was built in the 1960s and the original was still in it....finally about five years ago, we had put back enough to go ahead and replace it...so we were lucky!!! Wish we had done it sooner...it sure cut back on the heating bill!!!!

MEG....LOTS OF LUCK AND PRAYERS FOR JEFF!! I hope he gets the job...sounds like with your connections...he has a great shot!!! I never heard of the VICKS thing on the feet until recently....Sharon took Savannah to the Dr not too long ago, and she had a bad sinus infection and the Pediatrician told her that!!! He said that there had been enough confirmed people that this actually works that he was in agreement to tell patients to give it try!! I forgot to get some Vicks at the store yesterday BOO! That's fab how Jeff's family loves you so much...and the party sounds great....don't worry of those emotionally outbursts...I have had them my whole life...some of us are just made that way sweetie!!! (((HUGS)))

Shellie....hope you got a lot of things done....and NO YOU ARE NOT BAD...you are just like the rest of us...good intentions but BUSY!!!! It used to be when you set out to do a project...that was the only thing going on...but life has changed and there are 10 different things going on in a day now!!! You will get that project done!! and it will be fab when you do!!

Trudy...I hope you got scrap some yesterday since you did not the day before!!! And that "BITING AND CHEWING THING"......YOU ARE A WOMAN THATS WHY!!! We all do it!!! It is our nature to DO IT ALL!!! Now mind you, some (we won't mention Sally's name) tend to NOT BITE BUT STUFF IT ALL!! Bwhahahaha.....but then they have more energy than the rest of us!!! You will get it done sweetie!!! (((HUGS)))

Laurie...thanks for yelling at me...someone needs to!!!!! and I am praying for your FIL!!!! It's tough to see them like that!!!

LindaS...hope you are feeling better sweetie!! I am sorry you forgot your camera for MP...I would love to see MP!!!! But the important thing is you were there with the kiddos....DID THEY LIKE IT??? How did the games go yesterday?? WHAT ABOUT THE BLIZZARD WARNING?? YUCK!! I don't want to see ANY snow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Clara....THANKS for keeping us updated about Andrea....WE MISS HER!!!! I will definately keep my eye out on FB for the news and hopefully photos and send her a message! Good luck on the new church..I hope you find one you like that is closer....and about your friend....gotta tell ya...you live in the South now.....As much as I hate to say it...WE AS A WHOLE are much more closed minded on these matters.....I am not....really I am not....but you won't find people who are gay being too open about it..unless they are just rebels about it!! So she may not ever admit it to you. It's sad really, because living in silence has to be so hard!!!

Petra....LOVE THAT SUNSET/RISE photo it 's gorgeous!! and just sayin....I HATE THE FIRST ONE...Bwhahahaha....because I hate snow!! I just don't want to see it!!!!!


The Loopy-O
I don't have time to do personals, but I am want to say how much I love each and every one of you!
My heart breaks when any of you are hurting and my heart smiles when things are good.

I am sending happy and healthy hugs to all of you!

I am off- gotta finish cleaning from yesterday, and then on to baking.


lOve the O!
morning all - the snow is here the snow is here- love it (well on days I don't have to drive). we already watched a guy spin out and land in the field with his 4WD truck, then drove into the field, down the field and back onto the road- I'll watch from inside, until time to go out and shovel the wet heavy stuff off the drive! Today I am making more cards- check my blog for the ones I am making that do not need a family newsletter, and they are not the ones in the Oscraps exchange either- yeah- I get bored. I think I will wait on baking- need to make some stuff to send to ds who will not becoming home- just realized we could skype with younger son's laptop on Christmas if we want to- hmmmm Lots of cleaning to do. We still haven't put up outside decorations, but with the snow coming down, I think I may get the Nativity on the porch today- puts me right in the mood!


Well-Known Member
Good morning!!!!

I hope my emotions are finally under control today. Jeff had to talk my ear off until three am to get me to fall asleep. Today I have to get some stuff done, I've fallen behind. At the party we were given some wedding money, lol, 7 months later! So jeff wants to treat me and get me the fitness game I want for xbox kinect. I really really want it for him too, bc he has under two months to significantly lower his blood pressure before going on medicine. He's been a butthead and won't go running bc of the cold, so now I'm going to force him to work out with me.
It's my goal to lose the 20lbs I gained this year from starting the pill, hopefully by the end of February. & then the 20lbs from my doctor telling me my boobs are too big and my back too screwed up to keep running. Ugh, I was an addict for running. Anyways, I'd like to lose that 20 by our anniversary in June. Plenty of time! Especially since I can't change my diet except for quantities, which I already have done and stalled out after losing ten pounds.
Ok, I need to get Jeff out of bed and start our day!


Well-Known Member
Hi ladies, popping in really quick to say hi. This has been a really busy weekend filled with fun and friends. We went to dinner at our friends' house yesterday, and the kids just played and played. Today we got together with some friends who were in town visiting from Seoul, South Korea. They are stationed there until 2012. It was so good to hang out with friends this weekend, but I've not been on the computer much at all. Now we are home, catching up on chores and such before Monday.

Thinking of you all and hoping your weekends were good. Will catch up with you all this week!! Hugs!


always chatty at the O!!
hello! today has been a good day. i went to a new church. it was interesting but nice. it was very small. the music is different than i'm used to...a bit older but still not hymns. i walked in and the pastor immediately noticed that i was new and showed me where things were at for the kids. and during the meet and greet time people actually got up and moved around and talked to people besides who were just around them. It was cool. I think I might mix up the big church and the small church.

After church we just hung out around the house until I left with my neighbor to finish up some Cmas shopping. I hate going by myself. It was really nice not going alone. So that has been my day. I hope everyone has had good weekends. Sorry for no personals. Hopefully tomorrow. Hugs to you all!!