
ABC of songtitles


Jenn :)
@GraceJ thank YOU for playing along with me!!! This has been SO much fun...we for sure need to keep this up a bit a day :heartpumplove: I love discovering the new music from you and will be sure to check out the Gigi songs you suggested! Okay, this one is one that I can see people not liking if they don't like certain things...I really love Perfume Genius's voice...he has another good song with Yeah Yeah Yeah's called Spittin' Off the Edge of the World, as well. I know this stuff is quite different from typical popular songs. Anyhoodle, I like this one...

Q - Queen by Perfume Genius -- I was watching the show "The Great" and this song started playing after one of the episodes and I was sucked into it right away :beatingheart:


Jenn :)
I LOVE Take Me On :cloud9:

K, this song deals with domestic abuse...those who are sensitive do NOT listen to it...and there are probably words in general that you don't want to hear.

U - Ultraviolence by Lana Del Rey


Jenn :)
Girrrl, Counting Stars came out at a time when we were going through stuff over here...very meaningful to me :heartpumplove: Best I Ever Had is so sad...ugh...but beautiful!!

K, going for another older fav!

D - Don't Speak by No Doubt...another one I love to sing loudly :giggle4:


Jenn :)
That is quite a positive and energetic song....I have never heard of him! :heartpumpred:

Okay, so here I am with more downer rock stuff....LOL

F - Fall To Pieces by Velvet Revolver... Sorry, I can't help it...gotta post favs when I can...


Jenn :)
Awww...he looks so sad at the end of the video...I MUST say that I think he should ALWAYS have the long hair that he had in No Rain....that was the best...*le sigh* :cloud9:

H - High and Dry by Radiohead


Well-Known Member
I totally agree, the long hair suited so well on him.

I - I ain't hiding by The Black Crowes (the first song that I listed from them was Remedy and really caught me)


Jenn :)
Here in America (well back then it was Longview, Texas), as a teenager, that was the very first song that I heard from them...then we were all into them :beatingheart:

L - lovefool by The Cardigans


Jenn :)
I remember I used to have the INXS Kick album in vinyl when I was in middle school!! :heartpumpred: Alright, for my letter, I am going with a song from one of the top two favorite movies of my childhood...The Never Ending Story :cloud9: My other equally favorite movie is Labyrinth...David Bowie is so good in that one, and I love the music, as well :beatingheart:

N - Never Ending Story by Limahl -- LOVE this song, the video is meh...lol Nowadays they would have done a better job with it, I am sure



Well-Known Member
I really loved INXS music, I used to have a poster of Michael on the wall, and my mom disliked it, lol.
ok, again a dance song

O - On the dancefloor by David Guetta


Jenn :)
Oh mom...c'mon now....LOL Guetta is SO talented :heartpumpred: Awesome pick!!

P - Possum Kingdom by The Toadies -- I grew up in Texas and when I found out this song was written by a fellow Northern Texan, I got extra excited...yeah, I am a dork when it comes to my home state...lol I really miss living there :( Edited to add that yes, it is a dark song, hello, it's ME.....lol I have range though, so anyone reading this, do not be concerned... :angelwhistle:


Well-Known Member
That's a good song! thanks for sharing, now added to my playlist

Q - Quietly yours by Birdy ( I don't remember how I got to know this song, I think it was thru a tv show, or a movie, but it caught me her voice).


Jenn :)
Oh, Birdy....I think she also does an awesome Skinny Love cover, that is how I first heard of her! I will look this one you posted up!

I am going to post a song from another favorite of mine...Taylor Swift! It is not my favorite song of her's...that would be "Blank Space"....but I feel the need to represent...lol

R - Ready For It? by Taylor Swift