
***AnnaLIFT 9/10/16 - 9/16/16***


The O is awesOme
It’s Saturday, and time for another extra special challenge from Anna Aspnes. Each Saturday the AnnaTeam selects one creative page from the Anna gallery as the weekly ‘AnnaLift.’ For Anna’s 5th Anniver5ary we’ll have our inspiration page from 5 years ago! Check out the inspiration page and decide what speaks to you. Is it the design, the color, the wordART, or maybe the photo? Choose ONE idea from the page to lift or choose it ALL and lift it completely. There is no right or wrong way to ArtPlay. Be inspired and create your ‘AnnaLift’ and then upload your page to the Anna gallery, plus include it here in this forum thread. It would be nice if you could link back to your page in the gallery too! Upload your page by Friday 9.16.16 by NOON EST with the title, ‘AnnaLift ’ and one page will be selected to win a $5 GiftKard to Anna's store.". The winner will be posted each Friday here in the forum.
Anna’s products mix well with so many kits/designers and Anna welcomes you to include these with your Anna Products on your AnnaLift page
This week we are lifting: gourds and pumpkins by pam p. I can really feel autumn coming when I see this beautiful page! I love these colors and the fantastic blending work. Those frames are pretty awesome too! Also there’s beautiful brush work and a wonderful little cluster on the page.

gourds and pumpkins by pam p

I am so anxious to see what everyone creates, as you never disappoint with the lifts you create, so it is now up to you to choose just what you want to lift from this page. You may choose to lift a single element of the layout, or lift it all - whatever grabs you and takes hold of you when you look at this layout. Have some fun with it - I am sure the results will be awesome – remember anything goes, as long as you are having fun!!!
This week’s AnnaLift will inspire all of us in some way. Maybe you will choose to:
-make a page about autumn
-Blend something in the background
-use multiple photo’s
-frame them in a special way
- use some stitching
- make a little cluster
-use some text as texture

What creative ideas will inspire for you this week in the AnnaLift challenge?
Try something new.
Have some fun.
Enjoy a new ArtPlay or love an old ArtPlay
Pat yourself on the back for being an awesome YOU.
Upload your AnnaLift to the gallery so we can tell YOU that you are awesome too!
It really doesn’t get any more cool or simple than that!
We can’t wait to see all the fabulous and creative AnnaLifts and we invite you to share your ART with us in the Anna gallery where we will love and encourage you.
If you have never challenged yourself to an AnnaLift…………just do it!
If you have never posted or shared your AnnaLift……………...just do it!
If you have time to leave some love for someone in the gallery….do it! (you just never know how your words could inspire and encourage someone!)

Thank you pam p for sharing your amazing page and your beautiful ART with us and inspiring us this week!!
A few more cool inspirations from Anna Aspnes:
ArtPlay Palette Plumera
MultiMedia Branches No. 7
FotoBlendz Overlays No. 9
ArtPlay Palette Autumn Cheer
UrbanStitchez Leaves No. 2
Travel Template Album No. 2
ScriptTease Fall No. 2
You can find some wonderful freebies in Anna's store too!

We hope our AnnaLift inspires you and we invite you come join us in the gallery and share your ‘AnnaLift.’ You know we always LOVE to see how you ArtPlay. Remember, there is no right or wrong way to ArtPlay……………..Anna just wants us all to PLAY.
Upload your Annalift to Anna's gallery by noon est 9.16.16 and check back here to see who wins the giftkard.

Anna and Team


Well-Known Member
thank you for the inspiration Marianne!
thank you Pam for a great layout to lift!
I loved the framing of the photo and I found such a frame in one of Anna's templates, so I used the template as a base for my layout.



The Loopy-O
I needed some inspiration to scrap 2 new photos today and this was perfect! Thank you pam for letting us life you :)

I was inspired the two overlapping frames, the texturing of the paper, blending of the Mickey ears in the background, some stitching and text.





Well-Known Member
Enjoyed seeing all the gorgeous pages, ladies! I took inspiration from the yellow/cream tones, the stacked frames in the upper right and the placement of the thread.


Well-Known Member
I was inspired by the theme and the colors, I love yellows and oranges! The photo I took last year was to show the bad"harvest" in my backyard. Some nuts, some mirabelles and that was it! I'm not sure this year will be better! Not enough rain and really high temperatures for a month of september.

Thanks for looking!



The O is awesOme
Just want to say on behalf of Anna and everyone on Anna’s Creative Team THANK YOU for participating in the AnnaLift Inspiration Challenge inspired by pam p! Such truly amazing works of AnnaART and thank you for sharing every one of your beautiful pages with us in the Anna gallery!
One page was selected to win the $5 GiftKard to Anna's store.
And she will receive a $5 GiftKard to Anna’s shop. This week our winner is hkati! ( I will be sending you a message.)
Congratulations to our winner, and THANKS again to everyone for your participation in the AnnaLift!
Be sure to check out the NEW AnnaLift challenge every Saturday here at the O.

Anna and Team


Well-Known Member
Congrats hkati.

I had been working on this one, but ran out of time due to life, so I thought i would upload anyway!



aA Creative Team Member
Congratulations! This extra layout is also stunning! The blending and photos (action at night) are fantastic.