
Begging for prayer


My deepest sympathies, Clara - words seem so useless at times like this.

My prayers are there with you all!


Well-Known Member
You may have no words to pray my dear, but God does know the words on your heart. I'm a huge believer that the biggest tragedies bring the biggest blessings in life, it just may take decades for those blessings to become clear.

Keeping you all covered in prayer! <3


Well-Known Member
Oh, damned english language ......... cann't put in words.


Hugs for you Clara,


Well-Known Member
Oh Clara! I'm so sad! I'm so sorry for your loss! Keeping you and his family in my thoughts and prayers... May God give you all strength and peace in this difficult time.


Well-Known Member
I'm so sorry to hear this, I don't know you or the family that has endured such a loss, but I'm shedding tears to think that anyone should have to go through this grief.....HUGS to you and the family, you will continue to be in my thoughts.


lOve the O!
Prayers for you all. When our priest died from a motorcycle accident, my oldest said, well at least he died doing something he loved. If he must go, then may this be so.

Bush Girl

Well-Known Member
Oh Clara, huge sympathies to you and your neighbour. What a tragedy for them. Be strong in the knowledge that you are there for them. My thoughts are with you all.


The Loopy-O
Clara, I am so so sorry for your friend and her family. I cannot even imagine the depth of pain and sorrow and unreal-ness she must feel. To have him home, and then gone.:(

Good thoughts to all of you. :pray:


Well-Known Member
The Lord knows the words of your heart....you do not need to say them. I am praying that HE will bring comfort to the family and their friends. Just your being there and helping with their daughter etc. speaks volumes of your love for them! The Lord may seem far away right now (maybe to Michelle) but HE has her and their daughter in HIS hands. HE will bring comfort to the widow....that is my prayer, my 'reminder' to the LORD


Well-Known Member
Clara, I am SO sorry!
Sending you love and deepest thoughts
((HUGS)) to you all


Well-Known Member
Clara, much love and prayers for this family. Trying to understand Why? is impossible but I know we still try because we're human. Virtual big hugs.


A Rockin' ArtsyScrapper
Clara, I just skimmed thru this and OH. Now I know what you've been referring to in the daily O's this week. I am SO sorry. I have a really good friend whose husband died about 5 years ago now. It was the most sudden and tragic thing. It's SO hard to know what to say, and what to do for them. I'm really glad that you are at least nearby and can offer her real hand-to-hand warmth and support. Sending good thoughts her way, your way and that little girl's way. What a sad, horrible thing. :(