
**CLOSED** Looking to lose weight? Get healthy? Look no further...

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Well-Known Member
Well, jeez...I am away from the computer all day and look at all I missed! ;) Chatty girls... ;)

SO glad to see everyone jumping in! :D I'm so friggin' excited!

Shelly, you have to have a minimum post count before you can post a link...I think it's 5? or maybe 15?

danger girl

Well-Known Member
Holy moly, how did I miss this thread? I am SOOOO in! I have signed up for so many classes at the Y (starting Monday) but it is so easy to skip them. I'd love some friends to help motivate me!


Well-Known Member
LOL Donna...you almost live here at the "O"! How in the world did you miss this?!?! LOL Adding you now!

danger girl

Well-Known Member
LOL Donna...you almost live here at the "O"! How in the world did you miss this?!?! LOL Adding you now!

I've been in kind of a cookie-induced haze lately. Back to spinach salads for breakfast! Seriously, I think Popeye was on to something.

danger girl

Well-Known Member
[Michele];119931 said:
Can I play?

I got discouraged in the middle of the first Biggest Loser Digi Style (Sept '06) and bailed out. Boo!

Between Feb 08 - Sept 08 I went to a 5 am workout six days a week, stuck to 1200 calories a day and lost 65 pounds. Yay!

Since then I think I've put 10 - 15 pounds back on. Boo!

I sooooo need to get back on track!

:) Michele

65 pounds is awesome, but 5 am is even more impressive! Way to go!!!

danielle young

Well-Known Member
okay, okay!!! i've visited this thread like 20 times & i've been all wishy-washy about it. LOL

i'm ready to commit! am i too late?? i've got the gym membership, and now i just need someone to kick me in the butt and MAKE me go!!! :)


Well-Known Member
Holy heck!!! :D There are so many of us!! I *LOVE* it! So excited to get started!

And Danielle, LOL. See that...you'll lose weight *and* we'll make you feel better about that money going out to the gym! LOL


O' whip cracker whip
Everyone should have access to the Healthy O forums now. If you are signed up here, and you havent got access, just drop myself or Krista (Myoldanlac) a PM to let us know and we will grant you access (for sneaky bits of virtual chocolate :D)


Well-Known Member

Thanks so much to everyone who signed up! I'm so excited!!!! We'll be starting up another round in the beginning of April, so be sure to check back if you missed out!
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