
Affinity scrapper??? Anyone???


Well-Known Member
Hi fellow scrappers,

I've been wondering if there is anyone here who uses Affinity Designer (or Affinity Photo) to scrap? I know most people - unlike me - use Photoshop, but I am hoping to find some Affinitians - is that even a word? - to exchange tips and tricks with...

Keeping fingers crossed and wishing you a nice weekend,
I do, I have both photo and designer on both laptop and iPad. I think it’s much better than photoshop. I use the iPad versions mostly though because I have pretty bad arthritis and find the iPad lighter on my legs and the pencil is easier than a mouse.
I’m a designer here at the O (using Photoshop CC) and have been learning Affinity so I can make sure my kits and templates will work. Its going well so far — just a bit of a learning curve when it comes to effects like shadowing and using clipping masks. i also sell tons of brushes and want to be sure they work too.

How do you move kits to your iPad? Are you a Mac or PC person?
Vicky... have you come across the recent issue when PSD files (templates) where some of the elements with effects applied to them - shading, transparency, not sure eactly what - open in Affinity with those elements missing altogether? it's nothing huge, usually a clipping mask for a photo - a banal rectangle that I can easily add - but it's a shock when I open the file to work with and ...ooops... I need to go back and downloand pngs...
I do, I have both photo and designer on both laptop and iPad. I think it’s much better than photoshop. I use the iPad versions mostly though because I have pretty bad arthritis and find the iPad lighter on my legs and the pencil is easier than a mouse.
I can't imagine scrapping on the iPad... how do you access the kits? And with a pen, not a mouse???

Though I imagine sitting down under a blossoming cherry tree with an iPad on my lap and scrapping dreamily would be something I'd like to try...
Vicky... have you come across the recent issue when PSD files (templates) where some of the elements with effects applied to them - shading, transparency, not sure eactly what - open in Affinity with those elements missing altogether? it's nothing huge, usually a clipping mask for a photo - a banal rectangle that I can easily add - but it's a shock when I open the file to work with and ...ooops... I need to go back and downloand pngs...
I haven run into that yet, but I do know is a problem. It’s got something to do with rather new changes in Photoshop.
I can't imagine scrapping on the iPad... how do you access the kits? And with a pen, not a mouse???

Though I imagine sitting down under a blossoming cherry tree with an iPad on my lap and scrapping dreamily would be something I'd like to try...
I move my files using the cloud Files app on my iPad, but you can use Dropbox too. And yes, I use my Apple Pencil. I only use my Wacom pen on my computer (no mouse for anything at all) so for me it’s not much different.
i wanted to try affinity but could not launch it on either my desktop and laptop ,both have windows 10
i wanted to try affinity but could not launch it on either my desktop and laptop ,both have windows 10
Silly question, but do you have the correct version? I run it on my windowns 10 and never had any issues. I know they have different versions for mac and windows... I've been thinking of switching to Mac but don't fancy buying Affinity again...
I move my files using the cloud Files app on my iPad, but you can use Dropbox too. And yes, I use my Apple Pencil. I only use my Wacom pen on my computer (no mouse for anything at all) so for me it’s not much different.
No mouse???? I can't even imagine that... My notebook has a touchscreen which I love - expecially for scrawling up/down but no mouse is inconcerivable for me.. On a different note, I'm surprised so few people have heard of Affinity...
No mouse???? I can't even imagine that... My notebook has a touchscreen which I love - expecially for scrawling up/down but no mouse is inconcerivable for me.. On a different note, I'm surprised so few people have heard of Affinity...
I’ve been mouse-less for more than 10 years - the Wacom pen acts as my mouse and it’s perfect for me. It’s programmable, so I‘ve programmed many of the common photoshop functions into it. I do lots of extractions for my products, and the pen allows me to be much more precise. the tablet itself is also programmable, so the buttons do all sorts of actions for me.
Silly question, but do you have the correct version? I run it on my windowns 10 and never had any issues. I know they have different versions for mac and windows... I've been thinking of switching to Mac but don't fancy buying Affinity again...
Email them - sometimes they’ll let you swap licenses.
Silly question, but do you have the correct version? I run it on my windowns 10 and never had any issues. I know they have different versions for mac and windows... I've been thinking of switching to Mac but don't fancy buying Affinity again...
i downloaded the demo so i think it would have to be the latest version - this was last year.
Vicky... have you come across the recent issue when PSD files (templates) where some of the elements with effects applied to them - shading, transparency, not sure eactly what - open in Affinity with those elements missing altogether? it's nothing huge, usually a clipping mask for a photo - a banal rectangle that I can easily add - but it's a shock when I open the file to work with and ...ooops... I need to go back and downloand pngs...
I’ve just opened several of my own templates in Affinity Photo for my iPad and they all seem to work as expected. While researching possible issues, it seems the problem occurs with “shapes” that a designer as not “rasterized” or “simplified” before saving the template. That issue seems to have been caused by changes in the way Photoshop CC handles the shapes themselves. I don’t find any problems with the effects applied to the layers.

When you have time, feel free to grab (using your coupon) one or two of my new layered quick pages (because they have both photo spots and layer effects) and test them. I’d be interested to see how they work for you.
I’ve just opened several of my own templates in Affinity Photo for my iPad and they all seem to work as expected. While researching possible issues, it seems the problem occurs with “shapes” that a designer as not “rasterized” or “simplified” before saving the template. That issue seems to have been caused by changes in the way Photoshop CC handles the shapes themselves. I don’t find any problems with the effects applied to the layers.

When you have time, feel free to grab (using your coupon) one or two of my new layered quick pages (because they photo spots and layer effects) and test them. I’d be interested to see how they work for you.
Oh, thank you! You might be onto something. Yes, you are right, it is usually about basic shapes, not effects applied to them. I'll let the other designer know... Your quickpages open as they should... looks like I'll be making a page soon... :)
I installed Affinity Photo on my M1 Big Sur Mac laptop and use it regularly for making origami diagrams. There are a few cool features, but I cannot imagine making the kind of LO's that are my style with it, primarily b/c I can't do the complex masking that's part of my style. I'm just learning to use the Affinity pen tool and have decided I hate it. The real deal breaker though is that the GUI is horrible for someone like me with mild vision issues. I haven't done serious digiscrapping since March but now that I'm participating in the December party, I'm remembering just how much easier it is to do stuff in Photoshop. It's not just a learning curve. Some features that are a critical part of my workflow don't exist in Affinity (I checked the help forums). When I have to upgrade my Mac to Big Sur/Monterey, I will bite the bullet and pay for a Photoshop CC subscription.
Ona suggested having a central thread for Affinity hints, so I'm posting process notes for this LO
I still have the same complaints I did in 2021 about Affinity and I am sticking to v1 because the v2 GUI was even worse for me given my low vision issues. But I'm more willing to scrap with it and am learning what I can and cannot do in Affinity compared to Photoshop. The 2nd biggest issue for me is that there is no way to lock the focus to the layer you want to work with. I can't tell you how many times I have had hours of work ruined because I didn't realize I was working on the wrong layer. Third biggest issue, which is close to being a deal-breaker, is no way to turn off unhelpful GUI elements that get in the way so you can't see what you're doing. I checked around Black Friday 2024 on the Affinity Forum and people with similar complaints said none of these issues have been fixed in the current iteration of v2.

Oops. Instruction 3 should have said: Merged the layer then dropped it onto the text...
I have found that at least in v1, creating a child layer is devilishly hard because the drop zone is so hard to hit. My understanding is that in v2 the drop zones may have been improved.

Reference for steps 3-4: youtube dot com/watch?v=j8jszUpmSM0

I have a YouTube channel for digi-scrapping with Affinity. You can find the link in the about me bit of my user profile.
Angela, I am so grateful for your Affinity tips and tutorials - you've inspired me to try a few and as a result I spent hours playing with the software.

One thing I've been wondering about... I love sketch effect on photos and have tried a couple of how-to videos from YT - successfully. One of the tutorials even offers a free macro, but when I installed it, not much happened to the photo I was trying to apply the effect to. I also tried recording my own steps and turn them into macro - didn't work for me either. Have you tried creative photo editing with Affinity? I own both Affinity Designer and Affinity Photo - version 1 for both and the tutorials I tried had all been posted before v2 became available.
Ona suggested having a central thread for Affinity hints, so I'm posting process notes for this LO
I still have the same complaints I did in 2021 about Affinity and I am sticking to v1 because the v2 GUI was even worse for me given my low vision issues. But I'm more willing to scrap with it and am learning what I can and cannot do in Affinity compared to Photoshop. The 2nd biggest issue for me is that there is no way to lock the focus to the layer you want to work with. I can't tell you how many times I have had hours of work ruined because I didn't realize I was working on the wrong layer. Third biggest issue, which is close to being a deal-breaker, is no way to turn off unhelpful GUI elements that get in the way so you can't see what you're doing. I checked around Black Friday 2024 on the Affinity Forum and people with similar complaints said none of these issues have been fixed in the current iteration of v2.

View attachment 438916
Oops. Instruction 3 should have said: Merged the layer then dropped it onto the text...
I have found that at least in v1, creating a child layer is devilishly hard because the drop zone is so hard to hit. My understanding is that in v2 the drop zones may have been improved.

View attachment 438917
Reference for steps 3-4: youtube dot com/watch?v=j8jszUpmSM0

View attachment 438918

This is some pretty advanced scrapping! Love your page and all the blending you did here!

I totally understand your frustration about not liking a software and struggling to find your way to it. And Affinity and Photoshop are VERY different - when I was shopping for my new scrapbooking software (because my trusted CraftArtist had been discontinued) I couldn't do anything in Photoshop without detailed instructions - not even add a background paper to my project and it frustrated me immensely. So, I chose Affinity because it had a somewhat similar interface to what I was used to. I know I wouldn't be able to scrap with the software I hated.

I don't really understand what you mean by not being able to keep GUI elements out of the way when scrapping, but one way of making sure you don't work on the wrong layer is to LOCK the layers you don't want to touch - this way you won't be able to click on them.
Angela, I am so grateful for your Affinity tips and tutorials - you've inspired me to try a few and as a result I spent hours playing with the software.

One thing I've been wondering about... I love sketch effect on photos and have tried a couple of how-to videos from YT - successfully. One of the tutorials even offers a free macro, but when I installed it, not much happened to the photo I was trying to apply the effect to. I also tried recording my own steps and turn them into macro - didn't work for me either. Have you tried creative photo editing with Affinity? I own both Affinity Designer and Affinity Photo - version 1 for both and the tutorials I tried had all been posted before v2 became available.
Thank you Olga.
Yes I have played with creative photo editing. I'll put doing a tutorial/video of using the sketch effect on my to do list for you.
One of the tutorials even offers a free macro, but when I installed it, not much happened to the photo I was trying to apply the effect to. I also tried recording my own steps and turn them into macro - didn't work for me either. Have you tried creative photo editing with Affinity? I own both Affinity Designer and Affinity Photo - version 1 for both and the tutorials I tried had all been posted before v2 became available.
I've been finding that a lot of things that work in either an image or a raster later in Photoshop work only on a raster layer in Affinity. So if something like a sketch effect didn't work on a photo, I would wonder if you'd rasterized the photo before running the macro. In Photoshop if a macro step doesn't work you usually get some sort of mini-error message explaining why, and running a step that works on a raster but not a vector layer would be one of the things that would generate a warning.
I've been finding that a lot of things that work in either an image or a raster later in Photoshop work only on a raster layer in Affinity. So if something like a sketch effect didn't work on a photo, I would wonder if you'd rasterized the photo before running the macro. In Photoshop if a macro step doesn't work you usually get some sort of mini-error message explaining why, and running a step that works on a raster but not a vector layer would be one of the things that would generate a warning.

Thanks. I will try again. Though I think one of the first steps I tried to record was to rasterize the image. Macros aren't my strong suit... and the whole point of vector/raster layers a is a mystery to me, most of the times I just go with the flow, following the steps without really understanding WHY...
vector = mathematical construct - computer generates image based on numerical data that specifies shape, color, size and the like. Can be scaled up and down without loss of quality - the program just does some recalculations to give you the new size

rasterized = pixel image; image made of tiny dots of color. If you scale it up (or down and back up, especially lots of times) you run the risk of pixelating your image so you have to be pretty sure you've rasterized to a size that's bigger or equal to the one you want on your LO. If I've scaled a pixel layer down and change my mind and want it bigger, I will sometimes reimport the image layer. Or I save a layer with the original unrasterized image as a backup and discard the extra layer when I'm done with the LO.

image layer = contains all the data in the original image, so you can scale it up (to its original size) and down without loss of quality

Rasterizing a layer (vector or image) converts the layer to a pixel image. This allows the graphic program to perform certain functions (in Affinity that includes things like painting, inpainting, smudging, selecting parts of the layer and moving them around and a lot of the filters) on the layer that it can't perform on a vector or image layer. The sketch effect usually relies on a bunch of filters so if your image layer has not been rasterized, the sketch effect won't work - in Photoshop you'd get an error message. I just downloaded a sketch effect macro from the Affinity forum and ran it on an image layer and it didn't work because Gaussian blur doesn't work on images - but there was no helpful error message telling me exactly what went wrong - only the Assistant coming on with some unhelpful message. Once I rasterized the image the macro worked as expected. I played with the macro a few more times and weird things started to happen when I tried to run it on a layer that was the top layer of a two-layer stack because "set selection" did not = set selection to the active layer. The macro tried to run on the bottom layer even though its visibility was off. I have to go back and experiment, but when you record the macro I think that you are supposed to specify what you mean by "set selection" - in photoshop the macro steps clearly indicate what layer is being selected, whereas in Affinity they don't. The only way to tell what was wrong was to step through the macro one step at a time to see what went wrong.

It's also confusing that if you open an image with Affinity or drag it in as your first layer it comes in as a pixel layer, but if you drag an image to an already open canvas with layers, that layer will be an image layer.
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vector = mathematical construct - computer generates image based on numerical data that specifies shape, color, size and the like. Can be scaled up and down without loss of quality - the program just does some recalculations to give you the new size

rasterized = pixel image; image made of tiny dots of color. If you scale it up (or down and back up, especially lots of times) you run the risk of pixelating your image so you have to be pretty sure you've rasterized to a size that's bigger or equal to the one you want on your LO. If I've scaled a pixel layer down and change my mind and want it bigger, I will sometimes reimport the image layer. Or I save a layer with the original unrasterized image as a backup and discard the extra layer when I'm done with the LO.

image layer = contains all the data in the original image, so you can scale it up (to its original size) and down without loss of quality

Rasterizing a layer (vector or image) converts the layer to a pixel image. This allows the graphic program to perform certain functions (in Affinity that includes things like painting, inpainting, smudging, selecting parts of the layer and moving them around and a lot of the filters) on the layer that it can't perform on a vector or image layer. The sketch effect usually relies on a bunch of filters so if your image layer has not been rasterized, the sketch effect won't work - in Photoshop you'd get an error message. I just downloaded a sketch effect macro from the Affinity forum and ran it on an image layer and it didn't work because Gaussian blur doesn't work on images - but there was no helpful error message telling me exactly what went wrong - only the Assistant coming on with some unhelpful message. Once I rasterized the image the macro worked as expected. I played with the macro a few more times and weird things started to happen when I tried to run it on a layer that was the top layer of a two-layer stack because "set selection" did not = set selection to the active layer. The macro tried to run on the bottom layer even though its visibility was off. I have to go back and experiment, but when you record the macro I think that you are supposed to specify what you mean by "set selection" - in photoshop the macro steps clearly indicate what layer is being selected, whereas in Affinity they don't. The only way to tell what was wrong was to step through the macro one step at a time to see what went wrong.

It's also confusing that if you open an image with Affinity or drag it in as your first layer it comes in as a pixel layer, but if you drag an image to an already open canvas with layers, that layer will be an image layer.
Oh, that's actually very helpful. I can appreciate how the program can work with pixels in a rasterized image but not in a vector which has no pixels to manipulate...