This was an injured bald eagle being taken care of at the Houston Zoo. The eagle was nearly ready to fly off and return to the wild.
Love using white space. I rarely do it but it looks so neat when I do!
My greadgranddaughter, Kinleigh, who visited us in October. I used Viva Artistry Autumn Equinox.
Font: Birch Standard Regular
Photo Credits: Ava Graves
Created for the November White Space Challenge at Oscraps.
White space challenges are always hard for me because I believe there is no such thing as too much paint. Vicki Robinson's frames made this page much easier.
At one year, The New York Times moved daily COVID-19 updates off their front page. Seemed I wouldn't forget our last trip to the gym, that last Friday night dance before lockdown, and how I was so scared. Case rates were falling and 20% of adults were at least partially vaccinated.
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