
Can't Sleep? Daily chat for the night birds


Yeah, but we usually know if there's going to be the potential for severe weather a few days out. Then, as time get's closer then they get more specific. Like I said, you can typically get out of the way or get under the ground. We all thought the 1999 tornado would be a once in a lifetime event. Little did we know we'd see two let alone be IN both of them.

We have potential for tornados in the state today, but not in my area, so it's not a big deal for today. Hurricanes and blizzards are widespread and you can't just simply get out of the way. (that's a simplification, we have had crazy times when they jump all over the city and spin up out of nowhere, so it happens but not often)


Well-Known Member
I learn that this year Orthodox and Catholic Easter will be on same date, yey, which is great! Will can share eggs with all my friends.
And I'm curious what will be this Egg hunt at Oscraps, the banner with this white rabbit is so cute. So exciting!


Well-Known Member
Yes, I'm curious about that too!
Easter will be very quiet for me, it's just me and my boys. My husband's work is getting delayed, so he'll stay overseas until early next week. Our friends will either spend it with their families, or they have kids who are older, so they do something else which I cannot really join in with young kids.
I will still do a small egg hunt for them in our backyard. It will be my youngest's first egg hunt! I'm sure he will just pick one egg, open it and eat it :)


Well-Known Member
Here will be rainy so garden party that we hoped to have couldn't take place. But hope still to be fun. We don't have tradition for egg hunt and this is something very curious to me, probably is very interesting for the children to try to find the eggs. So are these chocolate eggs or chicken?!
We colored boiled chicken eggs and try who will chose the strongest one, by hitting them each other, the broken eggs go to salad or on pate with avocado wich I adore.

Which reminds me that these white rabbits from the 52 Inspiration Easter kit are adorable too :) .


Well-Known Member
We do small plastic eggs filled with either a little gift or a treat (chocolate, candy, etc). This year i got some stickers, tiny chocolate eggs and some jelly beans which my son adores since he tried them at a birthday party. I never buy them candy, he is still eating the treats he got at Halloween, one per day max, and his brother is too young. So he will be very happy with his jelly beans!


The Loopy-O
I think this is going to be the first year that we haven't dyed Easter eggs. And yes, my "kids" are 20 and 18. ;)
When they were little, I hid the plastic eggs with coins or candy in them. Pro tip for those new to this: I sealed them with tape and wrote their names on it so they wouldn't squabble over how many they got.
When they got older (as in a few years ago) I put in coins and little jokes on strips of paper.

We usually go to my brother's for Easter. It isn't a big holiday for us since we aren't Christian. But I look forward to my mom's Easter Pies. Any other Italians out there who make Easter Pie? I get such a kick out of hearing how different people make them somewhat different. My mom makes her's with ricotta, ham, and pepperoni in a pizza dough style crust.
I am getting my Pie on Saturday. :hungry:


Well-Known Member
I'm not a Christian too, but my sister is, she make fasting and ect., my mom is more cynical than believer, but after my grandparents was lived in communism they thought it is important to have freedom to believe no matter in what. So all this Easter, Christmas and other are more like to follow different old tradition, not necessary religious. At less coloring eggs have a pagan roots. I think in modern world most things are made for fun not so rituals.
We eat traditional Easter sweet breads, I did not know about Easter Pies but sound I have to check them. :pop2:


Well-Known Member
Not italian, but Easter pie sounds good!
We are Catholic, but not really practising. My husband wanted to take our eldest to Church for Easter before he could get his eggs, but he's not around and I sure ain't taking a 3.5yr old and a 18month old to Easter Mass all by myself! So it'll be only fun for us. He does go to a preschool which is linked to a Church (Episcopal), so he does get the meaning of Easter and all that way.


Well-Known Member
My ex roommate is Catholic too and we celebrate it double till we lived together :).
She watch one of these Jesus animation with her young son, but she also not bringing it into church on big holidays. It should the house of God to be open for everybody, so I don't understand why people are not patient when little child whimper. However this is only in first years and biggest part of the Easter is for home, so she don't make it on big deal, mostly her mother in low.


We normally spend Easter with my sister's family, but we won't be able to this year. :(

I like your pro tip, Chris!

I agree that kids should be allowed in church!


Well-Known Member
We are celebrating Easter dinner with our family- MIL, FIL and our family. DD2 has an Easter lunch so we are eating at 6pm.

Happy Easter all


Well-Known Member
Vicky, kids are allowed, i just don't want the trouble of having to run after 2 of them in 2 different directions! An hour is a long time at that age. I know of a few churches which have kids corners with toys, books, etc, keeps them entertained quietly when they're still so young. Ours doesn't have that.


Well-Known Member
Chris, i would have thought a color code would be easier? Say x gets blue and pink eggs, and y gets the green and yellow eggs. Especially when they are very young and cannot read. And it saves the trouble of having to write their names on each egg!


The Loopy-O
Not italian, but Easter pie sounds good!

I sure ain't taking a 3.5yr old and a 18month old to Easter Mass all by myself!.

It is soooo good! Some people use prosciutto instead of ham. There is also a sweet pie, made with wheat. My grandmother would make that and my dad really misses it. I should try and find a recipe because these are those kinds of family recipes that are passed down orally, and will be lost soon.

And why ever would you not want to do that? Sounds like fun to me LOL


The Loopy-O
I know that I am blabbering on, but it is interesting how the Catholic Church is changing since I was a kid. Kids were of course allowed, but we were told to not make a sound or fidget. I remember my poor bony knees kneeling on the hard rails. I would read the hymnal because I would get so bored.

My SIL's church (Methodist) has special services for kids that are very interactive and my Godson enjoys going to them. They are shorter than a full service, the kids sit near the altar and it is tailored to their interests too. I am not religious but if I was, I like that idea better than what I went through. :drama: