
**CLOSED** Looking to lose weight? Get healthy? Look no further...

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Well-Known Member
Oh, that sounds like a great site! Definitely post a link! :D We'll also have a sticky thread in the Healthy O forum for links to articles/websites/etc that can help us with our weight loss. We'll definitely put this one in there too!!! :)

The site is called the daily plate
Go take a tour and get set up and ready to fight the battle on Friday!


So good to be back!
Ok, I'd love to join this cause I really need to start eating healthy... Also need to get in shape, I've been such a slacker it's not funny at all. I know that having you all supporting me will make this a breeze!

So...I'm in!


Well-Known Member
Count me in. I was doing well with marathon training and all of that...but since October things have gone down hill! I really need to dust off the ol' Wii Fit. :D


Well-Known Member
I have everyone above this post! I love that there are so many of us! :D And what I love even more is the mix of people!! Some of the "regular" O family AND some new faces! Looking forward to getting to know everyone!


Well-Known Member
I also found a good little app for my ipod if anyone else has one. And there's a weight watchers app on facebook.


Well-Known Member
Oh gosh...here too! We were so sick of big holiday dinners from the past week that we ordered pizza and wings for dinner! *blush* Oh well, let's get it all out of our system before the weekend, eh?!?!? ;)


Well-Known Member
Got everyone to this point! :D

And *SOOOOOO* glad I'm not the only pizza eater tonight! ;) LOL Not to mention the food for New Years Eve/Day and the cookies leftover!! LOL


Active Member
Hi there, I'd love to sign up if that's okay?

I like the sound of the weekly challenges - I need something to get me motivated!

Karen :)


Well-Known Member
OMG Laura - I totally thought that as I ate the last of the gingerbread cookie - gotta finish these before this weekend! HAHAHA

Bush Girl

Well-Known Member
Ahh, Sara, your pizza post had me spitting mince pie all over my keyboard with laughter. And the really saddo thing is, is that as I read this I am eating mince pie (OK, so it's only a very tiny one) for breakfast!

Still, I figure we've gotta finish everything up quick smart, right? And I really HATE throwing food away.


Well-Known Member
I can relate to all of you pizza eating ladies! :) I ate some more cookies this morning with my breakfast - DH's co-worker is just evil - she keeps baking these wonderful things and giving them to us. They can't go to waste, can they? LOL. I so seriously need to to clean out the kitchen of all the junk.


Well-Known Member
After tomorrow night!! I'm on board. But we get to party one last night and not count points, calories, carbs, whatever! =)


Well-Known Member
I'm in too!! One last hurrah tomorrow night, then it's back to my WW and being good, lol. I was doing it on my own this time around, but slacked off so I really could use the motivation to get back on track.


New Member
Oh Melanie, please count me in. My year of 3 surgeries has left this body quite flabby and about 15 lbs over where I was at my lowest so I need some motivation to get back at it. :D


Well-Known Member
Oh Melanie, please count me in. My year of 3 surgeries has left this body quite flabby and about 15 lbs over where I was at my lowest so I need some motivation to get back at it. :D

Oh Michelle - I feel your pain. I had surgery in June and again in August. Recovery time from the second went right into the beginning of the school year. No time to get back into working out at all.
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