
Clara - Or others??....


Well-Known Member
I have a gift I am working on for someone. We just sort of came up with the idea yesterday and I got the picture today. A friend at work went on a trip back home this summer (Memorial Day) and was talking to his six-year-old about the dad's Grandfather while they were at the cemetery. They explained about his service to his country and his sacrifice as part of the military. Ted (the six-year-old) reach over and spontaneously hugged the gravestone and created a beautiful emotional picture.

I'd like to add something to the picture like a semi-transparent overlay of a prayer or word art that is military themed.

I normally would spend a long time combing the internet for the perfect thing, but I need to have this ready to take to school on Monday.

Got any ideas???
Let me talk to my husband tomorrow. I know there are some things that would work well I just can't think of them off the top of my head. Let me check a few places tonight and see if I can find you something...otherwise I'll bug my husband tomorrow. BRB
So, tonight Taps is what I can come up with. I will talk to my husband tomorrow though. Taps is played at funerals by the bugle but nobody knows the words and I read the words and they are nice. They may not be at all what you are looking for but they might be. Don't overlook patriotic songs though. YOu may find something there. I will definitely ask Derek tomorrow. This is so cool that you are doing this for someone. Touches my heart. Anytime anyone does anything cool for anybody like this it touches my heart. Ever since the war started I have had someone to pray for by name who is deployed and have always been so grateful that it has never been my husband, but it has been my brother and cousin and wonderful friends. You know the guy who won the Medal of Honor is from the unit we were stationed alongside in Italy. That was really cool. Anyway, this is really cool and I will let you know of anything else if I think of it. Thanks for doing this Sara, and thanks for thinking of me to help you out.

Taps lyrics:
Day is done,
gone the sun,
from the lakes
from the hills
from the sky,
all is well,
safely, rest,
God is near.

Fading light,
Dims the sight,
And a star gems the sky
Gleaming bright,
From afar,
Drawing, near,
Falls the night.

Thanks and praise,
For our days,
Neath the sun
Neath the stars
Neath the sky,
As we go,
This, we, know,
God is near.
How about the Ode to Remembrance poem? These words are read out at Remembrance Day services all around the UK / World as an act of remembrance to all those who lost their lives during conflicts (old & current) ... more details here

They went with songs to the battle,
they were young.
Straight of limb, true of eyes, steady and aglow.
They were staunch to the end against odds uncounted,
They fell with their faces to the foe.

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning,
We will remember them.
Sara-what an amazing gift. Either song that Sue and Clara posted are sure to be very powerful. Please post a pic when you are done.
I talked to derek and he had nothing. Sorry. he is lame like that. if he thinks of anything later i'll let you know.
I think I am going to go with Taps. And I'm going to do the pic with a Paint the Moon action on it on one side of a folded frame , and the lyrics on the other. With some scrapbookness. :-) I'll post it when I'm done. Probably with the name blurred out though as it's not my child or family.
Ok...really pleased with how it turned out. Although, I kind of didn't have enough allowance on the edges on the right side and things look a tad overlapped, but it's ok. That's just my anal tendencies coming through.

This looks amazing Sara!! I don't know what you are talking about in your critique. I think it looks amazing. I'm sure this will be very appreciated. It is a very touching gift.
Oh my word Sara tat is just sooooo stunning! Wow....that got me. What an amazing story and the photo (tears).