
BEWARE: HEARTBLEED- new BUG affecting main sites like ....

I read about it....it was a serious bug. luckily, it got reported by a researcher and most of big sites already patched it up before it got published
If anyone uses the same password for everything these days, they should be whopped upside the head!
Make sure the site has patched the issue before changing your password. Otherwise, you will still be vulnerable.

ETA: I use a password service so that I can have a different password for every site. I wish more sites allowed for two-factor authentication.
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my hubby is in IT security so he knew about it right away. We weren't affected by it here at the O because we weren't on the compromised version - phew!
That's awesome info Vicki!

It's really scary bug and there's almost nothing we can do. We can't even just change the password because we have to wait until the company/website patch their website. :(

I have a little black book with all my passwords written in it and now I bring it everywhere because I can't remember all the passwords that I've changed. LOL.
Vicki, that is great news about the O being safe.

We are using LastPass to change and keep track of passwords. So far, all of my banking sites were OK, so that is good.

Angela, I have sheets of paper with all of my pass's listed on it but over the years I have changed them and now I can't make sense of any of it. That is why we are using LastPass now. and for $13 a year we can have multiple computers and mobile devices linked up. My brain can't handle trying to remember one more thing, so this is great for me.
I just want to second Chris. We use Lastpass here too and we love it. Plus they even created a tool to that tells me which passwords I need to change because of the Heartbleed bug and if the site has been updated so it's safe to do so. Love, love, love Lastpass.
I'm sure I would love Lastpass. I'm set up on 1Password. No subscription, but costs for the apps. I don't think it notifies like Lastpass does. That's cool!
Sara, I am trying to change 5 passwords a day, starting with the most critical, but I feel like I am never going to get through it...:faint: