
Courtney's Art journaling recipe challenge 4/15-4/30,2017


Well-Known Member

Welcome to Courtney's mid month challenge. This is an art journaling challenge. Are you excited? Let's do something different to get your artsy mojo in high gear. PLEASE READ THIS!

****I want you to create a layout with a "recipe" I will give you. I am going to start easy, so I really want to know if you like this challenge and if it is too easy or if you want to add something else. So try to think of this as "your" challenge! You can help me with the recipe! You will also expand your "artsy" side if you are new to artsy pages***

Lets start with this recipe. You must use these 3 things in your layout.

3-solid paper

Note: You can add anything else you want and you can use as many of the recipe items you want on your page. You can also transform the solid paper you want (mask..etc) Your base paper doesn't have to be solid, but let us know what you did to transform your layout and post your thoughts on the challenge.


1. A random winner will be chosen to receive a $4 coupon to Courtney's store (no CU)
2. Layouts must be uploaded to Courtney's gallery and also posted in this thread.
3. Layouts must be uploaded by 11:59 pm on April 30, 2017
4. Layouts should contain at least 50% of Courtney's products
5. Have fun!

My layout:
from Urban Sprawl the red solid paper was used to transform the numbers, the scribble is from Affirmations, and the brush and other elements from Urban Sprawl
My layout

I used Urban Sprawl: http://www.oscraps.com/shop/Urban-Sprawl-Bundle-BONUSES.html
Affirmations: (scribble) http://www.oscraps.com/shop/Affirmations-BONUS.html
The red solid paper colored the numbers.

Courtney's Using Starry Dreams:


From our CT
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I liked the rules because they were things I normally use. I always have trouble when I have to include flares or brads or buttons! This AJ page has been on my mind recently. I live in the same county as Bill Gates, and got to wondering how the richest man in the state (country? world?) could get along without people who laid tile and carpet and hardwood floors in his house. Or serviced his cars. On a scale of Ace to King, I think I'm about a 3. Stay-at-home moms/grandmothers don't have much value in the eyes of the world. And yet, what would the world do without us? I am not a "people person," and frequently get a not-so-subtle put down because I'd rather spend the evening at home than at a party. Recently when I was playing solitaire (on my computer--taking a break from tagging scrapping elements!), I got almost to the end, but a two of hearts was buried. For lack of a two, the game was lost. Turns out that in that case, the two was of more value than a king! We are all valuable in life, whether we are twos or kings. We each have our place. The "kings" should be less smug. The twos should be less envious.



Well-Known Member
Since there were only three rules and they were open to a fair amount of interpretation, this seemed like it should be an easy challenge, but that also makes it harder (for me at least) to finalize my choices and call the layout done! I love art journaling, but I am still new at it and never completely satisfied with my work. :)
On this layout, I used 2 scribbles (around photo and date) with solid colors clipped to them. I also blended a solid paper with another more artsy paper to create the background. I used brushes for the chevrons and the cascading leaves in the lower right corner. It was also fun to play with a lot of blending modes; I used them on almost every layer.



Sharron, This should be read by everyone. What a profound expression that a lot of us feel. I will always look at twos differently now. :) Wonderful journal page, to express it, as well!
I liked the rules because they were things I normally use. I always have trouble when I have to include flares or brads or buttons! This AJ page has been on my mind recently. I live in the same county as Bill Gates, and got to wondering how the richest man in the state (country? world?) could get along without people who laid tile and carpet and hardwood floors in his house. Or serviced his cars. On a scale of Ace to King, I think I'm about a 3. Stay-at-home moms/grandmothers don't have much value in the eyes of the world. And yet, what would the world do without us? I am not a "people person," and frequently get a not-so-subtle put down because I'd rather spend the evening at home than at a party. Recently when I was playing solitaire (on my computer--taking a break from tagging scrapping elements!), I got almost to the end, but a two of hearts was buried. For lack of a two, the game was lost. Turns out that in that case, the two was of more value than a king! We are all valuable in life, whether we are twos or kings. We each have our place. The "kings" should be less smug. The twos should be less envious.


Wow! Thank you Denise. What kind words. This is one of the things I love about digital art. In the past, when "worthwhile" thoughts have occurred to me, they vanish after a short time. I have loved being able to capture them with digital art and print them. They go into my albums right next to family and vacation photos. Glad to be able to share.


Well-Known Member
Sharron-I really liked your page and thanks for sharing as you did

JoanK I love it!

ptabert- great page

Kelly thanks for doing 2 layouts!


Well-Known Member

Courtney Designs Coexistence, Welcome to Manhood Brushes and Starry Dreams Elements
I used solid papers from Welcome to Manhood and Starry Dreams, Scribbles from Welcome to Manhood and Brushes from Starry Nights.


Well-Known Member
with the kit "Blue" and scribble "welcome to manhood"
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Well-Known Member


Everything is from Courtney’s Designs. I began with a plain paper, and added two "Ornate" brushes, then played with blending modes & embossed. Added the head, and a scribble which I recolored with a paper overlay. Added the two "Blue" clusters.

This was a simple challenge, but I bet it leads to lots of variety in the responses. I enjoyed it.


Well-Known Member
I liked the rules because they were things I normally use. I always have trouble when I have to include flares or brads or buttons! This AJ page has been on my mind recently. I live in the same county as Bill Gates, and got to wondering how the richest man in the state (country? world?) could get along without people who laid tile and carpet and hardwood floors in his house. Or serviced his cars. On a scale of Ace to King, I think I'm about a 3. Stay-at-home moms/grandmothers don't have much value in the eyes of the world. And yet, what would the world do without us? I am not a "people person," and frequently get a not-so-subtle put down because I'd rather spend the evening at home than at a party. Recently when I was playing solitaire (on my computer--taking a break from tagging scrapping elements!), I got almost to the end, but a two of hearts was buried. For lack of a two, the game was lost. Turns out that in that case, the two was of more value than a king! We are all valuable in life, whether we are twos or kings. We each have our place. The "kings" should be less smug. The twos should be less envious.

& I am quoting it again. Yes yes yes!


Well-Known Member


Everything is from Courtney’s Designs. I began with a plain paper, and added two "Ornate" brushes, then played with blending modes & embossed. Added the head, and a scribble which I recolored with a paper overlay. Added the two "Blue" clusters.

This was a simple challenge, but I bet it leads to lots of variety in the responses. I enjoyed it.



I tried reading F.Scott Fitzgerald many years ago, and found it tough going. But we recently watched Zelda: The Beginning of Everything on TV, and I was intrigued enough to give it another go. The only book I could find at the library for my Kindle was "The Beautiful and the Damned." As I feared, it was just plain boring at the beginning, and there were no characters to like. (The book seems very autobiographical.) FSF seems so in love with his writing, I had trouble following the story. But finally, he got a bit past himself, and I began to find some interesting quotes. For a self-absorbed man who had strayed far from (if not rejected) his religion, he actually got the idea behind this quote pretty biblically accurate. Again, I'm intrigued enough with his writing that I will probably read another of his books (or two), but my original opinion, so far, stands: He's overrated!



Recipe: scribble is from Starry Dreams Scribbles, brush is from Out of the Ordinary bundle, and the solid paper background is from Out of the Ordinary bundle—all by Courtney’s Designs
Full credits in the Gallery



Elaina/aka Nightshadow
Here is mine. All items are from various kits by Courtney, most are from Starry Dreams. Fun challenge. Thank you.


Well-Known Member
Wonderful recipe. Credits here. I used a patterned background paper with a solid paper overlay that I used various watercolor brushes to blend into the background. Brushes are from Courtney's Clock Making CU brushes. Papers, elements and scribble from Old Hollywood and WA from Starry Dreams
